"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When they got in the door, Calleigh was waiting. "Hi sweetie, how was your walk"? "It was okay mom, I started out really nervous, then daddy, and Gabe left us, but Horatio helped me , he distracted me, by talking about daddy". "Aww...that was very sweet of your Horatio, their's hot chocolate in the kitchen, and I made some cookies if you'd like a snack". "Thanks mom, is it okay if we take them upstairs, I'd like Horatio to finish the book, he's been reading me".

"Sure love, that's fine, have fun". While the kids headed upstairs, Mac came out from the closet. "You bugger, you are lucky it worked, and she didn't freak when you left". "Would never have happened love, I could tell Horatio was more then capable of taking care of her". "But did you honestly have any idea, that Gabe was going to leave"? "No..that I didn't, but it worked didn't it love"?

"Yes...I guess you were right, so I owe you a kiss". "Mmm....and I'll take that kiss, and another, and another". "Stop....tha kids are upstairs". "Good for them love, and we are downstairs, and you still owe me a proper kiss". Bringing her lips close to her husbands, she whispered....."then a kiss you shall have, melting her lips to his, they felt the fever, the heat, the love begin, and as they were about to play, Gabe walked in.

"Oh for crying out loud, grow up already, and get a room, I swear you two teenager's never grow up". Winking at his son, he said...."we know, so get lost, scram". Laughing at his dad, Gabriel headed upstairs. "Hey sis, hey Horatio how'd it go"? "Great, she did wonderful, made it all the way walking". "Yay sis, good for you, mmm..cookies, pass them over, and whatcha ya doing"? "Reading the rest of our story, wanna listen"? "Uhh...I'll pass, I've had enough lovey dovey for tonight, with mom and dad.

Leaving the room, Gabriel couldn't wait to get into his room, and look at his new Playboy Mag that came. Laughing, he knew if his dad ever found out, he had ordered them, he'd kill him, either that, or would want a look.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When Gabriel got to his room, he opened the brown envelope, and found a Batman and Robin magazine in the there, with a note. "Hello my son, I thought you'd prefer reading Batman and Robin to Playboy, next time you want to look at the big girls, make sure you're home to get the mail". Love dad".

"Shit!! Looking up, he seen his dad standing at his door, with thw Playboy in his hand. "Do we need to talk Gabe"? Sighing deep...."yeah, come in dad". Walking in, he sat on his son's bed and waited for him to start. "Ummm...I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about, the boy's at school have them, well some of them".

"Uuhuh...and have you looked at them"? "Not really, just a little peek at the centerfold, can't help it dad, she was a knock out". Trying not to laugh, he said...."you know reading this stuff, isn't good for you, especially if you look at it at night". "I know dad, but .....ummm...". "Let me guess, you've been having certain dreams, and wake up in cold sweats"?

"How'd you know dad"? "Son, we've all been through it, it's part of growing up, is there anything you'd like to talk about"? "Well...there is this girl at school, and she's so pretty dad, and when she talks to me I start to get....umm...God why is this so hard". "Listen son, it's not hard, it's just father and son, talking about growing up".

"Well...I tend to get an erection, especially when she touches my hand, or hugs me when she gets a good grade, I think she likes me, I just wish she wouldn't touch me". *Laughing*. "Trust me Gabe, that will change, but to let you know, everything you are feeling, is normal son, your body is maturing into a young man, and along with that your hormon's".

"But how do I stop it dad, you know, the erection". "Hmmm...good question, for me, I just kept my gym bag, backpack, or coat in front of me, until I learned to control it, and you will learn to control it son, trust me". "Yeah...I guess you're right, I'm really sorry dad for ordering the magazine". "It's okay son, just next time you get the urge to look at something like this, talk to me about it, you'd be surprised how understanding I can be".

"I will dad, but...can we have a quick look at the centerfold, please"? Laughing Mac opened the book to the center page, and opened the flap. "Wow....isn't she something dad, she's gorgeous". Looking at his son, he said..."nah...she doesn't even compare to your mom". Getting up off the bed, Mac left the room, with the magazine in his hand.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Aw Gabe is too cute :guffaw: And i loved the note from Mac. I needed a good laugh since the kick off on working Mondays. Great pep talk from Mac.:thumbsup:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Tossing the magazine on the bed, in his room, he went down the hall to check on his angel, and Horatio.

"Please my Lord, please do not leave, forget the war with the MaClane's, please my Lord, love me, just one more time, love me before you die". "I swear to you my love, I will not die, I will be back, but if our clan does not fight, if we give up, all will be lost for our children, and their future, also for the future of the clan".

