"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Bringing Macalleigh back downstairs, Mac found Calleigh sleeping again. "Calleigh...wake up love". "Hmm...oh, I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep again". "I can see that, how many antibiotics do you have left"? "Two more days, then they are done". "Okay, Macalleigh's been all changed, I'm going to head into work for a bit". "Okay detective, we shall see you tonight". Kissing his wife, he left.

"Hello my Angel, what shall we do this afternoon"? With bright eyes, Macalleigh gurgled at her mommy. "How about we go pick up somne groceries". Dressing Macalleigh in her little snowsuit, they headed for the car. "Okay Angel, all strapped in, nice and safe". After kissing her daughter, Calleigh buckled in and pulled out.

At the station, Mac, Hawkes and Danny, were looking at the DB that had just arrived. "Who brought it in"? "One of the new boy's, according to his report, gunshot victim", said Sid. Looking over the body, Mac said..."well, he needs to look again, the victim has a stab wound, under the left armpit". As Sid looked it over, he could see where the arteries had been severed. "Hmmm...intersting". Get me the file on this guy Danny, and meet me in my office".

Heading up to see Flack, Danny ran into Adam. "Hey Adam, I heard Flack was haging here". "He was, he just headed out". "Thanks man". Running to catch up with Flack, Danny stopped him. "Don...Mac needs the report on that DB, that was brought in". "It's on my desk Danny, you'll have to get it, I need to run". "Okay, later", said Danny, as he turned and headed for Flack's desk.

"Hey....any of you guy's know, where Flack left the file on the DB that was brought in"? "Nope...you'll have to ask him when he gets back". Searching the desk, Danny had no luck on finding the file. "Well this is weird". Picking up his cell, he called Mac. "Hey Mac, I can't find the file, Don said it was on his desk, but when I got here, it was gone". "Okay Danny, I'll call Flack, you get back down here". "On my way Mac".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

How can you mistake a gundshot for a stab wound.:eek: Something's fishy here. Can't wait for your next update.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Calling Flack, Mac asked...."Don...can you tell me where you left that file"? "It was on the top of my desk Mac, why"? "Danny can't find it, he says it's not there". "Okay Mac, give me five minute's, and I'll be back". "Thanks Don". "No problem, later". After hanging up, Don was just as confused, for he knew damn well, that file was on his desk.

When Calleigh got home from shopping, she placed Macalleigh in her cradle, and put the groceries away. "Finally, everything is done, now what to make for supper". Calleigh decided on Fish & Chip's. Placing the fish in batter, the phone rang. "Hello". "Hi Calleigh, Mac asked me to give you a call, and let you know, he'd be late". "Oh...is everything okay Danny"? "It's fine, we just have to locate a missing file". "Okay...good luck". "Thanks Calleigh, we are going to need it".

Knowing she had some time on her hands, Calleigh called Stella, to see how she was feeling. "Hey Stella...how are ya'll"? "Hi calleigh...we are great, how are you"? "Good, though missing you guy's". "I know, we are too, especially me, not being able to work, until the baby comes". "That's right, not much longer now". "I know, and he's kicking up quite a storm". "He...it's a he"? "Well...I'm guessing, but you never know", Stella said laughing.

"Aww...I'm glad you are feeling okay, tell Horatio I said hi". "I will Calleigh, and you take care of yourself, Macalleigh and Mac". "You to, bye". Hanging up the phone, Calleigh started deep frying the fish, when Mac walked in. "Hi sweeetheart, how was your day"? "Good, did you find that file"? "Not yet, Flack has looked every where, with no success, in fact, this whole case, don't make sense".

"What do you mean, what don't make sense"? "When they brought the vicitm in, they told Sid, he had a gunshot wound, but when we looked over the body, I discovered a knife wound, under the armpit, which confused us even more". "What did Mark say"? "Mark wasn't the hauler, it was some new guy".

"Well...did you question him"? "No...we can't find him, the hauler we found was Mike, and he said no new hauler, was hired". "Oh my, sounds like you have quite a mystery on your hands". "We do love, which is why after supper, I need to head back, it's going to be a long night".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

^^^ Me neither Nat, wonder what's going over there. It's gonna be a long night for Mac and the team. :rolleyes:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

WOW more mystery
the new hauler guy, the missing file, the gunshot wound that looks like a stab wound. :confused: HHMMM

great updates
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When they got back to the NYPD, they headed down to see Sid, but as they arrived, they heard him arguing with the new hauler. "How the hell, could you confuse the bodies, do have any idea what kind of upset you have caused this MD's office, and the NYPD". "I'm sorry sir, I never meant to tag the wrong bodies, this is my first night". "Just how the hell did you get the file back"? "I went upstairs and asked one of the officer's for it, and he got it for me".

"Get out...you're fired". As the kid left, Mac and the team came in. "What's going on Sid"? "It seems, our new hauler, tagged the wrong bodies, he put Mr.Dempster's tag on Don's gunshot vicitm". "What!! why wasn't I informed of this, and where the hell did my file go"? asked Don. "I have it here, you need to talk to your officer's about removing files from your desk". "I hear ya Mac, and I'll do that now". "So...we have no unsolved case after all"? said Danny.

