"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When the Pedia therapist arrived, she had her arms full of x-ray's, MRI results, and scans. "Hello, you must be Mr.& Mrs.Taylor". "We are yes". "Great, I'm Dr.Grandst, I'm going to be looking after Macalleigh's exercise regime, but before that, I need to explain to you, how very painful this will be for Macalleigh, than it become's your descission whether you'd like my help, or if you'd rather, help her at home".

"We understand, please continue", said Mac. "Okay...I'll show you the x-ray picture's first, this is your daughter's neck, you can see where the break was in the C1 and C2". "Excuse me...but what's that white piece, looks like a plastic dome"? "That is Macalleigh's plate, it's made of a flexable plastic, that will grow with her tissue, as she heals". "So this won't have any ill effect's on her"? "No.. none at all, if she was going to have any reaction to it, it would have happened by now".

"Okay, now what about her Physio"? "Well, this is the difficult part, due to the paralysis on her left side, her regime will consist of three times a week, an hour to an hour and a half, of massage's, and stretches". "Ummm... is this going to hurt her"? "It will, yes, she'll feel some discomfort, but we will have her on a low dose of pain medication".

"Now..if we decide against this, how do we help her at home"? "Well, we will send a therapist, who will teach you how to massage, and work your daughter's muscle's, but her progress will be slower, than what it would here". "Okay, but what is her outlook, will she ever walk, or have any usage, of her left side"?

"She may, she may not, but I will honestly tell you, she will not be at the level as other toddler's her age, so you will need to be patient, and not become frustrated with her progress, as children are very smart, and she'll feel your stress, which in turn will frustrate her, leaving you all upset".

"Oh Mac...what should we do"? "I'll tell you what love, why don't we start her here, and see how she responds, and if it looks like she's in to much pain, we'll help her progress at home". "May we do that"? "Of course Mrs.Taylor, just remember, stay strong, as you watch, and try not to panic, when she becomes upset, from the therapy, as I'm being completely honest with you, it will be painful to watch".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When the therapist left the room, Mac and Calleigh discussed the event's that would take place tomorrow. "Mac, what do you think, are we doing the right thing for Macalleigh, maybe we should just do it on our own, she needs us, not some therapist, she doesn't know". Thinking about it, Mac knew Calleigh had a valid point, it should be them that looked after Macalleigh, for she knew her parent's love, was the more important, than having heal faster.

"I think you may be right love, I'll inform the therapist we've changed our minds, and we'll take Macalleigh home tomorrow". "Thank you, I know we can do it together Mac, it's what family does". Kissing his wife, let Calleigh know, he agreed 100% with her decission. "Excuse me, can you inform the therapist, that we'd like to see her again please". "Sure, I'll page her now". "Thank you".

"Yes Mr.Taylor, what can I do for you"? "We've changed our minds, we'd like to Macalleigh home, we are willing to take the time, to help her at home". "Are you sure, it's going to be a very long road". "I know, we can handle it, with our love, Macalleigh will heal". "Okay than, I'll arrange for in home therapy". "Thank you, for all your help, you've all been very caring, towards Macalleigh's care".

Later that evening, after spending the day with Macalleigh, Mac left to get things ready for their homecoming tomorrow. "I'll see you in the morning love, bright and early". "Okay detective, I love you". "I love you too sweetheart", kissing her, he left. Arriving at home, Mac found everyone waiting for him. "What are you guy's doing here"? "We came to help you prepare for Macalleigh's homecoming, we've got a little party to get ready". Mac smiled, for it seemed that they were all fully bonded, more than he could have ever hope.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

That was a tough decision. Nice to see that they're all pinching in. Great update Linda!
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

The following morning, Mac arrived at the hospital, and found Calleigh, and Macalleigh, all ready to go. "In a hurry love"? "Yes, I think we've seen enough hospital's for a long time". Kissing his lovely wife, Mac whoe heartedly agreed. "Okay, Mr. & Mrs.Taylor, here is Macalleigh's meds, and the therapist will be arriving at your home, tomorrow at 8am". "Thank's Betty, will we see you tonight"? "You will, I think Don is picking me up at 7pm".