Crying her tears upon his open chest, he wrapped her in his arms, lifted her chin, looked into her beautiful soft eyes, and whispered. "My love, my only world and destiny, I promise to return to you, and when I do, you be ready, for I will make love to you so slow, so lovingly, that you'll hear the angel's sing".

As Horatio said the words, Mac noticed he looked at his Angel while reading, and as he watched, he knew that they were becoming close, as he seen the tears in his angel's eyes, as he read aloud. "Hey kids...how's the book coming"? "Hi daddy, good, it's so beautiful, and the hero, he reminds me of you daddy, so brave , so strong, always protecting what is his".

Kissing his angel baby on the lips, he whispered...."I think it's time for Horatio to say goodnight, it's getting late". "Just one more chapter dad, please"? "Okay, one more, and then I want you both to say goodnight". "I promise daddy, thank you". "You are welcome angel, and Horatio...behave yourself". "Always Uncle, always". "So much like your dad, to funny, night kids". "Night daddy".

When Mac got back to his room, he seen Calleigh waving the Playboy in the air. "Ehmm....what have we here, am I not pretty enough for you anymore, that you need fantasy"? Struting over, he took the book, and threw it on the floor, grabbed his wife in his arms, and kissed her deeply, passionately, on the mouth. As their tongue's twirled, swirled, they could feel the fire begin in their souls.

"Please Mac.....don't let go, or I'm liable to fall". "I'm right there with you love, I'll catch you, before you even hit the ground". Removing her nightie, Mac worked his magic down her body, causing her to try and squirm, as he held her still, wrapped tight in his embrace. "Mmmm....so beautiful, so luciously delicious, do you have any idea what you still do to me, how you make me feel"?

"I do...I do my husband, cause it's the same way I feel everytime, you look at me". With no more words between them, they made love, until the early morning light.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When Horatio finished the chapter, he closed the book. "Awww..do you have to stop, you were just getting to the scene where the Warrior has been stabbed". "I know Macalleigh, but it's already 1am, if I stay up any longer, I'm going to fall asleep". Now Horatio knew that was a lie, but he also knew if he stayed any longer, he'd want to kiss her, and the last thing he wanted to do, was scare her off".

"Alright then, I'll see you in the morning, maybe we can go out, and I'll show you around NY". "Are you sure you are ready for that"? "I think so, I won't know for sure till I try". "Okay them, till the morrow Macalleigh", getting up he took her hand and kissed it". "Good night Horatio". "Night Macalleigh".

After he left, Macalleigh closed her eyes, and dreamed of Highlander days, she was from then Clan Taylor, and her dad had told her a Warrior named Horatio would be coming to visit. "Oh really father, what does this warrior look like"? "I'm not sure my daughter, he's very powerful, has bright red firery hair, and is built like a Warrior". "Okay father, I must go change, and prepare things for our guest".

Once Macalleigh had everything ready, she heard the sound of great horses in the distance, and as she looked out the window, she seen a Scottish Warrior, sitting upon a black steed. As her father greeted them, she carefully fixed her gown, with her clan colors, and walked out the door. "Good morning Horatio, how was your trip to our land"? "It was very tiring laird Mac, and I could user a good meal". "Of course, please come, my daughter has dinner prepared".

As they walked towards the holding, Horatio seen the beautiful lass, with her sunblonde hair, and the most amazing turqouise eyes. "Who is that lass my Laird"? "That is my daughter Macalleigh". "She is a very beautiful lass, has she been spoken for"? "Not yet, and if I can help it, she won't be anytime soon, as she is only fifteen, and much to young to be married in my eyes". Young or not, the Scottish Warrior vowed to have her.

Just as they neared the stairs, Macalleigh woke up, startled, as she seen a shadow at the end of her bed, she screamed, screamed so loud, she woke the house. "Macalleigh....wake up love, come on sweetheart, wake up". As Mac continued to shake her, she finally awoke. "Daddy.....I cant.....I can't....". "Shh....it's okay love, breathe deep, deep easy breath's, that's it love, it's okay we are all here, you are fine".

