"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

:eek::eek: What the heck? Miss an update and Ryan killed? It's time to nail the SOB. :scream:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Picking up his phone Eric called "H" quickly.

"H"...you need to get back here now!! Ryan's dead, he's hanging upside down by his damn ankles, hurry".

"I'm on my way Eric, I'm on my way".

Calling home, he talked to Calleigh.

"Sweetheart, where is Horatio"?

"Why...what's the matter, Horatio, tell me".

"I will love, but where is Horatio"?

"He left with the Limo driver to pick up Macalleigh at the Airport".

Hanging up the phone, Natalia called him.


"Horatio, it's Natalia, I spoke with the Limo company, they said some guy named Ted Nubury came in and picked up the kids Limo, the desk clerk informed me that HJ called, and confirmed that he'd be hiring his Uncle".

"Listen to me....get all available units over to the Airport now, tell them to find those kids, and that Limo driver, before Horatio and Macalleigh die".

Hanging up, Horatio knew he had to leave Eric on his own with the officer's, as he raced over to the Airport, calling Mac along the way.


"Mac, it's "H", we have a problem, it seems the kids may have been kidnapped by a maniac, I'm trying to get to the Airport as quick as I can, all we know is the guys name is Ted Nubury".

"Nubury, where the hell do I know that name from".

Checking the data base, he seen he was the son of Dean.

"Christ...it's Dean's son, I completely forgot, he picked up all of Dean's things on the Island, the officer there sent me a report, I thought nothing of it, he's going to kill Macalleigh, as revenge on me".

"Easy Mac, it's okay we'll fine them".

"What are you not telling me"?

"It seems Ted is the Limo driver, that is picking them up at the Airport, I'm trying to get there now, he's already killed my CSI Ryan Wolfe".

"I'm on my way, I'll be on the next flight, just hurry "H", find them".

"I will Mac, I will".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Kidnapped? :eek: OMG. I'm loosing my coolness here, while H Sr. has it all under control.
"I'm on my way Eric, I'm on my way". / "Easy Mac, it's okay we'll fine them". :cool:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

I'm sorry but I have to do this: RYAN! NOOOOOOO! :eek::scream::(

Ok Linda, Natty and Jools have good point! We need to catch this guy soon.:scream:

So that means we set up a road block, I want to know whose with me? :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

As Horatio tried Horatio Jr's cell, he got no response, hanging up he called Macalleigh's, still with no response, he called the Airport to have them paged.

"Listen to me...I need to know if the plane has landed from NY"?

"No sir, not yet, as I told the other gentleman, the flight is running behind".

"What gentleman"?

"A Limo driver, he's here to do a pick up".

"Let me talk to him, this is Lt.Horatio Caine".

"I'm sorry Lt. he's not here, he's gone back to his Limo, and I've just gotten the call, the flight has landed".

"Listen...I need you to page my son, his name is Horatio Caine Jr, do it now".

"Horatio Caine, please report to the Airport front desk, you have a courtesy call".

"I'm sorry sir, no one is answering that page".

"Okay, okay, I have one more favour, have Airport Security pick up a young girl of the NY flight, her name is Macalleigh Taylor, she's wanted in our state".

"I need a picture sir, something they can go on".

"I'm sending it through now, you should be recieving it, hurry".

"Got it, I'll alert Security immediately".

Hanging up the phone, Horatio drove as quickly as he could, thinking to himself, "where the hell was Horatio".

With Horatio passed out in the back seat, Ted knocked out a security guard, and stole his uniform, reaching the courtesy desk, he took the picture, and waited by the gate for Macalleigh to show.

"Excuse me Macalleigh Taylor, you are to come with me please, Horatio Caine Sr sent me, I'm to pick you up, and take you to the station".

"I'm sorry...and you are"?

"Security, I have your picture, I was told to pick you up".

Macalleigh was getting a bad feeling, she knew something wasn't right.

"I'm sorry, I'd like to see Lt.Caine before I go anywhere with you".

"That's fine, he's in the parking area out front, shall we go".

"I need to get my bags first, if you could wait".

Grabbing her bag she swung it at his face, knocking him to the ground, as she ran out in front of the Airport, and seen the Black Limo. Looking inside she seen Horatio bleeding.

"Horatio...answer me, Horatio".

Not getting any response, she heard the siren's in the distance, and knew something was seriously going on. Turning around, she seen the Security guy. Running across the street, she didn't see the squad car as it hit her, sending her flying into the air.

"Knowing he had lost this round, and had no time to get the Limo out, he took off into the crowd, leaving Horatio behind.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Holy bananas what's happening here :eek:. MaCalleigh better be okay, we can't through this again :eek: And Teddledidoo, it's time that's someone arrest you :cool:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Okay my friends, once more, please, and I stress, just leave a comment on the story thanks:)

When the officer exited the car, he checked on the young girl he had hit.

