"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As she slept, she dreamed, dreamed of darkness, the darkness of somewhere evil, and very cold. As she walked this place, she faintly heard someone calling her name. "Calleigh...Calleigh...Calleigh". Walking further into this deep dark place, she seen a man, a man chained to the stone cold wall, and as she rounded the front to help him, she seen it.....".

"Mommy, mommy, wake up, it's morning mommy". Jumping on the bed, Calleigh grabbed Macalleigh in her arms. "That's enough my little bunny, how did you sleep"? "Good mommy, but today is the day, we say good bye to daddy". "I know angel, it will be okay".

"While Macalleigh ran to get dressed, Calleigh thought about the dream, the man chained to the stone cold wall, that was calling her name. "Morning Calleigh, you need help getting ready"? "No thanks Stella, I'm fine, hey listen, did you see Mac before he left for the Airport"?

"No...he called from his hotel, why"? "Well, a few things are bothering me, he left us letter's, but the date on them said Feb 22nd, one day before he knew he was flying home". "Hmmm...hold on...Horatio". Walking into the room..."what is it sweetheart". "Did you see Mac the night before he went home"? "No...why"?

"Then how did you get those letter's"? "They came by Carrier, they were dropped off around 11pm, I found it kind of strange, but I figured, he just wanted to be prepared, why all the questions"? "It's nothing handsom, I'm just trying to figure out, if he knew he was going to die".

Thinking back, Horatio couldn't remember anything out of the ordinary, from the night before. "It's okay Horatio, don't worry, it's just my mind working overtime, I guess I'm just not ready to say good bye".

"Mama...Mama, I sees pictures before wes leave"? "Sure handsom, they are under the bed. Pulling out the book, Gabriel opened it to the letter, and that's when Calleigh noticed the writting, just one section of it.

"Gabriel, can mommy see the book"? "Sure mama, here ou go". Taking out the letter, she passed the album back to Gabriel. "What is it love"? "I'm not sure, but something I read yesterday, it didn't make sense". "What didn't"? "Wasn't Don given a letter too"? "He was".

Running down the hall, Calleigh seen Don sitting in the kitchen. "Don...where is your letter from Mac"? "Why....what's wrong Calleigh"? "May I see it"? "Sure...getting the letter from his room, he passed it to Calleigh, as she read.

"There it is, right at the begining...."Don, if you are reading this letter, than I'm no longer alive, "IF THIS IS TRUE", do you see it, why would he write that, it doesn't make sense, it's like he's added another line". Looking over the letter, Don had to agree, it did seem funny, Calleigh he could have been very tired, and just type errored.

Trying to comprehend it all, was hard for Horatio, and the rest of them, "Calleigh...as much as I wish you were right, I think it's just your mind working over time love, you've just lost your husband, and your heart is broke". "I'm telling you Horatio, he's alive", she sobbed.

"Calleigh....please don't do this, don't tear yourself apart, let him rest, please". Leaving the room, Calleigh ran upstairs, laid in bed, and cried, for in her heart, whether anyone believed her not, she couldn't give up, Mac was alive, for she could still feel the warmth, like her heart was whole, it had never felt empty, even when she found out. Or maybe she was going insane, reading things, the way she wanted them to sound.

Laying down, she closed her eyes, and fell back into sleep.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

If he is alive, there has to be a strong mental connection between them. Update soon, can't wait what happens next...
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

He awoke with a smashing headache, he knew they had taken him, but for what, that he couldn't figure out. Trying to look around, he couldn't focus, all he knew is he was freezing, and the bastards had chained his hands, to the post.

As he tried to listen, he could hear talking, almost like jibberish, in a language he couldn't understand. He could feel himself getting angry, for they had forced him to write, had forced him to tell his wife he was dead, and she was to move on, move on with his children, who he may never see again.

Thinking back to that night, he remembered them snatching his gun, his badge, even his wedding band, and as he tried to fight them from taking it, they had knocked him out. Closing his eyes, from being so tired, and worn, he fell back into sleep.

When Don came upstairs to check on Calleigh, he found her still sleeping. "Don...it's okay, let her sleep a few more hours, the memorial isn't until 2pm". Leaving the room, Don hoped Calleigh would be able to make it through this day.

She was back, he could smell her, he could always smell her, trying to speak, he softly called her name...."Calleigh....Calleigh....help me, pleassssssssse". jarring herself awake, she was freezing, her skin was like ice, but she knew, she knew in her heart, Mac was alive, but how was she going to convince the others, they would never believe her.

Not knowing who to trust, or who to tell, she felt so lost, she knew whereever Mac was, he was dying, and if she couldn't find him soon, or convince someone to help her, she would lose him forever. "Calleigh....you okay"? "No...I'm not Stella, you've known Mac for years, you two were best friends, you know Mac's will to fight, and live".

