"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

While waiting for news from Eric in Miami, and from Don and Danny, Calleigh decided to sit the kids down with Horatio, and try to explain to them, best she could, that their dad was still alive.

"Macalleigh, Gabriel, come here please". "What is it mommy"? "I need you and Gabriel to sit with me, we need to have a special talk". "A talk mama, what bout"? "About daddy Gabriel". "I thought dada went to eaven". "I know handsom, but mommy found some good news, that daddy may not have been in that accident".

"Really mommy, is daddy still alive"? "I think he is Macalleigh, which is why everyone is looking for him, to try and bring him home to us". "But I know understand mama, ou said he died". "I know Gabriel, but sometimes adults, even mommies can be wrong". "Then why can'ts dada come home"? "Well...he may be lost, or hurt, and can't get to us, so we have to all help find him".

"Can we help too mommy"? "Of course you can, you and Gabriel can make daddy some new picture's, so when he comes home, he'll have a surprise". "Oh yay...let's go Gabriel, I'll get the crayons, come on Katerina, you can make Uncle some picture's too". Running from the room, the kids were laughing and giggling, a sound Calleigh wasn't sure, she'd ever hear again.

"You did good sweetheart, I think they pretty well understand". "I hope so, but I hope we find him, for if we don't, the kids are not only going to be confused, they will be fully heartbroken, for a second time". "I know love, I know".

Over at the Airport, Don and Danny had grabbed all the survelance tapes, and record logs for the past two days.

"Listen...I'm Det.Messer, and this is Det.Flack, we need some information from you, were you working on the 22nd, during the dayshift"? "I was, why"? "Did you happen to serve this man"? Looking at the picture, the girl thought he looked somewhat familuar. "Hmmm...I think so, only he had more hair, and was wearing a baseball cap, but come to think of it, he also had a badge and a gun".

"Did he say, or do anything suspicious"? "No...he asked for a one way ticket to NY, said thank you, and boarded the plane". "But you are positive, this wasn't the guy"? "Like I said, it looks like him, but the hair was longer, and he wore a cap". "Okay, thank you for your help". "You're welcome". "Let's get these tapes to Adam".

Over in Miami, Eric, Ryan, and Frank were searching the Hotel room, Mac stayed in. "Anything Frank"? "Not yet, looks pretty clean". "Hey guys, I found something". Running into the room, they seen Ryan holding a paper covered in blood". "Shit...what the hell, is that Mac's blood"? "I'm not sure Frank, what does it say"?

"It looks like instructions, maybe whoever took Mac, dropped them, but why wouldn't the cleaning staff have cleaned in here"? "I'm not sure, but we are going to find out". "Excuse me...do you clean these rooms"? "I do, yes, why"? "Well...why were the garbage bins not cleaned"? "Hmm, I thought I did, I ust have missed this one". "Okay..thank you".

Straightening the paper, Eric tried to read it. "It's a map". "A map of what"? "I'm not sure, looks like an Island of some kind". "Huh...so now what"? "You guys keep searching, I'm going to fax this to Horatio in NY". As Eric left the room, Ryan, and Frank continued to search".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Grabbing the next flight back to NY, Eric studied the map, and tried to figure out where this Island was located. "Excuse me, are you CSI Delko"? "Yes". "There is a call for you, if you'll follow me", said the stewardest. "Thanks, Delko". "Eric, it's Horatio, I know you are on your way back, but we need you to wait at the Airport"? "What for"? "We've got a location on your map, and we are going to be flying out again".

"Sure...we should be landing shortly, I'll meet you in the lobby".

Back at the house, Don didn't want Calleigh to come. "Listen Calleigh, you need to stay here with the kids, they can't afford to lose both parents". "I'm coming Don, whether you like it or not". "Okay, okay, listen Calleigh, we don't have time to argue, Don let her come, she's strong, and can take care of herself".

Not wanting to argue the point further, they headed out, leaving Stella with the kids. "I love you sweetheart, I'll see you when we get back". "Stay safe Horatio, and come home to us, with Mac". "We will love, don't worry, we will".

Arriving at the Airport, Eric was waiting. "Where are we headed"? "San Juan, that's the location on the map". "Listen Horatio, aren't you finding this to easy, I'm really begining to think we are being lured". "Eric...who would want to lure us"? "Whoever has Mac, someone is playing a very vengful game".

"What do you think Don, is there anyone who would want to hurt all of you, or Mac"? "I don't know, we all have those criminal's we've put away, but I never thought to check if any of them had been released, or escaped". "But don't they have to let you know these things"? "Not really, only if we request to be informed".

