"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I want to see what Flack does...
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I should've read this fic first, now I'm really down. Flack really must have felt awkward with al those questions. Well time will tell. :(
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Walking back into the den, Horatio knealt down in front of Calleigh, and the children. "Sweetheart...look at me please". Looking up from under her children, she seen the wedding band, with soot, and bits of dried blood, trying to read the inside between her tears, she placed it on her finger, covering her own wedding band.

Cuddling back up with her kids, she closed her eyes, and softly cried again. Allowing them all some alone time, Horatio, Stella, and Don, left the room. "Don...I want to talk to you". He knew what was coming, but he also knew, he was ready for it.

"Don...just how close are you and Calleigh"? "Stella, it's not like that, yes we became close, very close when we were trapped, it was then I promised her, I would always take care of her and the children, if anything happened to Mac". "I'm only going to ask this once, do you love Calleigh"?

Trying to hide his tears, and shame, he whispered..."yeah Stel, I love her, I fell in love with her that day, I faught to keep her alive". "Oh Don...you know ...". "I know Stella, believe me, but there was something Mac asked me, long ago, after the accident with Macalleigh". "What was that"? "He made me promise him, if anything happened to him, I was to take care of his family, and I won't go back on that promise".

As Horatio listened, he knew Don was telling the truth, for he had discussed it with Mac, they had always talked about their families to each other. "Stella...love, he's telling you the truth, Mac and I had several conversations, about how if anything happened, we would take care of each other's families".

"But Horatio....this is different, you can't tell me Mac knew of Don's feelings". "He did love, we actually discussed that the day Calleigh informed Mac, of the happenings when they were trapped". "This is so unusual,
Mac is very secretive, he never told anyone of his feelings".

Don was trying to comprehend everything, he had no idea,
Mac knew...."I had no idea Horatio, that Calleigh told him". "I know Don, Calleigh's always been very forward and honest, it's one of the things, that made her a great CSI". "So what are you telling me"? "I'm telling you, that Mac would have it no other way, he'd expect you to take care of his family".

With tears of pain, and heartache, Don nodded, leaving the kitchen, and heading back to the den. "Horatio.....are you sure"? "Trust me love, this is the way Mac wanted it, he loved Don, in fact, he loved his whole team, more than any of you ever realized, but Don....Don was his right hand man, his best friend, Mac knew his family would be safe, if anything happened, trust in that Stella".

With tears flowing, Stella wrapped herself in her husbands love, and whispered..."I still can't believe he's gone". "I know love, I know".

When Don walked into the den, he seen the kids and Calleigh, were sound asleep. Picking up Macalleigh, he carried her upstairs, placed her on Calleigh's bed, coming back down the stairs, he grabbed Gabriel, and placed him on the opposite side, "there you go bud, hold on, I'll bring mommy up".

Walking back down, Horatio and Stella watched from the kitchen, as Don carefully carried Calliegh upstairs, placing her in between her children. Covering them all up, he left the room. "Now what Horatio"? "Now we wait, we wait till Calleigh is ready to plan Mac's memorial".


Edit...thanks Natty ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

After everyone was settled for the night, Calleigh dreamed, only this time it was a nightmare, she seen her husband, seen him waving to her and the kids, as the plane took off, ***BLAST***, "Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh....auuuuuuuuugh, Mac, nooooooooooooooooo, Mac".

Waking the kids from sleep, they started screaming too, as everyone ran into the room. "Calleigh....wake up love, come on , wake up". "Uncle Horatio, what's wrong with mommy". "Shhh...it's okay sweetheart, she's just dreaming". "Stella...take the kids to our room...Don are you okay with Calleigh for a few minutes"?

"Yeah...we'll be fine". After they left the room, Don held Calleigh, as she cried. "Calleigh...talk to me, please tell me about your dream". "I seen Mac....the kids, we were watching, we seen the plane blow up, oh Don, it was aweful, I could see him waving good bye". "Shh...it's okay Calleigh, I got you, I'll keep you safe, I promise".

Rocking her in his arms, she fell back into sleep. "Is she sleeping again Don"? "She is", as he tried to let her go, she gripped him tightly in her sleep. "It's okay Don, she's not going to let go, you'll just have to lay beside her".

Don didn't feel at all comfortable, for he was in their marital bed, even though it was all innocent, and she just needed someone, he didn't feel it was right. "Don... you have no choice unless you wake her". Knowing Horatio was right, he layed back against the pillows, while Calleigh slept against his chest.