"Stay with me young lady, hold on, help is here".

As the EMT's took over, Mac ran out of the Airport and found his daughter laying in the street.

"What the hell happened here"

"She came running out in front of me, I had no time to break".

"Macalleigh, angel, answer daddy, come on sweetheart".

"I'm sorry sir, we need to move her now, are you family"?

"I am, she's my daughter, and i'm coming".

"Mac...how is she yelled "H"?

"Not good, meet me at Miami General with Horatio, is he okay"?

"He's fine, he'll need some stitching, but we'll see you there".

"Eric..I want you, Natalia, and the others to process this crime scene understood, check the Limo, for prints, Frank, have your men check through the crowds, he has to be here".

"You got it "H", give us a call on the kids".

"I will Frank, I will".

Arriving at the Hospital, they took Macalleigh into Trama 2, while Mac called Calleigh.


"Hi Elizabeth, where is mommy"?

"Moooooooooooooooooooommy, daddy.

"Hey handsom, what's wrong"?

"We got here to late, Macalleigh's been hit by a squad car, there is no word on her yet".

"Oh God, this is like Deja vu".

"I know love, and I'm sorry, I'll call you with more info later".

"Okay...how's Horatio""?

"He's going to be fine, needs some stitches, but he'll be okay, I love you sweetheart".

"I love you too Mac".

Hanging up the phone, Mac waited with Horatio, and Horaio Jr for news on Macalleigh.

"Christ...why does this always take so long"?

"It's going to be okay Mac, I can feel her, she's going to be okay.


Ted was hidden in an abandoned warehouse, where he had hidden a police uniform, doctor's uniform, and ordarly uniform.

"Always be prepared for plan two, three, and four", he laughed.

Putting on the police uniform, he carried the doctor's outfit in his gym bag, as he headed over to the Hospital, to check on Macalleigh.

"Excuse me....are you Det.Taylor"? "I am, how is my daughter"? "She's going to be fine, mild cuts and abrasions, mild concussion, we've given her a heavy sedative to help her sleep, she can be released in the morning".

"Thank you, may we see her"?

"Of course, Room 402, she's in a private, as I've been told you will be having security placed on her room".

"That's right, thatnk you again doctor".

"Anytime, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask".

"I won't , thank you"

While everyone headed down to the room, Horatio went to the front desk, to inform the officer's of their duties for the night".
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Great Job Linda, but honestly is there any way that you stop this Ted Dude, soon.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

I'm so glad MaCalleigh will be okay, I was almost afraid she had to go through that horrible ordeal again. Keep ut the good work Linda! :thumbsup:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Chapter 18

While the other's waited in the hall, Horatio walked in and seen Macalleigh sound asleep, but as he watched, he could see the soft tears on her lids.

"Angel....Macalleigh wake up love, can you hear me"?

Slowly opening her eyes, she focused on Horatio, whispering....."I hurt, I hurt so bad, my body feels like it's on fire".

Horatio became concerned and pushed the call button for the nurse. As they all came running in they seen Macalleigh looking like she had been burned from head to toe.

"Nurse, get me 5cc's of Epi, quickly, she's having a reaction to the sedative".

As the nurse gave the doctor the surynge, he pushed it through Macalleigh's IV.

"How you feeling now Macalleigh"?

A little better, it still burns a bit".

"It will dear, nurse, please mark on Macalleigh's chart no "Oxycontin".

"Yes Doctor".

Listening outside the door, Ted was in his doctor's uniform, and as he the Horatio and the two officer's coming down the hall, he left.

"Soon Macalleigh, what better way to torture you, than to have you burn within your own skin, now just to think of something for your boyfriend there, something so torturious, that as you burn, he screams, what a pair, I'll call you both the Screaming Banshee's", he laughed to himself.


With Macalleigh settled down, Horatio climbed back on her bed, and cuddled her in his arms, being careful not to hurt her.

"Sleep now angel, it's okay, I've got you, no one will hurt you".

"I love you Horatio, I love you so much, please don't ever leave me".

"Shhh.....I'm not going anywhere angel, I promise, I'm here all night with you, just relax".

Mac was watching his angel baby, cause in his heart, he knew he was losing her, it was no longer daddy, it was Horatio, but as hard as it was, he understood, his angel was growing up".

"You okay Mac"?

"I'm fine sweetheart, but I think I've lost my baby".

"No you haven't handsom, she'll always be your baby, you will always be her hero, it's just now, now she has two".

Kissing his wife passionately on the mouth, she could feel the tear slide down his cheek, the tear that belonged to his Macalleigh's heart.

End Chapter.