"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

WOW more excitement for this family

I know, they seem to have their trials, but they always make it through.

I shall try and update today sometime :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

"God she is beautiful, she has my eyes, and my little nose, did you notice that Calleigh, how much she resembles me"?

*Now Ryan wouldn't hurt MaCalleigh, would he?*

*Natty, I want so see and go after Ryan myself * :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Horatio ran over to Stella, took her in his arms, and said..."sweetheart, oh sweetheart, wake up love". "Mmmm..mmmm....Calleigh...he's got Calleigh". "Stella listen carefully, you said he has Calleigh, what about Macalleigh, where is she"? asked Mac. "He left her, he put her in the closet". Running to the closet, Mac opened it, and found Macalleigh, sleeping on a blanket. Picking her up, Mac said... "it's okay sweetheart, daddy's here, it's okay". Passing her to Stella, Mac, Horatio, Danny, Hawkes, and Don, took off out the door.

"Danny, did you call NYPD and have them put out an all points"? "It's done Mac, he shouldn't be able to get far". "This is Ryan we are talking about, he's not thinking straight, he could have her anywhere". "Don't worry Mac, we'll find her, said "H". As they seperated in groups of two, the search was on. "Listen Flack, said Danny, how far could they have gotten"? "I don't know Danny, but look, footprints in the snow, and isn't that Calleigh's hairpiece"? "Shit...it is Flack, let's go, she's leaving us clues". Calling Mac on his cell, he said..."he's on foot Mac, he's got Calleigh on foot, we found her hairpiece, and footprints leading to the abandoned warehouse across the street". "Okay...listen Flack, no police, we will handle this ourselves". "You got it Mac".

As they approached the warehouse, they could hear Calleigh trying to talk to Ryan. "Listen Ryan....you don't want to do this, there is no you and I, I love Mac, and I'm married and have a daughter". "Shut up, just shut up, you are trying to confuse me, yelled Ryan. "No I'm not Ryan, I don't love you, and you don't love me, you only think you do". "Nooooo Calleigh.....shut up, *slap*. Mac could hear the smack from outside. "Easy Mac, Calleigh can handle it", said "H".

"No she can't...she's sick Horatio, we don't even know what's wrong with her". "I know Mac, but you need to calm down, Ryan is right on the edge". Taking a deep breath, Mac calmed himself down, and listened. "I'm sorry Calleigh...I never meant to slap you, it's just you made me angry". Not taking her eyes off Ryan, she smiled, and said..."I know Ryan, and it's okay, but do you know what I'd really like"? "No...what Calleigh"? "You to kiss me, it's been so long, please kiss me Ryan". Walking over to Calleigh, Ryan kissed her, and as Calleigh opened her mouth, she bit his tongue, brought up her knee, and kicked him in the sacs. "Auuuuuuuuuugh, oh God....damn you, you little bitch".

Running towards the warehouse door, Calleigh pushed it open, and ran right into Mac's arms. "Mac.....she sighed.. thank God", said Calleigh shaking. As Mac held her, Horatio, Danny, Hawkes and Flack, had Ryan surrounded. "Give it up Ryan, said Danny, there is no where to run". "You think I don't know that, you stupid idiot", said Ryan as he pulled out a gun, and shot his brains out. Turning Calleigh's head into his chest, Mac wouldn't allow her to look, for he knew she had seen John Hagen, blow out his in front of her. "Mac....I want to see Macalleigh", cried Calleigh. "Okay love, I'll take you home".

"Mac....yelled Danny. "What is it Danny"? "We will meet you back at the house, once we get everything wrapped up". "Okay Danny, thanks".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Oh boy, Ryan was really a nut case in this story. Glad it ended safe for Calleigh. :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When Calleigh got home, the first thing she did, was cuddle Macalleigh. "Hi sweetheart, mommy's home, are you hungry"? Turning her little head towards her mommy's breast, Macalleigh began searching. "Okay love, let's go, Stella, how are you feeling"? "I'm fine Calleigh, no worries, I'm just glad you are safe". "Thanks, and thank God Ryan didn't hurt you, and your unborn child". Smiling Calleigh left the room.

