"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Wonderfull, saves the tax payers some money. :guffaw:Not good for the department though.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When Gabriel arrived at school, the kids were all waiting for him, hounding him with questions, about his sister. "Hey Gabe, is your sister okay, it said on the news that they attacked her really good"? "Listen Nick, I can't talk about my sister's case, so drop it, I'm late for class". "Aww...come on man, your sister is so hot, I bet you they loved touching her".

That did it, Gabriel brought up his fist, and punched Nick square in the mouth, as one of the other kids ran for a teacher. "Gabriel Taylor, the office now". Walking towards the office with anger, he opened the door, and slammed it behind him.

"Gabriel...what's going on, whispered Charlene, a girl who found Gabriel veey sweet. "Nick talked dirt about my sister, so I hauled off, and smacked him good". "I'm sorry Gabriel, it must be so hard on your family, with all these stupid reports, and then we have our classmates, who make it worse".

"Don't worry about if Char, I can handle it, you better get to class". "Okay...call me tonight"? "I will, see ya". "Gabriel Taylor, come on in". "Mornig Principle Pate, how are you"? "I'm fine Gabriel, can you tell me what happened"? "Nick said some very rude things, things about my sister, and I didn't like it, so I punched him in the mouth".

"You are aware fighting in school is an automatic two week suspension"? "Yes sir, and I'm willing to take it, for what he said was uncalled for, and boardered beyond rudeness". "Okay son, I'll call your dad"? "No... he's busy with m y sister, call my mom, she's at work".

When Calleigh showed up at the school, she found Gabriel waiting for her at the office. "Good morning Mrs.Taylor, sorry about having to call you at work, but with the policies we have in effect, we had no choice but to suspend Gabriel two weeks". "I understand, Gabriel, let's go hon". "I'm sorry mom". "You have nothing to be sorry for, you were protecting your sister, let's go".

On the drive home, Gabriel began to cry. "Gabriel, what is it son"? "It's nothing mom, I'm just so sorry Macalleigh had to go through all this, it's so unfair, that she should have to have this haunt her for the rest of her life". "Don't worry son, she'll get through it with all of our love, for there is no stronger love, then Taylor love".

Pulling into the driveway, Calleigh seen all the newscaster's had left. "Thank God".

End Chapter
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When they got in the door, Mac asked what had happened.

"Gabriel, what's going on son, why are you home"? "I had a fight with one of the boy's in my class, he made a very rude remark against my sister, so I socked him one, and got myself suspended". "Okay son, get yourself some lunch, I've just made tuna salad, your sister is already eating".

"Hey Gabe, what are you doing home"? "I wasn't feeling to well, so I aksed the nurse to come home". "You're okay though right"? "I'm fine sis, no worries, I'm going to try and eat something". Helping himself to a sandwich and coke, Macalleigh reached over, and kissed his cheek. "What's that for"? "That is for being my hero".

Walking into the kitchen Mac sat down with the kids, while Calleigh headed back to the station. "Dad....what are we going to do with the rest of our day"? "I'm not sure, I have to go into work, so I guess it's just the two of you, so behave, and I'll see you both tonight". Smiling sinisterly like his dad, Gabriel said..."Grand Theft Auto"? "Uhuh...."Rock Band".

Running to the game room, Macalleigh hooked up the PS2, while Gabe got out the guitar. *Knock, knock*. "I'll get it bro". Openeing the door, Macalleigh screamed, for on the door, was a dead cat, chopped open with it's inside's hanging out, with a note that read...."thought you had us all, guess not, watch your back Macalleigh, or should I say your front, for you will be mine".

Crunching on the floor, Gabriel picked up the note, and phoned his dad. "Taylor". "Dad, you need to get home now, someone left a dead cat on our door, with a threatening letter, to get Macalleigh". Without hanging up the phone, Gabe could hear the siren, as his dad pulled up to the house, running straight to Macalleigh.

"Shhh...okay love, okay, daddy's here, come on, come here to daddy". Picking her up in his arms, he asked Gabriel to grab one of her sedatives, with a glass of water. "Call your mom, and tell her to send Flack, and the team over". "Okay dad, here's the sedative". Forcing his daughter to take it, she fell asleep within a matter of minutes.

"Mom's on her way dad". "Did you touch anything son"? "Just the letter, but I used a kleenex". "Good boy, that's good, get my kit out of the car". Placing Macalleigh on the couch, he covered her up, put on his gloves, and removed the cat from the door, placing it on a piece of plastic. "Mac...what's going on", yelled Flack. "It's obvious, we haven't got all the Tyler's, one just left this threatening mess for Macalleigh".

