"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Aw, to be young and in love again. Heck I still am :guffaw:
Great update Linda, psssttt. you might wanna edit and change Stella into Calleigh? Other than that, you're doing fab. :thumbsup:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Jezz, thanks Jools ,

the new meds are screwing up my mind:eek::eek:. But what do ya do right:p


The following morning, while eating breakfast, Macalleigh was still daydreaming about Trent. "Macalleigh, are you feeling okay, you haven't eaten"? "I'm fine mom, just toast please". Calleigh looked confused, Gabriel laughed..."Macalleigh's in love". "Be quiet you little meatball". "Hey..who's a meatball"? "Morning daddy, I don't need a ride to school this morning"? "Why not"? "Trent is picking me up". "Is he now, who said"?

"Daddy, come on, be nice, don't you like him"? "It's not that I don't like him angel, it's just no one is good enough for my girl". "I love you too, my hero". Mac loved it when his daughter called him hero, it was his daughter who made his mornings. "Sweetheart, how are you feeling this morning"? "Good handsom, thanks".

When Macalleigh finished breakfast, she grabbed her bags, kissed her mom and dad, and waited outside. "Macalleigh...don't forget stay with your friends today, no going off alone". "I know dad, see you later". Getting up she went to Trent's car, and got in, "see you later dad". Watching his daughter go down the street, he sighed, for he knew his little angel was grown up.

"Gabriel, would you like a ride to school"? "Sure dad, let me grab my bag". While Gabriel left the room, Mac took Elizabeth in his arms and whispered...."promise me you won't grow up on daddy"? "I won't daddy, I love you, you know you are my only one". Kissing his daughter sweetly, he carried her to the car". "Have a good day love". "You too, I'll see you at the station later".

Pulling up in front of the school, Trent opened Macalleigh's door and helped her out. "Well, well, if it isn't Trent, how goes it man, hello Macalleigh". "Morning, if you'll excuse me, I have to get to class". "Macalleigh, I'll see you at lunch". Turning she kissed him on the cheek, sounds good". "Mmmm..look at that ass, she's a tight one, bet you can't wait to sleep with her, and get into that tight little virginal home".

"That's it, you son of a bitch..."***Bash**, right in the mouth. "If you ever talk that way about Macalleigh again, I'll kill you". "You'll pay for that Trent, see ya on the field". Sitting in class, Macalleigh teared up, she couldn't help but see the empty seat beside her, where Samantha used to sit.

"Macalleigh....are you okay"? "I'm fine Mrs.Skinner, thanks for asking". Concentrating on her work, she managed to finish it, and as she looked up, she seen some guy staring up at her, outside the window, as she watched, she noticed something familuar about him, "no way, excuse me Mrs.Skinner, may I be excused"? "Sure Macalleigh, take your books with you, the bell will go shortly".

Heading to her locker, she took out her cell phone and called her dad. "Taylor". "Hi daddy, I think I seen Samantha's mom outside the window looking up at me, only she's a he now, and has short brown hair, wearing blue jeans, blue t-shirt, and black sneakers". "Okay sweetheart, stay inside, I'll be over shortly with a few officer's".

Hanging up her phone, Macalleigh headed to the washroom, banging right into Ben. "Watch where you are going Ben". "Sorry Macalleigh, where you off too"? "None of your buisness, now if you will excuse me". Pulling her up against the locker, he grinded himself into her, whispered in her ear, while squeezing her arms...."I will have you first Macalleigh, you'll see". Releasing her, Macalleigh rubbed her arms, which were already turning purple.

End Chapter
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

The first thing Mac and his team noticed by the tree, was seman. "Danny, get a sample of that please, and Flack, have your men comb the area". "You got it Mac, I'll also send some into the school". With everyone working on the case Mac found Macalleigh sitting on a bench. "Angel baby, what's the matter"? "Oh, hi daddy, nothing just tired". "Why are you rubbing your arms, you cold"? "No daddy, I'm fine really".

"Mac....we've found something". "I'll be right there Danny". Leaving Macalleigh, Trent walked up, and sat down. "Hey beautiful, how you feeling"? Now whether it was he called her beautiful, or whether it was the pain, she began to cry". "Hey....what's the matter Macalleigh, talk to me, as he reached for her arm, and she cringed.

"What's going on Macalleigh, what's wrong with your arms"? "It's nothing Trent, don't worry". "Don't worry about what"? "Oh...hey again dad, did you find him"? "No...the school is clean, so we are going to leave some undercover's around the school, just to be safe". Getting up, Mac touched her arm, and she cried out..."auuuuuuuugh".

"Macalleigh....what's going on"? "Nothing daddy, I'm fine, please don't make a scene". "Remove your sweater". "No daddy, I'm cold, would you stop". "NOW!!! Taking off her sweater, Mac seen the purple finger marks across her skin. "Did you do this"? looking at Trent. "No sir, never would I touch a woman".