"Okay, I think it might be a good idea to check before we leave Don". "Sure Horatio, I'll have Thomas check it out, and call me back". While Don called the station, Danny, Horatio, Eric and Calleigh, tried to figure out a plan to save Mac.

Back at the house, Stella heard someone knocking on the door. "Who is it"? "Delivery for Calleigh Taylor". Pulling out her gun, Stella opened the door. "You need to sign"? "Sure sorry". After signing for the package, Stella noticed the label, "San Juan". Opening the package, she found Mac's wallet, with credit cards, picture's, and money.

Picking up the phone, she called Horatio. "Caine". "Horatio, Calleigh just recieved a package, inside was Mac's wallet, with everything in it. "Okay love, where was it from"? "San Juan, but no address". "Sweetheart, listen to me, I want you to keep the door locked, I'm going to have Don send over some officer's to watch the place, just to make sure you and the kids are safe, while we are gone". "That's not nessesary". "It is love, I'll see you when we get back".

"Horatio....I got the info, it seems Dean Lessing escaped a few months ago, they've had no luck in finding him". "This doesn't make sense, this kind of revenge takes years to set up, there is no way he could have done it, in less than a few months". "He could if he had help".

"How much do you know about Lessing"? He was a Homeland Security officer, he set off a series of bombs, killed alot of people, did alot of damage, he was the one that trapped Mac and I in that building, with all those explosives". "Okay, here's what we do, when we get to the Island, I'm sure there will be someone watching us, so we need to stay together, and watch each others back, understood, no one goes anywhere alone".

Boarding the flight, Calleigh prayed they weren't to late.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

"Wake up Taylor". As Mac awoke, he seen Dean standing over him. "I should have known, how the hell did you escape"? "You'd be surprised what money can by you, even in prison". "Why are you doing this"? "Why, you dare ask why, do you have any idea what I went through in prison, how I was treated"?

Mac wasn't sure what to say, he knew what went on in prison's. "You put yourself there, no one told you to set bomb's off in NY". "You're right, but it was something I had to do, do for me, to prove myself, be a hero, but you took that away from me, so now I take from you, everything you love, and once you and your team, including your wife, are dead, I'll be sure to pay a visit to your children, and finish them off too".

Mac was getting pissed, as he tried to pull on the chains. "Forget it Taylor, you're not Hercule's, you won't be released till I'm ready to let you be, now if you'll excuse me, my guests have arrived, and don't worry Taylor, I promise not to hurt your wife, much". Leaving the room, Dean slammed the door.

When the plane landed, poor Eric was so sick, from being in the air to long. "You going to be okay Eric"? "Yeah, I'm fine "H", don't worry, let's go". "Don...you keep Calleigh close to you, Danny you protect them both". "Frank, Ryan, Sheldon, stay together with me". Looking around, Horatio seen two guys watching them. "To your left, don't look, but we are being watched, just keep walking".

As they walked along, Don took Calleigh's hand, and held it tight. "It's okay Don, let up a bit, I won't leave your side, I promise". Facing Calleigh, he squeezed her hand, to let her know he understood. "Hey....are you Horatio Caine"? "I am, and who are you"? "Doesn't matter who I am, but I know you are looking for your friend, Mac Taylor, I believe". "And if we are"? "Well...I can show you where he is". "Why would you do this"? "I don't know, maybe because I'm paid too".

Horatio,Don, and Frank, knew this was way to easy. "I don't like this "H", something's not right". "I know, but if we don't take the bait, Mac dies". "Fine...take us to him". "In a minute, first give me all your weapon's, everything, and don't get smart, or Taylor dies". Removing their weapon's, the other guy frisked them, to make sure they were clean. "Okay, it's all good, they're clean". "Follow me".

When they arrived at the remote house, they seen Mac chained and blindfolded between two trees. "Maaaaaaaaaaaac", Calleigh screamed. Hearing her voice, made Mac fight against the chains. "You must be his Calleigh, how nice to meet you, and look if it isn't Flack, tell me Flack, how's the scars of that day"? Don could feel himself becoming angry, so could Calleigh, who began caressing his hand, with hers. Feeling him begin to relax, he loosened his hold.

"Just what the hell do you want Dean"? "What the fuck you think, revenge you piece of shit, now we are going to play a little game, I'm going to give you a task, and if you refuse to do it, you die, everyone understand"? "Flack....you can go first, take this hot poker, and brand Mac for me, come on now, don't be shy, let's go". There was no way in hell Flack could do that, but what the hell was he supposed to do.