"Christ Mac, how is she"? "Sleeping, I had to sedate her, we need to catch this guy fast". Just as they started the clean up, Calleigh came running in the door.

"Oh God....not again".

End Chapter
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

How sweet of Gabriel to stick up for his sister and taking care of her. Another Tyler huh? :confused: This is not looking good. Better to keep an eye on those kids. But I hear the gang is already on its way. Great updates :thumbsup:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

After they had finished processing everything, Macalleigh awoke, crying. "Shh...come on my girl, it's okay, daddy's here with you, and I want you to listen to me, your mom and I have decided to send you to Miami, to visit Uncle Horatio, would you like that"? No daddy, I don't want to leave you, I need to be with you here, please don't make me go daddy". "Sweetheart, it's for the best, we need to get you somewhere safe, Gabriel can go with you".

"I said no...that leaves Elizabeth here in danger, he'll just go after her, no I can't leave, I'm sorry". "Okay love, I won't make you go, but I wish you would at least think about it, we'll even send Elizabeth, plus you'll have your Uncle Don with you". Sighing deep...."fine, I'll go, give me time to pack". "That's my girl, Elizabeth, Gabriel, go get your stuff ready, I'll call Uncle Flack".

When Flack arrived he was all ready to go. "I've got the two sets of tickets, one to make them think we are gone to Washington, and the other set has our alias names for Miami, we should be good to go". Kissing his kids good bye, Mac knew he wouldn't be able to contact them, for it would be to risky. "I love you my hero, and I'll miss you". "I'll miss you to my angel, and I've made you something".

"What is it daddy"? "It's a tape of my voice, it has our song angel baby on it,
it will help you sleep, I've also got a video cassette of you and I talking about our favorite times, so you'll see me all the time, and there is a little something special on it, just for my angel, now you have your medication, and your teddy angel". "I do daddy", she said with tears, I'll miss you, miss you so much". "Shh...I promise angel, it will all be over quickly, trust me".

Leaving out the door, Macalleigh turned once more, and seen the tears in her dad's eyes, whspering her good bye my hero, he blew her a kiss, as they drove off. When they got to the airport, Macalleigh gripped her Uncle Don tightly. "It's okay Macalleigh, we weren't followed, honest, just relax, we'll be boarding in a minute". "Flight 101 to Miami now boarding on gate 1".

Walking towards the ramp, onto the plane, Macalleigh took one of her tranq's , and laid back to relax. "Uncle Don....how many kids does Horatio, and Stella have now"? Three, a boy Horatio jr, your age, and two twin girls, who are eight, Jessica, and Jane". "Mmm...okay, thanks". "Try and sleep Macalleigh, it won't be a long flight".

After the plane took off, Don unsnapped Macalleigh's belt, as he watched her sleep, thinking back to the time, they had almost lost Mac on that Island, where he was forced to torture him, funny as he thought about it, it seemed the Taylor's just couldn't get a break from the world, closing his eyes, he fell into sleep.

End Chapter
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Okay, very quick reply on a very busy weekend.
It's sad to see Mac sending his daughter off to Miami, but ... with the remark of Don that H's got a son about MaCalleig's age, it shoudld get interesting. Hmm.... where are you gonna take this, our mysterious writer? :devil: Anyways, like I said a quick reply cause of a busy Easter weekend. I'm in need of some serious time off :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When they landed, Macalleigh was still sleeping, as Don picked her up in his arms, and carried her off the plane. "Hi Uncle H, how are you"? "Gabriel, look at you all grown up, and you must be Elizabeth"? Hiding shyly behind Uncle Don, she shook her head yes. "How is Macalleigh Don"? "She's pretty sedated, been through hell". "Okay...okay, let's get her home". Piling into the Hummer, Don leaned Macalleigh's chin under his neck, and adjusted the belt.

"Uncle H, is it true you have shark's here, that eat people"? "Ummm...no son, we do have sharks, but they don't eat people, most of the time, they do wander close to shore, and someone will get bit, but not to often, unless they are really attracted to something". "Oh...I think I'll pass on swimming in the water". "That's okay son, we have a nice pool, that should suffice".

Pulling up in front of the house, Stella, the twins, and Horatio Jr were waiting. "Oh Don...look at her, what the hell happened to her wrists"? "It's a long story Stel, one I'll tell you once we get her settled. "Hey guys, how are ya"? "Hi Auntie, we're fine, a little hungry but fine". "Oh...girl's take Elizabeth, and show her where to sleep, and Horatio, take Gabriel to your room, and then to the kitchen for some lunch".

