"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Thanks for all your lovely comments, and to make you aware, I'm starting a new "MaCalleigh Sega returns very soon.

Thanks again, and please feel free to check out my others stories on FF.Net.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I finally caught up with the end of this story.
Well done I have to say. Lots of twists and turns for this family and I'm really glad you didn't kill off Mac.

Great Story
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Welcome back to "MaCalleigh". We jump ahead now, as we find Macalleigh who is now 15 and starting high school. Gabriel, who is now 13, and Elizabeth who is now 9yrs. This time around, we will see daddy Mac, trying to keep it cool, when Macalleigh brings home her first boyfriend, will Calleigh be able to keep him from interfering in their daughter's first love? Let's find out, as we enjoy another Sega edition of MaCalleigh.

Chapter 1

It was her first day of high school, and as Macalleigh dressed in her faded jeans and belly shirt, she admired herself. It shocked her how much she looked like her mom, she was 5ft5, with long legs, blonde hair, turquoise eyes, and finally, at 15, she had her breasts.

Giving her hair one last comb, she ran downstairs for breakfast. "Morning mom, how you feeling"? As Calleigh turned around, she seen herself 30 years ago. "If your father sees you dressed like that, he'll send you to Private School".

"Aww..come on mom, it's just a belly shirt, what's wrong with it"? "It shows your form, something your daddy, likes you to keep hidden". "Jeez mom, if it was up to dad, I'd be a nun, he needs to chill". "Listen to you, laughed Calleigh, you have become quite saucy". "You think, do boy's like that mom"?

Macalleigh....annoying your dad is one thing, but if you bring up the issue of boy's he's going to lose it for sure". "Why mom, why can't he understand I'm a big girl now". "Because...you are his angel, his first born, the one who stole his heart".

Laughing at her moms remark, Gabriel walked in with Elizabeth. "Dad said he'd be down in a minute mom". "Thanks handsome, and how are you this morning Elizabeth"? "Good mom, don't forget about parent teacher interviews tonight". "Already, you just started the year". "I know mom, but with all the changes, they now feel it's best to have three interviews throughout the school year".

Walking in, Mac kissed his wife good morning, turned around, and seen his angel. "What is that you are wearing Macalleigh"? "What daddy, it's just jeans and a shirt". "That is no shirt, get upstairs and change, NOW!! Leaving the breakfast table, Macalleigh sighed, went upstairs, put on a t-shirt, and stuffed her belly shirt in her back pack. "Macalleigh...you are sneaky", laughed Calleigh. "Shh...come on mom, you're the cool parent, don't tell".

It was true, Calleigh was the more lenient one, she knew her daughter was good girl, and smart, to smart to allow herself get into the wrong crowds. "Fine...get going, daddy's waiting in the car". Kissing her mom on the cheek, she headed out to school. "Better daddy"? "Much better my angel, now let's go".

After dropping off Gabriel and Elizabeth, Mac pulled up to Macalleigh's high school. "Are you ready for your first year of high school"? "I am daddy, now give me a kiss, so I can catch up with Laura, and Samantha". Kissing her on the cheek, Mac watched, as his little baby laughed, and talked with her friends.

*Ring*. "Taylor". "Mac...it's Danny, we need you, we've had a homicide". Taking one last look at his daughter, Mac left for the crime scene.

End Chapter.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Chapter 2

Entering the school, Macalleigh headed to the washroom, and changed her shirt, smiling to her friends she said..."What do you think guy's"? "Wow...I can see why your dad freaked, look at you, it really brings out your...um...assets", her friend giggled. "You think"? "Listen Macalleigh I'd give my teeth to have your shape, you are the only one out of all of us, who got your breasts".

Laughing the girls headed to their first class. When they arrived at Eng:Adv level, they sat down at the back together, and looked around. "Look there's Michael from last year, and who's that hot guy he's with"? "that's Trent, he's a senior, and star football quarterback".

Macalleigh stared, she had never seen someone so handsom, and dreamy, with his black shoulder lentgh hair, green eyes, and strong muscled chest. "Macalleigh...stop staring, before he sees you". "I can't Samantha, look at him".

As she said that Trent looked back, and seen her, but as much as she tried to look away, she couldn't she was mesmorized by him. "Hey Michael, who's that chick"? "Oh.. that's Macalleigh, you don't want to mess with her". "Why not, she's gorgeous"? "I'm telling you man, she's not for you, her father is Det.Mac Taylor".

"You're kidding, Det.Mac Taylor, christ, he said as he looked away, too bad, she's damn beautiful". "She may be beautiful, but her father has a nine mil for any guy that looks at her the wrong way". "Laughing Trent said...."then I guess I should invest in a bullet proof vest".

Looking at his friend, Michael thought to himself..."you'll need more then that with Mac Taylor, why is it they never listen".

Over at the crime scene, Mac found the male victim with his throat ripped out. "Christ, what the hell happened to this poor guy"? "Well Mac, I can tell you for sure, he must have been in alot of pain, see the bruising around the front of his throat"? "Yeah...well, whoever killed this man, tortured him first, this is someone who obviously enjoys watching his victim's in pain, before the kill".

"Okay thanks Sheldon, Danny, go through the area, and see if anyone heard or seen anything last night"? "Sure Mac, but where's Flack, and Calleigh"? "They are at another crime scene, it seems NY is full of murder today".

