"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

With Calleigh's appointment at 2pm, Mac got Macalleigh ready to go. "Come on sweetheart, let's get you into the car". Walking into the room, Calleigh heard Mac. "Umm...it's a nice day Mac, Macalleigh and I can walk, it's not that far". "It's freezing out Calleigh, I'll drive you". "Detective...I said we'll be fine, she laughed. "I'm driving you love, and that as they say, is that".

Taking Macalleigh in his arms, Mac carried her out. "Mac... I said we can walk, I don't feel like taking the car". Mac stood shocked, for the briefest of moments, never had Calleigh yelled at him like that, except the night, Macalleigh was in the car crash, that's when in clicked.

"Calleigh...are you scared"? "No, I'm not, I just feel like walking". Putting down Macalleigh, Mac caressed his wife's face, and said...."do you not trust me Calleigh, is that it"? Calleigh could see the pain in Mac's eyes. "I trust you with my life, she whispered, I just don't trust other drivers". Stroking away his wife's tears, Mac softly, passionately kissed her.

"I promise you Calleigh, we will go slow, I would never let anything happen to you, or our beautiful daughter". Shaking her head in agreement, Mac took his wife's hand, picked up Macalleigh in his arms, and walked out to the car. Buckling Macalleigh in her carseat, Mac also put on her neck brace, in case they had to make a quick stop.

Shutting the car door, Mac got into the driver's seat, as he reached over, took his wife's hand, and whispered...."are you ready Calleigh"? "Yeah, I'm ready". Pulling out of the driveway, the Taylor's were on their way, to find out, whether or not they were going to be parent's again.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

That was quite an aftermath experience. Wow, I humble bow to the master for coming up with that. :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Arriving at the doctor's, Mac parked the car, unbuckled Macalleigh, removed her neck brace, and wrapped her in his arm. "You ready love"? as he took her by the hand. "REady as we will ever be daddy". Stopping at the desk, Calleigh informed the nurse she was there.

As they sat down, Macalleigh looked around the room, at all the different faces, with her eyes wide. "Calleigh...the doctor will see you now". Following the nurse into the room, they all sat down. "Hello Macalleigh, look at the little angel, so bright, and wide awake".

"Ahaahaa....she gurgled, as the nurse cooed her. "Good afternoon Calleigh, how are you today"? asked her doctor. "I'm fine, though I think Mac and I may be pregnant again". "Well congrat's if you are, how bout you go with the nurse, she'll give you a cup, and you can fill it for me".

Leaving the room, the doctor had quick look over Macalleigh. "How's everything going with her Mac"? "Good, the therapist says she is doing wonderfully". "Good to hear, she's 9 month's now, is she trying to talk at all"? "She makes alot of sounds". "Well that's good then, show's her vocal chords, are working, excellent".

Walking back in the room, Calleigh sat down, looked at the doctor, and said...."how long"? "About 5 minutes Calleigh, be patient, hop up on my table, and let me have a look at you". Laying back, the doctor checked her breasts, tummy, heart, and lungs. "Everything looks good, are your breasts tender at all"? "Sometimes".

"Good news Calleigh, said the nurse, your test is positive, looks like a new Taylor is on the way". "Oh my....thank you, oh this is wonderful". "Good...I'll set up some bloodwork for you, along with an Ultrasound, then I'll see you in two month's". "Okay...thanks again, oh my". Looking over at Mac, he was grining.

"Just what is so funny detective"? "You are...I get to spend the next eight months, watching you, eat the stuff you hate, and growing that beautiful tummy of yours". "Feeling her tummy, Calleigh smiled, and said...."what do you think Macalleigh....a brother for you"? "Waaaaaa,waaaaa,waaaaa".

"Hmmm...I guess our daughter would prefer a sister", laughed Mac.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

what do you think Macalleigh....a brother for you"? "Waaaaaa,waaaaa,waaaaa".
Now we know who has the last word in the Taylor family :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

On their way home, they decided to stop at the lab, and tell the team. "Hey Mac...what brings you here today"? asked Danny. "We have some news for you all". As everyone stood around, they waited. "Well....what is it"? "Calleigh, Macalleigh and I, are adding a new addition to our family ijn eight months". "Good God, wow, congrats, another Taylor", said Lindsay.

"I know, surprising isn't it"? laughed Calleigh. "No way...I think it's great, but it needs to be a boy this time, someone to carry on the Taylor name", smirked Don. "Waaaa...waaaa...". "Aww..what's the matter Macalleigh"? asked Don, as he took her from Calleigh. Laughing with tears, she said...."it seems everytime we say boy, Macalleigh cries". "Ohoh, that's not good, sounds like someone wants a sister".

Cooing away at the baby, Calleigh watched, and thought to herself, how Don would make a wonderful father one day. "What are you thinking about there love"? "Hmmm.. oh nothing, she smiled. "So Calleigh, have you told Horatio and Stella yet"? "No...I'll call them tonight, I'm sure they've got their hands full".

"Are you ready to head home"? "Yeah, I'm just about ready for a nap, and I'm sure Macalleigh needs hers too". Buckling Macalleigh back in her seat, with her brace, they headed home. "Calleigh, would you like me to pick up some take out for tonight"? "Ummm...yeah, that sounds great, I could really go for a NY thick crust pizza". "Mmm...sounds good, pizza it is".