Horatio wasn't listening, the only thing he was focused on was Macalleigh, her beautiful blonde hair, and gorgeous body". *Slap*. "Owww...what was that for dad"? "You know exactly why, now move it, and stop drooling over your cousin". "She's not really my cousin dad". "Move it....", he said smiling. "Sorry about Don, crazy hormone's, the joys of being 15 again".

Carrying Macalleigh to her room, Don laid her down, covered her up, and placed the earphones on her head that played "Angel Baby". "What did you do that for"? "Mac made it for Macalleigh, it's a song he's always sang to her, called "Angel Baby, it helps keep her calm". "Christ, looks like she's been through hell". "She has Stel, and just when we thought it was all over, she gets threatened again".

"How is she handling it all"? "She's not, the doctor has her on some pretty heavy tranq's, we had a hell of a time seperating her from her dad, just to get her here, they are so close, it tore them both apart, but he knows this is best". "Okay...why don't you go have some lunch, I'll sit with her for a while". "You sure Stel...you don't mind"? "No...I don't, go ahead".

Once Don left, Stella held Macalleigh's hands, and thought back to when she was tied up and almost killed by Frankie. "Don't worry Macalleigh, I will help you through this, together, we will heal, and I promise you will trust a man again". Placing her hands back at her side, she watched her sleep.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

It must have been no more then an hour, when the screams started, startling Stella from the chair. "Macalleigh....wake up, Macalleigh.... come on love, wake up". Kicking and thrashing, she couldn't get her to stop as everyone ran into the room. "The tape, God damn it Uncle Flack, put on the tape". Grabbing the tape, Horatio put it in the VCR, and hit play.

"Shhh....Macalleigh....it's okay Angel baby, daddy's here, see, daddy's hear beside you". Climbing on the bed, Horatio took Macalleigh into his arms, and rocked her, like he was seeing on the tape. It took about five minute's, before she calmed down. "As everyone listened to Mac's words, they had tears in their eyes, for they could see Macalleigh's scarred wrists, and ankles, from kicking off the sheets.

"Oh my God Dad....what happened to her". "Horatio, that's enough, leave the room please, go on, everyone out". As Macalleigh awoke, she seen Horatio holding her, and automatically jumped out of his arms, into her brother's. "It's okay Macalleigh...it's Uncle Horatio, it's okay, he won't hurt you". "Gabriel....I want to go home, please take me home, I don't want to be here, I want daddy".

"I know Macalleigh, I know, but it's safer for you here, honest, how about you come out, and have some lunch, you still haven't seen Horatio Jr since he was little". "I'm not hungry, as she shook her long hair out of her beautiful turquoise eyes. "Excuse me....Macalleigh...your dad is on the phone, I called him for you, here". "Looking at the young red headed muscular young man before her, she knew right away it was Horatio.

"Thanks Horatio, Hi daddy". "Hi Angel baby, how you doing"? "Not good daddy, I want to come home, I miss you, I miss you so much, my heart hurts". *Crying*. "I know my angel, I miss you so much too, but you are so safe there, and that makes your hero very happy, while you are there, I want you to collect seashells, all different colors for daddy, and when you come home, we will make a giant heart, and put all out father, daughter pictures in it".

"Macalleigh....you there angel". "Yes daddy, I'm here, but I'm going to go now , I love you my hero". "I love you too my baby, let me talk to Uncle Horatio". "Hi Mac, how are you"? "Not good, why am I getting the feeling this is making things worse"? "Well....it's really not, I think she needs time to adjust, as do you, you are both very close, give her a couple days with Stella, and if she's no better, we'll send them home".

"Sure....thanks for everything Horatio". "Any time Mac, any time".
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

As they sat down to lunch, Macalleigh barely touched her lunch. "Macalleigh, are you not hungry love"? "Not really, may I be excused"? "Sure, why don't you sit on the beach for a while, it's very warm, and there's a gorgeous sunset". "No thanks Auntie, I think I'll just go to my room". Leaving the table, she went back to her room, and grabbed her angel bear, her headset, and laid down, listening to her dad sing.

"Macalleigh....can I talk to you for a minute"? "Sure auntie, what is it"? "Well..I was hoping you could tell me a little about what happened to you that night". "There isn't much to tell, I met this nice boy, while I thought he was nice, but it turned out he was related to a serial rapist, who killed my best friend. Later that day, daddy sent me home with Trent, thinking he could keep me safe, while he handled my friends case.

