"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

That was sweet, I'm wondering how Calleigh's gonna handle the next few months.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Just to inform my reader's.

Update will be late tonight, or early tomorrow, sorry to keep you holding on.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Walking into his daughter's room, Mac picked her up, took her to the change table, adjusted her neck with care, before changing her diaper. Once he had her changed, he sat in the rocker, laid Macalleigh across his chest, and just hummed to her, while she suckled on her soother.

"Oh my beautiful Angel, with eyes of turqouise blue, Daddy loves you, forever and always true. You are daddy's miracle, that brightens his everyday, and oh my Angel Macalleigh, daddy will always sing to you in everyway. As Mac continued to sing, Macalleigh curled her little right fist, while her left one, just flopped by her side.

Picking up her little hand, Mac kissed it, and carefully cuddled it into his chest, as he continued to sing. "My beautiful Angel Macalleigh, you are my saving grace, for each morning, it's you, that puts a smile on your daddy's face. Forever I will take of you, keeping you safe, and secure, and never allowing your heart, or soul, to fall or disappear".

As Calleigh watched from the door, tears poured down her cheeks, tears for the fight they had ahead of them, for the patients they would need, but most of all, for the love, of their family, that would help them all heal. Walking back to the bedroom, Calleigh prayed to God, prayed that he would help Macalleigh heal, help her stay strong, but most of all, help her understand, that the pain she would be put through, was done out of their love, for the love of their Macalleigh.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Sweet how Mac sings to MaCalleigh while mum's watching.
As for your location Linda, I think you on a jetplain between... :lol: Check your captain. :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

The following morning, Calleigh began Macalleigh's exercise's, when the doorbell rang. "Good morning Calleigh, how are you today"? "I'm great, how are you"? "Very well, did you have a better night"? "Yes, Macalleigh woke up a few times, but my husband had her settled again". "Okay, shall we go see the little angel".

Walking into the living room, Sara sat in front of Macalleigh, while she looked up at her. "Hello, little one, how are you"? With huge doe eyes, Macalleigh eyed the Sara, as she cooed her. "Now...would you like to do the leg exercise"? "Sure, that would be great", as Calleigh began, Sara watched, and ensured the exercise was being done correctly.

When the leg, and arm exercise's were complete, Sara began on Macalleigh's neck muscle. Looking over at Calleigh, Sara could see her tears. "Calleigh....she whispered, just watch hon, please, I promise you if she knows you are watching, she'll see you understand, she feels all your emotion, in turn, this makes her upset, more than she already is". "I understand, moving closer, Calleigh held Macalleigh's hand, whispering words of praise, while Sara worked her neck.

"There we go, all done for today, now mommy and Macalleigh, can have their time together, she did very well today Calleigh, so I'll be back in the morning, bright and early". "Thanks for everything Sara". "No thanks needed, I enjoy my job, working with children, they are what make our world, seem perfect". Leaving out the door, Macalleigh and Calleigh, waved good bye.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

That was intense, I'm gonna put a new box of kleenex next to my computer. Saves me time from walking back and forth. :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

^^^ Good idea Jools! :(

I love the way you are showing us how the accident has effected Calleigh ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When Mac arrived home, he found Macalleigh, and Calleigh, sound asleep, in each others arms. Not wanting to disturb them, Mac covered his family with a blanket, then headed into the kitchen to make supper. As he got down the pot for spaghetti, setting it to boil, he rolled the meatballs, and tossed them into the oven. Setting the table, he walked back into the den, sat down, and watched his wife and child sleep.

After returning from his thought's, he placed everything on the table, and woke Calleigh. "Calleigh, Calleigh, wake up sweetheart, dinner's ready". "Mmm...dinner, smells heavenly". "Thanks love, come on, I'll take Macalleigh". Placing his daughter into her little bed, he sat down to eat.

"How did it go with the therapist today"? "Great, Sara is wonderful, Macalleigh enjoy's her company". "Has she mentioned Macalleigh's progress"? "Not alot, though she did say, it was a great session, with her". "That's wonderful, I'll be home in the morning, it will be nice to see how the session works". Reaching for his wife's hand, Mac kissed it, "I love you sweetheart". "I love you too detective".

While Calleigh did the dishes, Mac spent some time with his daughter, on the mat. Placing his hands over his face, he opened them, and said...."Peek-a-boo". Deep gurgling laughter could be heard. "Peek-a-boo on Macalleigh". More deep gurgles, the kind that come from the belly".

