"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

With the evening upon them, Mac recieved a call from Danny. "Hey Mac, we need you down at the station, we have a guy who has confessed to murder, but he refuses to tell us where the body is, say's he'll only tell you". "Okay Danny, I'll be right there". "Sweetheart, I have to go, I'll be back soon". "Okay...stay safe". "I will love, as he kissed her good bye.

When Mac left, the nurse came in with Macalleigh's liquid food replacement meal. "Hi Calleigh, how's she doing today"? "Better, I just wish she'd wake up". "She will Calleigh, stay strong, I'm just going to hook up her replacement bag, to her stomach tube". "Betty, does that hurt her, when you hook the tube up to the bag"? "No.... she don't feel it Calleigh, honest".

With everything in place, the nurse started the feed. "There we go, all done, I'll be back in twenty minute's or so". "Thanks Betty, oh and by the way, did you hook up with Flack yet"? Smiling Betty said...."Uhuh...he's very sweet, and I'm seeing him again tonight". "Good for ya'll, I think you two are very sweet together". "So do I, she said laughing, as she left the room.

As Calleigh watched the liquid pour into her daughter, she rubbed her little feet, like she was shown, and that's when she seen it, the little bend, doing it again, Macalleigh's little toe bent again. Smiling Calleigh said..."I know you can hear mommy Macalleigh, but we'll keep this between you, I and daddy for a while, okay"? Continuing to massage her, Calleigh knew very soon, her daughter would wake.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

So sweet to see Calleigh being concerned for other people while she's got so much on her own mind. ;)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I like these little signs of Macalleigh knowing that her parents are there :)

Flack and his nurses :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When Mac returned to the hospital, he found Calleigh sound asleep. Not wanting to disturb her, he walked over to the crib, and picked his daughter up in his arms. "Hello Angel", he whispered. Sitting in the rocker, he began singing to her again.

"Angel baby...oh won't be mine, Angel baby, so I can love you all the time". "Angel baby....you know, you're the only one for me...sha,la,la,la". Watching from the bed, Calleigh whispered..."Mac....she moved her toe today, twice". "Did you let the doctor know"? "No...I want to keep it to ourselve's, they don't listen anyway".

Placing Macalleigh back in the crib, Mac walked over, and snuggled up to his wife. "Calleigh...I think we should talk to the Pediatric doctor tomorrow, I think it's time, Macalleigh had a brain scan, to check her brain wave's". "Oh Mac...she's been through so much, how much more can her little body take"?

"Calleigh....please trust me love, he whispered in her ear, causing her to shiver. "Maaac.....". "I know love, it's been so long, since I've touched you, or made love to you". Caressing his hand, across her thigh, Calleigh sighed, and grinded against Mac's pelvis. "Hissss....open for me love, let me touch you, let me set your soul on fire, please Calleigh, don't deny me your love".

Turning face to face, Calleigh stroked Mac's lips, with her fingertips, tracing the outline, across his cheek, his eye, back to his lips, and as he opened his mouth, he nipped her finger, her arm, her neck..."Please....was all she could get out, touch me". No longer caring where they were, Mac pulled Calleigh towards him, and plunged his tongue, inside her mouth, as they battled wildly out of control.

"Excuse me....ahem...ummm". Looking up Mac seen Don standing there. "Don...what are you doing here"? "Sorry guy's, don't mean to disturb you, I was on my date with Betty, when she had to come back for her purse, so I thought I'd stop in and see Macalleigh". Knowing he couldn't move, Calleigh got up, threw a pillow on top of Mac's waist. "Come on in Don, I'm sure she'd love to hear a new voice".

Walking over Don, bent down, and whispered....."Hey little Angel, how are you, I miss you sweetie, you wake up soon, okay, because we all miss you, love you Macalleigh". Giving her a little kiss on the cheek, she crinkled her nose again.
"You see that Don"? "I did Calleigh, she responded to my kiss".

"I know....she did the same to Mac, she can hear us, and that's the best start". "You're right Calleigh, it is". "You ready to go Don"? "Yes...see you later Mac". "Bye, have fun".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Poor little baby. I hope she wakes up soon. Calleigh wouldn't be able to take anymore.

Nice update
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Trust Don to walk in at a moment like that, but I'm sure glad MaCalleigh is responding to him too. :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

The following morning when the Pediatric doctor arrived, Mac sat down to discuss Macalleigh's test. "Good morning Det.Taylor, I understand you would like us to perform a scan on your daughter's brain". "I would yes, we've seen some movement in her feet, and facial expression's". "Okay, we'll set it up for this afternoon, but I need to forwarn you, please do not expect good news, as your daughter is non responsive with light". "I understand, thank you".

"Oh Mac, what if there is no change, what if we find out something, we don't want to know". "Shhh...calm down love, it will be alright, at least this way, we will know for sure if she's progressed". Turning in Mac's arms, Calleigh faced her Angel, and said...."listen to me Angel, you show those doctor's how smart you are, you give them a sign that you can hear them", bending down, Calleigh kissed her daughter's lips.