"Christ Mac, when are these nightmare's going to stop". "I'm not sure love, I'm really not sure".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

I read the previous chapter on my lunch break and I was like going like 'back up the train, where am I?' I only had half an hour to figure it out :guffaw::guffaw: Hmm, interesting dream here, but whoa did you have to let her a nightmare again? :eek: Poor MaCalleigh :(
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

As everyone watched, Macalleigh finally settled down. "Are you okay now angel baby"? "Yeah dad, I'm fine honest, I was just having the most wonderful dream, and I must have woke really quick, and thought I seen a shadow at the foot of my bed, I'm okay, go back to bed". "You sure you don't want me to stay with you"? "No...I'm fine dad, please, go to bed everyone".

Kissing his daughter good night, everyone left the room. As Macalleigh cuddled into her bear, she heard her door open, and seen Horatio whisper..."shh...it's okay Macalleigh, I thought we'd finish our book, if you like"? "Please....that would be wonderful, I'm loving this warrior story, I even had the most wonderful dream about it, before I woke up".

"You did, you want to tell me about it"? "Maybe one day, but not right now". "Okay then, let's finish this book". As Horatio read well into the night, it was 4am when they finally finished it. "Aww..don't cry Macalleigh, it was a happy ending, was it not"? "I know, it's just to find such true love that, it reminds me so much of mom and dad, their love is like that too, and I can only hope one day, I can find my warrior".

"You will Macalleigh, when you least expect it, he'll be right there in front of you, and you'll know". Whispering very low, almost to low for Horatio to hear, she said..."I think I already have". "Hmm...what did you say Macalleigh"? "I said, we should get to bed, if we plan on going out in a few hours". "I guess you are right, well my lady, you have a good sleep, and no more dreams". "No more dreams, I promise".

Bending down, Horatio stroked her long blond hair. "Good night Macalleigh, may the Angel's keep you safe". Leaning into his stroke, she closed her eyes, as he captured one lonely tear, that fell from her eye. Looking back, he smiled, as he left the room, with her teardrop still on his thumb.

The following morning, everyone awoke to the smell of sausage, and pancakes. "Mmm...mom's cooking again, I tell ya Horatio, she makes these wicked strawberry pancakes, with this awesome syrup". "Sounds good, I'll be right down, I'm just going to call my dad".

"Caine". "Hey dad, how are you and mom"? "Good son, and how is everything there, you ready to come home"? "No...I still have three days, and I plan to make the best of them". "You've fallen for her, haven't you son"? "Yeah dad, I have, she's so beautiful, and has such a warm heart, I couldn't help it".

"I know son, she gets it from her mom, Calleigh also had a beautiful heart, it didn't take long for Mac to realize that either, it was love at first sight for them both, the kind that comes along once in a lifetime". "I hear you dad, I'm hoping to spend some time with Macalleigh today, we've made plans, now I just have to help her face her fears once again".

"If anyone can do it, you can son, you take good care of her, and if she is as smart as I think she is, she'll know you'll a good catch". "Thanks dad, see you when I get home, love you". "Love you too son". Heading downstairs he ran into Mac.

"Hi Uncle, how are you this morning"? "I'm fine son, can we talk"? "Sure, what is it"? "I'm sensing feelings between you and Macalleigh, just do me one favour son, don't break her heart". "I won't Uncle, I promise, though I'm afraid once I head home, it will break". "I know that to son, but we'll work things out, so you spend time together, don't worry about that".

"Thanks for everything Uncle Mac". "You're welcome, now...stop calling me Uncle, and let's go eat".
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Their so good together, I'd hate to see Horatio go back to Miami. I'm so curious how you gonna work that out. Great update! ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When they finished breakfast, Macalleigh and Horatio headed out for the day. "So...are you ready to venture out, I'm excited as to where you are taking me". "I'm ready, and don't worry, you'll love it". Smiling at her..."I'm sure I will". Walking out the door, and onto the street in daylight, Macalleigh was alot more relaxed. "Horatio...when you go back to Miami, will you keep in touch, you know, like call me, and see how I'm doing"?

"Of course, I wouldn't have it any other way, you're stuck with me know, I hope that's okay"? "Yeah...it's okay". As they continued to walk, she kept brushing her hand softly with Horatio's, as he smiled, for he knew, she was hoping he'd take her hand, then with the last brush, the last soft stroke, he took her hand into his, and squeezed, letting her know, it was okay.

"Here we are, so what do you think"? "When he looked, they were standing at the "Metropolitan Art Museum". "Wow....this place is massive, why did you bring me here"? "Well...they have a special exhibition on "Impressed by light", it's all about the Highlander's, so I thought after reading our book together, we should have a look at who these Warrior's were, and how things were done back in those day".

