"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Aaww that was some tear-jacker. Some tissue alerts in advance please, I don't know how much more my keyboard can hold. :devil:
Great update Linda :D
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Sorry sweetheart, I forgot about the kleenex alert.
Hugs to you Jools,
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When the plane landed, Danny, and Flack were waiting. "Here's my Angel, pass her over daddy, I've missed her", said Flack. Passing Macalleigh to her uncle, Danny asked...."were is Calleigh"? "I'm going to get her now, she's still sleeping". "Is she okay Mac"? "She's fine Danny, it was very difficult for both girls to part this time".

"Well...I'll grab her for you Mac". Walking towards Calleigh seat, Danny could see the tears in Calleigh's eyes, as he lifted her in his arms. "Maaaaac....she moaned in her sleep". "Shhh..it's okay Calleigh, it's Danny, just rest". Curling herself back under his neck, Danny walked off the plane. "Here Danny I'll take her now".

When Danny carefully gave Mac his wife, she finally awoke. "Mmmm...are we home detective"? "We are love". Placing her down, they walked towards the car. "So how's the new tech working out, since Adam has been gone"? Flack started laughing. "Shut it you....I'm telling you Mac, she's out to get us, she's out to destroy all our hard work".

"Calm down Danny, and explain". Taking a deep breath, Danny began his story, and by the time he was finished, even Mac was laughing. "I really don't think she wants to destroy us, she sounds more clutz like to me, when does Adam come back"? "Friday, so he says". "Well...until then, we will just have to deal, now let's get my family home".

Leaving the Airport, someone was watching Danny, stalking him, hunting him, waiting for his chance at revenge.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

:lol: Let her clutz on for a while Danny! It'll be okay. There's something more important heading for you. :confused:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

******TISSUE ALERT******

When the boy's dropped off Mac, Macalleigh, and Calleigh, he asked Flack to grab his wife, while he carried Macalleigh. With gentle care, Flack lifted Calleigh into his arms, and carried her into the house. "Just put her in our room, I'll take care of her in a minute". Placing Calleigh in her bed, Flack left the room, and said..."I'll see you tomorrow Mac". "Hold up Don, I need to go too the office, we'll take Macalleigh with us, that way Calleigh can rest".

After Mac had Macalleigh changed, he passed her to Don. "Take her back to the car, I'll be out in a minute". Heading into his room, he shook Calleigh awake. "Sweetheart, sweetheart". "Mmm....what is it Mac"? "I've got to go too the office, I'll be back shortly, I'm taking Macalleigh with us". "Oh Mac, leave her home with me please, I don't want her out this time of night". "She'll be fine love, don't worry, we'll be back soon".

Kissing Calleigh for what felt like the last time to her, he left. "Okay guy's let's go, I want to get back". Driving down, the boy's were chatting about all the action Mac had missed, and as Danny turned his head for one moment *CRASH*....all that could be heard was silence.

"What have we got"? asked the EMT's. "Four victim's, three adult male's and one child, all critical". As the EMT's worked on Mac, Flack and Don, the other EMT's worked on Macalleigh. "She's not breathing, I need the paddles over hear, NOW!!! As Sheldon and Lindsay arrived, they noticed the car right away. "Oh my God, Call Calleigh Sheldon, hurry".

Dialing Mac's number Calleigh answered. "Hello". "Calleigh it's Sheldon, there's been an accident". "What, with who"? "With Mac, Danny, Flack, and Macalleigh". "NOOOOOOOOOOoooooo......oh my God, I told him not to take her, this can't be happening". "Listen Calleigh, I'm coming to get you, stay calm". When they arrived on scene, Calleigh seen Don, and Danny, alert, with cuts, and bruises. "Where's Macalleigh and Mac"? "Mac's fine, he went to check on Macalleigh".

Running to Mac, she seen his arm wrapped up, and bruises on his face, and then she looked and seen them working on Macalleigh. "Noooooooooo, God no, not my baby, please God, not my baby". As Mac tried to calm her, she pulled away, and said...."this is all your fault, I told you not to take her, you didn't listen, you didn't listen, get away, just get away". Mac could see the tears, the angst, mixed with his. "I'm sorry sweetheart, please forgive me, I'm sorry".

"We've got a pulse, but we need to move with her now, make sure you brace her, and do not move her neck, on my count, 1, 2, 3....very carefully lifting the dainty child into the Ambulance, Calleigh got in with them. "I'll meet you there love". Not looking or responding, Calleigh turned away, and prayed that her daughter would live.

"It's going to be okay Mac, she's just upset". "No..she's right Danny, it's my fault, if my daughter dies, it's my fault". With tears streaming down his face, he headed over to the Hospital.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

OMG did that really happen, I just can't believe it! :( Let's hope the boys and that little girl are gonna be fine. I'm so curious for your next update!
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

:( That left me speachless! Poor Mac, if Macalleigh dies he won't be able to live with himself :(
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

The call came in at 5pm. "Caine". "Horatio, it's Sheldon, there's been a serious accident, Macalleigh is in the hospital, they are not sure she is going to make it". "What! what happened"? "Mac and the boy's had Macalleigh with them, and there was a collision, the boy's have minor injury's, but Macalleigh, she's critical". "Okay..okay Sheldon, we'll be on the next flight".

