"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When everyone had left, Mac kissed his son and wife good bye. "I'll see you tomorrow Calleigh, I love you, sleep sweet". "I love you to detective, drive careful". "Don't worry love, I will". Picking up his sleeping daughter, they left for home.

"Excuse me Mrs.Taylor, I need to check your blood prressure". "Sure, come in". After taking Calleigh's vital's, Gabriel awoke. "Waaa.waaa...". "Would you like me to bring him to you"? "No, I can get him, thank you though". "You're welcome, if you need anything let me know". "I will". Taking Gabriel in her arms, Calleigh opened her buttoned gown, as Gabriel fed.

Back at home, Mac spent some time with Macalleigh. "Hello my little Angel, how's daddy's girl"? Smiling with bright eyes, Macalleigh laughed, at her daddy. "Look what daddy has for you, juice, can you say juice Macalleigh, juice". Mac was hoping she would at least attempt to reach for it, with her left hand, but no, she went right back to the right.

After their juice and snack, Mac placed her in her back support walker they had specially made for her. As he watched, he noticed Macalleigh pushed with her right foot, but didn't even attempt to try with her left. "Aww..are you ever going to walk for daddy, come on Macalleigh, come to daddy".

Outstretching his arms, he watched his daughter struggle to reach his side. "Come on Macalleigh, you can do it, show daddy, how smart and strong you are". Pushing a little harder, she got the walker to move with her feet. "That's daddy's angel, come on sweetie, come to daddy".

Pushing harder, Macalleigh reached her daddy's side, lifted her right arm, for him to pick her up. "Macalleigh, look at daddy, you want to come, come on love, show daddy with both arms". Struggling, Macalleigh managed to raise her arm, just slightly off the walker.

"That's daddy's girl, yeah for Macalleigh". Picking up from the walker, he praised her, tickled her, than comforted her in his arms. "Oh how I love you, my Macalleigh, daddy'as little angel". Carrying her upstairs, Mac changed her, and placed her in the crib. "Good night my angel".

Turning on the mobile, Mac left Macalleigh, looking at the twinkling lights.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When the therapist arrived in the morning, Mac asked her if she would mind staying for a few extra hours, so he could pick up Calleigh, and Gabriel.

"Sara...would you mind staying a few hours extra, I need to pick up Calleigh from the hospital"? "Not at all Mac, that's fine, you go ahead, and take your time". "Thanks Sara, this is greatly appriciated". "Anytime".

Leaving the house, Mac arrived at the hospital, and found Calleigh ready to go. "In a hurry sweetheart"? "I am detective, so is your son". Walking over Mac kissed his wife, picked up his son, and headed out. "How was Macalleigh this morning"? "She's fine Calleigh, she actually moved her left foot a little last night, she's becoming a pro at using that walker".

"Oh...that's so wonderful, is Sara with her now"? "She is, and I must say, she's an amazing therapist, and Macalleigh loves spending time with her". "Oh that's so wonderful, we should pick her up something special, to thank her for all she does with Macalleigh". "I agree love, would you like to go now, or tomorrow". "How about tomorrow, I'd really like to Gabriel settled, and spend some time, with our daughter".

When they arrived home, Mac took Gabriel into the house, while Calleigh brought in her bag. "Maaaamaaa", called Macalleigh, maaamaaa". "Hi my little Angel, how's mommy's girl"? Stretching out her right arm, to be picked up, Calleigh cuddled her tightly. "How was she Sara"? "She was great, I'm noticing a wonderful improvement in her muscle control, I can honestly say, she's getting there".

"That's so wonderful to hear, nd thank you so much for staying". "You're very welcome, I love spending time with her, you take care, and I'll see you all tomorrow". "Okay, take care too". Walking her to the door, Mac said...."I put a word in with your superior, about how wonderful you are, and how we would never get through without your help". "Sure you would Det.Taylor, you know why"? "No...why"? "Because you have family built on love, strength, and family bond".

Watching her leave, Mac thought that was the most wonderful thing, anyone could have said.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Later the evening, Mac made supper for his family. "Calleigh, dinner is ready love". "I'll be right there". Carrying Macalleigh, she sat her in her chair, and cut up her chicken. "There we go angel, daddy made chicken, placing the chunks in front of Macalleigh, she picked them up with her right hand.