"Hmmm...let's go then, sounds great". Walking inside they seen a large picture of the "Anstey's Cove". "These painting's are amazing Macalleigh, this one picture of the Laird with his Lady is truely amazing, look at the color's of the kilt, and her gown, with the green, red, blue color's of her clan". "I know, and did you know each Clan had it's own color's, that they had to wear, and sometimes, if the women left their holding's without their color's, other Clan Warrior's would steal their women, for they figured they had no clan, sometimes causing war's between two clans, to get back what was their's".

"You sure do know alot about Highlander's". "I know, I did a complete project on them at school, got me an 100% plus bonus points". "Wow...I'm sure learning alot about you Macalleigh Taylor, shall we go have lunch"? "Sure, how about a little Cafe, where my dad takes my mom all the time". "Sounds good, let's go", taking her hand, they headed out to lunch, arriving at the little Cafe, they were seated, and brought menu's.

"Hmm...what do you feel like Macalleigh"? "I think....the club sandwich with ceaser salad". "Sounds great, two please". After the waiter left, Horatio smiled at Macalleigh, as she shyly looked down. "Hey...beautiful angel, let me see those turquoise eyes". No one had ever called her Angel, except her dad, for she would never allow it, but when he said, it just felt right, like he had been saying it to her all her life.

Looking up, he seen the shinny fresh tears. "Hey....hey, come on now, what's the matter"? "Nothing...I'm not sure, I don't know why I'm tearing up, I just can't seem to stop them from coming". Wiping them away, the waiter came with their lunch, and as they ate, they ate in silence, for both knew these feeling's they were feeling, were real, were pure, pure and sweet, but most of all, first love, a love they would both come to realize is forever.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

The last two day's went by quickly, and it was time for Horatio to return to Miami. "This is our last day together Macalleigh, what would you like to do"? Sitting at the table, her parents just stared at her, for she seemed so heartbroken. "Hmmm...I'm not sure, you decide", she smiled weakly. "I have an idea....said her mom, why don't I pack you up a lunch, and you can have a nice picnic in the park, it's a wonderful day".

"That sounds great Auntie, we'd like that". Mac looked at Horatio with the stare that said...."stop calling us Uncle and Aunt". "I mean...sure Calleigh that would be great". Macalleigh was trying to figure out why he stopped calling her Auntie. "Why did you call her Calleigh"? "Oh...I think I'm getting a little old to be calling your mom Auntie, it must make her feel old", he winked.

"Hey...behave yourself handsom jr, or you will be flying on one of my bullets", she laughed. "Opp's....sorry". "Okay guy's here is your picnic lunch, have fun, and enjoy the day". Getting up, he helped Macalleigh with her jacket, as they left out the door. "What do you think Mac, do you think she'll be okay when he leaves"? "I'm not sure love, I guess we will have to wait and see, I never thought they'd take to each other this quickly, you can see the feelings bloom".

"Aww....I love it when you get all poetic on me". "Do you now, my sweet, sweet calleigh, with eyes of sea green, come closer, closer, so I can kiss thee". As Mac dipped her, he kissed her sweet lips, starting the sparks flying between them, and just as they deepened it, in walked Gabe. "Ooohh...for crying out loud, can't you two leave your hands off each other for five minutes"?

"Should we love"? "We should". Grabbing Gabe, his father tackled him, while the two of them tickled him to tears. "Okay, okay, okay, I'm sorry, stop...I ..can't breathe, he laughed hysterically. Helping him up, he asked...."hey dad, where did Macalleigh go with Horatio"? "They went to the park for their last day together". "That's nice, but what is Macalleigh going to do when he goes home in the morning"?

When they got to the park, they found a lovely space by a huge oak tree. Placing the blanket on the ground, they sat down, looking up at the sun. "Are you okay Macalleigh"? "I'm fine, it's just the sunlight is bright today, it's making my eyes water". "Come here angel". Leaning back against the tree, he pulled her into his arms, laid her head on his chest, and whispered....."listen Macalleigh, even though I have to go home tomorrow, I'm never far away if you need me, plus I'll call everyday, every chance I get, I promise".

"I know you will Horatio, but it just won't be the same". "Sure it will Macalleigh, I may not be able to hold you, or you me, but we'll be able to close our eyes, and imagine that we are together, anywhere you want to be". Taking his finger's, he brought her face up to his, and as they looked into each others eyes, he very cautiously, very sweetly, gave her her first soft kiss. Breaking apart, he smiled at her expression, as he wiped her tears, and laid her back against his chest.

"I can feel your heart beating so quickly", she shyly whispered into his chest.