Firing the gun in the air, he said...."that's your warning shot, next time, I blow off your knee cap". Walking over, Don picked up the poker, that was sitting in the fire. Turning away, Calleigh couldn't watch, and as Horatio grabbed her, she heard Mac's scream. "Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh, auuuuuuuuuuuuugh". Holding her tighter, Horatio tried his best to block her ears. "Shhh...I know love, I know, shhhh". "Very good Don, now back in line, Horatio...you're next, let's go".

As Horatio let go of Calleigh, Don wrapped her tightly in his arms, while he cried along with her, for he could still smell burnt skin. "I'm sorry Calleigh, so, so sorry". Walking in front of Dean, he passed horatio a knife. "Okay "H", is that what they call you"? Not saying anything, Horatio waited for his instruction.

"Christ this is plain sadistic, said the guy, to his partner, I can't be part of this, I don't care what he's paying us". "Hey....where the hell you think your going"? "I'm getting the hell out of here man, you're insane". "You know what, you're right"....*BANG*, as he shot him, killing him instantly. "Tell me Ben, do you share your partner's opinion"? "No man, I'm still here aren't I". "Good for you, very good, you just keep that gun pointed at our guests".

"Okay H", where were we, oh yes, torturing Taylor, your task, take the knife, and carve your inital's into Mac's chest, right in the spot Don so nicely burned". "Are you insane, you'll kill him, with that pain, look at him, he's barely alive now". "Waa, waa, waa,....you have five seconds to do this, or I shoot you next".

"Hey...whispered Danny to the other partner, do you really want to see this, come on man, you can stop it, just aim and shoot Dean". "I can't, you don't understand, he has my daughter hidden somewhere". "Listen man, I promise if you help us, we'll find your daughter". Not sure whether or not to trust, he turned away. "Please man, come on, if yu can't do it, give me the gun".

As he watched Horatio, walking towards Mac, Danny grabbed the gun, and fired it at Dean's head, killing him instantly. Grabbing the key's, Horatio undid the chains, as Mac fell to the ground. Runnig towards her husband, she held his head in her lap, and called his name. "Mac...please Mac, don't leave me,. please, Maaaaaaaaaaaac".

Not getting any response, Don pulled her up, while Horatio and Danny started CPR. "Call it in Don, get a chopper and help out here now". Waiting for whatever help was available out here, Horatio and Danny, continued with the CPR.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Whoa :eek: that was cruel. You've got a wicked mind Linda, but I'm glad they found him. Post more soon.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When the Chopper arrived, Danny and Horatio were still working on Mac. "Hurry, get over here now". "How long has he been unconcious"? "About twenty minute's now, get out those paddle's and stop asking question's". Warming the paddle's they shocked Mac, but got no response. "Do it again, NOW!! yelled Mac. Warming them up again, they shocked Mac once more, finally getting a heartbeat.

Loading him into the chopper, Calleigh went with them, while the other's stayed behind to explain to the police what happened.

As Calleigh watched, they hooked Mac up to tube's, and IV. "Does your husband have any allergy's"? "No...please, is he going to be okay"? "I don't know maam, buckle in, we should be arriving in NY shorlty". "Why couldn't we have taken him somewhere here"? "We don't have the facilities to treat these wounds".

When he had Mac all hooked up, and stable, Calleigh leaned in, caressing his cheek. "You listen to me Mac, you fight, fight for our children, and for us, please Mac, you need to fight, you need to fight for our new baby". Calleigh wasn't going to Mac, not until their first anniversary in two day's, but she thought this may help Mac fight.

Landing on top of the Hospital, the trauma team was waiting, as they wheeled Mac into the OR. "You'll have to wait here, when we have any information, we'll let you know". Picking up the phone, Calleigh called Stella. "Hello". "Stella, it's Calleigh, Mac and I are at the hospital, he's very critical, this is such a mess, I have no one here". "Calm down Calleigh, I'm on my way, I'll call your sitter to watch the kids".

Arriving at the hospital, Stella found Calleigh caressing her tummy, and crying. "Calleigh....how is he"? "Still no word, he just has to pull through Stella, I can't raise another child on my own, how will we all surive, oh Mac, was so tortured, you should have seen him, and Don was forced to burn him, brand his chest, he's a mess Stella".

Stella was trying to comprehend everything, but the only thing that came through, was Calleigh being pregnant again. "Calleigh...did you say you were having another baby"? "Yes, I found out a few days ago, I'm two months along, I was going to tell Mac on our anniversary". "Oh Calleigh, I'm so sorry, but happy for you at the same time".