When they arrived home, and walked in the door, everyone yelled..."Surprise...welcome home Macalleigh". "Oh my, cried Calleigh, aww, this is wonderful, look Macalleigh everyone is here to see you". Looking up with her turqouise eye's, she eyed the room. "Hi Macalleigh, how's our little Angel"? asked Danny.

Placing Macalleigh in the special chair, that helped her sit, she watched as everyone gathered around her. "Look at her Calleigh, still as beautiful as ever, and those eyes", said Sheldon. "I know, aren't they gorgeous". While Macalleigh was carefully passed to each of her family member's, Mac held Calleigh. "Shhh...come on love, calm down".

Later that day, after everyone left, Macalleigh was put down in her crib, for her nap. "There you go love, you have a good sleep, and mommy will see you, when you wake up". With the mobile playing, Calleigh left the room. "Is she doing okay Calleigh"? "She's fine, and it's so wonderful to be home". Taking his wife in his arms, he fully agreed.

"Are you tired love, would you like me to carry you, to bed"? he winked. "You are naughty detective, but far be it from me to say no, it's been far to long". Picking up his wife, he carried her to bed, laying her on the silken sheet's, he began to undress her with his teeth. "Mmm Mac, please, it's been so long, just love me, I need to feel your soul enter mine".

Knowing his wife needed his full attention, and not fore play, he rolled her on top of his naked form, and allowed Calleigh to take the lead, and as she seductively moved, Mac melted into his world of sweet desire, with his wife.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I have a lot of respect for them to take MaCalleigh home and do all the work themselves. Nice to see she doesn't ware them completely out *winky winky*
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Late in the night Calleigh awoke to Macalleigh crying. Rushing out of bed, she ran into the nursery. "Oh sweetheart, what's the matter love"? Mac followed behind. "Calm down Calleigh, she's most likely wet, and hungry". Still upset, Calleigh picked her up, and held her. "It's okay Angel, mommy change you". Macalleigh was still crying. "What's the matter with her, why won't she stop"?

"Listen love, she know's you are upset, give her to me love, please". Handing her over to Mac's arms, he got her settled. "There we go Angel, shhh...it's okay love, daddy here". Calleigh watched, trembling, while Mac changed her, and gave her her bottle. When she was finished, Mac layed her back in the crib, rubbed her tummy, until she fell asleep.

"You okay Calleigh"? "Yeah...I'm sorry". Taking his wife's face in his hands, he said...."never be sorry, you have every right to be upset, and frightened, we've had a tough road, and have a tougher one ahead of us". "I know Mac, but I'm her mother, I should be strong". "You are strong love, very strong, in a few day's everything will be back to normal routine, you'll see". "I hope you are right Mac, I truely do".

Taking his wife back to bed, he held her in his arms, wondering to himself, if this may just be to much on Calleigh, but he thought to himself, he'd give it a few more days, and if it didn't work out, he'd help Calleigh, by getting a nurse for their daughter.

The following morning, Mac awoke to silence, getting dressed, he headed downstairs, where he found Calleigh, and Macalleigh in the kitchen eating breakfast. "Morning, how are my ladies doing this morning"? "Better, thanks". Sitting down with coffee, the doorbell rang. "That must be the therapist for Macalleigh, I'll get it love".

While Mac answered the door, Calleigh said to Macalleigh..."here we go love, be strong for mommy".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Some night there, maybe some prof. help would make life a bit easier on the Taylors.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Walking into the living room, with Macalleigh, Calleigh sat down beside Mac. "Hello...you must be Macalleigh, look at those gorgeous eyes, how are you today Mrs.Taylor"? "I'm fine, and please, call me Calleigh". "Okay, shall we get started"? "Sure". Placing a mat on the carpet, the therapist took Macalleigh, and laid her upon it.

"If you'd like to come down here with us, I'll show you what we need to do". Sitting on floor, Macalleigh looked over at her mom, watching. "Be strong love, she's testing you", whispered Mac. As the therapist began with Macalleigh's arm, she extended it outwards, then back up above her head.

