"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".


Ted was sorting through his father's torture plans that had made for Mac, even though he knew he would have to change them, most of them seemed horrorific enough to use.

"Now...all I need to do is find an abandoned warehouse or building to put my equipment in, then, all will be ready for little Macalleigh and Horatio".

*Ring, ring*. "Hello".

"Ted Dawson, this is the Electrical company calling, you had informed us you'd be setting up new residence, have you gotten the address yet"?

"No...I'm still looking, I have two places in mind, I just need to wait for one to lower the price".

"Well...that's fine Mr.Dawson, but we are in our busy season, it could be weeks before we get you all hooked up now, we've tried out best to accommodate you".

"I understand, but please be patient, I'm sure an extra added bonus will help you see it my way".

"That could work, just give us a call soon, I'll do my best to keep each day open, and remember..it's only one hour bookings".

"I understand, and thank you for you co operation, it's greatly appriciated".

After hanging up the phone, Ted left to speak with the two owner's, for before the night the was over, he'd have one of them drop their price.

Over at the Taylor's, Macalleigh was finishing up the dishes with her mom.

"So...how does it feel to be a cheerleader, was it everything you thought it'd be"?

"So far, though some of the girls are kinda snobbish, they seem to think they are all that".

"That's normal love, you'll find that everywhere you go, were you asked many questions today"?

"A few, but I got through it, I'm finding that school is two sided, some believe you, but others think you've asked for it, or caused it".

"I'm sorry love, I really thought people would be forgetting by now, and had moved on with something new".

After dishes, Macalleigh headed upstairs to send an e-mail to Horatio.

"Good evening my Prince, it's your Princess Macalleigh, writting to inform you you are in my thoughts. Not a second has gone by that I haven't seen you in my vision, your smile, your eyes, your firery red hair, and strong muscled body. Mmmm...my darling Horatio, just to hold you in my arms again, feel your warmth, your kiss, your soft, gentle hands caress my arms, keeping me warm. I've written a very special poem for you, here it is......".


My handsom Knight, of firery red,
I cannot wait, till we once wed.
With flower's and Angel's as they sing,
carrying our rings, upon their wings.

Though this future is far away,
your warmth is always close to stay.
Keeping our hearts, blending into one,
underneath the NY/Miami bright sun.

I love you my Knight, in passion, in dream,
as we sleep, meeting at our place of peace.
Where we hold, love, & whisper sweet songs,
that seem to forever carry us together as one.

Love your Angel. xoxo

Closing her notebook, Macalleigh got down to doing her homework.

Returning to his room, Horatio turned on his computer, and found the little envelope flashing.

"Hmmm....what are we up too my angel"?

Openeing the letter, he read it, and as he got to the poem, he almost melted, never in his life, had he had someone so giving, so loving, who cared only about the beauty of the world, or of other's, and she was right, one day he would be her husband, and the angels would be flying around them with their rings on their wings.

"So beautiful my Macalleigh, so beautiful".

Closing the notebook, he'd send her letter later, for if he didn't get cracking on that homework, his dad would be cracking him.
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Ow, that was so sweet, and a lovely manipic of a young H and MaCalleigh, you surely know how turn imaginiation into reality :thumbsup:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

The following day in class, Ted asked Horatio.

"Horatio...what are your palns for Spring Break"? "

"Who mine..why"?

"Well...we are going to be doing an essay, I want all you students to write what you will be doing, whether traveling, partying, visiting family". "This essay wil concist of 2500 words, in concise detail, except of course for your private moments, those are your own".

"Excuse me Sir, but what if some of us aren't doing anything, what do we write then, we sat at home looking stupid"?

*everyone laughed*

"No Mike, for those of you that are doing nothing, must return after Spring Break with an essay on your favorite hero, anyone who doesn't turn in a paper fails".

"So let me get this straight...if we are doing something for Spring Break, we must hand the project in before break begins"?

"That's right Horatio. Now with the 40 minutes of class time, you can get started, any question's"?

When no one said anything, they began writting their idea's for Spring Break.

"What do you think Horatio....do you find Ted kinda strange, and he's always asking questions about you and Macalleigh".

"I know Fred, it's getting annoying, and also Susan didn't show up for class today, but she was last seen with good ole Ted there during my exam".

"Fuck...that's fucking weird, you gonna talk to your dad"?

"What about...I have no proof of anything".

"I think we should take a look around after class, let's start with the gym".

"I don't know man, if he finds out we're snooping we'll be in massive trouble".