"Go on Macalleigh, I'd like to hear the rest". "We were at my house, and while I was getting us a drink, he leaned on me in the kitchen, and tried to kiss me, I asked him to back off, but he wouldn't so I kicked him, as he went down, I backed up into his father, Tyler, who was the rapist, he grabbed me, while he and his son tied me to the bed with rope, stripping me naked". Crying now, Stella held her hand, telling her without words to continue.

"After they had me tied, they argued over who would have me first, and as the father, gripped my leg, he moved it up my thigh, till he got to my private area, and just......just....". Shhh...it's okay Macalleigh, take you time". "As he went to touch me there, I pulled so hard, the ropes snapped, and I head butted him, busting his nose, and biting his ear, I didn't let go, I just kept pulling on it, and I could hear it tearing".

Once dad had him off, Uncle Flack covered my body with a blanket, while daddy arrested them, having Danny, and Flack take them to the station, where they were put in the same cell, killing each other". "So it's all over then, they are both dead right"? "We thought it was over, but it seems there is another Tyler out there, and he's seeking revenge, he even killed my cat, gutted it, and hung it on my door, oh Auntie it was so aweful".

"Shhh....okay sweetheart, that's enough for now, how about I get you your pill, and you rest a while". "No....when I sleep I see them, all of them coming for me, they want to hurt me, I can feel them touching me, and it hurts so bad, especially....especially in.....". "Okay Macalleigh, I know what you mean, it's okay, let's go take a walk, I'd like to tell you a story now, about what happened to me".

Getting up off the bed, she took Macalleigh by the hand, and that's when she seen the scars. "Oh Auntie, you have scars too, do they still hurt"? "No sweetheart, just the memory of it". "Horatio...we'll be back soon, we're going to take a walk". "Okay love, we'll be fine, have a good talk". Kissing his wife good bye, Horatio Jr, shyly looked at Macalleigh, and smiled.

"Damn dad, she's so beautiful, did you see her eyes, they look turqouise". "They are turquoise Horatio, it's one of the things that attract the boys to her, that and her over developed body". "I'm really sorry Gabe, it must have been very hard on you too". "It was, imagine coming home finding your sister, stripped naked, exposed to a couple of animals, who found enjoyment,, raping a child".

Hanging his head in shame, Horatio Jr looked out the window, and watched his mom, and Macalleigh sitting on the beach,
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Quite some great updates Linda, :thumbsup: Can't wait for MaCalleighs reaction when she hears Stella's story. There should be a lot of bounding between them.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

As they sat on the beach, Macalleigh looked out to sea. "It's so beautiful out here Auntie, you must love living in Miami". "I do...but at times I miss NY, the noise, the cases, the fast paced city". "Auntie....what happened to your wrists"? "Well...when I lived in NY, I met a man named Frankie, he was a wonderful man, or so I thought, we dated, went to museums, spent quiet nights at his place, and mine, but after a while things went wrong".

"Why, what happened"? "Well...I found out he had a website on the Internet, and on this site was video's of him and I making love, something he had done without my permission, so feeling violated, I ended it with him, but he became very violent, and angry. "Did he threaten you Auntie"? "He did, but the one night I came home, he was in my apartment, with dinner all ready on the table, and wine, so I asked him to leave, and he refused becoming very angry".

"So I asked him again, and when he refused, I picked up my cell phone to call the police, but he had knocked it out of my hand, and threw me down, so we faught, really faught, but he got the better of me, and managed to tie my hands and throw me in my tub, leaving me there, bleeding all over my face. So as I searched for something, anything, to untie my hands, he continued with supper, not realizing the phone call to the police had gone through.

Anyways, I found one of my razor's, and began slicing the ties, along with my wrists, which is why I have these scars". "Oh my God Auntie, how did you ever survive"? "It wasn't easy, but I finally got loose as Frankie came in, and I belted him one, running from the bathroom, I grabbed my gun, and shot him, over and over again, the next thing I remembered was your dad calling my name, over and over, till I answered him".

Macalleigh was crying....."oh Auntie, do you still have bad nightmares, or see him in your dreams"? "I used to love, for the longest time I couldn't sleep, was to afraid too, always thinking he was going to come back and get me". "How did you get over it Auntie"? "With help from my team, but mostly from your dad, and then Horatio came along, and I slowly began to realize that not all men hurt woman, not all men are animals, and honestly Macalleigh, you will learn to trust again, once the right boy comes along, you'll put all your fears to bed".

Hugging her Auntie tight, they walked back to the house in silence.

End Chapter
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

:( That was well written Linda...I loved the way you wrote about what happened to Stella and I hope it halps MaCalleigh ;)