"God Mac, she's holding up well". "She is, but I think it's because of Macalleigh, she doesn't want her feeling how upset she is". "Do you think Ryan damaged her"? "No... I think the most he did was startle her". "That's good, is Horatio and the boys on their way back"? "They should be, they were just waiting on the ME".

Back at the warehouse, Horatio ordered the body to be taken back to Miami. "Listen, as soon as possible, I want that body on a plane to Miami, I will call Eric and let him know Ryan is dead". "You got it Horatio, now let's get out of here, before that turkey gets cold". Heading out, Horatio knew that telling his team would be tough on them, but he also knew they would survive".

"Hey Mac...we are back, yelled Danny, has Adam gotten back yet"? "Yeah, he just arrived before you did, he's in the kitchen helping Stella and Calleigh". Horatio walked into the kitchen and asked..."How you feeling Sweetheart, are you and the baby okay"? "We are fine daddy, don't worry, smiled Stella, as she kissed him. "Calleigh, how are you feeling love"? "I'm fine, though if we don't eat soon, everything is going to dry out".

Now Horatio knew something about Calleigh wasn't right, but he would inform Mac on it later, after dinner, for he didn't want to ruin Calleigh's meal.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

As everyone sat at the dinner table, Mac gave a pryer before their christmas dinner.

"Dear Lord...we thank you for bringing our family together this christmas day, to enjoy this wonderful feast, we also thank you for bringing Calleigh home to us safe and sound. "We'd also like you to protect and bless our troop's that couldn't make it home to their families this christmas day, and allow them peace and tranquility. Amen.

With the prayer complete, Mac carved the turkey, and served his family, and as they raised their glasses, they said...."Mery christmas to you and yours, and may you all have peace and love through today, tomorrow, and the year to come. Enjoying the meal, Calleigh asked...."would anyone like somemore"? "Oh God no...I'm stuffed, that was wonderful Calleigh, thanks". "You are all welcome, if you like we can head into the den, and I'll bring coffee".

Getting up Horatio said...."I'll help you sweetheart". Walking into the kitchen, Calleigh loaded the dishes into the dishwasher, and perked the coffee. "Calleigh....how are you really feeling love"? asked Horatio with concern. "I'm fine handsome, just a little sad for Ryan, as I'm sure, he didn't mean to do what he did". "Listen Calleigh, Ryan was confused long ago, he had always had trouble with his mind, you can't blame yourself for this, none of it was your doing". "I know that, but it doesn't make it any easier, and how are you going to explain this to the team"? "Don't worry about that love, it will be handle carefully.

Walking over Horatio embraced Calleigh in his arms, and that's when he felt her fever. "Calleigh, you are burning up again"? "Hmm...no I'm not". "You are love, Mac.....yelled "H". "What is it, said Mac as he ran into the kitchen. "It's Calleigh, she's burning up again". "Would you stop, I'm fine", she said, as she felt the flush come on, and passed out in Mac's arms.

"Calleigh.....". Hearing Mac's yell from the kitchen, everyone ran in. "Christ, not again, said Danny, what is wrong with her"? "I'm not sure, but I need to get her to the Hospital now". Picking Calleigh up, Mac carried her to the car, and had Don drive him. "Don't worry Mac, we'll watch Macalleigh, and call us from the Hospital". "I will Stella, thanks".

