"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

While Macalleigh rested, Mac got a call out. "Horatio...I need you to sit with Macalleigh for me, I have to go on a call". "Sure Uncle, just give me a minute. Throwing on his robe, he headed into Macalleigh's room, and sat down in the chair by her bed.

"I'll be back as soon as I can son, if you need anything, wake Calleigh or Gabriel". "I will, take care Uncle". "Thanks son". After Mac left, Horatio pulled out his book, and began to read, and as Macalleigh opened her eyes, she watched him, his facial expression, his red hair, fair skin, and father's nice looks.

"How you feeling Macalleigh"? he smiled, cause he knew she was checking him out. "Cold, very cold, I can't seem to get warm". "I'll get you another blanket. Grabbing one down from the closet, he covered her from head to foot. "Better"? "A little, thank you, what are you reading"? "It's called Saving Grace", it's a Scottish love story, about a young girl who has to go live in the Highlands, and she falls in love with a Warrior named Gabriel.

Anyways, in the end, she saves his life, and becomes his "Saving Grace", hence the name". "Could you read some to me"? "Sure, the begining, the middle, or the end"? "Anything with warmth and love". "Okay than, here we go". As he read the part where Johanna had gotten herself trapped by wolves, and had to be saved by her Gabriel, Macalleigh was in stitches, for Johanna, had to toss down her dress to the wolves, to get them to stop climbing the tree.

As her husband showed up, he was shocked, for there was his wife in a tree, with nothing on but her shift, as six wolves surrounded her. "Johanna, what are you up to there"? "I'm not up to anything husband, the wolves are, they seem to like my dress". Shaking his head, he and his men, shot the wolves, then he told his wife to come down from the tree.

"I can't husband, I'm soaked through from the rain, if I move, everyone will see what you see". Growling, he informed the others to head back to camp, and start cooking the wolves. "Okay Johanna, they've gone, you may come down". Stepping down the tree, she became to frightened to move, and climbed back up".

"Johanna, get down here now"? "I can't husband I'm scared". Sighing deep, he climed the tree, picked her up in his arms, and carried her to her horse. "Don't ever leave on a hunt again, without someone with you". "I'm sorry husband, but you were busy playing with your men". "Johanna, I was training them, not playing with them, know the difference".

Horatio had to stop, for Macalleigh couldn't stop laughing. "You like the story Macalleigh"? "Oh my God, I could just see her sitting in that tree, while being surrounded by the wolves". "I'll tell you what I can see, her husband beating her for a week", he winked. "Did they honestly do that"? "Some did, most Warrior's were understanding to their wives, but there was the odd few, who did beat them".

"Oh that's horrible, why do men have to hurt woman, why can't they understand no, means no", she cried. "Hey....come on now Macalleigh, I never meant to make you cry". Sitting on the edge of her bed, he held her hand, and caressed the hair from her face. "It's okay Macalleigh, why don't you go back to sleep, and I'll read more later". "But I'm not at all tired, please continue".

Picking up the book again, Calleigh walked in. "Horatio...your dad is on the phone, he needs to talk with you". "Okay, thanks Auntie". "Hey...you don't have to leave do you Horatio"? "No Macalleigh, I'll be right back". As she waited, her mom asked..."He's a very sweet young man, looks alot like Horatio a bit, but bigger, and balkier".

"Yeah mom, but you forgot, he's aweful sweet, and kind". Smiling because she knew what was hapening, she left the room.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

That was fun. Good story :guffaw:. Now I wonder what you're coming up with to make Horatio jr. stay in NY. :lol: please?
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When Horatio returned to Macalleigh's room, she was sleeping, with his book in her hands. Carefully removing the book, he sat it on the table, and thought about what his life would be like, married to Macalleigh. He could see them having two or three children, in huge house, with lots of pets running around. But the thing he seen most, was the love, that they would share, as they grew older.

Still deep in thought, Mac walked in, and seen the dazed look in Horatio's eyes. Smiling, he said...."what are you thinking about son"? "Oh...hey, not alot, just about going home in two weeks". "I heard, you have an exam or something, what is it you hope to be"? I'm not sure yet, maybe a Technical Designer, or a Corporate Lawyer in a huge industry".

"Wow...you have your height's set high, dad must be proud". "Not really, he thinks the only place I should be is in the Miami-Dade lab". "Ouch...well you can't blame him, he's an amazing CSI, one that cannot be replaced, he's very well liked by his team, and has alot of compassion for those who deserve it".