"Who did this Macalleigh, WHO!!! "Stop yelling at me daddy, Ben, Ben did it okay, he got mad, because I chose Trent over him". Storming off, Trent went in search of Ben. "Daddy follow him, or trent will kill him, please daddy, help him". Catching up with Trent, they found Ben on the football field, and as Trent went to swing a punch, Mac stopped him.

"Not this way son, Ben Wartler, you have the right to remain silent, anything you say, can and will be used against you in a court of law, you have a right to have an attorney present during questioning, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you, do you understand these rights, as I have read to you"?

"Nice speech pig, what's it for"? "It's for you, you are being arrested for assult on a minor, Flack take him".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Whoa, two chappies and quite some developments here. I almost believed that you'd killed off Ben and Trent would've been framed for it. :eek: Glad it worked out ohterwise. :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

^^ Same here...Can't wait to get back from my trip on mon/tue to catch up on Trent/MaCalleigh :D
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Loading him into the squad car, he gave Macalleigh a look of pure evil, that sent a shiver down her back. "Come on Macalleigh, I'll take you home". "Is that okay daddy"? "Sure sweetheart, and please stay with her Trent, till we get home". "I will sir, let's go Macalleigh". "I love you my hero". "I love you too Angel baby".

Arriving at Macalleigh's home, he helped her with key, anf into the house. "Let's get some ice on those arms, you've already bruised". Showing Trent to the kitchen, he grabbed two ice packs, and applied them to her upper arms. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssss....that stings", she said with tears. Taking his hand, Trent wiped her tears, while tenderly kissing her lids.

"Trent....she whispered. "Shhh....it's okay Macalleigh, trust me, I won't hurt you". Kissing each lid, he worked his way to her nose, her cheek, her other cheek, and as he neared her mouth, he softly kissed her lips, as she tensed and sighed. "Open for me Macalleigh". With caution and nerve's, she opened her lips, to accept Trent's tongue, and as he touched the tip to hers, she lost all balance, all sense of reality.

Deepening the kiss, Trent took Macalleigh into an innocent world of first steps, first temptations, first touches. Wrapping his hands in her hair, he told Macalleigh to lean into him, to feel his heated body grinding into hers, and as she realised something wasn't right, she tried to stop him.

"Trent....stop...please Trent, I don't want to do this, please stop". Grabbing her tighter, squeezing her already bruised arms, he tossed her down onto the floor, and tore at her clothes. Knowing she was going to have to fight, she brought up her knee, and smashed it into his nose, hearing the cartilage crunch, and as he rolled in pain, Macalleigh got up, and reached for her dads gun.

"Don't move, or I'll shoot your brains out". "Fuck Macalleigh, quit playing the good girl, you know you want me, just like you wanted my brother Ben, and because you teased him, he's now under arrest, sluts like you need to be beaten, raped and left for garbage day". Macalleigh could't believe the change in Trent, but something about him seemed very simular to Samantha's parent.

"Oh my God, you, you and Ben, you are related to.....". "That's right Macalleigh, we had a great game going, all of us, till you and your HERO, came along and ruined it, while not this time, this time I'm going to win, and my father, and I are going to hurt you good". Feeling someone's breath behind her, she knew, he was there.

"Hello Macalleigh.....tell me little one, are you going to be as sweet as Samantha"? stroking her hair, she knew her dad had better get home soon, else she would die. "Grab her hands Trent me boy, tie her good, then bring her to the bed, and I'll tie her ankles, spreading them wide".

Once she was tied to the bed, they stripped her bare, exposing her body, to the cold NY air.

End Chapter
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

As they left the room, Macalleigh struggled against the ropes, that tied her wrists to the post. "Come on...close your eyes Macalleigh, think real hard, put your mind at ease, breathe deep", as she psyched herself out, as her mind went blank , she pulled, pulled so hard, she heard the rope begin to rip. Opening her eyes, she seen they had began to fray, rubbing them faster against the post, she could feel them losen.

"Shut your mouth boy, you'll get your turn". Hearing them coming back, Macalleigh lied still, pretending she was terrified. "Mmmm....look at the pretty lady, I must admit, you are very well developed for fifteen, I like that", he said as he caressed his hand across her thighs. Closing her eyes, she shut down her mind, for she knew what he was about to do.

As he neared her most private area, she gave one last tug, and as the rope snapped, she pulled her assailant down, bitting his ear, so hard, it tore open as he screamed in pain. "Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh...grab her you asshole, now". Running to his father's side, he tried pulling her off, but all that accomplished, was his ear to pull off more.

