"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

At Dinner, the Taylor's discussed the days events. "So Macalleigh, how was your first day love"? "It was great mom, Samantha and I met some new girls, and I met a boy at lunch, his name is Trent, and he's the football teams quarterback". Dropping his fork, Calleigh reached over, and touched Mac's hand, letting him know to listen.

"Tell us about him"? "Well..he's a senior, 18, dark blonde hair, and blue eyes". Calleigh could feel Mac tense. "He sounds wonderful, is he going to call you sometime"? Now Calleigh was smart, she worked her around Macalleigh, finding out information, without getting angry.

"I don't know mom", she laughed, I only just met him today, he seems really sweet though". "Well that's wonderful, how about you Gabriel how was your day"? "IT was fine mom, though I hate the homework, it sucks". Calleigh laughed, she knew Gabriel didn't have the patients for anything, he was the type that would much prefer hands on learning. "Well Gabriel, I can honestly tell you, just do the work, and everything else will fall into place".

"Now my little Elizabeth...how was your day"? "It was alright mommy, I made a new friend, some kids were teasing her, so I told them to stop that it wasn't very nice, so she sat with me at lunch". "Wow...sounds like you all had a great day".

Getting up from the table, Calleigh went to the kitchen to do the dishes. "Hold on mom, I'll help". Leaving the table, Macalleigh breathed a sigh a relief, for her dad had not stopped staring at her, since she mentioned Trent. "Hey dad....video game rematch"? "Hello..earth to dad". "Hmm...oh..sure son, let's go".

Not being able to concentrate on the game, Gabriel beat him by a mile. "Jeez dad....you suck". Looking at his son sinisterly, he grabbed him, tackled him to the ground, and began tickling him. "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!! he laughed, no more...."Moooooooooooooooooooooom help". Running into the den, Macalleigh seen her brother begging for help, and jumping at her dad, he tackled her to, and with one on each hand, he tickled them both.

"Alright you guys enough, homework let's go". "Aww...come on mom, party pooper". "Uhuh...that's right, now get it done". Heading upstairs the kids started their homework. "Mac...you okay"? "Yeah...I'm fine love, don't worry, I trust her, I may not like it, but I trust her". Kissing her gorgeous husband on the lips, she whispered..."good for you, and to show you how good you've been, I have a surprise for you tonight".

Winking seductively, Calleigh left the room.

End Chapter
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

A senior, now Mac's hair must be really creeping up his neck.
Calleigh must be setting a decoy here :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Thanks for all the FB guys, I won't be putting up the next chapter, till sunday, after the move. :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When Calleigh was ready, she yelled for Mac to come up. "Oh Mac...I'm ready". running up the stairs, Mac opened the door, and found his wife dressed in her pj's, with a scrabble game set up". "SCRABBLE"? "Of course, what did you think Mac"? "Hmm....ummm...sure okay, let me get changed". Heading into the bathroom, Mac mumbled...."what ever happened to bedroom games".

While he changed, Calleigh took off her pj's, to reveal a black nightie, with spaghetti straps, and as she laid on the bed, Mac walked out, and almost lost his footing. "For christ sakes, where the hell did that come from"? Laughing seductively, Calleigh motioned him to come with her finger. Making his way over, Mac could feel his wife's burning desire that showed in her eyes.

When he neared the bed, she pulled him down on top of her, flipped him over, and climed upon him, laying flat out on him, as he moaned, and tried to grip her hips, to get her to slow down. "NO!! hands down, behind your head now". It had been a long time since Mac had seen his wife so dominating, but he wasn't complaining, no way, for he knew when she was done, it would be his turn.

As she held his hands behind his head, she looked into his eyes, and seen the passion in his eyes, the heat, the need, the want, and as much as Calleigh wanted to dominate him, she was to mesmorized by his eyes, to move. *Whispering*....."what's the matter love, you change your mind", he teased, for he knew she was in deepest passion, by just looking at the love in her eyes.

