"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I love it how they are all a family and fly over in a second to see each other :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

That was one sweet moment, can't wait to see what's next.

nattybatty55 said:
^^^ :lol: Don't pick on him Jools!

I think H got home just in time :)

Nonononononono........ Nat, not picking on him. Wouldn't dare :p I just love his caracter and how Linda writes about him. *smart @$$* :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

After the room wwas quiet, Horatio laid down beside his wife, and cuddled their daughter between them. "Are you happy love"? "Very...she is so beautiful, and every one of her little toes, and fingers, are dainty, and perfect". "They are aren't they, don't forget about her mother's beautiful looks, and soft sweet curls". "Or her daddy's red hair". Looking towards her husband, Stella kissed him in passion, as she said..."thank you for giving us this precious little gift". "Thank you too love".

When Mac, Macalleigh and Calleigh arrived back at Horatio's, she filled the tub with water, grabbed her and Macalleigh's bath towels, and sat them on the rod, then lifting Macalleigh in her arms, she climbed in, folded up her knee's, and positioned Macalleigh so her little bum, was sitting on her tummy, and her back against her knee's. "There we go Angel, how's that, is the water nice and warm"? "Au..au..au..", talked Macalleigh, as she looked at her mommy with trusting love.

"Are my ladies, having a bath"? "Yes we are my detective, would you like to join us". "Of course, dropping his clothes, Mac slipped in behind Calleigh, and embraced his family, as the water waved softly around them. "Hey my Angel, what's daddy's girl up too"? Macalleigh gurgled, and au..for her daddy, as she smiled. "She's getting so big love, and her eyes, are truely gorgeous". "I can see that, but you know what I see most detective"? "What's that love, I see you, in her, her little grin, and that pouty lip". "You know what I see"...he whispered. "What"? "I see an Angel, a precious little gem, that you and I created from our love".

Carefully climbing out of the tub, Mac took Macalleigh, wrapped her in a towel, and carried her to the bed. Placing her on the comforter, he got her little diaper bag, taking out the little pink nightgown, with tiny ribbon's. Taking one little hand, he put it through the first arm, followed by the second, until he had the gown flowing down her legs. "There we go my Angel, all nice and warm". Kissing her tiny lips, Mac laid her in the cradle, watching as she closed her eyes, and yawned into sleep.

"Mac...". "Yes love"? Turning around Mac seen Calleigh dressed in a black silk nightie, that was all lace, and revealed everything she had to offer. "Christ....was all that could be heard, throughout the room.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I was enjoying that sweet moment. I allready had tears in my eyes, and then Calleigh comes around the corner and with Mac's remark and I had a laugh out. Trust you to change the subject in a naughty way Luving :devil: :devil: :devil: *Wish I was Cal*
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Ehr... me neighter Natty, I've got two balconies, he can choose where he'll sleep, but that was a post in your thread. :p We don't want people to get confused here, do we? :devil: :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Psst... back at ya. Won't happen again :lol: I straightened it out. Sorry for spelling mistakes here.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As Mac tried to catch his breath, Calleigh became nervous, for she could see the dangerous color his eyes had turned, and she swore they were black, black and dangerous. Sleeking towards her, like a panther, he picked her up, walked her over to the bed, looking in her eyes he said..."please forgive me for what I'm about to do love, for I can't be gentle tonight". "I don't want you to be detective", she whispered in heated passion.

As the fever over took them, they tore at each other, like animals in the night, deep caresses, desired sigh's, were all that could be heard, and as they orgasmed in heated passion, and love, their finger's twined, as their voices met with the whipser's of love. "Caaaalleigh.....you burn me in your beauty, you set my soul aflame, leaving me empty and drained of everything, but your love". Crying at the whispered words of love, Mac kissed away her tears, while wrapping her safely, and protectively in his arms.

When Horatio got home, he was to tired to change, and flopped into bed, as Calleigh walked by. Seeing how drained he was, she walked in and covered him with his comforter, as she whispered her goodnight...."night handsom". "Night sweetheart, and thanks for being here". Turning her words back on him, she said..."always handsom, always". Walking out the door, she heard him whisper...."I'm a dad again, and this time, it will be perfect". Shutting the door, Calleigh left him to his dreams.