"Excuse me Mr.& Mrs.Taylor, we are here for Macalleigh". "May I come this time"? "No..not this time, the doctor feels it is best, that you wait here, don't worry, she'll be fine". Watching as the nurse adjusted Macalleigh's I.V. bag, she seen her arm jump. "Wait...look". "Hmmm...what, what's the matter Calleigh"? "Do that again, move her I.V. bag". As the nurse adjusted the bag, she seen Macalleigh's arm jump too.

"Did you see that, she felt you pull on the bag". Not wanting to give Calleigh false hope, she said..."We'll be back shortly". Leaving the room, Mac said..."they are just trying not to give you, false hope Calleigh, let's just wait and see, this scan will tell us". Wrapping herself in Mac's embrace, she softly whispered.... "I know she can hear us Mac, I don't care what any damn test say's, she can hear us".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Well I hope 'they' will hurry up with that scan. I'm too curious for the results. I know patience isn't my strongest point. :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When they had Macalleigh on the table for the scan, they adjusted her head carefully, and as the doctor stood up, he seen Macalleigh's eyes, flutter. "Tom...come here a minute". "What is it doctor"? "I want you to stay with the child, and I want you to tell me, if and when you see her move in any way".

Being confused, Tom watched as Macalleigh was rolled into the scan, when the picture's were complete, they took Macalleigh back upstairs. "The doctor will be with you shortly, he's just looking over the scan now". "Thank you". Walking over, Mac stroked his daughter's cheek, "come on little one, wake up for daddy, Macalleigh, daddy said wake up Angel, look at daddy".

"Okay...we have news for you", said the doctor from the door. "It seems there is some response with her brain wave's, about 75% of her brain is functioning normally, so at this time, we can honestly tell you, she should wake up, when she's ready, and not before, but...there will be some nerve damage, which is known as Neurosis disorder, which means certain parts of her body will not function properly".

"Will she ever be able to fully function again"? "She may, but not for a very long time, and with extensive therapy". Rubbing Calleigh's shoulder's, as the doctor explained, Calleigh asked...."but she will wake up, right"? "She will, there is no reason why she shouldn't, as 75% of her brainwave's are functioning, she's just not ready yet". "Thank you doctor, you've made us very happy", said Mac.

"I'm going to go call Horatio, and Stella, I'll be back love". Leaving the room, Calleigh put down the side of the crib, and crawled in , curling up, against her daughter. "Macalleigh.....Macalleigh....love you, love you Macalleigh", she whispered, as she took her little hand, and held it, and that's when it happened, Macalleigh gripped tightly onto her mommy's finger, as her eyes began to flutter. "Hey sweetheart...called Mac. "Mac...oh Mac, come here, look she has my finger, look".

Rushing over, Mac took his daughter's other hand, but got no response on her left side. "Sweetheart...nothing is happening on this side". Releasing his daughter's hand, Mac took her little foot, and ran his finger across the bottom of it, and seen her toe's move. "Mac...what do you think"? "I think, it may be her upper left area, that has the most damage, but I'm not sure yet, we'll just have to wait, till Macalleigh is ready to come home to us".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Well that... I didn't expect. Geez, you've been really doing your homework Linda. At least she's back and the healing can start. Awesome update girl.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Mm interesting like Jools said you really did your homework :D I have a feeling where your going with this but i'll keep it secret!
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As Mac continued massaging Macalleigh's little legs, Calleigh headed down to the Cafeteria to get them something to eat. "Angel baby, oh won't you be mine, Angel baby, so I can love you all the time". "mmmew....came the tiny sound, as Mac sang, hearing the faint moan, he looked up, and seen his daughter's turquoise eyes, staring at him. "Macalleigh...Angel baby, you awake"? smiling between his tears, he pushed the call button, bringing the nurse running.

"What is it Mac"...said Betty. "She's awake, look, she's awake". Bending over the bed, Betty seen the turquoise eyes, for the first time, "oh my God, her eyes". "I know... hypnotic aen't they, I need to find Calleigh, I'll be back, don't leave, I'll be back".

Running to the elevator, Calleigh was coming out, "she's awake, come on love, she's awake, hurry". When they got to the room, Calleigh seen her daughter's eyes, bright and wide. "Macalleigh...oh my baby, oh mommy's girl is awake". "I've called the Ped, he's on his way up". "Look at her Mac, she know's, she know's it's us". "Of course she does love".

"Excuse me nurse Betty, what's the problem"? "It seems our little Taylor baby is awake". Walking over the doctor looked and smiled..."well...aren't you the prettiest little girl I've ever seen". Testing her reflexes, and checking her eyes, heart, lungs, and ears, he than said...."everything seems good, what we will do now, is some tests, see if she can drink from a bottle, and if she can, we'll get that feeding tube removed, then I will call in a Pediatric therapist to have a look at her".

"Okay...thank you, thank you so much, cried Calleigh, as she picked up her daughter carefully. "Hello, how's mommy's girl"? Looking at her mommy with wide eyes, she yawned, falling back into sleep. "Oh Mac, she's gone back to sleep, shouldn't we keep her awake"? "No love, she's fine, don't worry so". "I'm afraid that's going to take forever, before I can even relax with Macalleigh". Kissing his wife smartly on the mouth, he said...."I'm going to call the family".