"No....she whispered....I just can't move, I don't want to, becuase I want you to love me Mac, I want you to touch me, I want you to make me yours", as her eyes misted with tears. Taking his fingertips, Mac wiped her teardrop, Shhh.....it's okay love, I'll love you, all night if you wish". Turning her over, Mac covered her completely, as he lowered his lips to hers, and said..."always you melt my heart love, always you make my passion flow, always you make my desire to love you feel full".

Kissing her passionately, deeply, as their tongues swirled in wild abandon. As he watched her, it fed his need, and as he moved back upon her, he kissed away her tears, God ....you are so giving with your love Calleigh, always you drive me insane with my need to have you". Knowing Mac was on the edge, like she was, they came together in passion, in desire, and sweet love.

End Chapter.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

The following morning at breakfast, Macalleigh came downstairs dressed in a black hip hug jeans, with a spaghetti strapped shirt, and while sweater. "You look nice Macalleigh, is that one of the new outfits you bought"? "It is mom, and thanks for noticing. As she kissed her dad on the cheek, he said...."would you like a ride Macalleigh"? "No thanks dad, Samantha is meeting me here, we're going to walk".

*Ding Dong*. "That's her..gotta go, love you both". "Love you to, right home Macalleigh". "I promise mom, hey Samantha you ready to go"? "Yup, and guess what"? she whispered. "I don't know, what"? "Trent is waiting for you at the corner". "are you serious, he doesn't even live in this area". "I know, he came to my place, asked me where you lived, and now he waits".

Laughing with happiness, Macalleigh smiled and said..."Morning Trent, what brings you here"? "You do Macalleigh, I wanted to see you again, after all, you left so quickly yesterday"? "I know, I'm sorry". "No apology needed, now let's get going". Pulling into the school parking lot, Trent opened the door, and found some of his jock's hanging around. "It's about time Trent, you know we have an early practice".

Looking up, Ben seen Macalleigh's turquoise eyes, beautiful face, gorgeous assets. "hello there....my name is Ben, what's your name"? Just one look, and Macalleigh could tell he was trouble, she could feel it. "Listen Trent, I'll see you at lunch, I don't want to be late". "Sure Macalleigh, have a good morning". "Okay...bye".

"Holy mother of God....I think I've died and gotten into heaven". "Don't fuck with her Ben, understand, I really like this one, and I don't need you stepping in, trying to take her like you did the last one". "Aww...is little Trent worried, listen...she's yours for now, till she realizes, I'm the real man". "You're not real anything, you abuse the girls you have, and I'll be dammed if you're going to hurt Macalleigh".

Laughing with his buds, Ben left for practice.
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Ben's earned himself a page in my dislike book. :vulcan: But a great update Linda.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

During lunch Macalleigh, Samantha and Trent sat together, when Ben walked over with his posse. "Trent my man, how's it going, oh hey, I'm Ben, and you lovely ladies are"? "NOT available", said Macalleigh with sarcasm, for she could tell, just by Ben's look he was trouble. Laughing it off, he said...."Ouch...good one, but I wasn't asking you out, I was asking you your name".

Now Samantha could care a less, for she thought he was drop dead gorgeous. "I'm Samantha, and this is Macalleigh". Knowing he could make his way to Macalleigh through her friend, he sat down beside her. "That's a very pretty name Samantha, so listen...some friends of mine are having a party tonight, would you both like to come"?

"No thanks", said Macalleigh. "I'd love to, when and where"? "I'll pick you up, what's your address"? "Ummm....how about I meet you at the mall, around eight". Macalleigh knew damn well her friend was asking for trouble, for if her parents found out, they'd kill her. "Listen Samantha, I thought you were coming with Michael and I tonight". "Oh yeah...is it okay if I pass Macalleigh, please"?

"Whatever...if that's what you want". Getting up from the table Macalleigh left with Trent. "Macalleigh....slow down, what's the matter"? "Look...my friend is in alot of danger if she goes to that party, she's only 15, jailbait, and I can tell you...Ben's intention's are not good". "I know Macalleigh, but what was I supposed to say, I'm having enough trouble keeping him off you".