"How is he Calleigh"? "He's fine, very tired, but also very happy, being a dad again". "I can relate, it's the most amazing feeling, to create something so tiny, and know it will rely on you for the next nineteen years, and beyond". Crawling back into Mac's arms, Calleigh said...."I know, I can hardly wait for Macalleigh to take her first steps, or say her first word". Sighing at the beauty of it all, the Taylor's fell back into a peaceful, serene sleep.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Tsk... Tsk... Tsk... Mister Sinister, you are naughty. :devil: But then again Calleigh deservise it to be threated good.
Loved the interaction between Calleigh and H. Their like big brother and little sister in this story. :D
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

The following morning Mac awoke to the smell of coffee. "Sweetheart, what are you doing up so early"? "Oh..Horatio left to pick up Stella and Katerina, so I was making sure everything was ready for them, when they got home". "Calleigh....you do know we have to go back home tomorrow right"? "Of course I do, she smiled with tears in her eyes. "Awww..come on now love, none of that, you know we will visit again".

"I know Mac, it's just I miss Miami so much, and we haven't even had a chance to see my dad". "Calleigh....he know's we have been here for two days now, he could have stopped by". Deep down, she knew Mac was right, but it still didn't take the sting out of her pain. Walking over, Mac wrapped her, kissed the nape of her neck, as he told her..."it will be okay love, I promise".

Back in NY, Danny was having one hell of a time, with the new lab tech ,who was hired while Adam took his vacation. "I'm telling you Don, Adam did this on purpose, he knew Mac and Calleigh were leaving". "Danno...you are being crazy, how could Adam know, when Calleigh recieved the call from the Lt. at night"? Sighing deeply, Danny said...."I know, it's just this new tech is either very stupid, or just lazy". "More in likely, she's lazy, because she knows this is only temperary".

"I hope you are right, or Mac is going to come home, to no lab". Laughing Flack and Danny headed out for lunch. "Excuse me...Det.Messer, I seem to have misplaced the vile of fluid you sent me". "What!! how"? "I'm not sure sir, I left it on the table, but when I turned around it was gone". Walking into the lab, Danny checked the area where she had lost it. "Is this it, you must have knocked it in the garbage". Trying not to laugh, Flack turned and left the lab. Catching up, Danny said..."not a word Don, or you will be drinking from a straw for the next six months".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Mac and Calleigh are so sweet, touching moment there, but cute.
Dannny & Don, way too fun. Poor Don *Better put a sock in it* Nah, Danno wouldn't go that far :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

At the Airport, tears were pouring from the girls. "I'm going to miss you Calleigh, I wish you didn't have to go". "I know Stella, me too", picking up Katerina, Calleigh kissed her on the cheek. "Love you little lamb". Pacing her back to Stella, she embraced Horatio. "I'm going to miss you handsom, so much, please take care of Kat and Stella". "I will love...I will". Looking over at Mac, he held open his arms, and Stella ran into them. "Mac....I love you, and take every care of Calleigh, and Macalleigh". "I will Stel, don't worry, I promise we will be back soon".

Walking down the tunnel, Calleigh turned behind one once more, and seen the tears streaming down Stella's face, as they were down hers. "Come on love, we are going to miss the flight". Curling into her husbands arms, she cried. "Hello Det.Taylor, headed bck home now"? "We are Gena, thanks". "We have the seats requested ready, along with the car seat for Macalleigh". "Thanks". Sitting down silently, Mac strapped Macalleigh in, as Calleigh looked out the window, at Horatio, Stella, and Katerina.

As the plane rolled down the runway, Calleigh placed her hand on the glass, as Stella raised hers in the air. Looking over, the only sound Mac could hear, was the sound of soft cries, cming from his wife's soul. "Come here love, come on". Snuggling Calleigh on his knee, he laid her chin on his chest, and whispered his love, all the way back to NY.

Walking towards the gate, Stella turned and could see, the tail end of the plane, through her blurred tears. "Awww... come on sweetheart, it will be okay", wrapping his wife tightly in his arms, he kissed away her tears, "let's go home love, you and Katerina need some rest". Knowing her husband right, Stella allowed him, to buckle her in, and by the time, they got to there front door, she was sound asleep. Picking up Katerina, Horatio took her into the house first, steping back out, he lifted his wife in his arms, and carried her into bed.

"Sleep well sweetheart".