If Calleigh hadn't been watching from the door, she would have missed it. "Mac...she's kicking a little, with her left foot". As he looked down, he seen her right leg kicking away, while the left moved with little tiny ground kicks. "Did you see it Mac, she moved it, even if only a little, she moved it". Smiling foolishly, Mac blew on his daughter's belly, as she gurgled, and focused on her daddy.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Oh-uh, what a sweet hubby :devil: and we see a little improvement. Things are starting to look better if I may say so.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As the weeks past by, Calleigh began feeling ill. "Calleigh, wake up love, you need to get Macalleigh ready for Sara". Sitting up, Calleigh felt the first wave of dizziness hit her. "Sweetheart, you okay, Calleigh". "Yeah...just a little dizzy, I got up to fast". "You sure...I have to meet Danny at the lab, are you going to be okay"? "I'll be fine Mac, don't worry".

Kissing his wife good bye, Mac left. "Morning my Angel, how are you"? Looking up at her mommy, she made a mmmaa sound. "Are you talking to mommy, telling me how much you love me"? "Mmmmaaa....". "Oh God...placing Macalleigh quickly back in the crib, Calleigh threw up.

*Ding dong*....Cleaning herself up, Calleigh answered the door. "Hi Sara, come on in, I haven't had a chance to work Macalleigh's muscle's this morning, I'm so ill". "You look pale Calleigh, sit down, I'll grab Macalleigh for you, you just relax". "Thanks so much Sara".

"Good morning little Angel, how are you"? Carrying her downstairs, Sara passed her to Calleigh. "Would you like anything, before we begin"? "No...I'm fine Calleigh, shall we get started"? Sitting on the floor, she felt the wave of nausea again, "oh my....".

Running past Mac, who came back, for his wallet, he asked...."what's the matter with my wife"? "I'm not sure Mac, she may have the flu, she's very ill". "I'll be right back Sara". "Take your time". Openeing the washroom door, Mac found her on her knees.

"Calleigh, are you sick love"? "I think so, I feel so ill, and dizzy". Helping her up, Mac placed her into bed. "I'll let Danny know to start without me, I can't leave you with Macalleigh, when you are sick". "Don't be silly, I'm fine, you go ahead, Sara's here for a while, I'll be fine". "Okay...I'll get home as soon, as I can, I love you Calleigh". "I love you too detective".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

luvingmyHoratio said:
"Don't be silly, I'm fine".
and I'm listening to 'Papa don't preach' by Madonna. How weird is that? :devil:

Great update Linda
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When Sara was finished with Macalleigh's exercise's, she carried her upstairs, to check on Calleigh. "Calleigh, wake up, Macalleigh and I are finished, would you like her with you, or would you like me, to put her down for her nap"? "Oh...I'm sorry Sara, I must have fallen asleep, I'll take her, thanks so much for everything".

Laying Macalleigh in her mother's arms, they both fell back into sleep, calleigh Mac, Sara informed him that Calleigh had slept through the session, and it may be wise, to come home, and check on her. Arriving home, Mac noticed two things, one, Calleigh was playing with Macalleigh on the floor, and two, she seemed...100% better.

"Calleigh....how you feeling love"? "Much better, what are you doing home so early"? "I was worried about you, Sara said you slept through Macalliegh's session". "I know, I couldn't believe it, but I feel great now, would you like some lunch"? "Sure...that would be great". As Calleigh left the room, Mac wondered to himself....."Nah...she couldn't be, could she"?

Picking up Macalleigh, Mac kissed her pretty lips, and carried her into the kitchen, sitting her in her chair. "Calleigh, I was wondering love, could you be pregnant again"? "What...you're kidding right, no way". "Okay, than why are you eating chocolate, you hate the stuff"? Looking down, Calleigh seen the bar in her hand. "Oh my...oh, umm...hmm..I'll call the doctor, and get an appointment".

Leaving the room, Mac bent down, looked Macalleigh in her beautiful turqouise eyes, and said...."I think my little angel, you are going to have a little brother, or sister in about nine months". Gurgling to her daddy, Macalleigh agreed.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

That was fun.
"Nah...she couldn't be, could she"?
.... And we do have a winner here, ladies. Way to go Mac! A little playmate for MaCalleigh, is he/she gonna have a combination name too, I wonder? :p