Arriving at home, Mac grabbed Macalleigh, while Calleigh grabbed the pizza. "I'll put Macalleigh down, while you get the plates". Carrying his daughter in his arms, Mac whispered their special song, in her ear, and by the time he got her upstairs, she was sound asleep. "Good night, my Angel".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Ah-ah-ah... kwew she had to have the last word. But... ehr.. she is'n't psychich is she...? *Whao, I'm really getting vibes here.* Just kidding. Great update as always. Tayleigh is a good nama though, or am I getting carried to far away here? :devil: Anayways, I'm signing off for tonght. Hope to catch up tomorrow after work.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

oooo great updates
more excitement for the Taylor Family
glad to see that MaCalleigh is getting better

I really liked the part where Calleigh admited she was a little scared to get back in the car with the baby

Nice Job!
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When Mac got back downstairs, Calleigh had decorated the table, with two candle's, two wine glasses, pretty cloth's and soft music. "Hello detective, are you hungry"? she purred seductively. Poor Mac, he was tongue tied at the moment, for it wasn't everynight, his lovely wife, wore nothing but an apron.

Seductively walking over, Calleigh pulled out his chair, as he inhaled hre new french perfume, he had bought her for christmas. "Ummm...I don't think I can sit at the moment sweetheart, and I seriously think, the pizza is going to get cold". "Really detective....why is that"? she purred.

"This is why". Picking her up, Mac carried her into the den, and layed her upon the bear skin rug. "I'm going to make love to every part of your body, from your toes, to your sweet little nose. As Calleigh sighed, Mac kissed her pretty toes, one by one, as she giggled. "Maaaac....that tickles".

Still moving seductively, he worked his kisses up her calf, before biting down with care, just enough to make her moan. "Please Mac, this is torture". Slithering up towards her thighs, he stopped, looked into her eyes, winked, then teased her knees, as she withered in laughter.

"DETECTIVE"!!!!! she screamed, between endless laughter. Knowing his lovely wife, was just about drained from his play, he climbed upon her, looked into her eyes, and said...."I love you Calleigh, forever, you, me, Macalleigh, and our new child". "I love you too, my detective, forever".

Kissing passionately, between laughter, and tears, Mac and Calleigh, made love through the night, forgetting all about the pizza, the wine, the conversation, leaving only their love for each other on their bear skin rug.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

That's a new one, Mac now knowing what to say :lol: Skip dinner and go straight to desert. Right choise :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As the days passed into months, Macalleigh was finally able to sit on her own, and pull herself along the floor. Mac and Calleigh were very happy with the progress Macalleigh was showing. They both knew one day soon, she would get up and walk, that it was only a matter of time.

Nearing Calleigh's time, Mac had packed her bag, keeping it ready by the door. "Calleigh...you ready sweetheart"? "Yeah...I'm coming, we have time, my water just broke". Heading into the car, the Taylor family headed to the hospital, where the family was waiting to meet them. "Calleigh....called Stella, walking down the hall with her and "H"s child in her arms.

"Stella!!! oh my God, you guys made it". "I told you we would, we wouldn't miss welcoming our new member into our family". As the nurse took Calleigh down to her room, Horatio took Macalleigh from Mac. "Bring us a good one Mac, we need another boy". Laughing Mac said...."we'll do our best".

As the family patiently waited, they could here Calleigh cursing Mac for putting her through this again. "Wow... listen to her, christ, do all woman complain like that", laughed Danny. "Hey....hey...guy's it's a boy, we had a boy, you should see him, he's gorgeous, 8lbs 3oz, our first boy".

"That's wonderful Mac, but how's Calleigh"? "She's fine Stel, she's great, I can't believe it, a boy". "Awww... what are you going to name him"? "Hmmm...don't know yet, come on Macalleigh, come see your new brother". Taking his daughter into the room, he sat with her on the bed. "Macalleigh, this is your new brother, Gabriel Aaron Taylor".


*Delete, story will not end yet* :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

It's so good that they arrived on time :)

It'll be a shame to see tis one go but there's no point ruining a good thing :D
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Second thought, I may change my mind, as some new ideas, came to light. :D

Macalleigh looked at her brother, and smiled. being one and a half now, she was capable of saying little words, and making new sounds. "Maaaamaa, as she stretched her right arm out to her mom. Taking Gabriel, Calleigh held Macalleigh. "What is it Angel"? Kissing her mommy's cheek, she cuddled in, and fell asleep.

"Mac...why don't you bring the others in, so they can see Gabriel, while Macalleigh's sleeping". Walking out to the hall, Mac waved the gang down. "Handsome....you owe me a hug". "Coming sweetheart, how have you been"? "Good, missing you like crazy, how's the gang in Miami"? "Why don't you ask them yourself".

As she looked towards the door, she seen Eric, Natalia, Frank, and her dad. "Daddy....oh dad...you came". "Of course lambchop, I wouldn't pass up meeting my second grandchild". Picking up Gabriel, Mac showed him to his family. "May I present Gabriel Aaron Taylor, Gabriel, this is your whole family". Opening his eyes for the briefest of moments, they seen they were the same color as Macalleigh's.

"Look at his eyes, tell me I'm not seeing Macalleigh's". "You are stella, isn't it amazing, how their eyes match". "Oh Mac, he's going to be a lady killer, when he's older". "I know, that's my boy". "Now don't be greedy, pass him around". Handing him over to Stella, they watched, as Gabriel was awwed and cooed by his new family.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Aaww, a baby boy! Cute name. And what a suprise to bring in the gang from Miami. By Stella's reaction I'd say he's a lady killer allready :lol: :lol: