"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

While Calleigh was still whispering to Macalleigh, Horatio walked in with great pain, in his eyes. "Calleigh...sweetheart, don't you think you are being way to hard on Mac, this wasn't his fault, what he did for you, he did out of love, to give you a break". Not looking up, Calleigh ignored Horatio, and continued whispering. Becoming impatient with Calleigh's behaviour, Horatio grabbed her, turned her, looked into her eyes, and said...." listen to me, right now, put yourself in Mac's shoe's, put yourself in that car with Macalleigh, think of yourself, being the one who took her out, to give Mac a break", as he shook her.

"Calleigh...snap out of it, listen to yourself, and what you have said over the past few hours, how can you say, or even dare to say you hate Mac, how can you be so cold, and distant towards something, that wasn't his fault, he's torn apart enough, without having you shout at him every five seconds, that you hate him, for what he has done, when he's done nothing". Finally begin to think logically, Calleigh began to realize, the harshness, and pain, she had given Mac, and running from the room, she headed right past everyone, into the Chapel, where Mac was still on his knees praying.

Trying to sob out his name, Calleigh couldn't get the words to come, but Mac felt her, he alway's felt her when she entered the room, the energy, the passion, the love, turning around Mac looked at her with soaked filled eyes, as Calleigh ran into arms saying..."I'm so sorry Mac, I'm so, so sorry, for blaming you, I know it wans't your fault, I know you could not change, what had happened, please forgive me for the hurtful, aweful, painful things I said, I didn't mean them, none of them, I love you so much, so much, it hurts, please forgive me".

Wrapping each other tighter, Mac whispered in sob's, "I could never hate you, never, I love you and Macalleigh to much, and I understand your pain, and your ache, from what has happened, there is nothing to be forgiven, nothing, do you understand me Calleigh, I love you, and nothing will ever change that". As they passionately kissed, tears flowed between them, down their faces, their hands, their mouth's, as everyone watched, with tears from the Chapel door.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Aw, thank heaven for H's common sense. Someone really needed to get through to Calleigh, as much as it hurt. Now they all can start to heal together.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

that was another fast paced update.

WOW I hope the baby is okay. You have obviously done your research to know the terms to describe the baby's condition.

Good Job
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When they left the Chapel, Mac asked Calleigh for her key's. With tears still pouring, Mac said..."Horatio, take Stella and Katerina to our home, and get some rest, there isn't much any of us can do right now", same for the rest of you, please, just get some rest". Embracing Mac in her amrs, Stella whipsered..."our prayer's are with Macalleigh Mac, take good care of Calleigh, she needs you". "I will.

Once everyone left, Mac and Calleigh walked into Macalleigh's room, and stood beside their Angel. "Calleigh, you are so tired, please sit and rest love". "No Mac...I need to hold her so badly, she needs to know we are here with her". "Okay love, I'll be right back'. Leaving the room, Mac spoke with the nurse, and not more than five minute's later, they brought in a bed, and placed it beside Macalleigh's. "Thank you nurse". "You are welcome detective, if you need anything, I'll be right down the hall".

After the nurse left, Mac coaxed Calleigh into the bed, so she was facing Macalleigh, and lowering the bars of the crib, Calleigh was able to stroke Macalleigh's cheek. Climbing in behind her, Mac wrapped his wife in his arms, and began to hum Macalleigh's favorite song, "Angel Baby". "Mac...she's going to make it, isn't she, please tell me, she'll wake". "She will love".

Sometime through the night, Mac and Calleigh awoke to the sounds of the monitor, jumping from the bed, Mac seen all the doctor's come running in with the crash cart, and as they watched in horror, Mac gripped Calleigh, and prayed. "No...oh no, please God, don't take our baby", cried Calleigh.

While the doctor's worked, Mac could hear the beeping of the monitor, returning to normal. Looking up, Mac seen the doctor's adjust the ventilator. "Det.Taylor, your daughter is stable again, this is the first good sign we've seen, for her little lungs are trying to breathe on their own, so we've lowered the air pressure on the ventilator, allowing her lungs to pull some of the weight". "Thank you doctor, thank you".

"We will be in and out through the night, adjusting and readjusting the monitor's, so please try not to panic, when we enter the room". Leaving the parent's in peace, Calleigh got back into the bed, and caressed her daughter's hand. "I know you can here us Macalleigh, you keep fighting little Angel, fight, and come home to mommy and daddy". Closing her eye's, Calleigh fell into sleep, holding her daughter hand, while Mac continued singing.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

That was great writing Linda, I'm sure that sweet girl is going to be all right.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

In the early morning, the nurse came in, startling Calleigh from sleep. "Morning Calleigh, did you sleep well"? "A little, how is she"? "She's doing fine, holding her own, she's very strong willed". "I know, she get's it from her dad". "Would you like to change her diaper, and then I'll bring you a warm basin of water, and you can give her a little sponge bath". "Oh...I would love that, crying...thank you". "You are very welcome".

When the nurse left, Mac walked in. "How is she sweetheart"? "The same, she smiled with tears. "Aww.. come on love, try not to cry again, we need Macalleigh to know, we are strong". "I know detective, it's just so hard". Wrapping his wife in his arms, Mac just held her, as she softly cried.

"Here we go Calleigh, now...just start at her feet, and work your way up, but avoid the neck area". "I will, and thank you again". "You are welcome, we will also be doing an MRI scan on Macalleigh today, to see how the C1, and C2 are healing". "Okay...it won't hurt her though, right"? "No.. she'll be fine Calleigh, if you like, you can be with her". "I can"? "As long as you are not pregnant, you'll be fine".

