"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When they got back to the house, Macalleigh helped Stella with dinner, and when they had it done, Macalleigh called the boys. "Supper guy's, let's go". As they came to the table, Horatio pulled out Macalleigh's chair, and as she sat, she shyly said..thank you". "You are welcome, as he sat beside her. "Horatio, behave, smiled Horatio Sr." "What dad...I'm just being a gentleman, to a lovely lady".

"Oh God, gag me, laughed Gabriel, jeez, talk about laying it on thick". "Gabe, behave, I think it's very sweet that he pulled out my chair, it's more then you've ever done". "Yeah, yeah....what's for dinner Auntie"? "Spaghetti and meatballs, with cheesy garlic bread". "Mmm...pass it over, looks good". As everyone ate, Horatio Sr. noticed Macalleigh seemed a little more relaxed.

"Macalleigh...would you like yout tranq love"? "Sure please, it might be a good idea, as I think I'm going to go to bed". "Would you like me to tuck you in"? "No thanks Uncle, I have daddy to do that". "Okay, sleep well love". "I'll try, good night Horatio". "Night Macalleigh". As she walked upstairs, Horatio watched her with great pain. "Dad...do you think she'll heal"?

"She will son, she will, I'm going to go call Mac, and let him know there has been a little improvement". Excusing himself from the table, he called Mac. "Taylor.....". "Mac, it's H, I'd just thought you'd like an update"? "I could use one, it seems this Tyler guy, still hasn't been caught, but we know he followed the flight to Washington last night, but once he figure's out he's been tricked, he's going to be very angry".

"Don't worry Mac, we'll protect her, she's more then safe here". "Good to know, did Stella get a chance to talk with her"? "She did, and I must say, she's doing alot better now, she even ate some supper, took her tranq, and went to bed listening to your voice". "Good, hopefully, she'll sleep through". "I'm sure she will, I'll have her call you tomorrow". "Sounds good night H". "Night Mac.

As the house quieted for the night, Horatio Jr. was reading when he heard the soft cries. Getting up, he walked into Macalleigh's room, and found her thrashing about, with hr nightgown half way up her thigh. Walking over, he covered her, turned over her cd, and placed her headphones back on her ears, as she calmed down.

"She okay son"? "Yeah dad, just a small nightmare, so I covered her, and put on her cd, cute song by the way". "It is, when Macalleigh was born, Mac would sing it to her every moment he got, it became like a ritual for them, here, let me show you something". Pulling out macalleigh's album, Horatio showed his son all the picture's of Mac during his war days.

"Wow....Mac certainly was a Hero wasn't he"? "He was, and he became Macalleigh's hero, the day of her accident, when they almost lost their lives to a drunk driver". "God dad, she's been through so much, and still she survives". "She's a Taylor son, that's what Taylor's do. Putting the book back down, Horatio kissed his niece and left the room. "You coming son"? "In a minute dad".

After his dad left, Horatio bent down, and whispered, "I know, I could be your hero to Macalleigh, if you let me". Kissing her cheek, he left her room. Closing the door, Macalleigh had a small smile on her face, as she touched her cheek.

End Chapter
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Great interaction between Stella and MaCalleigh there. Wonderfully written. Aw and H jr. he's so cute. I'm sure he'll be her hero soon. ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

The following morning Mac called to talk with Stella. "Hi stel, how did everything go last night"? "It went good, we had a long talk, I think she'll be fine with time Mac, but she'll never get over it, that much I know for sure. Any word on the last Tyler yet"? "We've had our informent, contact us, he's figured out we've tricked him, but as the Washington officer's got to the phone booth, he was gone, so we have no idea where he is now".

"Just great, catch him soon Mac, before he figure's out she's here, Horatio has the team and Frank fully prepared, his picture's also being circulated". "That helps alot, I'm sure we'll get him Stel, it's just a matter of when, is Macalleigh around"? "She was, but Horatio Jr., dragged her, Gabriel and Elizabeth to the beach". "Are you telling me you got her out of the house"? "No...Horatio got her out of the house". "Hmm....good for him, thank him for me, and have Macalleigh give me a call when she comes in".