"Did you see her two front teeth sweetheart, she looks so adorable when she smiles". "I can see that, are you daddy's beautiful angel"? Smiling widely, showing her new front teeth, her daddy laughed. After dinner, Mac brought out the dessert he had made especially for Macalleigh.

"Look angel, daddy made you your own special fruit bowl, with lots of fresh fruit, holding up a strawberry towards Macalleigh's left, she tried to reach for it, with her right hand. "Come on angel, use this hand, as he tapped on it. Trying to lift her left, was begining to make her frusterated. "Okay sweetheart, we'll try later, as he placed the fruit on her right side.

"She's going to get it Mac, I can see it, one morning we will wake up, and find her walking into our room, or reaching for something with her left hand". "I know love". Finishing up her fruit, Mac lifted her from the chair, and took her for her bath. "You go rest love, I'll finish up when I'm done giving Macalleigh her bath".

While Mac headed up with Macalleigh, Calleigh checked on Gabriel. "Hi there handsom, how's mommy's little man"? Sitting in the chair, Calleigh began humming, while nursing Gabriel. "Calleigh....did you want to come say goodnight, to our daughter". "Of course, come on Gabriel, let's go see Macalleigh.

Placing Gabriel in the cradle, Calleigh walked over, sat on her daughter's bed, and played "Itsy Bitsy Spider", on her tummy, deep sounds of laughter could be heard coming from Macalleigh, and as they watched, they both seen it, that little left hand, came half way up, attempting to reach for her Calleigh's tickling hand.

Whispering...."oh Mac, are you seeing this, look at her try, still giggling away, Calleigh reached for her hand, and felt the lightened grip wrap around her. "Oh Mac, she's trying, she's actually trying to hold mine". With tears in his eyes, Mac watched, as Macalleigh, slowly closed her beautiful eyes, while holding her mommy's hand.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Aw, sweetness all over, I need to teach someone manners in the household over here :devil: :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

In the morning, after the therapist arrived, Mac left for work.

"Good morning Calleigh, hello Macalleigh, how's Sara's little Angel"? "Smiling widely, showing her new teeth, she reached for her, with her right arm. "Would you like up, can you say up, Macalleigh"? Raising her arm again, Sara picked her up. "Shall we get started Calleigh"? "Sure, sounds great, as she had some progress last night, she actually gripped my finger's with hers"?

"Did she, oh that is wonderful, can you squeeze my hand Macalleigh, wrapping her finger around hers, she felt the gentle grip. "Oh this is wonderful, she's progressing beautifully". Working her legs, like a little bicycle, Macalleigh giggled, as Sara peek-a-booed her between bends.

"She loves playing Peek-a-boo, her daddy play's it with her all the time". "Aww...okay Calleigh, we are going to try something new today, I want you to take Macalleigh's left hand, and I'll take her right, together we will stand her up, and using our other hands, we will help move her legs, so she gets the idea, to move, without the help of the walker".

Calleigh was nervous, for she wasn't sure, she was strong enough, to hold herself up. "Calleigh....she'll be fine, trust me, I would not put her in any position, that would hurt her". "I know, I'm just not sure". "We will never be sure, if we don't at least try". Knowing Sara was right, they stood Macalleigh, and helped her walk, the length of the room.

"I can feel her left leg collapse as she tries to move it forward". "I know Calleigh, this is why we are walking her, to help strengthen the muscle's". As they walked her towards the door, Mac walked in. "Daaaada....daaadaaa". Mac stood shocked, for there was his daughter, standing up, walking towards him, with the help of Calleigh, and Sara.

"Look at daddy's angel, as he stretched his arms for his daughter to come to him. When they reached Mac's side, Macalleigh cuddled into her daddy's arms. "Such a smart girl, daddy's smart girl".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Picking her right up, Mac kissed her pretty lips, "I love you angel, so smart". Smiling with great excitment, she curled into her daddy, as close as she get. "She's very affectionate today, said Sara, this is good, everything is working out wonderfully, soon none of you will need me anymore, this is wonderful".

Calleigh looked shocked, Mac looked stunned. "What do you mean Sara, are you leaving us"? "I will be Calleigh, we have Macalleigh where she needs to be, you both know the lessons, and the exercise's, you'll be fine". "Oh please, can't you stay with us, just for a few more weeks". "Calleigh, I'd love too, but I have other children who need me too, children, that are just like Macalleigh, but I promise I'll visit".

