"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Aww Linda that was so sweet! Great job.

I think I see a wedding in the near future! :bolian::devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

OMG I almost missed 3 chapters in one day. Good thing I checked in. :lol: And my my I almost missed the best part.... Nice going. ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

After Mac couldn't sleep, he headed back with Calleigh to the living room, Horatio had some news for them.

"Mac...I've spoken with Catherine Willow's in Las Vagas, she's a CSI there, she has a daughter who's 23 now, and works for the SIU, and she'd like to come out, and set a trap for the Tyler's". "What kind of Trap"? "Well...she's blonde like Macalleigh, and can get the contacts, walk the streets of NY, and hopefully attract these bastards, and as they attempt to take her, we all move in, and capture them".

"I don't know, I don't want to put her in danger". "Trust me Mac, she's great at what she does, and she has her own team". "How do we get them here, without the Tyler's figuring it out"? "They are already here, they are at NYPD, awaiting your word, from there, she goes out onto the street".

Mac wasn't sure, he just couldn't afford to put anyone else in danger. "Thank her for the jester, but I'm going to pass, this game is to dangerous". "Mac...please, listen to Horatio, I know Catherine, and if her daughter Lindsey is anything like her, there will be no mistakes".

"Okay...for one night, if they don't take the bait, back they go, this game is becoming to dangerous". Calling the station, Horatio gave Flack the okay, to have Lindsey head out with her team.

As she walked the streets of NY, she seen alot of different faces, but none that looked like Trent or Michael, until she came to a bar, with an outside bar, and sitting on the stool, there they were. Using her radio she called her team. "I've got them in my sites, everyone wait for my word".

Walking up beside them, she asked the bar tender for a..."Virgin Mary please". "Coming up". As they looked over, they noticed the her, her blonde hair, her turquoise eyes, and slim body. Sliding along the seat, they moved closer...."Hi....my name is Trent, and this is Michael, and you are"? "I[m Calleigh, but my friends call me Cal".

Eying her hungerly, they asked...."would you like to take a walk"? "where to, I think it's safer here, I don't know you". "Aww...come on now, we have a little place just off to the right, we can listen to music, maybe dance, or just get to know each other". "Hmmm....okay, what's the address". "See that Motel, right there, that's where we are staying".

145 Crest Motel"? "That's right babe, room 69, get it 69". Laughing along with them, she got up and headed over. As her team followed far behind, they waited till they were inside, before clearing the Motel of it's visitor's. "Everyone out now, go across the street and wait".

With the building empty, they took their positions, and waited for the word from Lindsey. "Something is not right, she should have hit the button by now, I think we should go in, give it a few more minute's, if we ruin it now, she'll kill us, just be patient, she knows what she's doing".

Just as her team was about to enter, they got the call on the code button. "Okay, she's fine, now we wait, for her next code".

Inside the apartment, they had off her outfit, and had figured out her code. "Did you think we were stupid, did you think we had no brains, just for that little stunt, you get extra torture". With her being tied to the bed, and gagged, he took his knife, and carved BITCH into her skin, as she screamed into the gag.

"I really don't like this, something is wrong, I'm telling you, I feel it". "Okay...on my count...."one, two, three.......". "Oh my God", was all that could be heard,.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

"Lindsey, FREEZE....move and I blow your fuckin head off, get down on the ground". Not wanting to be arrested and sent back to jail, Trent threw himself out the window, "SMACK".....was all that could be heard. Checking outside, Lindsey's team seen the blood pouring onto the sidewalk, with brain matter hanging out.

"You have the right to remain slient, anything you say, can and will.....". Reaching for the knife in his pocket, that they forgot to check, he pulled it out, and stabbed himself, straight through the heart. "Get the weapon, NOW!! "to late, he's gone, check on Lindsey".

"As they untied her, they seen the branded name across her chest, not deep, just surface scratched. "Are you okay Lindsey, did they touch you"? "No, I'm fine, call Mac, let him know it's over, and his daughter can rest tonight".

Picking up the phone, Style's called ......". "Taylor". "Hey Mac it's agent Style's, we'd like to let you know it's over, both Tyler's are dead, let your daghter know she can rest peaceful". "Thank God, and thank you for everything, will you be going back to the house"? "No...we have another call in Las Vegas, we need to get back".

"Thanks again, and thank Lindsey for me, I hope she wasn't hurt". "She's fine, she'll bounce back, she's a Willow's". Hanging up the phone, the NY team handle the clean up, while Lindsey's team headed back to LV.

"Well daddy....any news, daddy, talk to me". "It's over sweetheart, they are both dead, they won't be able to hurt you ever again". "I need to see daddy, I need to be sure, can you take me to the morgue"? "Sure get dressed angel, and we'll go".

"I'm coming, don't leave without me, or me dad, I think we all need to see, just to be sure, so we can all rest". Once everyone was dressed and ready to go, they headed over to see Sid. When they neared the door, Macalleigh began to shake. "Its okay Macalleigh, I'm here with you, we'll do it together".

Walking into the morgue, Sid had them ready, and as Macalleigh looked, she sighed deep, for she finally realized, she'd be able to sleep tonight.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Whoo! :cool: MaCalleigh can rest easy from now on! :devil:

Great job Linda! Can't wait for more! :bolian:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When they arrived home, Macalleigh headed upstairs, changed into her jeans and sweater, put on her sneakers, and left out the door, without so much a good bye. "Where's she going Mac"? "She's going to visit her friend, they buried her yesterday, she needs to say good bye". "Maybe I should go with her"? "She's fine Horatio, don't worry, she'll be fine now".