Walking away Danny said to himself..."You don't have to tell me twice".

End Chapter
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Jeez Linda, I'm so happy about this follow up *didn't get the English term on that, se...se... dot.dot.dot.*, that's why I say follow yo but I like where you're taking this this far. Please update soon. I'm in big need of you stories.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

At lunch, Macalleigh and Samantha sat together for lunch, and as they were talking Trent walked up. "Hi there....my name is Trent, and you are"? Smiling shyly...."I'm Macalleigh, and this is my friend Samantha". "Cool...can I sit with you, lunchroom is a little crowded today". "Sure..moving down on the bench, Trent sat beside Macalleigh.

"So tell me about yourself"? "Not much to tell, I have one brother, and sister, a father who's my hero, and not just because he's NY's finest, my mom, she's also a detective". Myself, I like reading, firing guns on the shooting range with my dad, on week-ends, along with my Uncle Danny, and Don, who are also detectives".

"Wow....should I avoid you now, with all those men in your life, I may just get myself shot for looking at something as beautiful as you". Now Macalleigh wasn't dumb, she knew a line when she heard one. "Oh...that was good, very original". "You know what Macalleigh, you're right, let me try again. "My name is Trent, and it's wonderful to meet you".

Smiling just because he was very handsom and sweet, she said..."it's very nice to meet you too". After lunch Trent walked Macalleigh to her next class. "Hey listen...would you like to meet me on class break next period, I'd really like to get to know you better, and that's not a line". "Okay...sounds good, I'll see you then". Heading into the classroom, Samantha asked...."well...spill". Laughing she said...."there's nothing to tell...yet".

When the last period rolled around Trent was waiting for Macalleigh. "Hi there, who's picking you up"? "My dad, he should be out there now". "Well come on then, I'll walk you out". Heading out of the school giggling, Mac seen his daughter in that cut off shirt, she forgot to change.

"Macalleigh Marie Taylor". Looking at her dad, she seen he was angry, then looking at herself she realized she had on the shirt. "Shit...sorry, pardon my french, listen Trent, I'll see you tomorrow". "But wait, hey Macalleigh". Slamming the car door, Mac pulled out of the lot. "Why Macalleigh"? "Come on dad, it's just a shirt, you need to stop babying me".

For Mac, that was never going to happen, for she was his first born, his Angel, who had survived alot of years of hell. "No..I don't need to calm down, and if you want to be grown up young lady, act like it, defying your parent is not being grown up, it's being childish, you are grounded for three days, and no shooting at the range this week-end".

Pulling up at the house, Macalleigh slammed the door, and ran up to her room.

End Chapter
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I think it's going to be fun to see how determined Trent is to get to know Macalleigh ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

"Macalleigh...sweetheart, Macalleigh". "Mac, what's going on"? "Your daughter brought that shirt to school with her, she was wearing it all day". "Mac....". "Never mind Mac, I can't believe she disobeyed me". "Calm down, this isn't all Macalleigh's fault, I allowed her to take it, she's not hurting anything by wearing it, it's the style".

"Style...look Sty....". "Oh Mac, just stop, she's fifteen, and in high school, let her grow up, and make some choices of her own". "Let her grow up, she.....". "MAC!! why are you always so rough on her, she loves you so much, she calls you her hero, tells everyone that will listen...my dad's a hero, my dad's the best, my dad, my dad, my dad, that's all she ever goes on about, she's a very smart girl, so allow her some breathing space, before you push her away".

As much as Mac knew Calleigh was right, he just couldn't accept it, didn't want to, he wanted to keep his safe. "Fine..I'll go talk to her". Kissing her husband on the lips, he headed upstairs. *Knock,knock*. "Who is it"? "It's daddy Angel, can I come in"? "I guess". Opening the door, he seen his Angel's eyes misted in tears.

"Macalleigh...I'm sorry I was so angry with you, I didn't mean to be, it's just you are my baby, you will always be my little Macalleigh, with your blonde hair and turquoise eyes". "I know that dad, but you need to trust me, afterall you raised a very smart girl, you have nothing to worry about". Sitting beside her on her bed, Mac noticed she was looking at her photo album.

"May I Angel"? "Sure dad, go ahead". When he opened the album, he was expecting to see picture's of the family, but it wasn't, oh no, inside was a whole scrapbook full of her dad, from his war days, to his accomplishments, and awards for being one of NY's finest. But the pick that made him tear up, was the one of him holding her in his arms, when she was born, the love, the expression, the joy, that said..."this is my Angel, isn't she a beauty".

Watching her dad's expression, and seeing his tear drop, she took her hand, and wiped them away...."I love you daddy, you are my hero". Looking into his daughter's eyes, he tried to see through the mist of them, and pulling her into his arms, he rocked her, rocked her like he used to when she was small. Watching from the door, Calleigh knew, that Mac was his daughter's world, and without each other, they would not survive.

Closing the door, she headed back downstairs.

End Chapter
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Two chapters to catch up to.
I hope Mac didn't scare the hell out of Trent. And aw, teenies in love. Daddy's gotta learn how to let go (well not all the way). They're always there to pick up the pieces :lol: So, she's not grounded anymore?