Hanging up the phone, Mac went in search of Calleigh, to let her know Macalleigh was doing better.

"Come on Macalleigh....the water's great"? "No thanks, I'll just sit, and read my book, you guy's go ahead, have fun". "Umm...I'll pass to Horatio, I've heard there are sharks in there". "Are you crazy, who told you that, the only place you'll find those, is up the cove, though every once in a while one finds it way here". "I'll still pass, thanks though". As they sat on the beach, Horatio tried to think of a way to start a conversation with Macalleigh.

"So Macalleigh...what are some of your favorite hobbies"? "Hmm...sports, movies, Karate, gun shooting on the range, sometimes visiting the museums". "Really, we have a great museum here, would you like to go tonight"? "No thanks, I think I'd rather just stay in". "Are you sure, they have a great set up on wild animals". "Ummm...I don't know, let me think about it okay"? "Sure". "Can we go too". "No Elizabeth, Uncle Horatio is taking us to that movie we wanted to see". "Oh yeah, but why isn't Macalleigh coming"?

"I just don't feel like a movie, I'm not for it, I think I'd just rather read tonight, but thanks again for the offer to the museum Horatio, maybe next time". Getting up, she walked back to the house, headed upstairs and called her dad. "Taylor". "Hi daddy....I miss you, how are you"? "Hi angel baby, I'm good, are you having fun"? "I guess, but can I come home yet, I really miss NY". "I know love, but can you stay a few more nights, please"? "Sure daddy, I love you billions". "I love you billions too my angel, bye".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

She really needs time. Hope Horatio Jr. understands. And they'd better get this Tyler fast. MaCalleigh's really homesick. Great udpate Linda.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Once Mac hung up with Macalleigh, Calleigh walked in. "Hey handsom, how is she"? "She's okay, said she missed NY, and wanted to come home". "Aww Mac, how could you miss it, she's not missing NY, she's missing you, and this obviously isn't working, bring my baby home". "But sweetheart, we are putting her in danger". "No more danger, then what she has there, jusy how long you think it will be, before he finds her"?

"I know love, but she's more protected there, we'd be taking a risk putting her on a plane right now". "Listen Mac, I'm going to win this one, have Horatio Jr. come with her, that way she's not alone, let Elizabeth, and Gabriel stay behind, God Mac, she needs you, and this is the one time you push away". "I'm not pushing her away, I'm protecting her, why can't see that".

"Oh Mac, I do see that, but please, believe me, she needs to come home, before she really breaks". "Fine love, you win, I'll call Horatio tonight". Once Calleigh left the room, Mac called the team, and had them set up wall to wall units, and officer's for Macalleigh's arrival.

*Ring, ring*. "Hello". "Hi Horatio Jr., it's Uncle Mac, where is your dad"? "He's out for the night, took the kids to the movies, I stayed home with Macalleigh". "That's nice son, how's she doing"? "she said she's reading, though it's been really quiet". Silence could be heard...."go check on her, now son". Running into her room, he found a note.

"Uncle Mac, she left a note, and all her stuff is gone". "What does it say"? "Please forgive me Uncle H and Daddy, but I need to come home, I miss you so much, I don't feel safe". Love Macalleigh.

"Okay son, call your dad, and then you get to the Airport, hurry, do not let her board that plane". Hanging up the phone, Horatio called his dad, and informed him to meet him at the Airport, that Macalleigh was heading home.

While she was sitting, reading a book before her flight, some guy sat down beside her, eyeing her. "Excuse me...do you have the time"? "Looking at the guy, she became scared...ummm..no, sorry". "Thanks anyway, so where are you headed"? "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but I'd like to read my book". "Oh of course, I'll just sit, and watch your beautiful eyes, that seemed to turn my brother on".

Before she could scream, he had a knife pointed in her side. "Now...we are going to get up, and walk very slowly to the room marked Employee's only, and don't worry about being disturbed, as I work here, and have the key". Getting up, Macalleigh followed Tyler while dropping little bits of paper from her book, leading a trail to the room.