"I do Calleigh, but he's gone, you have to start accepting that". "Listen to me Stella, please, I keep having this dream, a dream where he is calling me, calling me to him, begging me to help him, I'm telling you Stella, my heart feels whole, there is no pain there, I know he's alive, and we have to find him".

Stella wasn't sure what to believe. "Calleigh if he's alive, why would his ring, badge, and gun, be on that plane"? "I don't know Stella, but what would make him write letter's to Horatio, the night before he leaves". Thinking about it, Stella had to admit, some things just weren't adding up.

"So what do you want to do"? "I want you to have them cancel the memorial, tell them I've taken very ill, to ill to attend, please Stella, help me, help the others believe". Taking Calleigh by the hand, Stella lead her downstairs, to stand beside her, while she told her theory, to Horatio, Don, Eric, and Danny.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

"Calleigh....how you feeling sweetheart"? "Okay...listen, I want you all to sit down, and I don't want any interruptions till I'm finished. "Okay, okay love, go ahead". "First...I want you to call off the memorial, then I want you all to start searching for Mac, for he's alive".

"Sweethear....". "I said don't interrupt me, there are alot of things that don't make sense, Mac would never write letter's to you Horatio, ever, if he felt something was wrong, or wasn't right, he would have called me, secondly, my heart feels him, there is no hollowness, telling me he's alive, barely, but alive".

"Please Calleigh, you need to stop, you've got his ring, badge and gun, they were covered in debris from the plane, just accept it love, he's gone". "Horatio....stop, I've known Mac for a long time, and I have to agree with Calleigh, Mac is not the type to write good bye letter's, and anyone could have taken his items, this could all be just a cover up".

"Stel..come on, as much as I love Mac, even I can't believe this". "Then you should feel ashamed Don, for you've known Mac as long as I have, I think we should at least check into Calleigh's findings, she's given us some valid points".

"Fine...I'll call Sinclair, and give him this information". "Noooo...please Don, the less people that know the better, for if they figure out we are onto them, they'll kill him for sure". "So what do you want me to do"? "Just tell Sinclair I'm very ill, and it would be best to hold off the memorial". "Okay Calleigh, I pray your right".

"Now...we just have to figure out, where to start". "We start with my dreams Horatio, Mac's been calling to me, where ever he is, it's very damp, cold, and dark". "Calleigh...are you telling me, you and Mac are that strongly connected"? "I am Horatio, our love is so strong, we feel each others pain, joy, and sadness".

"Okay...I called Sinclair, Calleigh, he said to call him when you are feeling better, now where do we start"? "You and Danny start with the Airline, get the survalence tapes, and booking records for that day's flight, Eric, go back to Miami, check the Hotel Mac was staying at, see if anyone has information, on something they may have seen".

"Horatio.....thank you". Taking her in his arms, he whispered..."you never have to thank me Calleigh, I'm sorry for not believing you sooner". "Mama...whens we leaving"? "We're not Gabriel, we won't be saying good bye to daddy just yet, why don't you go play with Harley". "K mama, ove ou". "I love you too Gabriel".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I like how they finally believe Calleigh and they're taking action. Nat^^^ you and me as well. ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Mac jolted, as he heard the door open. Pretending he was still out, he tried to listen.

"Are you sure you haven't killed him"? "No...you hired the best, that's what you got, but I'll tell you this much, if you keep him chained like that, without food or water, he will die, and everything you have worked for, will be for nothing".

"You think I don't know that, I've waited 10 years for this, ten years of hell, caused by him, I lost everything, my family, my friends, even the respect of my fellow Homeland Security team , all because of Mac Taylor's actions, I may have not have been accepted, but for him to ruin my plans that day, that's unforgivable".

"That may be, but you failed yourself the first time, you didn't blow up that building properly, leaving Mac Taylor alive, making his team hunt you down, just be glad he didn't kill you, and was able to talk you down". "Hmmm... that's true, but I won't fail this time, this time I'll win".

"I'm sure you will, anyways, we've left the clues for the team at the Airport, and the Hotel, they should find them, once they figure out he's alive, we'll lure them all here for you, after that, our job is done, and we expect to be paid". "Don't worry, you'll be paid, that I promise".

"So what do we do about Taylor"? "Unchain him, lay him on the bed, but keep the cuff's and anklets on, and if he tries anything stupid, knock him out again, just don't kill him, that will be my job, I'll be back soon". Releasing Mac, from the wall, the two guy's felt how cold he was. "Christ man, once we get him into that bed, grab some hot blankets, soup, and anything else you can think of".

"What for, we're not supposed to pamper him". "We are also not to let him die, just do as you are told". Once Mac was cuffed to the bed post, and covered with blanket's, the two guys left the room.

"Damn you Dean Lessing, I should have known". Trying to loosen the cuff's from the posts, Mac was to weak, collapsing again, he fell into sleep.