"I understand, but before you leave, we have something for you". Walking into the kitchen, Calleigh came out carrying a huge picture, and a small Tiffany's box. "These are for you, from Mac, Macalleigh, and myself, to thank you for all the wonderful work, you did with our daughter". Sara was shocked, for none of her patients, had ever given her anything.

"Open them please, start with the big one". Pulling off the brown paper, Sara teared up, for there was a picture of her and Macalleigh sitting on the mat, in each others arms. "Ohhhh...when did you snap this"? "When you were busy playing with Macalleigh". "Thank you, thank you so much, it's beautiful, and heartfelt, I shall hang it in my apartment". "Now open the other one".

Unwrapping the tiny box, Sara opened it, and inhaled deeply. "Ohhh...Calleigh, Mac, this is too much". As she eyed the locket, and opened it, there was the picture of her Macalleigh again, with words on the opposite side, that read...."You are our Angel, who guided us through". Crying softly, Calleigh, Mac, and Macalleigh held Sara, until she regained control.

"May we put it on you"? "Please, thank you". Placing the locket on her neck, Macalleigh outstretched her arm, for Sara to take her. "I think she wants to say good bye". Lifting Macalleigh into her arms, she kissed her cheek. "I'm going to miss you angel, you take good care of mommy, and daddy". Smiling wildly with her two teeth, Sara passed her back to Mac.

"Come on Sara, I'll take you home", sobbed Calleigh, and you come visit us always". Embracing Mac, and Macalleigh, Sara said her good byes.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I really need tissues with those goodbye-scenes :devil: Good to see so much progress.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

With Sara gone over a month now, Macalleigh's progress was amazing, though she still wasn't walking without help from the walker, her vocabulary had picked up. "Mama...uice pease". Passing Macalleigh her juice, she sipped it from the straw, using both her hands, with little difficulty. "I can't believe how far she has come, it's been a long two years".

"It has detective, and I believe Sara is coming for a visit today". "Ara...sees oming oday"? "Yes she is, she's coming to see her Macalleigh". "Yay....I ove Ara", clapping her hands. "We know that angel, smiled Mac, as the phone rang. "I'll get it love".

Leaving the table...."Taylor". "Mac...it's Danny, we need you down at the bridge, we have a female DB, raped and stabbed". "Okay Danny, start processing, I'll be right there". Hanging up the phone, he said...."Calleigh, I have to go, we've had DB found". "Oh my...stay safe, I love you". Kissing his wife and children good bye, he left.

"Mama...wat ime is Ara coming"? "Hmm..should be soon love, she said around 8:30". While they waited for Sara, Calleigh put on a movie, for Macalleigh, while she changed and fed Gabriel.

Arriving at the crime scene, Mac seen the female, badly beaten, so beaten, she couldn't be recognized, without dental records. "Any idea who she is Danny"? "Not yet, we did find this locket on her neck". Showing it to Mac, he seen it looked familiar. "Danny...let me see that please".

Taking it from Danny, Mac opened it, and he knew, he knew it was Sara, Macalleigh's Sara. "Mac....you okay"? "No... I'm not okay, it's Sara, Macalleigh's therapist". "What! are you sure Mac"? "I'm positive, that's the locket we gave her, and there is Macalleigh's and her picture". "Oh Mac, I'm sorry man, so sorry".

"Listen everyone, this case takes presedent's over any other, understand"? "Yes sir, said the officer's. "I want you all to comb the area, every inch of it, do it now". As they started walking the area of the bridge, Mac covered her body. "Listen Sheldon, I'd like you to help Sid, this young lady is very important to us, take every care with her".

Nodding his head, Sheldon left with the body. "How are you going to tell Calleigh, and your daughter"? "Very carefully Danny, please inform her family, I'm sure they'd like to make arrangements for their child, if you need me, I'll be at home".

Sitting in his car, Mac looked at the locket, that was tagged in a bag, then starting the car, he headed home, to give the family his news.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

:eek: I'm totally shocked. My jaw's open and it won't move.....:( I'm wondering how Mac's gonna break the news to Calleigh, and MaCalleigh's reaction on this. Wow, whe're you going with this one Linda? I'm amazed, stunned, didn't expect this turn at all.