Pulling up in the driveway, Mac and Calleigh got out of the car, with Gabriel, and Elizabeth, and as they neared the door, Mac heard the screams. "Calleigh, get the kids back to the car. Entering the house with his gun aimed he came to room, and found his daughter fully naked, bitting on some mans ear, while Trent held him down.

"FREEZE"....what the hell is going on, letting go of his ear, she screamed...Daaaaaaady, they both tried to rape me, help me daddy". With the guy screaming on the ground, Trent had his arms in the air. "You son of a bitch, I knew there was something about you I didn't like, turn around". As he turned, Mac cuffed him, and threw him into the corner. "Move, and I'll kill you".

Dragging up Michale Tylor up by his neck, he called Flack to send a squad car. "I should kill you, how dare you attempt to rape my daughter, you sick son of a bitch". "Go to hell Taylor, she assulted me, look at my fucken ear, she bit it almost clear off". That's nothing compared to what's going to happen to you in prison".

When Flack arrived, the first thing he did, was cover Macalleigh with a blanket. "You okay kiddo"? "Yeah...a little scared, but he didn't hurt me". "That's my smart girl, just like you dad, made of strong stuff you Taylor's". "Flack, get them out of here". Dragging them out to the squad car, Mac ran over and sat beside his angel.

"I'm sorry baby, so sorry, I should have never let you be alone with Trent, I had no idea". "Either did I daddy, but it's okay, I'm fine, he didn't hurt me, much, didn't get the chance". Looking over his daughter's body, he seen the rubbed burn on her wrists, and the bruises on her arms. "Oh my angel, you look like you've been to war, and back, I'm so sorry, please forgive daddy".

"Daddy...there's nothing to forgive, we were both fooled, you built me of strong stuff, I'm a Taylor remember, we Taylor's are strong". Kissing her daddy's tears, they held each other tight.

Running into the house, Calleigh seen her baby all hurt, and torn. "Oh Macalleigh, my baby, oh, I'm so sorry". "Shh...it's okay mom, it's all over, I'm okay, I'd just like to take a shower, and get cleaned up". "Okay love, I'll run your water". While Calleigh ran the water, Mac continued to his daughter, and that's when he felt the warm tears on his shirt. "Shhh...come on Angel baby, daddy's here, I promise to stay with you all night".

"Will sleep with me daddy, and hold me like you used to, I really need you daddy, I don't want to be alone". "I promise love, I'll be here when you get out, go ahead, mom will stay with you while you bathe". Wrapping the blanket tighter, Macalleigh joined her mom in the bathroom, and as the door closed, Mac cried for the pain his daughter had had to suffer.

End Chapter
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

My God Linda, that's an ordeal I really wasn't suspecting. I'm stunned about the turn here. Fantastic update. WOW! :thumbsup:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When she stepped into the tub, her mom noticed she was bleeding from in between her legs. "Aww...sweetheart, did he touch you inside"? "No mom, I swear, he never got a chance, cause daddy came in". "Okay love, I know this is a little embarrasing, but can mommy have a look, please"? "Sure mom, it doesn't hurt, honest".

Looking closely, Stella noticed the flow of blood, and realized it was her menstration, that had started. "It's okay love, you're having your period, I'll go get you one of my mini's, and show you how to use it". Stepping into the tub, the only thing Macalleigh wanted to do was disappear, just for a while, and she knew the only way to do that, was in her daddy's arms.

"What's the matter Calleigh"? "Everything's fine, she's just started her monthly flow, she'll be fine Mac, I'll be right back". When calleigh returned, she found Macalleigh drying herself. "Mom...how long before the bleeding stops"? "Three to seven days love, sometimes sooner, since this is your first". After they had the mini pad in place, her mom helped her into her pajama's, combed her beautiful hair, and assesed her wounds.

"Please mom, just stop, I'm really tired, I want daddy". "Okay love, you go to daddy, I'll clean up in here". Opening the door, she seen her daddy with his arms wide open, and the comforter down. "Come on my Angel baby". Not needing to be told twice, she ran to the bed, faced her daddy at eye level, as he covered them both up, and snuggled her in his arms tight.

"Shhh....calm down my angel, you're shivering, daddy's here, and no one is ever going to hurt you". Grinding herself right in to her dad, she curled her head, under his chin, and whispered...."sing to me daddy". "Angel Baby...oh won't you be mine, Angel Baby, you're the one I love all the time, my Angel Baby, I'll never leave you side, I'm always right beside you, on our long rollercoaster ride. Angel Baby, oh won't you be .......".

