"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When they got to the hospital, Mac checked on Samantha. "Excuse me, I'm Det.Taylor, can you tell me, is there any word on Samantha, the young girl we brought in"? "Yes...she's being seen by our residential doctor". "Have you called for a Sart"? "No...why would we"? "Why would you...the young girl was raped, now you have five minutes to get on that phone, before I file a complaint".

Looking at Mac with rudeness, she picked up the phone, and called for a SART nurse. "Dad....what's going on"? "We're not sure yet love, try and relax, Danny is calling her parents". "Oh daddy, they're going to freak, she wasn't even supposed to be out". Caressing his daughter's cheek...."I'm sure they will be understanding Macalleigh". "I hope you are right daddy".

"Excuse me..Det.Taylor, I'm Dr.Sanvour, I'd just like to let you know Samantha is resting comfortable, SARTS is with her, and they will be bringing you out the kit". "Can I talk to her"? "Sure...give the SART nurse five minutes, okay"? "Sure". "Dad can I come with you"? "I'll tell you what sweetheart, let me talk to her first, and then you can see her". "Okay daddy".

When Mac walked in, Samantha was laying on her side, crying. "Samantha, it's Mac, can you talk to me"? Still crying, she said nothing. "Can I see Macalleigh"? "Sure Sam...but first I need to ask who did this to you"? "I don't know, I was walking home after I had a fight with this boy, and someone attacked me from behind, the next thing I remember is waking up here".

"Was it Ben"? "I said I don't know, I doubt it, for he was the one I argued with, I left him mad". "But you can't say for sure if it wasn't". "I SAID I DON'T KNOW, NOW LEAVE ME ALONE". Just as Mac turned around Macalleigh was standing there. "Daddy...let me talk to her please". "Sure sweetheart, take it easy Sam". "Samantha...what happened this afternoon"? "I don't know Macalleigh, we went to the bridge, Ben, two of his friends, and I, they tried to make a pass at me".

"What did you do"? "I said NO...then I started running, the next thing I remember was something hitting me on the head, and now I'm here". "Listen Samantha, do you think it was Ben"? "I don't know Macalleigh, I don't think so, cause I heard the car speed off". "SAMANTHA"...yelled her dad, what the hell happened here young lady"? "Daddy...I'm sorry...I was walking home from school, and someone attacked me".

Mac walked in and heard her father yelling at her. "Excuse me, I'm Det. Taylor, may we talk in the hall"? "What about, my shameful daughter, who whored herself"? "THAT'S ENOUGH OF THAT, GET OUT IN THE HALL NOW". "Who the hell are you, to yell at me"? "Listen,...the hall now, or I have you arrested for slander against a minor". "This isn't over young lady".

Walking into the hall, Mac couldn't wait to give Samantha's father a piece of his mind.

End chapter
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".


"Is that a threat against her"? "THAT DETECTIVE, IS A PROMISE". Flack....take this piece of garbage into custody". "You have the right to remain silent, any.....". "Fuck you, I know my rights, so cuff me, and let's go, oh and Taylor....this isn't over, you can't protect her forever". Pulling Samantha's father towards the exit, Mac stared at the mother. "Do you share you husbands point of view"?

Not saying anything, Mac realized she was terrorfied, but in a whisper, he heard her say...."please help us, he'll kill her if he gets out, please help us". As Mac seen the tears, he realized there was more going on in this family, then he first thought. "Don't worry maam, we'll put you and daughter in a safe place, but you are going to have to tell me, everything , understood, or I can't help you".

"I understand, please, just get us out of here, before he's released". "Okay...Danny call the Abuse response team, and have them send someone down to pick up Samanthat and her mother, and Terry....you and I will talk more about this as soon as I check into a few things". "Okay...thank you detective". "You are welcome, Danny stay with her till they arrive". "sure Mac, no problem".

Back at the lab, Lindsay was waiting for Mac. "Mac....I have the results from those samples, and you are not going to believe this". "What is it Lindsay"? "It seems the seman found on Samantha belongs to.....Terry Frousch, Samantha's mother". "What...how is that possible, she's a woman". Thinking back, Mac pictured her, now noticing the size and shape of her body. "For Christ sakes, call Flack, tell him to get over to the hospital now, Samantha is in danger".