Pulling out of the driveway, everyone watched with worry, for they knew, Calleigh was very ill.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Well I'm glad Ryan's out of the picture, but I'm really concerned about Calleigh. What the heck? :confused: Don't keep us hanging for too long Luving. :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I wonder what Christmas would be like without this dramma! :lol:

Jools I love your icon :D
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

^^^So do I Natty, it's all I want under my tree :evil, but... I'm willing to share :lol: Your Messer works out well too (all the way) :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When they arrived at the Hospital, they took Calleigh right into the room. "If you could all wait outside please, I need to undress the patient, and put her in a gown". "I'm not leaving my wife". "That's fine detective, you can stay". As the nurse took off Calleigh's clothes, she noticed a swollen red bite around Calleigh's left leg. "Excuse Mrs.Taylor, by chance have you been bitten by any type of spider or insect"? "Not that I know of, why"? "Well, you have a bite on your leg, stay right here, I'm going to get the doctor".

When the nurse left, Mac checked her leg, for he had seen many things in his Marine days. "Sweetheart, I can honestly tell you, you've been bit by a spider, if I'm right, a brown recluse, or a Yellow Sac". "What, how, I didn't even feel anything bite me, but I did notice a mild sting on my leg, and a small rash, but I thought nothing of it". "You wouldn't love, for the brown recluse bite is painless, and the Yellow Sac spider produces only a mild sting". "Oh Mac, is that why I've been so fevered and ill"? "It is love, but let's get the doctor's opinion, just to be safe".

"Mrs. Taylor....I'm Dr.Browning, I understand you have been biten by something, are running a fever, and had some vomiting". "I have, yes". When the doctor looked at the leg, he squeezed, and put some of the drainage, on a slide. "Nurse, get this up to Microbiology". "Yes, doctor". "Mrs.Taylor, are you allergic to penicillin"? "No...why"? "Well, I'd like to get you started on a IV drip with some antibiotic's, would that be okay"? "Sure, but do I have too stay over night"? "Not at all, if this is a spider bite, we will send you home with antibiotic's".

"Oh wait...I breast feed my daughter, are these antibiotic's going to hurt my breast milk". "They may, but if you like, you can switch to formula for 7-14 days, and then put the child back on your milk, 7 days after that". "Okay, thank you". "You are welcome, the nurse will be back in with the IV drip". As Mac held Calleigh's hand, he told her...."it will be alright love, just relax". "I don't understand it Mac, how could I not have known". "Shh....come on sweetheart, the faster we get this done, the faster we get home to Macalleigh".

"Hey Mac, how is she"? asked Don. "She'll be fine, some kind of spider bite, we are waiting for the results, but they are going to start her on a IV drip, with some Antibiotics, just to be safe". "Are you telling me one little bite caused her to become so ill"? "In some spider's yes, the venom can make you ill". "Okay Mrs.Taylor, let's get you hooked up, and then if you like, I can bring you something cold to drink". "Thanks".

As Don watched, he started to get woozy. "Don...are you okay"? asked Mac. "Uhuh...I think so". "Oh come now, is the famous Det.Don Flack afraid of needle's". "Quiet Mac, don't tell". "Here Det.Flack, have a seat, we wouldn't want you to fall, and smack your head", said the nurse laughing. "Very funny, and you are"? "I'm nurse Rhonda", 32, and single, how bout you, she laughed"? "Hmm...I'm single too, are you asking me out"? "Well now, you never know, do you"?

When Calleigh was half way through her antibiotic's, the doctor came in. "Okay Mrs.Taylor, it seems you have been bitten by a Yellow Sac spider, common house spider, but you seem to have had an allergy to it, so we will finish off this bag, and send you home with antibiotic's for the next 14 days, also, it would be a good idea to vaccum your home, including window's, vents, and your basement area, as these spider's breed, in dark place's, and do not make webs, which is why it is so hard to tell they have entered your home".

"Oh Mac, you were right". "Was there ever any doubt love", said Mac, as he kissed her fevered lips. "Hey Flack, where are you off too"? "To find that nurse, and see if she would like to come back to the house with us". Laughing, Don left, to his nurse Rhonda, while Mac helped Calleigh dress, then picking her up in his arms, she said...."Detective Taylor, I can walk". "No, I shall carry you, so just cuddle up, and hush", he whispered, as he kissed her passionately.