After four verses, Macalleigh was finally sound asleep, wrapped tightly in her daddy's protectives arms. "Mac...how are you going to crawl out for dinner"? "I'm not sure love, I'll just have something later". Leaving the room, Calleigh turned off the light, and watched, as Mac pulled his baby closer into him, so she would know, she was protected in his love.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Well on top of all events, good things come in three. Poor MaCalleigh, she has lot to deal with at the moment. Glad Mac's there to calm her down. ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

As his daughter slept, he thought back to all the times, he had put Macalleigh in self defense lesson's, and lesson's at the shooting range, but never in all his time, did he ever think she would have to use them so soon. Caressing her beautiful blonde hair, while she slept, it amazed Mac how hard she had faught today, and thinking of the consequences that could have been, became to much on Mac, bringing him back to when he kidnapped on that island, and tortured.

"AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH.....AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUgh.....noooooooooo, noooooooooooooooooo, help me daddy, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddy, nooooooooooooooooooo". "Macalleigh....wake up, Macalleigh, come on baby wake up, it's okay daddy's here, just breathe love, I got you". Rocking her tight, in his arms, they both felt like it wasn't enough, so sitting up, Mac wrapped her in his lap, forcing her to look at him, to see only him.

"There we go angel...that's it, focus on daddy love, see only daddy, no one else is here, just you and daddy, safe in each others arms. Laying her head back on his shoulder, she fell back into sleep, for the second time that night.

"Mac...is everything okay"? Reaching for his wife, he pulled her down beside them, layed them all back, and sandwiched Macalleigh between them. "I think so, she's having flashbacks, it's going to take time, I think we should keep her home tomorrow". Nodding her head in agreement, they fell asleep.

The next time they awoke, it was morning, getting out of bed, Calleigh went to wake up Gabriel, and Elizabeth. "Come on guys, let's go, school". "Is Macalleigh going today mom"? "No, she's going to stay home today". "Mom, is she going to be okay, she kept me up all night with her screams".

"I know son, I'm sorry, hopefully the worst is over, and she can heal now". "Are you sending her back to that school"? "Your dad and I aren't sure yet, we will discuss it today with Macalleigh". Leaving the room, Calleigh headed downstairs to start breakfast, turning on the TV, she heard the latest story.

"Detective's daughter, Macalleigh Taylor, a known high school student, was attacked in her home yesterday by Michale Tylor, a well known sex offender,, who disguised himself as a woman for five years, before being caught, for raping, and torturing a young high school girl, who shall remain nameless, due to her age".

"It is said that Macalleigh saved her own life, when she used her self defence skills to outsmart her attacker's, who had no idea, they were dealing with a detective's daughter, I mean what can we expect, they are after all a family of Hero's, over to you Mike, with today's weather".

Turning the channel, Calleigh was finding it every where, on every channel, a different story, none of them the truth, as to how, or why it happened. "Great...here we go again, God damn news caster's". Slamming down the plates, Calleigh started the coffee, and toast, for she knew it was going to be a hard day for all the Taylor's.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Great update Linda, gotta do something about the casters. Not good for this family. Poor MaCalleigh, so much growing up to do in so little time. :scream:

*Off topic. Congrats on your first place. It looks great!*
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Once Gabriel and Elizabeth were on the bus, Calleigh got called into work. "Mac...we are going to have too hold off on the discussion till tonight, I'm needed at the office". "What discussion mom"? "Well sweetheart, we'd like to send you to private school, not an all girls schools, it's unisex, but it will help until all this news media dies down".

"It's for the best love, and it would only be for a little while". "Would I have to go today daddy"? "No...you get to stay home for the rest of the week, until your wounds somewhat heal". "Okay mom...I'll give it a try, but only for a while, then I want to back to public school". "That's fine love, now I have to go fight all those reporter's to get to work, hopefully a new story comes along soon, and they back off".

Kissing her daughter good bye, she left. "Dad...is mom going to be okay, what is it they want"? "They want your story, they want to know what really happened, but the best thing to do is ignore them, for they can make things worse before the case, and the last thing we need, is that family getting out of jail". "I hear you dad, I promise". "Good, so how about a game of Scrabble".

At the office Calleigh was being attacked by reporter's left and right, trying to find out, what had really happened. "Please Det.Taylor, give us something, anything". "You'll have to wait for the trial, like everyone else, now if you excuse me, I have work to do". As she pushed her way inside, Flack grabbed her, and helped her in.

"Christ....how much longer is this going to last"? "It's not Calleigh, that's why we called you down, Michale and his son hung each other last night in their cell, we should have seperated them, but we didn't and they killed each other, now we have a new breed of reporter's for the story is going to change, to the precinct, and why we allowed family in the same cell".

"Has the story hit yet"? "Just now, here they came, you can walk out now, and they won't even bother with you". "Flack".....yelled Chief Sinclair, you ready for this, let's get it over with". Heading to Mac's office, Calleigh called home to inform him, that it was over, and things should cool down".