While the others sat down to talk, Horatio was worried, very worried, for he wasn't sure Macalleigh was ready to be wandering alone. Putting on his shoes, he headed out the door. "Where are you going son"? "I'm going to see Macalleigh, I just don't feel comfortable with her out there alone, okay"? "Sure son, you go ahead".

After he left, they all laughed. "I thought he would have left sooner, I can't believe he waited twenty minutes to follow her". "Me either, I think my love, we will be losing our daughter in a few years". "Try several years, if I have my way". "Come on Cal, you can see how in love they are". "That's fine and all, but she will wait, I'm not ready to lose my baby".

"You still have me and Elizabeth mom". "I know...but Macalleigh is my first, and it's always hard to let go of the first". "That's true, come here love, I'll hold you, and make it better". Everyone laughed.

When Horatio arrived at the graveyard, he found Macalleigh sitting in front of her friends grave. "Hey angel....you okay"? "No....it's just not fair, she was taken from this world way to young, she was my best friend, and now she's gone, along with so many others". "I know Macalleigh, but look at it this way, she's an angel now, watching over you, protecting you, keeping you safe".

Turning around, she allowed Horatio to hold her tight. "Horatio....I think....I think....ummmm....". "I know Macalleigh, I think I'm falling in love with you too". Looking into each others eyes, their lips softly met, and as their mouths slowly opened , she accepted his tongue, just the tip, just enough to say, I'm ready for the next tiny step. "Come on angel, I'll take you home, it's getting cold".

"Horatio...do you have to leave tomorrow"? "I do...I'm already a day late for one exam, though they are allowing me to make it up". "That's good, so how long before we see each other again"? "Two quick weeks Macalleigh, just two weeks, then we have Spring Break, and Miami". "If dad let's me go". "He will Macalleigh, don't worry, he will".

"Do you realize, you say everything twice like your dad"? she giggled. "I know love, I know".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Ohhhh! *does happy dance* HJr and MaCalleigh are going on Spring Break! :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Loved the reference to H's lines Linda ;) But I agree spring breaks going to be fun! :D
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

I'm happy for MaCalleigh that's she'll be in Miami for spring break, but I'm also share Calleighs feelings to let the little bird fly ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

With their last evening together, Horatio took Macalleigh, for a walk in Central Park. "How you feeling Macalleigh, okay"? "Mmhmm....not bad actually, I feel more relaxed". "Good, I'm happy, that means you are healing, so are you ready for your new school tomorrow"? "I guess, it'a an all girls school, so it should be interesting and keep me out of trouble".

"Hey now....as he lifted her chin, you do not cause trouble, everything that happened was not because of you, do you understand that, you were innocent in all of it". Smiling between her tears, she agreed, and as they reached the house, they found it in darkness.

"Everyone must be in bed". "Most likely, it's 1am, and our flight leaves at 7am". "Maybe we should get in too, you need sleep, with that exam you have to finish". "Don't worry about my grades, I'll be fine Macalleigh, I can sleep on the plane ride home".

Opening the door, Horatio walked her to her door, and as he turned to open it, she placed her hand in his. "Horatio....she whispered....stay with me, please". Touching her hair with his fingertip, he really didn't think it was a good idea, but with his last night, and not seeing her for two weeks, he gave in.

Walking in, he shut the door, and closed it. "I'll get changed in the washroom, and be right back". Laying on top of the bed in his t shirt, and boxers, Macalleigh came out in a long pajama's, buttoned to the top. Trying not to laugh, she climbed into bed, and covered them up.

"Good night Horatio, sleep tight". Grabbing her in his arms, he turned her, tucked her chin under his, and kissed her hair. "Good night angel, sleep well". As they slept, Horatio was becoming very uncomfortable, for Macalleigh kept wiggling closer to his warmth. "Damn, I need toi get out of here". Trying to release her hold, she gripped all the tighter.

Hearing the door open, he seen his dad. "Dad....help me, I'm getting very ummm...I can't move her". Horatio Sr knew exactly how he felt, walking over, he helped Macalleigh release her grip, allowing Horatio to sneak out. "Wait dad...put her bear under her, that will help". Looking down at his son, Horatio couldn't help but notice.

"A cold shower son, that will help, then you need to get your bag packed, our private jet is here". "Already, but how am I suposed to say good bye". "You can leave her a video recording from the jet, she'll get it when she wakes up". "Sure dad, just give me five minutes". "Okay son, but hurry".

Once his father left the room, he shook Macalleigh awake. "Macalleigh...angel, I have to go now". "Hmmm...go where"? "Home love, it's time for me to leave". Macalleigh could feel the tears pool. "Aww... come on Macalleigh, don't cry please, it's only for two weeks" "I know, but two weeks seem like forever". "Trust me Macalleigh, I'll call you every five minutes, and then some".

Leaning down, he softly touched her lips, just a whisper of a kiss, and as she opened, they deepened it, feeling the heat, the moistness, the enjoyment of innocence and love. "Bye Macalleigh....I love you". "I love you too Horatio, call me". "I will, I promise".