"What's more important, finding Susan, or getting in trouble"?

"Finding Susan I guess".


Getting up from his desk, and heading out the door, Ted yelled...."don't forget to hand in your paper's".

As everyone left their paper's, Fred seen Ted pick up Horatio's.

"Is there a problem Fred"?

"Not at all sir, see you tomorrow".

Running down the hall, he caught up with Horatio.

"I'm telling you "H", he's after you, he dug through every paper till he got to yours".

"Christ Fred, I don't care, the guy hates me, ever since I failed his damn exam, he's most likely hoping I fucked up".

Sitting at his desk, he read.....

For my Spring Break, I will be spending time with my girlfriend Macalleigh, we will be meeting at the Airport, where I've hired a Limo to take us on a tour of Maimi, after that, back to our home, for drinks on the beach".

Putting down the paper, he took out the phone book, and called the Limo services for Miami-Dade.

"Yes...this is Horatio Caine Jr calling, I've booked a Limo for Spring Break".

"Just a minute please. Ahh...here you are, it's booked for 5pm, and your driver will be Benny Delpher".

"Okay...I was wondering, could I use my own driver, if I pay double for the insurance, he's an old friend of my dad's, Lt.Caine, and he could use the money".

"Sure, that would be fine, just have him bring his driver's licence, with the deposit, and we'll be all set".

"Wonderful...thank you so much, I really appriciate this".

"Anytime Horatio Jr, your father is an amazing CSI, tell him Lisa said hi".

"I sure will Lisa, take care, and see you soon".

Hanging up the phone, Ted got everything in order, straightened his desk, and left the school.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Heading down to the locker area, the boy's looked around, checking all the laundry bins, swimming area, gym area, under the bleacher's.

"I'm not finding anything, maybe it's just your imagination, and I need to get home and call Macalleigh, she's flying in tomorrow".

"Okay man, you go ahead, I'll keep looking, see ya tomorrow".

After Horatio left, Fred smelled something nasty coming from the closet. Trying to open it, he found it locked.

"What are you up to there Fred, you should have left the school grounds by now".

"Oh...sorry Sir, I was just trying to get a basketball, I needed to practice".

"Well then, let me help you, the key is in the drawer there, get it for me please".

As fred bent down to reach in the drawer, Ted took a baseball bat, and cracked Fred's head opened like a watermelon.

"Ouch...that had to hurt, always being nosy Fred, and now because of you, I have two bodies to get rid of".

Pulling out two huge garbage bags, he laid Fred in one, and Susan in the other, rolling them up tight, he taped them, and opened the door to the feild, where his car was parked. Looking around he seen no one in sight, so lifting the bodies, he shoved them in the back of his 4x4, went back in, and started to clean his mess.

"God this is becoming a nightmare, I'm turning into a fucking serial", he giggled to himself.

With everything cleaned up, he turned out the light, locked the gym door, and got into his truck.


Horatio had gotten in the door, when the phone rang.

"Hello my angel".

"Hey my Prince, how was school, did you like your poem"?

"I loved it sweetheart, sorry I didn't get back to you last night, my stupid teacher overloaded the homework".

"That's okay, I've got everything packed, along with my sunnies your dad sent me", she giggled.

"Leave it to my dad, if he had his way, all of Miami would be wearing his shades".

"I know, but you got to love him for sending them, anyways I have a few more things to get ready, but I'll chat with you on line tonight, I love you Horatio".

"I love you too my Angel".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Poor Fred and Susan :eek:.
I nearly fell off my chair when you refered to Horatio's shades :lol::lol::lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

After he hung up with Macalleigh, he called Fred to see if he had found out any information.

"Good evening Mr.Rahodes, is Fred there please"?

"No, I'm sorry he's not son, I don't know where he is, he was to be home right after school, due to his lateness, I cant go to work now".

"I'm very sorry sir, thank you for the information, and if he comes in, could you have him call me please"?

"I will, good night Horatio".

Hanging up the phone, Horatio's dad walked through the door.

"Hey dad...how was your day"?

"My day...my day was fine son, but I need to change and go back out, we've had a double homicide".

"A what...when"?

"I'm not sure son, two young teens were found wrapped in garbage bags, floating on Miami shores".

"Please dad....can I come, it's very important, two of my friends are missing".

"Do you think it's your friends"?

"I'm not sure dad, please, let me come".

"Okay son, get your coat, and meet me in the hummer".

When they arrived at the crime scene, Eric, Ryan, Natalia, Frank, and Alexx were already there".