At the hospital, Calleigh was in hysteric's. "Please....someone tell me anything". "Calm down Calleigh, please try and be patient, the doctor will be here shortly". Just as the nurse turned Mac came running down the hall. "Sweetheart....Calleigh, please". Gripping her in his arms, as she tried to struggle out, he held her, as she pushed, punched, and yelled at his chest.

"I hate you...I will always hate you, never will I forgive you for this". Tear's where pouring from both of them, and with one more shout, Calleigh leaned into Mac, and said..."our baby, our baby". Trying to catch his breath, Mac said..."I know love, I'm so sorry, so, so, sorry". As Danny, and Flack watched, their tears were blinding them. "God Don, she can't die, she can't". "She won't Danny, she'll make it".

"Stella....wake up love, Stella". "Hmm...what is it"? "There's been an accident, we need to get to NY, I've booked a flight, it leave's in one hour, we need to get Katerina ready". "What...what accident"? "Mac, the boy's and Macalleigh, were in a collision tonight, Macalleigh is critical, and may not make it". "Oh god...poor Calleigh, oh God". Getting dressed quickly, Horatio informed his team, and left.

After four hour's, and still no word, everyone was getting frusterated. "Damn it Mac, can't they tell us something", yelled Danny. Turning to face Danny, Mac seen Horatio and Stella running down the hall. "Calleigh...oh Calleigh". Seeing Stella, Calleigh ran into her arms, and cried. "My baby Stella, my baby, you should have seen her, she looked like a rag doll, she was so broken". "Shhh...it's okay Calleigh, shhh...", cried Stella.

"What happened Mac"? "We were in the car, the light had changed, two teenage intoxicated boy's smashed into our car, died on impact". "Christ...how did Macalleigh get hurt so bad"? "IT was her side, that took the impact, throwing her and her carseat, from the straps". "Oh God, said Horatio in tears, the poor little Angel". "It's all my fault, if she dies, It's my fault". "No...it's not your fault, you weren't the one drinking". "I may as well have been, for Calleigh asked me not to take Macalleigh with us, but I wouldn't listen, I just wanted Calleigh to rest, from the stress of the trip".

Shaking Mac hard, Horatio grabbed his face, and said..."you listen to me, it's not your fault, you had nothing to do with it, and Calleigh will understand that, once she calms down". "I hope you are right, because at this time she hates me, as much as I hate myself".

"Excuse me...Det.Taylor, I have some information for you".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Grhrr... :devil: I hate you for leaving out your tissue warnings. No, not really hon :lol: You just left me with some condensed glasses here. :p
It only took them 4 hours to get frustrated? Well it took me about 10 minutes and it's still wearing off. Trust you to leave us with a cliffhanger. Give information ASAP.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

LMH loves her cliffhangers :lol: I love the way you right about everybody's feelings :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As everyone stood silent, the Pediatric surgeon began to explain. "Det.Taylor, your daughter has suffered neck and spinal cord injury, to the C-1, C-2,C7, which is the flexor's and extenor's, which means your daughter is not able to breathe on her own, and has required respiratory support, we've also given her Methylprednisolone, which is a steroid to help reduce the damage to her cells, at this time her outlook is critical, and we won't know the full extent of her injury if, or until she awakes, I'm very sorry, I wish I could give you more positive news".

"Can we see her"? "Sure, but only two at a time, once again I'm very sorry". As Mac entered the room with Calleigh, they could here the beeping of the monitor's, and the respirator, that was keeping their Angel alive. "I can't do this, cried Calleigh, God I hate you, look at her, this is what you've done to her". Pulling out of his arms, Calleigh walked over to her daughter, picked up her little hand, bent down and whispered, "listen sweetheart, mommy's here, can you feel mommy, I love you Angel", cried Calleigh, as her tear drops fell onto her daughter's face, mommy needs you to come back to us, I know you can hear me Macalleigh, mommy needs you to fight".

Watching in the background, Mac stared at his daughter's tiny form, laying lifeless, hooked up to tubes, and monitor's, hearing the sounds, of the respirator breathing in and out more than broke his heart, but what broke his heart even more, was the fact that Calleigh hated him, hated him for the pain, and turmoil, he was putting her and his daughter through. Feeling like he couldn't breathe, he ran from the room, down the hall, and into the little chapel. "Mac...yelled Stella, Mac, come back". Everyone was confused. "Horatio take Katerina, I'm going to check on Mac". Running down the hall, Stella found Mac on his knee's shouting to God.

"How could you do this, how could you injure my daughter like this, how could you take my innocent child, and torture her like this, haven't you taken enough from me, you have Claire, and still that is not enough for you, why are you doing this to me, what have I done, to have you cause us this pain", cried Mac hysterically. Stella watched in horror, as Mac cursed God, and the church, and doing the only thing she could, she ran to Mac, and wrapped him tightly, painfully, as he sobbed over, and over, "why, why God, why".