"Fraid not, everyone is back where they are supposed to be". "Hmmm....now what Mac"? "Go ahead home, I'll see you all tomorrow". "Hey Sid....try not to screw up again", laughed Danny. "Keep that up Messer, and you'll be lying on my table next". As they left, Danny's laughter could be heard down the hall.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When Mac arrived home, he found Calleigh packing up. "Calleigh...are you going somewhere"? "No...we are going somewhere, Horatio called, Stella gave birth to a baby girl, two hours ago". "What! Oh my God, wow..so what did they name her"? "Katerina Marie Caine, 6lbs, 3oz, with red curly hair". Still trying to get over the shock, Mac asked...."what time is our flight"? "6pm, I managed to get the last flight out".

While Calleigh finished packing, Mac called Danny. "Danny...it's Mac, I need you to run the team for a few days". "What...why"? Stella and Horatio gave birth to a baby girl, so Calleigh and I, are heading over to Miami". "Sure Mac, and give Stella our best, along with their child". "I will Danny, by the way, they named her Katerina Marie". "Aww..okay Mac, I'll let the others know, have a safe flight". "We will Danny".

After hanging up the phone, Mac dressed Macalleigh, and carried her downstairs. "We are going on a trip, my love, you, me and mommy". Macalleigh smiled at her daddy, and gurgled. "Mac...have we got everything we need for Macalleigh"? "We do love, the car is packed, now if we don't leave, we'll miss our flight". Kissing her husband smartly on the mouth, she said..."let's go than".


When they arrived in Miami, Eric was waiting for them. "Hey Cal, how was your flight"? "It was great Eric, and how are you"? "Great...how's it going Mac"? "Good Eric, a little tired, but good". "Hey Macalleigh...look at how big you've gotten, such a little Angel". Looking at her Uncle Eric, she gurgled, and suckled her hand. "She hungry Cal"? "Yeah..she is, I should really feed her soon". "Okay, let's get you settled at "H"'s place, and then I'll take you over to the Hospital".

Arriving at "H"s, Calleigh took Macalleigh up to the spare room, and fed her. "Sweetheart, how is she doing"? "Good, just about finished". Walking over Mac kissed his little Angels head. "So perfect, isn't she love". "She is Mac, very beautiful, and angelic, like her daddy", grinned Calleigh. "Very funny Calleigh...I like that, he smirked sinisterly as he kissed her.

"Oh no...none of that you two", laughed Horatio. "Handsom..she yelled, as she ran into his arms. "Hi sweetheart, how are you"? "Oh I'm great, how's Stella feeling"? "She's tired, but very happy with our new little package". "Awww...I can't wait to see her". "How are you doing Mac"? "Great "H", little tired, but good". "Okay...okay, shall we go then"? "Sure...just let me get Macalleigh changed, and we can be off".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Aw, a new addition to the Caine's. Congrats. Sure the lab will be safe with Danno in control? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When they arrived at the Hospital, Stella was resting with Katrina in her arms. "Sweetheart...wake up love, Mac, Calleigh and Macalleigh are here". Opening her eyes, Stella seen Mac grining from ear to ear. "Congrats mommy, how are you feeling"? "Mac...I've missed you, and wonderful, thank you". Walking over Calleigh passed Macalleigh to Mac, and pulled the little blue box from her pocket. "Oh..."Tiffany's".

Opening the box, Calleigh removed the gold cross, with the small diamond centered in the middle, and placed it around Katerina's neck. "Welcome to the family Katerina, we love you". Kissing her little cheek, Katerina let out a little mew. "Oh Mac, Calleigh, it's truely beautiful, thank you". "You are welcome, and we had it blessed by the Church". "Would you like to hold her"? "I'd love too, oh, she is so tiny, look at her Mac, her hair, so curly and red, so beautiful, cried Calleigh.

"I brought the camera, I think a few picture's are in order, don't you"? "I do Mac, I do". Entering the room, Mac had the nurse take the photo's, while they nestled together, on the bed. "Thank you nurse, that was very nice of you". "You are welcome Lt.Caine, did you need anything Stella"? "No , I'm fine, thank you for asking".

"So..anything new in NY Mac"? "No...not really, had a body mix up, but it worked itself out". "You're kidding, what happened"? "New hauler, mixed up a couple DB's and had us running around looking for the file". "Aww..I'm sorry, did Sid get it straightened out"? "He did...and he fired the Hauler". "Jeez....and how's the boy's"? "They are good, all healthy, so is Lindsay". "Excuse me....visiting hours are now over", said the nurse. "Thanks...we are just leaving".

"Stella, you have a restful night with Katerina, and we'll see you tomorrow", smiled Mac. "Sounds good, goodnight guy's, sleep peaceful". "Horatio, we'll see you back at home"? asked Calleigh. "You will love, you will". Leaving Horatio and Stella, Mac, Calleigh, and Macalleigh headed back to Horatio's.