"What have we got Alexx"?

"Fifteen year old, male, female. The female had her head squashed in until her eyes popped from their sockets, the male, he was bashed over the head with what look likes a baseball bat, from the splinter's".

"Oh my God.....dad, that's Fred, and Susan, the two friends of mine I told you went missing, this afternoon".

"Are you sure son"?

"Yes dad, I'm positive, and I can tell you, the murder's didn't happen here, they happened at the school".

"How do you know son"?

"I just know dad, that's where they were both last seen, there's more, but I can't explain right now, I don't have enough proof".

"Okay son, okay, Eric, take Ryan, and go over to the school, process the gym area, check for traces of blood splatter, fingerprints, DNA, etc. Horatio you come with me, I want to know everything that's going on".

As they headed towards the hummer, Ted was watching.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".


Macalleigh was discussing her plans with her dad.

"Are you going to miss me my hero"?

"Of course I am, a week without my angel, is like a week without my gun".

*Giggling*. "You're funny dad, and I love you".

"I love you too, so what are you and young Horatio up too"?

"I'm not sure, I know we are going to the beach, and he's rented a Limo to take us on a tour of Miami". "I also hope to get in some shopping, and check out the University's over there".

"Don't tell me my angel is thinking of going away to University"?

"No daddy, I just want to see what they have to offer".

"Hmmm....I guess that's okay, besides that, it's three years away right"?

"No...two daddy, if I make all my credits and take no spares, I'll finish a year early".

Macalleigh could tell her dad was looking rather sad, with fear of losing his little girl.

"Don't worry daddy, you will always have me as your little girl, no matter where I am".

Hugging him tight, they sat in the quiet of their home thinking about the future that would one day come.

Back in Miami....

"Okay dad...there is this student teacher, his name is Ted, he's been teaching us the last few weeks, but he's really strange, he's been asking alot of question's about Macalleigh and myself, and what we are doing for Spring Break, but he's also asked the other's, but he seems so interested in us the most".

"Okay son, but what does that have to do with Susan and Fred"?

"Well....Susan asked me out during my exam, and Ted caught her talking to me, he told her to leave, and followed her out, the next day she didn't show up for class, I think her parents filed a report already".

"They did son, we've been searching for her, now what about Fred"?

"In class, Fred said we should go check for Susan, for he seen her last with Ted in the Gym, I said no at first, but then I helped for a while, after that I left to come home and call Macalleigh, but he stayed".

"Hmmm....and now they've both turned up dead, I see what you mean son, it does seem strange".

When they pulled up in front of the house, Horatio dropped off his son, and headed over to the school, to talk with this student teacher, and his interest in his son, and his girlfriend.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Wow what an update Linda! :eek:

Now i think we're getting some where. Maybe H might catch a break with Ted! ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When Horatio arrived at the school, he found his team processing.

"Anything yet Eric"?

"Yeah H, lot's of blood splatter, especially in the locker, along with some brain matter, I mean this guy must have squeezed with extreme strength to do this".

"I know Eric, I know. Ryan, anything on the baseball bat"? "Oh yeah, it's loaded with prints, Dna, and pieces if dark brown hair".

"Okay, Okay, Frank, you come with me, I think it's time we talk to Mr Ted".

As they headed upstairs, they found the classroom empty, and all the notes, books, and other items gone, everything except for Horatio's paper, that had his plans with Macalleigh on it.

"When does Macalleigh arrive "H"?

"In a few hours Frank, In a few hours".

"Okay, where should we start"?

"You start at the Limo Service, see if they've had any calls for change of plans, I'm going to head to the Airport, and pick up the kids".

"Okay "H", keep in touch".

As Horatio headed out in the hummer, he smelled the gas, stopping the hummer, he got out, and noticed the leak.

"Son of a Bitch, I should have known". Calling Eric, he told him to leave Ryan, and come pick him up.

"What's going on "H"?

"That bastard cut my gas line, why the hell do I get the feeling I know this guy"?

"Do you, how would you know him"?

"I'm not sure, but alot of the stunts he's pulled seem sadistic, they remind me of when we were on that Island with Mac, and we had to torture him".

"Oh, no way, we killed that madman".

"I know Eric, but to much is adding up, I think we need to check the data base on children, and see if he had any survivor's".

"Who's going to pick up the kids"?

"I will, you head back, finish up with Ryan, and then get me that information".

"You got it "H".

As Horatio drove away, and Eric returned to the school, he found Ryan strung upside down by his ankles with his throat slit, dead.