Shortly before morning, Don awoke to Calleigh looking at him. "He's really gone, isn't he Don, it wasn't a dream, was it"? "No Calleigh, I'm sorry, it was all real". Tearing up again...."how am I supposed to survive, he was our life Don, the children and I, how are we to survive"?

"I promise you Calleigh, we will all get through it, I'll be here with you and the kids every step of the way, you won't have to do it alone". Getting up out of the bed, Calleigh stared at Mac's ring on her finger, as the teardrops fell, washing away the soot, and blood.

"Mommy...morning mommy". "Morning my angel", choked Calleigh with tears. "Mommy, you don't have to call me angel anymore if it hurts to much, I understand". Holding her daughter tightly, she felt she was way to mature for going on five.

"Mama...mama...mornings mama". "Hello my son, how did you sleep"? "Ou woke me up ast night mama, yous sceamed in our sleep". "I know sweetie, I'm sorry if I scared you". "How long ou gonna cry mama"? "I promise I'll try not to too much, okay handsom". "K mama".

"Hey guys, how about we go downstairs and make breakfast"? "Okay Auntie, but how come Katerina didn't come with you"? "Well...she wanted to stay with Uncle Eric, but you know what, she'll be here within the next few days". "Promise Auntie". "I promise Macalleigh, now let's go make breakfast".

With the kids downstairs, Horatio asked...."Calleigh, sweetheart, we need to make the arrangements". "I know handsom, and I will, but later today, okay", she sobbed again. As upset as Calleigh was, Horatio knew, the sooner Mac was put to rest, the sooner Calleigh could move on with her children, and their lives.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Wonderful support they're gettin from everybody. I think we're heading for some tough chapters here, so kleenex warnings should be out.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Now you know I don't like kleenex warnings, it ruins the story :p

While everyone went downstairs for breakfast, Calleigh grabbed a shower. Turning the spray on hot, she allowed the water to pour over her, adding to her already wet eyes. "Maaaac....how could this have happened, how could you have left the children and I, how can we ever survive".

Crying again, she knealt on her knees, rocking as the water ran down the drain. "Calleigh....you okay in there"? "I'm fine Stella, I'll be out shortly". "Okay, would you like me to grab you your robe"? "No...I'll be fine, don't worry".

Leaving the room, she heard Calleigh shut off the water, as she headed downstairs. "How is she love"? "I don't know Horatio, she's not good, I could hear her cries from the shower, she's really messed up right now, their love was so deep, I don't know if we will ever get her back".

"We will love, she needs time, but most of all, she needs to put Mac to rest". "How can she...cried Stella....what's she supposed to do, there's no body for her, no closer, except for his ring and badge". Seeing his wife an emotional mess, he held her in his arms.

"Listen love, we will all help her through this, it's going to take time, patient's and alot of love". "I hope you're right, because right now, she has slipped deeper, into her own place".

As Flack listened, he headed back upstairs, marched into Calleigh's room, stopping dead in his tracks, as he seen her dressed fully in black, standing at her window. "Calleigh...may I come in"? "Sure...come on in, did you know, Mac loved me in this outfit, he could never keep his hands off me, when I wore it". "I can see why"...Don said to himself.

"Listen Calleigh...Horatio and Stella are waiting on you, they need you to help make the arrangements". "I know.. let's go". Walking ahead of Don, Calleigh headed into the kitchen. "Would you like some coffee love"? "NO thanks handsom, let's just get this done".

"Okay, where would you like to hold his memorial"? "No where, there will be no memorial, no body, no memorial, no nothing". "Calleigh....you need closure, your team needs closure, all Mac's friends, and family, need closure". "Then let them have there own, I will remember my husband my way, and I'm not ready to say good bye".

Don was getting angry, as angry as Horatio, and Stella, for they knew Calleigh was being shelfish, especially towards her children, who needed that closure, that showed them their daddy was never coming home.

"Calleigh....think of the children, they need closure, are you going to stop them, from moving on, are you going to hold back, their lives, how can they believe, if you don't believe". Horatio knew he was hurting Calleigh, and he hated having to do it, but it needed to be done.