Pushing her inside, he pulled out thick twine, and when she seen it, she freaked, for her wrists were still raw, kicking and punching at him, she got in one good kick, and as he fell, she picked up bleach, and threw it into his eyes. "Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh, auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh". Screaming , and screaming, from the burn, Horatio, and Horatio Jr. heard the sounds.

"The Employee room dad, hurry, kick it in". When they kicked opened the door, they found Macalleigh stabbing him over and over repeatedly, while screaming no.....". "Macalleigh....come on love, stop now, he's gone, Macalleigh", he yelled. Looking up at her Uncle, with blood stained hands, and clothes, she passed out. "Macalleigh....Frank call for an Ambulance hurry, and then call Mac".

While they Airlifted Macalleigh to NY General, Horatio Jr, went with them.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Oops, the was exciting. Poor MaCalleigh, she's really in for it... Now back to New York.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

While Horatio took care of the paperwork, and explanation's to Stetler, Mac and Horatio Jr waited for information on Macalleigh's condition. "Uncle Mac, do you think she'll be in trouble for what she did"? "No son...don't worry, your dad has already worked out with Stetler, and the DA, plus our Chief was already on it, no charges will be filed, it was self defence".

"That's one good thing, but are there anymore Tyler's out there, or was he the last of the line"? "We've done extensive research, the bloodline ends here, so Macalleigh should finally be able to heal". "Excuse me, Det.Taylor, I'm Dr.Warner, I'd just like to let you know, your daughter is resting, she's been very heavely sedated, we've also had to wrap her wrist again, as during the struggle, her skin was torn from her wrist".

"How is she Psychologically"? "That we won't know till she wakes up, I can tell you, that even being sedated, she's still making the stabbing motion with her left wrist, but I'll know more when she wakes, you can see her, but one at a time". "You go first Uncle, I'll wait for mom, dad, and the kids". "Okay son, thanks".

When Mac walked into the room, he could see her fist scrunched up, making the stabbing motion on the bed. Walking over, he took her hand, and carefully unscrunched her fingers, kissing each one, while wrapping his finger's between hers. "Macalleigh....Angel Baby, daddy's here, I know you can hear me, and that's okay, you don't have to wake up, I'll just sing to you while you sleep".

"Angel Baby, oh won't you be mine"? "Angel Baby, let me love you all the time, I'll be your hero, your knight, that shines bright for you, my Angel Baby". Repeating the verse, he could feel his daughter's fingers squeeze his, and as he watched her teardrops fall, he kissed each one, adding his own into hers, when Calleigh walked in.

"How is she Mac"? Not answering, because he couldn't catch his breath, he continued to cry his tears into her's, until both their faces, were soaked with father, daughter love. "Come on Mac, it's okay, let me sit with her for a while". Shaking his head no...he continued, whispering his song, over and over, and over, as he picked her up, slid her over, and joined her on the bed, cuddling her tightly into his heart, so she could feel the beats, letting her know, her daddy was there".

"Mom....whispered Gabe, we're here". Walking from the room, Calleigh seen the family standing there. "Hey handsom, how are you"? "I'm good Calleigh, I'm good, how about you, how are you handling this"? "As good as can be expected, it would be alot better if I could get Mac to stop blaming himself".

Don't worry love, it will work itself out, we will all be here to help them through it". "I know...and I thank you, all of you for that". "Calleigh...that's what family does".
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

As Mac slept the night with Macalleigh, the rest of the family headed home, to get settled. Hearing the door open, startled Mac out of sleep, as he reached for his gun, he realized it was the nurse. "Good evening detective, I'm here to check your dauhgter's vital's".

Allowing the nurse to do the readings, she wrote them down and left the room. Falling back into sleep, he pulled his daughter closer, still gripping her hand, so she wouldn't make stabbing motions. Once she relaxed again, he fell back into sleep.

With the morning light shinning through the hospital window, Macalleigh awoke, and kissed her daddy's nose, as he scrunched it. "Daddy...."she whispered, are you awake"? Opening his eyes, he kissed her back on the nose, "hello my angel baby, how you feeling"? "I'm not sure dad, I have a really bad headache, and my tummy hurts".