Driving back over, Mac couldn't fathom it, he knew it could be done, but she looked so femine, a little muscular, but besides that, nothing would have made him think of her as a man. Pulling up, they ran into Samantha's room, and found her on the bed, blungeoned to death. "DANNY"....yelled Mac, as he ran over, and found him knocked out, with blood gushing. "Get me a doctor, now!!!

Running from the room, forgetting about the call button, Flack searched for a nurse.

End Chapter
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Poor Samantha, hope she's gonna be okay. Mac had better get her a safe place soon.;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Well, it shows you're never to old to learn... I hope Im still learing at my old age. :guffaw:And one more thanks for your beautiful wall / poem. I just loved it. :thumbsup:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Once they had Danny settled with a concusion, Mac put out an all points on Samantha's mother, or man, or whatever he was. "Anything yet Mac"? "Nothing yet, Flack's out looking, and I'm heading home to check on my family Sheldon, so you stay here with Danny". "Sure Mac, not a problem, talk to you soon.

When Mac got home, the first thing he did, was give Macalleigh the bad news, about her friend. "Hi daddy, how's Sam"? "I'm sorry sweetheart, she didn't make it, it's a very long story sweetheart, so give dad some time, and I'll explain it to you". "Mac...what's going on"? "Macalleigh upstairs please, while I talk to mom".

Running upstairs with tears in her eyes, she plopped on her bed, and cried. Samantha had been her best friend for years, they grew up practicaly from birth. "Oh poor Sam's mom, I should go see her". Opening her window, she crawled out, running down the street to Sam's house.

"Okay Mac, what happened"? "It seems Samantha's mother isn't a woman at all". "What..Mac I'm confused"? "I know love, but her real name is Michael Tylor, he's a known rapiest, and child molester, who had a sex change, all except for his man part, he decided to keep that". "Oh my God, are you telling me, we've had a known sex offender running the streets"?

"Yes love, and we need to find him fast, before he takes another young girl". "Geez.....Macalleigh...Macalleigh, come here love". When Macalleigh didn't answer, they ran up the stairs and found a note. "Dear dad, don't be mad, I went to see Samantha's mom, to make sure she's okay". "Oh Mac... not Macalleigh".

"Don't worry love, we'll find her, call Flack, have him meet me at their home". Leaving out the door, Calleigh called Flack, explaining the situation to him. "Okay Calleigh, I'm on my way, I'm just about five minutes from her place". "Hurry Don, please". Pulling up in front of the house, Flack seen Macalleigh knocking on the door.

"Macalleigh, come here please". "Hey Uncle Don, what are you doing here"? "Your dad called, he got your note, and asked me to bring you home". "But... I was hoping to see Sam's mom, I want to make sure she is okay". "I know Macalleigh, but needs to talk to you now". Getting into the car, with tears, Macalleigh allowed Don to drive her home.

When she opened her door, her mom grabbed her and hugged her. "Don't ever scare us like that again Macalleigh". "Calm down mom, I'm fine". "I know, but don't ever sneak out, not even if you leave a note understood"? "Sure mom, but what's going on".

"It seems Samantha's mom was the one who raped Samantha". "What... how can that be, and why would her own mother rape her"? "Macalleigh, she's not her mother, Sam wasn't even aware, it seems this person is an known rapist who had a sex change, it's hard to explain love, except to say, he kept the part he needed to hurt your friend".

"Ewww...oh God, poor Samantha, but why now, after so much time"? "We're not sure what made him resurface, but he has, and you need to be very careful till he's caught". "Okay mom, I'll stay with my friends at all times, and not leave the school grounds alone". "That's fine love, but you need to be aware, he's most likely changed his appearance, so be extra careful".

Meanwhile, hiding out in a bin, till things cooled down, Michael knew he would need new clothes, men clothes, and a bottle of dye, removing his padded bra, he tossed it aside, climbed out of the bin, and headed to the store to get his supplies.