Meanwhile Horatio, Don, and the other's were on their way back to NY. "How can I ever face Mac again, knowing what I did to him". "Listen to me Don, what you did, you were forced to do, and Mac will understand that". "I hope you are right Danny, I really do". When the plane landed, everyone headed over to the hospital, everyone but Eric, who headed back to Calleigh's to get some rest.

"I'll be over later H, I can't even see straight, I'm so tired, and jet lagged, give Mac my prayer's". "I will Eric, just get some rest". When everyone arrived at the hospital, they seen Stella holding Calleigh. "How is she love"? "Not good, how you doing Don"? With tears in his eyes, he said...."Mac will never forgive me, God Stel, I can still smell his burnt skin".

"Excuse me...."Calleigh Taylor"? "Yes, that's me, how's my husband"? "He's critical, but we've stablized him, he's very dehydrated, and we do have concern's about the burn on his chest, as some dirt and debris got in there, causing an infection". "Please, may I see him". "Sure, the nurse is just getting him comfortable, as soon as he is settled, I'll have her come get you". "Thank you".

When Eric arrived at the house, he walked in, as the kids attacked him. "Uncle Eric, you are home, where's mommy, and daddy"? "They are at the hospital Macalleigh, your daddy is alive, but hurt". "Oh...my poor daddy, can I see him"? "Not yet sweetheart, you'll have to wait till mommy's brings you over". "Hi...I'm Debbie, Calleigh's sitter, is Mac going to be okay"? "We're not sure yet, the other's are at the hospital waiting for word".

Eric never realized how pretty she was, with her blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. "I really need to get some rest, after three plane ride's, I'm so jet lagged". "Oh sure, go ahead, I'll stay with the kids". "It was nice to meet you Debbie". You too Eric". Climbing the stairs, Eric walked into the spare bedroom, and collapsed on the bed.

End Chapter.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Oh-oh another Taylor on the way. Mac'd better fight hard for his family. Great writing. :D
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When Calleigh entered the room, she seen Mac uncovered, with the huge bandage covering his severe burn. Walking over, she leaned down, and whispered...."You are safe Mac, we brought you home, you are safe in my love, I love you, and your children love you, do you hear me Mac, you need to fight hard, you need to survive, we all need each other".

Sitting down beside him, Calleigh laid her head across his lap, she was so tired, it had been such a tramatic day, for all of them, closing her eyes, she seen Mac being tortured again, seen him being burned, hearing his screams. Opening her eyes, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to sleep again. Laying back in the chair, she caressed their child, as she watched Mac, fight to live.

A short time later, Horatio walked in and tried to get Calleigh to go home. "Come on sweetheart, you and the baby need rest, Don is waiting to take you home". "I'm not leaving him Horatio, I just got him back, I'll be damned if I leave him again. "Listen love, you have to think of the baby, do you want Mac to awake, and find you drained, tired from lack of sleep". "I don't care, I'm not leaving him". Knowing it was pointless to argue any further, Horatio left the room.

"What did she say hon"? "She's not willing to leave, and I'm not about to cause a scene, so Don, if you'd like to head home, that's fine, after what you've been through today, rest is the best thing". "Rest....how can I rest, I'll never rest again, this bloody day will haunt me forever, I branded one of my best friends, tortured his already tortured body, no "H", I'll never sleep again".

Leaving the room, Don headed out to the nearest bar. "He's really hurting Calleigh, I've never seen him this bad". Leaving Mac's side, Calleigh went to stop him. "Don....Don, she yelled down the street, please Don stop". Finally stopping he said...."what is it Calleigh". Looking into his eyes, she said...."don't leave me Don, please stay, we all need you, I can't get by without your help, your our best friend, and I know Mac wants you to be there for him, when he wakes".

Finally convincing him, Don walked back inside, and sat down with Stella. "It's going to be okay Don, don't worry, Mac will be fine". As Calleigh went back into Mac's room, she found Hortio sleeping in the chair. "Handsom...wake up, why don't you and Stella head home, you both need rest". "It's you that needs rest Calleigh, and I want you to leave now". "Please Horatio, he's my husband, and I'm staying.

"Listen love, I understand that, but you have to think about the baby, how do you think Mac would feel, if he woke up, and found out you had lost it". "I'm not going to lose the baby, don't worry". "Calleigh, all this stress isn't good for your child, please rest, if anything changes I'll call you". Finally giving in, Calleigh agreed, and as she walked out the door, she heard him call her name.

"Calleigh....in the barest of whisper's. Turning around, she seen Mac looking at her, and as her eyes teared up, she ran to him, touching his face, feeling, seeing, making sure he was really awake. "Oh Mac....I've missed you so much, I love you, love you and missed you, please hold me". Wrapping his hands in her hair, he pulled her towards him, and softly, tenderly kissed her lips.