Pushing the call button for the nurse...."Good morning detective, is there a problem"? "Yeah, my daughter is complaining of a headache, and a tummy ache". "Are you hungry Macalleigh, would you like to try some toast, or a muffin, as for your headache, it's caused from the heavy sedation we gave you last night, I'll bring you some normal Tylenol".

Leaving the room, the nurse came back with two muffins, two oranges, two orange juice, and one coffee. "I thought your dad might like to eat with you this morning". "Thank you, for everything". "You are very welcome Macalleigh, hope you feel better". Leaving them to enjoy breakfast, Macalleigh made faces at the muffin. "Dad...why does all the food taste so bland"?

"Hmm...cause they take all the good stuff out of it". "Good morning, we are here". As Horatio Jr., Gabriel, Elizabeth, Calleigh, Horatio, and Stella walked in with the girls, they brought breakfast. "Oh my God, Harvey's breakfast, yummy, gimme, gimme,". Taking the Big Breakfast, Macalleigh ate like it was her last meal. "Is it good love, how about you chew, before you swallow". 'Sorry mom, with a mouth full of food".

Horatio Jr laughed, I'm glad you are feeling better, you really had me scared". "I did...why"? "Doesn't matter, just worried was all". Mac stared at the boy, and he began to wonder, if there was something there. "So how long are you staying son"? "Not to long Uncle, I have to go back to school next week, so mom said if it's okay with you, I can stay the two weeks, as I've never seen NY".

"Sure...it's a very busy place, and a tough one sometimes, but I'm sure Gabriel can show you around". Calleigh was laughing, she knew damn well, Mac was testing him, to see how deep he had fallen for his Macalleigh. "Thanks Uncle, but I was kinda hoping Macalleigh could show me around, I know she's studying Culture, that will come in handing for my class".

"Really son, sounds interesting, what do you think angel baby"? "I don't know dad, I'll see okay, Gabriel knows quite a bit too, I'm sure he'd be more then.....". "Macalleigh, I have to go on the school trip this week, I won't be back till the following friday, so how about you take him around this week, and I'll do it next week"?

"I said I'll see, I'll let you know, now I'm tired again, dad, can you see if I can go home now". "Sure sweetheart, I'll be right back".

Leaving the room, Mac noticed the sad look on Horatio's face. "Don't worry son, give her time.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

After they had permission to release her, they packed her bag, and headed to the car. As she looked around, Mac could see she was terrorfied, looking every which way. Taking her hand, he whispered...."It's okay love, come on, we are almost there". Once he had her in the car, Horatio sat in the back with her, while she started dosing off, leanig towards Horatio.

Thinking it was still her dad beside her, she took his hand, and squeezed it while sleeping. Horatio carefully laid her head, on his shoulder as Mac watched and smiled. "What are you thinking Mac"? "I'm thinking little Horatio has a sweet spot for our Macalleigh". Looking in the mirror, she seen him comforting her, as he took the blanket, and snuggled it around her, to keep her warm.

When they pulled up to the house, Horatio picked up Macalleigh, before Mac had a chance. "Here you go Uncle, she's still got my hand, but I'm sure she'll loosen it when you take her". "I'll tell you what son, you take her upstairs for me, and I"ll be there shortly". "Sure". Walking into the house, Horatio laid her in her bed, covered her up, and turned on her headset, and as he turned to leave, she grabbed his hand.

"Please stay a bit horatio, I don't want to be alone". "You won't be Macalleigh, your dad said he'd be right up". "Please Horatio". Sitting down, he watched her slowly close her eyes, as he thought to himself how truely gorgeous she was, and not just in looks, it was also her caring nature, her need for justice, and her strength, that drew him to her.

"How is she son"? "She just fell back into sleep, I should go now, do you know where my room is Uncle"? "It's right beside Macalleigh's, just right through that door, it has a great night view of NY". "Thanks Uncle". "You are welcome son, and fell free to come sit with her later if you like. "Thanks Uncle",