Wiping at her tears, trying desperately to hold them back, she wouldn't break. Frusterated H said...."okay, fine Calleigh, you sit here, and you sulk, you sit here, and disappoint your husband, who is watching you right now, your husband, who you are leaving in limbo, because of your selfishness". "MY SELFISHNESS....HOW DARE YOU, HE'S THE SELFISH ONE, HE LEFT ME ALONE, HE LEFT OUR CHILDREN WITHOUT A FATHER, HE DID THIS TO US, DO YOU HEAR ME MAC, YOU DID THIS, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO GET ON THAT PLANE, WHY COULDN'T YOU JUST STAY WHERE YOU WERE, WHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHY, she yelled, collapsing on the ground.

As Horatio pulled her up, she cried, cried so hard, that her tears filled his hands, as he held her face, and said..."he's here Calleigh, he's always going to be here, there is a piece of him, everywhere in this house, in your children, their looks, their smiles, do you understand Calleigh, he's here, he never left".

"I knoooooooooooooooow....I knoooooooooooow....God I know, it hurts so bad, I loved him so much, he was our world, and now he's gone, it's not supposed to be this way, why can't you understand, I'm missing him".

Knowing the storm was nearing the end, Horatio wiped the hair, from Calleigh's eyes, forced her to look at him, and said...."it's time Calleigh...no more excuses". Nodding her head, she curled herself back into Horatio's warmth.

"Call the church Stella, Flack, let the Chief know the memorial will be tomorrow morning". "Sure Horatio, I'll be back". "I know you will Don, I know".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

WOW, that was loaded and heavy. The dam really broke now. Maybe the healing can begin slowly now. Great writing hon. I can't believe I almost missed it. Thanks for that wakening me with that PM Linda. ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As the evening progressed, Calleigh curled up with her children in front of the fireplace.

"Mommy...do we have to say good bye to daddy tomorrow"? "We do Angel, but you know that daddy is here with us right now, right"? "No...how mommy, please tell us, how daddy is still with us if he's an angel".

"Well...daddy is always inside you, little pieces of him, are in you, and your brother, like your smile, your brother's little sinister grin and pout, but most of all, daddy is in our hearts, this is where we can always find him".

"And in our minds, right mama, dada always said..."I see you Gabriel, I's always watchen". "He did didn't he, remember the time, you pulled your sister's hair, and daddy caught you without looking". Giggling...."that was funny mama, dada like says..."I can see you Gabriel, I have eyes in the back of my eads"...funny dada".

"He was Gabriel". "Oh...and remember when I fell on my knee, and daddy said he could make it feel better with his kisses". "I do Macalleigh, and it did feel better, didn't it".

As the kids watched, they seen their mom tear up again. Getting up, three year old Gabriel walked over to his mommy, took his little hand, and wiped her tears, as he whispered...."don't cry mommy, I loves ou". "I love you to Gabriel, so much like your daddy".

Laying down on the rug, with her children snuggled beside her, Calleigh closed her eyes, and could feel Mac's presence with them in the room, she could smell him, she could feel the breeze softly across her neck. "Oh detective, I miss you so much", as she closed her tear filled eyes.

*Knock,knock*..."I'll get it Horatio". Answering the door, Stella seen her daughter with Eric. "Hi mommy, I missed you, where's Macalleigh"? "She's sleeping with her mommy love, you can see her later". "Daddy....I'm here, I missed you daddy". "There's my cuddlebug, how was your flight"?

"It was fun daddy, and you know what, the stewerdest lady gave me some wings, see". "Wow...lucky girl, can daddy have a hug, from his little cuddlebug". Snuggling her daddy tightly, she whispered...."I miss Uncle Mac". "I know sweetheart, I know".

As they sat in the kitchen, Don returned. "Horatio, I spoke with the Chief, they are organizing everything, Calleigh doesn't have to make the arrangements, the force is handling it all". "That's great, and for the best".

"Hey Don". "Hi Eric, how was your trip"? "It was alright, I only wish it was under different circumstances". "I hear you, where's Calleigh, and the kids"? "They are sleeping in the den, on Mac's favorite rug". "Okay, I'm just going to check on them".

When Don got to the den, he seen them all snuggled together, sound asleep, with drying tears in their eyes. Grabbing the blanket, he covered them up, and left the room, for he knew tomorrow, would be a day of hell, for all of them.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I can feel the need for Kleenex but you don't do those warnings do you Linda ;) :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I;m in fase of not knowing what to say, I can only hope it gets better in time. Kleenex warnings won't be needed anymore, I've got a pile of boxes stached next to my keyboard, just in case. :p
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

With everyone in bed, Don carried the children upstairs, and tucked them in, kissing their little cheeks, he left the room, heading back downstairs to get Calleigh.