"Hi daddy, your back"? "I am angel, how you feeling"? "A little hungry, I think I'd like to get dressed, and have something to eat". "Okay love, we'll see you in a bit". Leaving the room, Macalleigh thought to herself, "I have two weeks, to get to know him a little better, but please Lord, please help me make sure he's not like the others, cause I'm really scared you know, I don't know if I want to trust again".

Putting on her jeans, and her long sleeved shirt, to cover her wrists, Macalleigh headed out to have lunch.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

2 Weeks huh, I think she needs some help from her mom in that department with the trust and so. ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

As Macalleigh neared the kitchen, she could hear the talking, but as she looked at her hands, they began to tremble, for she was back to where it all began. Trying to get her legs to move, she couldn't, for every part of her body was now trembling. "Where is she"? "I'm not sure Mac, I'll go have a look". As Calleigh left the kitchen, she seen her daughter frozen on the spot, trembling, shaking, crying.

"I can't do it mom, I can't go near that kitchen, I can't go back to where it all happened". "Listen to me sweetheart, you can do it, you can put all this behind you, just tell yourself, I'm strong, I know there is nothing in my home that can hurt me, I have my family to protect me, comfort me, help me through it". "I know mom, I know you're right, but everytime I try, my legs won't move".

Reaching out her hand to her daughter, Macalleigh took it, and step by step, they made it to the door. "Are you ready love"? Shaking her head yes, they opened the door, and walked in together. "There's my angel baby, nice of you to join us, come sit love". Taking the seat beside her dad, and her brother, she placed her trembling hands under the table, so no one would see them.

As they served the food, Elizabeth said...."what's that thumping sound mommy, it sounds like someone is banging the table". Looking under the table, Mac seen his daughter's knees shaking, taking his hand, he placed it in hers, and squeezed, letting her know without words to relax, all was safe. "Macalleigh...would you like some salad love, with your tuna sandwich"? "Sure mom, thanks, that would be nice".

Watching her tear up again, no one was sure what to say, that is until the knock came on the glass of the back door. "Nooooooooooooooooo....she screamed, getting up knocking everything over, and running upstairs to hide. "Christ...now who the hell would be stupid enough to knock on the back window". Getting up, Mac was ready to kill the person. "Hi Mr.Taylor, is Elizabeth home"? "Sara....have you ever heard of the front door"? "Of course I have, but the back is faster, and easier".

"Do me a favour, from now on use the front door please". "Sure thing Mr.Taylor, Elizabeth, coming to play"? "Yeah, just let me grab my coat". "Sweetheart, I'm going to check on Macalleigh". "Okay Mac, I'll wrap up your lunch". Heading upstairs again, Mac said to himself, "back to step one".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Oh... minor of major set back? Never mind... just try again MaCalleigh... you can do it with the support of your family. Great update Linda :thumbsup:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When Mac got upstairs, he found Macalleigh reading the book Horatio had there. "Angel baby, can we talk"? Sitting on the bed, wiping her tears from her eyes, he kissed her wet lids. "Listen my angel, I know it's going to be very hard for you the next few months, but you rellay need to stop running everytime you hear a noise, or have a memory, especially when we are with you". "I know dad, I really do, but I can't get them out of my mind, they are always there, even with you all here".

"I know love, that's why they call them flashbacks, you've been through a very horrible ordeal, one that could have had dire consequences, but it didn't, thank God, but now is the time to heal, now is the time for you to allow us to help you make it through this". Embracing his daughter in his arms, he rocked her, giving her the comfort she needed while he talked to her.

"So this is what we are going to do angel, you, Horatio, Gabreil and I, are going to go for a walk, we are going to run into people, enjoy some fresh air, but most of all, get you use to feeling safe again not only in your home, but on our NY streets, now get up, get your shoe's on, and let's go have some fun".

Leaving the room, Mac hated what he had to do, but he also knew if he didn't get her out now, she'd never go out again. "Hey Uncle Mac, how is she"? "She'll be fine, get your shoe's on son, Gabe, get your shoe's on, we are taking Macalleigh on a outing". "Now dad...but it's dark". "Just do as you are told son, let's go". "Mac...what are you up too"? "I'm up to getting our daughter back, don't worry love, she'll be fine".

When Macalleigh was ready, they headed out, with her gripping her dads hand. "Losen up your hold love, it's okay, you are safe with us all here". Losening her grip, she looked around at all the people walking down the street. "How about we go for a walk in the park"? "Ummm...I'm getting kinda tired dad, I think we should just go home". "Please Macalleigh, for daddy, just one time".