Leaning up, she kissed Trent on the cheek. "I know Trent, and thank you, but I think I'm going to have to let my dad in on this one". "Yeah...I understand, come on...I'll walk you to class". Taking her hand in his, Trent walked Macalleigh down the hall. "Macalleigh....wait up". "What is it Samantha"? "Can you cover for me tonight, say I'm sleeping at your place". Looking her friend in the face, she said..."No...I can't do that, for I fear you are asking for trouble, and I'm not being part of that".

"Oh...what are you going to do, tell daddy, and have him bust the party"? "Listen Samantha, whatever okay, do what you want, see ya". Walking away from her friend, Macalleigh whispered..."I'll see you after class Trent".
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Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

This should be interesting. Will she tell Mac. I can see his gang taking care of that little problem already.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

When class ended, Macalleigh walked with Trent outside, where her dad was waiting. "Hello sir...my name is Trent Turner, it's nice to meet you". Holding out his hand Mac shook it, as he gave him the look, that said...."MINE". "Okay Macalleigh, I'll call you later, sounds good trent, around 8 would be good". "Sure...see you later Det.Taylor". "That you will son, take care". Pulling out of the lot, Macalleigh asked...."what do you think dad"? "He seems alright, a little old, but alright".

"Listen dad...I have a problem, and I need your help". "My help...wouldn't your mother be better"? "No daddy...you are my hero, and I know you'll help me figure it out, cause it has to do with my friend, and some really bad boy type". "Go ahead Angel...as he took her hand, and squeezed, I'm listening". Well...there is this guy, he's a senior, and he has the hot's for me, but because I blew him off, he got pissed, and now he's working Samantha".

"How do you mean love"? "He's invited her to a party tonight, at some house, and she's agreed to go, and I'm supposed to lie for her, telling her mom, she's at our place". "Listen Macalleigh...you have to come clean if her mom's phones, even if it means she becomes angry with you, these parties can be very dangerous, and you can guarantee, there will be rape drug there".

"Oh daddy....what are we going to do, I want to see Samantha hurt, but I don't want her mad at me either". "Don't worry angel, I have an idea, just trust in daddy okay". "Always daddy, I will always trust you". Pulling up at the house, Mac, and Macalleigh walked in together. "Hey mom, we're home, where are you"? "In the kitchen, with Michale and Elizabeth".

"Hi guys, how was school today"? "It was alright, made some new friends, and joined the band". "Good for you Michael, I'm proud of you". "Thanks sis". "What about you Elizabeth, what did you do"? "Learned more of the Alphabet, and played with the toys, in the sand box". "Sounds like fun, I should come back to middle school", she giggled. "Yeah sure sis, you'd be lost, and by the way someone named Trent called".

"But it's not even eight". "I don't know, he said it was important". "Okay...thanks bud, I'll see you later". Running upstairs, Macalleigh picked up the phone, and called Trent. "Hello"! "Hey Trent, what's the matter"? "I don't know how to tell you this". "Tell me what"? After school your friend went with Trent and his gang, in his car, out towards the underpass of NY bridge". "WHAT!!! okay...I'll call you back, I'm going to let my dad know".

"DAD.....DAD...., Mom....where is dad"? "He just got called out to a crime scene". With tears in her eyes, she said...."where mom"? "Sweetheart..what's the matter"? "Where mom"? "At the Underpass, Macalleigh....where are you going, MACALLEIGH!!!! "What the hell is going on around here". Grabbing her bike, Macalleigh peddled her way to the crime scene, and tossing down her bike, she was stopped by two officer's. "Move...now...I'm Mac Taylor's daughter, get out of my way".

Still not moving Mac walked over. "Please daddy, what's going on"? "I'm sorry angel, your friend was gang raped by a group of boys, she's been rushed to General". "Please Daddy, I need to see her". "Listen Macalleigh, it's not a good idea, she's been pretty beat up, why don't you wait, and I'll take you over". "How long daddy"? "Another ten minutes, I promise, Danny...take your niece to the car". "Sure Mac...come on Macalleigh, let's go".

Walking towards the car, Macalleigh could smell the blood in the air.

End Chapter.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Don't keep us in suspense for to long, I wanna know if it's really is Samantha.