*Ring, ring*. "I'll get it mom". "Hello". "Hey Macalleigh, how you doing"? "Oh, hi Trent, not to good, Samantha was killed tonight". "I heard it's all over the news, are you doing okay"? "Sort of, I miss her , she was my best friend". "I'm really sorry Macalleigh, would you like me to come over for a while"? "I wish you could, but my dad hasn't met you yet, and I don't think he'd be to impressed".

"Listen Macalleigh, I understand that, but you need someone to talk to too, we'll just sit out front, on your porch". "Let me ask my mom, okay"? "Sure". Placing the phone down..."mom...would it be okay if Trent came over for a bit, we'll just sit on the steps". "I don't know Macalleigh, we haven't even met him yet". "Please mom, I really need someone to talk too".

Sighing deep, Calleigh whispered...."fine, but not to long, and he leaves before your dad gets back". Picking up the phone..."Hi Trent, my mom said that's fine for a while". "Oay Macalleigh, I'll see you shortly".

End Chapter
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Jools I don't think erm...
they ran into Samantha's room, and found her on the bed, blungeoned to death
Means she's safe!

Natty, stop confusing me. :p Don't take advantage of a blond lady. Thank heaven's for online dictionaries. :)

Linda, I do have to say, what an update. You're taking this to a high level. Wow. Hope that Trent can calm MaCaleigh down before Mac gets home. Update soon hon.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

While Macalleigh ran upstairs to change, in her black t-shirt, and black jeans, Calleigh swore it was her walking down the stairs. "Oh Macalleigh...you look so much like me, when I was your age". Thanks mom, that's the best compliment, I've ever had. *Knock, knock*. "Mom...he's here, what do I do"? "Well, you could start by opening the door".

"Hi Trent, how are you, this is my mom Calleigh". "Hello...I can see where your daughter gets her looks". "Uuhuh...it's nice to meet you too, not to long okay guys". Shutting the door, they sat on the step. "Are you doing okay Macalleigh, it must be really hard to lose your best friend". "It is, she's the only one I've had to hang out with, and now I have to start all over".

"It will be fine, I promise, you'll make lots of friends, and I mean you already have me". Smiling sweetly, she turned away from Trent. Taking his finger, he placed it under her chin, and turned her head. "Don't turn away from me Macalleigh, for you are beautiful, I could see myself with you forever".

"Oh...that's another good line". "Listen Macalleigh, I'm serious, just because I'm a quarterback, it doesn't make me like the rest of them, please don't put me in their catagory". "I'm sorry Trent, it's just I've been taught to be cautious against young men". "I think that's wonderful, it shows you have respect for your parents, and yourself".

As they talked some more, Macalleigh noticed her dads car pull up.. "Oh my God...it's my dad". "It's okay Macalleigh, trust me , it will be okay. Closing the door, Mac seen his daughter talking to Trent. "Good evening sir, my name is...." "Trent, I know, I've already checked your background, you seem like a good boy, but mess up my daughter, and I have a nine mil for your ass".

"DADDY"!!! "It's okay Macalleigh, I have a sister too, and my father is also very protective". "Five minutes young lady, and then bed". "Sure dad, did you catch him"? "Not yet, so you be very careful at night, undserstand". "I promise dad, don't worry, I'm well trained". "You are, but you can't carry a nine mil to school".

Shutting the door, Mac left the kids to talk. "So...I should let you go Macalleigh, but how would you like me, to pick you up for school tomorrow". "That would be great". Leaning in Macalleigh hoped for her first kiss, as Mac and Calleigh watched from the window. "If he kisses her, I'll kill him". "Oh calm down Mac, he's a very nice boy".

Reaching for her hand, he pulled her close, kissing her cheek, as he whispered..."till tomorrow Macalleigh". Turning away, she brushed her cheek with her hand, as she walked in the door. "What do you call that, young lady", he joked. "Oh stop daddy, I'm going to bed, I love you my hero". "Hmm;..I love you too, my Angel".

Running upstairs, Macalleigh changed for bed, closed her eyes, and dreamed of Trent.

End Chapter
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