Heading into Central Park, they could here the teens yelling, and playing on the courts. "Hey Macalleigh....how you doing, we haven't seen you in a while, when you coming back to school"? "Oh hey Devon, I won't be, I've started a new school". "Oh damn Macalleigh, is it because of what happened"? "Sort of, but also because they offer the course's I need". "Wow...good for you then, listen would you like to play some BBall with us, for old time sakes"?

"No...but thanks for the offer, I'll see you around". "Okay Macalleigh, take care". "See love, that wasn't bad, and you did it all yourself, see, no hands". As she looked down, she noticed her dad had let go". "Why did you....". "I didn't love, you did, while you were talking to Devon". "Hmm...can we go home now dad, I really am tired". "Sure angel, but I need to stop by the office, so you head home with Gabe with Horatio".

"Umm...can't we come with you dad"? "Not this time love, I don't know how late I'll be, and you said you were tired". "Okay, bye dad, see you at home". Watching him walk away, Macalleigh could feel the trembles again. Taking her hand in his, Horatio squeezed it as they walked back to the house. "Hey Gabe....". "By God, is that you Fred, when did you get back"? "About an hour ago, listen want to go too the arcade, there are some hot chicks there".

"Will you be okay Macalleigh, if I go"? "Not wanting to upset her brother, she said..."sure go ahead, I'll be fine". "Thanks sis, Horatio, get her home". "We'll be fine Gabe, go ahead". "Shall we continue Macalleigh"? "He could see how terrified she was, for her eyes were full of tears, and her body was trembling. "Come on Macalleigh, we'll take a cab". "No....it's okay, we'll walk, it's just a short walk".

Gripping her hand tightly, he kissed it, while they continued to walk.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

She's done it, big improvement :thumbsup: and I love the way you made her do it Linda. ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Trying to get her mind off the trembling, he asked. "Hey Macalleigh, what do think you'll be when you grow up"? "I'm not sure, she said in a trembling voice, I know I'd like to be just like my dad, he's so strong, and has so many amazing gifts, and his thirst for justice, is only one of the many things that make him my hero".

"Tell me about the time your dad was on the Island, and how he surivived the torture". Horatio could see her smile, for his dad had told him that story a million times, about how courageous he was, when he was chained to the tree and tortured by his own team.

"Well, he was kidnapped, and taken to an Island by one of his old enimies, who vowed revenge on stopping him from bombing NY, his name was Dean Lessing, and he worked for Homeland Security Team, apparently he went insane, after being rejected by the Military". "Wow...tell me the rest".

Macalleigh couldn't stop smiling, for she loved talking about her dad, and Horatio also noticed the trembling had stopped. "Well...at first we all thought he was dead, because Dean sent a letter from daddy, saying his good bye, and that Uncle Don was to care for us, mom was so upset, and we thought for sure she would die with him. I can remember Uncle Don talking to her at night, but I was to young to understand".

"Get to the part where they saved your dad". "Okay...well, when they got to the Island, they seen daddy chained to the tree, stripped of his shirt, and Dean laughing, threatening them that if they didn't do as they were told, my dad would die". Now Horatio knew this was the tough part, for when Macalleigh talked about the burning skin, she'd always cry, but he also knew, if he could get her through this story, she'd make it through her own ordeal.

"So Dean told Uncle Flack, to take the hot branding iron, and he was to burn daddy's skin, right on his old wound, and I could remember Don hating to have to it, but Dean said if he didn't, he'd blow off his kneecap, so Uncle Don had no choice but too, and he still lives with the horror of my dad's screams, and as much as my dad forgave him, we think Don never forgave himself, for you can still see it in his eyes".

"So...who saved your dad"? That would be Uncle Danny, one of the hired help that Dean used, became weak, and wanted to back out, so Dean killed him, and as he told your dad to take the knife, he was to slice my dad, right were Flack had burned". "Oh my God, that would have killed your dad". "I know, Uncle Danny was able to talk the other guy out of it, and as your dad went towards my dad, Danny grabbed the guys gun, and shot Dean straight through the head".

Wow...that's such an amazing story Macalleigh, and for your dad to survive that, that truely does make him a hero". As they stopped, Macalleigh noticed they were at her front door, and she wasn't shaking. "Look at that Macalleigh, you did it, you walked home". Smiling wildly, she threw herself into Horatio's arms, and held him, telling him without words thank you.

As she losened her hold, and looked into Horatio's eyes, she could feel the slightest shiver, but not from the cold NY night, oh no, not that, it was from the warmth of a very sweet trusting guy. "Come on, let's get you inside, and we'll finish our book". Opening the door, they both walked in, hand in hand.