When the nurse left the room, Mac asked...."You're not are you love"? "Not that I know of, I've had my monthly flow already". "Okay, that's good then, I'm going to check in with Danny, and then I'll be back". Kissing his wife, Mac left the room, while Calleigh continued sponge bathing Macalleigh.

"Lambchop.....". Turning around Calleigh seen her dad. "Daddy....how did you know"? "Eric told me, so I took the next flight put here, how is our littlest lambchop"? "Same dad, no change's yet". "Look at her, she look's so tiny, in that huge crib". "I know dad, come over and say hello to her, I'm sure she would love, to hear her papa's voice".

Walking over to his granddaghter, Kenwall whispered...."hey there my little lambchop, how's papa's little one"? Stroking her little cheek, Mac walked in. "Dad....when did you get here"? "Oh..hello son, just about an hour ago, Eric informed me about the accident". "I'm glad, as we just haven't had the time to even think straight, as we've been so focused on Macalleigh". "I know lambchop, and that's okay".

"Excuse me Calleigh, we are going to take Macalleigh to the X-ray dept, if you are ready". "I am, I'll be back dad".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I'm glad she's recovered a little- hopefully Calleigh's dad will stay to help her through it :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Things are starting to look better. ^^^ It surely would be nice to see Kenwall participate in that.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When they got back from X-ray, everyone was there. "Hey Calleigh, how's our Angel"? "She's holding her own Don". "Stella, how's Katerina adjusting"? "Fine Calleigh, she slept comfortable, only woke once during the night". As the orderly wheeled the bed, back into the room, they all waited patiently for the doctor, to come in, with the news.

"Good morning, MR. & Mrs.Taylor, how are you"? "Fine, do you have the result's"? "I do...so far everything is healing nicely, the tissue is just starting to heal over the clavical". "I don't understand, if she's healing, why hasn't she awaken"? "Well...sometime's with serious trauma, it take's a while, sometime's month's for a patient to come out of a coma, and sometime's they never do".

Calleigh teared up, as she leaned into her husbands, chest. "So you're telling us, she may never wake up"? "Mrs.taylor, it's too soon to think that, try and relax, and stay strong, miracle's do happen". As Mac nodded, he thanked the doctor, for his help. "Oh Mac, what are we going to do, I need to hold my Angel so much". "I know love, please don't cry again".

"Calleigh...why don't we go get something to eat, you haven't eaten in the past few day's". "No...I'm fine, you guy's go ahead, I'm staying with Macalleigh". After everyone left to eat, the massage therapist came in. "Excuse, Mrs.Taylor, I'm here to exercise your daughter's limb's, this is to help keep her circulation flowing". "Sure, come on in".

As Calleigh watched, the therapist, lifted, bent and massaged, Macalleigh's little legs. "Would you like to help Mrs.Taylor"? "Yes...please, and call me Calleigh". "Okay than Calleigh, all you are going to do is bend her little leg, to her knee, and with gentleness, massage her little calf, toes, and feet". While Calleigh helped, Mac watched from the door, and realized he had done the right thing, by telling the doctor's to involve Calleigh, as much as they could in Macalleigh's care.

After the therapist left, Calleigh asked..."where's dad"? "He left sweetheart, headed back to Miami". "What about Horatio, Stella and Katerina"? "They had to go back to love, Horatio has a case that's demanding his attention". "Oh...so it's just you and I again"? "It is love, you , me , and our little Angel".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

It's a shame that everyone had to leave but I'm glad Mac's doing everything he can to help his wife :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As the day's progressed into month's, Macalleigh was finally able to breathe on her own, without the help of ventilator's. "Mac...it's Macalleigh's four month birthday, she's been in her coma for two month's now, why hasn't she awaken"? "She will Calleigh, give her time, the doctor's have said her spine and neck have fully healed".

"I know that, but we don't even know how much muscle or nerve damage she has". "Calleigh...please, I know this is stressful for us, but don't think negative now, stay positive". "I'm trying Mac...*crying*, but the longer the she sleep's the poorer the outcome is". Not wanting to argue anymore, Mac walked over, picked up his daughter, and sat with her in the rocking chair, being careful not to upset the monitor, that was keeping track of her heartbeats.

"Hello my beautiful Angel, daddy's here, holding you, and loving you, my little birthday girl". Calleigh watched, and just couldn't grasp how calm and relaxed Mac was. "Macalleigh, you know it's time to wake up soon, Daddy say's it's time Angel, for I miss seeing your beautiful eyes, and your sweet warm smile". Kissing her little lips, Mac could have swore, he seen her little nose crinkle. "Calleigh...come here love".

Walking over, Mac said..."watch love, tell me what you see". As Mac kissed her little rosebud lips again, she crinkled her nose. "Did you see that love, did you". "Oh my, I did, Mac she crinkled her nose, she felt you, she really felt you". Placing her carefully back in the crib, Mac called the doctor.

"Yes, Det.Taylor"? "My daughter, she responded to my touch, she crinkled her little nose, when I kissed her, she did". Taking his little light, he flashed it across Macalleigh's pupil's. "I'm not sure what you seen detective, but her pupil's are unresponsive, from what we see, there is no change". "I'm telling you, she crinkled her nose, I don't care what you say, she know's we are here".

"I'm sure you did detective, I'll be back later, to check on Macalleigh, try and get some rest". After the doctor left, Mac said..."she know's love, I'm telling you, she know's". Crying Calleigh knew this was one time, Mac was absolutely right.