"Each morning, you will do this exercise, before I arrive, this way, Macalleigh's joint's will have been worked a little, which will make things easier, would you like to try Calleigh"? "Sure, taking her daughter's arm, she extended it, then bent it back up like she was shown. "Very good". "Ummm...how will I know if I hurt her"? "Calleigh I need you to trust me, in no way can you hurt her, all you are doing is bending her elbow, and extending, it's just a gentle stretch".

Still not to sure, the nurse moved on. "Now we will take her leg, and extended it up to her hip, this will be done for ten minute's each time". "Okay...one more question, the doctor mentioned Macalleigh may feel pain". "Yes, she will, but it will be within the neck, for that is where her break was, which is what we will get to last, next we will work her hips, very gentle like, you will twist them, from left to right, holding for a few seconds, then release".

Writing everything down, Mac continued to watch. "Now comes the difficult part, her neck". Sighing deeply, Calleigh grabbed Mac's hand, while they watched. "I'm going to need her chair Calleigh, can you get that for me"? "Sure, I'll be right back". With Macalleigh back in chair, the nurse began turning her little head to the left, for the briefest of moments, and then to the right. "Waa,waa,waa.,waa". As they watched, Calleigh tried desperately to hold her tears, as Macalleigh looked at her crying. "How much longer"? "Just a few more Calleigh, try and be strong".

When the therapist had finished, she informed Calleigh to pick up her daughter, and just cuddle her. Doing as the therapist said, Calleigh picked her up, and rocked her, until she settled down. "See, she's fine now, just try to remember to follow my instructions, each morning, exercise everything, except the neck, until you feel comfortable to do it".

As Macalleigh suckled her soother, Mac walked the therapist to the door. "Thanks for everything, and we will see tomorrow"? "You will Mac, and take care of that Angel, and your wife". "I will, that much I can promise". Closing the door, Mac walked back into the living room. "You okay love"? "Yeah....I think we will all be okay, one step at a time". Wrapping her in his arms, Mac whole heartedly agreed.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Oeps, somehow I've got the feeling you did a lot of research before posting this. I work at a home for mentally disabled children and it sounded familiair on several levels. My respects for this update Linda. I wub you for writing such a chapter as taken from real life. It really got to me.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

With Macalleigh sound asleep in her crib, Calleigh finally had time for a nap. "God, I'm so tired, she said to herself, as she ran the tub water, with bubbles. Stepping in, she laid back, and closed her eyes. Dreaming away, she could feel Mac's caresses across her skin, like he was there, touching her, stroking her, where she needed it most.

Slowly waking, she seen her husband, caressing the soap, lathering in her skin all over. "Mac....I thought I was dreaming", she sighed. "Shh...just close your eyes, and enjoy it love, allow me to take you away, far away, to our secret place, where only you, Macalleigh and I exist". Floating back into sleep, Mac continued massage, her tired muscle's, until she was a puddle of jello.

Releasing the plug, Mac lifted his lovely wife, into his arms, and carried her to the bed, where he began drying her, seductively, inch by inch, from the foot, to the calf, the hips, breast, and chest, back down, until her reached her soul, spinning her out of control, as she writhered, and sighed, her love over and over, into Mac's heart.

Laying upon his wife, he softly, danced his fingertips across her cheek, her lips, her eyes. "So beautiful, I swear Calleigh, you are an Angel, sent from heaven to torture me, in your desire, and needs". "Tis you Det.Taylor, who was sent to torture me, everyday of my life". Admiring the heated glance, Mac lowered his lips, until he reached his wife's, then whispering he said..."accept my kiss, open for me, allowing our tongue's to dual in passionate fire".

Melting at her husbands words, Calleigh caressed Mac's lips, with the tip of her tongue, until Mac released his flame, into her heated soul, together riding the firery storm, that made them complete, and as Mac poured forth, a new Taylor, was concieved, in the midst, of all that was wrong, the timing, the tension, and Macalleigh's needs".

"Waa.....waa....waaa...". Breaking the hold of that bonded their new child, Mac got up to attend to Macaleigh.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I'm very impressed. I finally got to catch up on the updates I've missed.

Good work Linda. I feel bad for Mac and Calleigh watching their daughter go through the therapy. But it's worth it overall.

I'm also impressed with the medical terms that you used. They flowed very well into the story. Good Job

And... an NEW BABY TAYLOR??? More excitment ;)