Leaving the room, Horatio informed the other's Mac was awake. "Stella, he's awake love". Hearing the news, Don became more nervous, he wasn't sure what Mac would say to him, whether he'd hate him, or forgive him.

"Sweetheart, I've missed you too, please don't cry anymore love, it's not good for our baby, shhhh....come on now, I'm home, and I'm going to be fine". "I know, I just can't let go, I'm so worried you'll disappear again". "That isn't going to happpen, I promise Calleigh, it's all over". Holding her tightly in his arms again, felt like heaven to Mac, and as their teardrops fell, Mac knew he was home, really home, wrapped in his wife's love, he had missed.

End Chapter.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Poor Don, he really needs help and support. Calleigh not leaving the hospital, I wouldn't leave the either. And nice to see our boy's awake. Goody ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Final Chapter

Still not wanting to leave her husbands side, Calleigh sat down beside him, not letting go of his hand. "Sweetheart, you have to give me a few minutes with Don", he whispered. "I know, I just can't let go, I won't". "I promise you love, I'll be right here, when we are done talking". Still not sure, Calleigh left the room, to see Don.

"Don...Mac would like to see you". Calleigh could see how upset, and nervous he was, hugging him, she whispered..."It will be okay Don, come on". Entering the room, Don seen Mac watch him walk towards him. "Hey Mac, how you feeling"? "Better...he whispered, it's okay Don, please don't be upset, I know you had to do as you were told, I don't blame you in any way, and I don't want you holding yourself responsible".

Don couldn't help it, the pain he was feeling was great, "I'm so sorry Mac, so sorry, and look at you, look at what I've don to your chest". "Listen Don, you can't change what happened, no one can, but it's over, what happened is now forgotten, you can't blame yourself, trust me, I don't hold you responsible".

Nodding his head, Don understood, but it still didn't stop his guilt. "I know what you are thinking Don, and I won't have it, nothing that happened was because of what you did, you didn't kidnap me, you didn't tie me in chains, none of that was you". "I know Mac, but I branded you, had to hear your screams, as I did, and the smell of your burning skin, is something I'll never forget".

"I know that Don, but you must remember, you were forced to do it, and believe me, I'd rather you burned me, then for me to have to hear you being shot, you're my best friend Don, and nothing is ever going to change that". Pulling Don towards him, he held him while he cried. "Shhh...come on Don, be strong, I'm going to be fine, we all are".

After Don left, feeling a little better, Calleigh went back to Mac's room, smiling with joy, she said..."there are some guests to see you", walking in Mac teared up, for there were his children, running towards him, calling his name, a name he thought, he'd never hear again. "Daddy...daddy, oh daddy, we missed you".

Placing Macalleigh carefully beside her daddy, along with Gabriel, Mac held them, squeezed them, so tight, as he breathed in their scents, remembering what life meant to him, what kept him going, keeping him alive. "Oh God, I love you guys, and missed you both so much". "We missed you too daddy, we thought you was dead", laughed Gabriel. "But you are not daddy, are you, Uncle Eric told us they found you, and brought you home".

"They did Macalleigh, and you know what"? "No..what daddy"? "I'm never going to go away for a long time, from now on, it will just be you, me, mommy, Gabriel, and your new brother or sister". "New brother or sister, oh mommy, are you having another baby"? "We are sweetheart, are you excited"? "I am mommy, cause daddy's home, and we get to see him, plus have a new brother or sister".

Sitting all together, the Taylor family laughed, talked, hugged, and cried, with the happiness they had been given.

Eight months later...

"Damn you Mac Taylor, this is all your fault, Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh...". "Shh...just breathe love, huff, huff, puff, puff". "Huff yourself, hey you nurse, get this baby out, what's taking so long, God damn it".

As everyone was laughing in the hall, they felt sorry for Mac, for Calleigh was in very rare form with this one, she went through nine months of kicks, and punches, and now the kid didn't want to come out. "It's okay Mrs.Taylor, just breathe now, deep breatha nd puuuuuuuuuuuuush...". As Calleigh gave one last push, their new daughter slid out, screaming her lungs off.

"Whoa...laughed Mac, listen love, she has your lungs". Smiling with tears, Calleigh couldn't agree more. "What should we name her love"? "How about..."Elizabeth Ann Taylor"? "Sounds great to me", picking up his daughter in his arms, he said..."welcome to your new family Elizabeth". Kissing her softly on the lips, she crinkled her nose, and yawned back into sleep.

The End.