As he looked upon her, he wondered to himself, if he'd be capable enough to get her through Mac's funeral. "Don....you okay son"? "Yeah...I'm fine Horatio, I was just getting ready to take Calleigh upstairs". "Before you do, I have something to show you".

Pulling out the letter, he passed it to Don. "What is this"? "Mac wrote this the day he left, he asked me to keep it safe, and that it was not to be opened, unless something happened to him".

Tearing the envelope open, Don found a letter, and a small speech. "Don....if you are reading this, then I know I'm no longer alive, if this is true, I need you to take care of Calleigh, and my children, I need you to nurture them, guide them, love them, but most of all, keep them safe, and secure. I know this will be hard, and Calleigh will give you a hard time, but please be patient, and don't ever give up on them".

Wiping the tears from his eyes, he continued.

"I know how much you have always loved and admired Calleigh, and my children, so I need you to believe me when I say, love her, love her like I loved her, help her forget the pain, and sorrow of losing me, help keep the children smiling, moving on their right paths, promise me Don, promise me, you will do this. Love always, Mac.

Turning the second page, he seen Calleigh's letter from Mac. "I think this part is for Calleigh", as he passed Horatio back the letter. Swallowing his tears, Don picked her up, and carried her upstairs, placing her on the bed, he covered her up, placed the letter beside her bed, and left the room.

Heading back downstairs, Don asked Horatio who would be reading the memorial words, left by Mac. "I will be reading Mac's words, as it was requested by Calleigh, I speak at the memorial". "Okay, to be honest, I don't think I could get through it".

"Why don't you go get some rest, tomorrow is going to be a very emotional day". "Sure "H", night". "Night Don".

During the night, Calleigh awoke to darkness, turning on her light, she seen the letter on her pillow, opening it, she read....

"Hello my CSI Duquense,

If you are reading this my sweetest love, then you know, I am no longer with you, or our children. First, I need to thank you, thank you preciously for loving me, caring for me, but most of all for accepting me as your husband. I know deep down we've had our hard times, sad time, trying times, and good times, and I'm so, so, sorry, I've left you alone, it wasn't my intention to die sweetheart, it was my intention to love, comfort, care, and bring you nothing but happiness. Please try and be strong for our children, and never forget to tell them everyday, how much daddy loves them, and is watching them from heaven".

Pausing... Calleigh softly sobbed, dropping tears on the letter. Compossing herself again, she continued. "I know how hard it is going to be on you and our children, so I've asked Don to help you, watch over you, and keep you all safe, I trust him Calleigh, more then you ever knew, and he will be there for you all. I have one more important paragraph for you..... "Please do not lock yourself out from finding love again, please love, allow your heart to open when you are ready, do this for me, and for our children, you deserve the best of everything sweetheart, don't ever doubt that, stay strong, move on, and keep my memories alive in your heart, and make room for new ones, promise me Calleigh, promise me you will one day move on".

Loving you and our children, even in death, your detective.

Putting down the letter, Calleigh wondered if Mac had an idea something was going to happen, on his flight home, for the dates on the letter's were feburary 22, one day before his death. Getting up, Calleigh walked to the closet, and pulled out Mac's robe, putting it on, she wrapped herself in it, inhaling his scent.

"Calleigh.....". "Come on in handsom". "How you doing sweetheart"? "I don't know, I thought I'd be all cried out by now, but everytime I finish, more seem to come". "That's normal sweetheart, you will feel that for a long time, but you are strong Calleigh, you will get through this". Snuggling herself in Horatio's arms, she softly cried...."I really don't think I'm ready to say good bye". "You don't have to love, it will never be good bye for you, or the children, for Mac is in your hearts, remember you are saying good bye to a chapter of your life, not to what still exists as a spirit, or an angel".

Looking out the window, Calleigh understood what Horatio was saying, but it still didn't make it any easier. "Get some rest love". "I will, don't worry about me, I'll be fine". Sitting back down, Calleigh pulled out the photo album, and placed the letter inside, then closing the book, she pushed it back under the bed, and fell asleep.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Beautiful written letter. I'm with Calleigh, did Mac knew something, was it an accident? :confused: