"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

The first part of this Chapter is up at FF.Net. Please read up there first, before finishing down here.

Thanks. :)

The next time the Taylor's awoke, it was christmas morning. "Horatio...I'm...I'm...running from the bed, Stella threw up. "Sweetheart, you okay love"? asked Horatio with concern. "Yeah...I'll be fine, as soon as it passes". Helping his wife up, Horatio carried her back to bed. "Sleep for a while longer love, just relax". Closer her eyes, while Horatio caressed her sensitive tummy, Stella fell back to sleep.

Headsing downstairs, Horatio walked into the kitchen, and turned on the coffee machine. "Mmm...something smells good, said Sheldon. "Sheldon...what are you doing up so early"? :Long story "H", very long story". As Sheldon sat down, Flack entered with Danny beside him. "Oh..is that coffee, I'd love some". Horatio had to laugh, for they all looked like the walking dead. "Did you boys, not sleep at all"? "On and off, Merry Christmas, by the way", said Sheldon. "Merry Christmas to you too".

With the boys settled, Horatio left the kitchen to check on Stella. "Sweetheart....how are you feeling now"? "Little better, thanks". "I've brought you some mint tea, to help sooth your tummy". "Thank-you, is everyone up"? "No love, just the boys, Mac, Calleigh, and Lindsay, are still sleeping". Pushing herself up, Stella climbed out of bed, and into the shower. "I'll be right out Horatio, I just need a shower".

Horatio wasn't willing to wait, so dropping his clothes, he headed into the washroom, and climbed in behind his wife. "Hi sweetheart, I thought you could use some help washing your back". Taking his hands, Horatio lathered his hands, and shampooed Stella's hair. "Mmmm....feels wonderful Horatio, she said as she laid her body against her husbands. Caressing the soap along her chest, her thighs, her hips, Stella knew, they would not be getting out, until Horatio loved her passionately. "My beautiful Stella....I'm going to love you under the stream, so close your eyes, and beleive this is a warm waterfall, and only you and I exsit".

In the next room, Lindsay had awaken, showered and changed. Heading downstairs, she could hear the boys talking. "Merry christmas guys". "Merry Christmas Linds", said Danny getting up and kissing her. Helping herself to coffee, Sheldon asked..."is Mac, Calleigh and Macalleigh up yet"? "I don't think so, I know they had a pretty rough night". "They did...why"? "I guess Macalleigh wouldn't settle down, cause Mac kept waking her". "Why would he wake her"? "I'm not sure Doc, I heard only bits and pieces, mostly Calleigh, telling Mac to let her sleep". "Hmmm", said Danny, seems like Daddy is nervous about his daughters first christmas".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Thanks for the link Linda.

I think Mac had his nerves a bit settled, so Danny shouldn't be to worried about it. :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Calleigh and Mac, were getting Macalleigh ready. "Put her in the red velour dress love, with the little white frill socks, and black shoes, oh..and don't forget the red and green bow topped headband". After getting the outfit, Calleigh began dressing Macalleigh, and when she was finished, Macalleigh looked like an Angel, a beautiful christmas Angel". Picking her up, Mac took Calleigh by the hand, and walked them both downstairs. "Good morning everyone, Merry Christmas", said Calleigh. "Merry Christmas to you too".

"Why don't you give me that little Turqouis eyed Angel, said Sheldon, I'd like to hold her". Walking over Sheldon took Macalleigh into his arms. "God, she smells like heaven, such a beautiful girl, so much like her mommy", cooed Sheldon. "So what would you all like for breafast"? asked Calleigh. "Presents...said Danny. "For goodness sakes Danny, can't you wait"? asked Flack. "No I can't, so be quiet". "Listen Danny, I still have memories of last night, I could share you know", lied Flack. "I'll have some toast please Calleigh, and another cup of coffee".

"Okay, turning around, Calleigh asked....."What was that about"? "Seems the boys, had some trouble last night, Danny was found in Flack's bed, and Flack freaked out". *Giggling* "you're kidding, right"? "Afraid not love, I'm hearing it was quite a scene". "Screw you Mac, said Danny. "Umm..is there something I should know"? asked Linds. "No Lindsay, everything is fine", said Flack. Lindsay looked from one to the other...."alright, if you say so".

"Good morning everyone, and Merry Christmas", said Stella, as she made the rounds, kissing the boys. "Mmm....Danny you smell like Flack, do you two wear the same cologne"? "Christ...yelled Danny, waking up Macalleigh, as she screamed. "Shh!!! it's okay little Angel, Uncle Sheldon's got you". Calming Macalleigh back down, Mac said...."keep your voice down Danny, please". "Sure...sorry Mac". "As for you Mrs.Caine, behave", smirked Mac. "I always behave, giggled Stella.

After breakfast, everyone gathered into the den. "Here Sheldon, I'll take her now", said Mac. "that's okay Mac, I got her". "No it's okay, I'll take her". "Oh for christ sakes Sheldon, give him his Angel, before he starts crying", said Danny. Seeing the caution in Mac's eyes, Sheldon handed over Macalleigh. "Very protective, aren't you Mac"? asked Sheldon. "Yeah, I guess I am, but this is her first christmas with her family, and I'd like her sitting with me, when we open gifts". "I understand, said Sheldon, as they walked into the den.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Awesome update Linda. Boys and their litte ... secrets. Loved Stella's reaction to that. And the ever impatient Danny of course. He knocks me off my socks with his remarks. So now we're on the way to the den. Can't wait to find out what happens there. :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Before opening gifts, Mac asked everyone to gather together at the tree, and wrap their arms around each other, as they prayed.

Dear Lord, We thank you this season, for bringing our families together, in warmth and in love. We thank you for the friendships, the health, and the guidence you give each day. But most of all Lord, we would like you to bless our troops overseas, and protect them, guide them, and allow them a wonderful christmas holiday of peace and joy, with their families, who are far away. "Amen".

"Amen....said the Taylor family, as they finished the prayer.

Sitting around the fireplace, and the tree, Mac passed Macalleigh to Calleigh, as he played Santa. Picking up the first gift, he placed on Macalleigh's knee, took her little hands, and helped her open it. "Oh my...said Calleigh, that is beautiful Horatio and Stella, you shouldn't have". Showing the gift to the others, they all sighed, for inside the box, was a 24carat necklace, with an dainty Angel with wings, who was holding a dangling tiny cross. "That is truely beautiful, said Mac as he kissed Stella, and shook Horatio's hand. "You are very welcome, and I had it blessed by the church, for Macalleigh.

As Mac unlatched the hook, he placed it on Macalleigh's neck, and fastened it. "Aww..look at her, she is an Angel, said Horatio reaching for her. Holding her against his arm, he sat her upwards, protecting her neck, and as those gorgeous eyes opened, everyone stared, and sighed, as she yawned, and fell back into sleep. "Okay, seeing our Angel has decided to fall back asleep, we will start with the other gifts for now. "Stella, this is for you, from Calleigh, and I, Horatio, from Calleigh and I, Danny, Hawkes, Lindsay, Flack, from Calleigh and I".

Opening their gifts together, they all stared in shock, for inside were . Lindsay's had a gold shaped oval locket, and when it opened, it fell down, opening more, revealing tiny single picture's, of Mac, Calleigh, Macalleigh, Danny, Lindsay, Flack, Sheldon, Horatio, and Stella. "Oh this truely wonderfully, and look on the front, it says "NY Family". As the boys opened their's quickly, the found gold DogTags, that opened and revealed the same pictures. "Oh Mac...Calleigh, these are to much, cried Lindsay. "No Lindsay, they are perfect".

Putting on their necklace's, Danny said....."My turn now". Reaching under the tree, he pulled out Mac, Calleigh, and Macalleigh's. "Thanks Danny, should I wake Macalleigh". "Nah, let her sleep, we will watch her open hers when she wakes up". As Mac and Calleigh opened them, they smiled. For inside, where two matching black suits. "Oh my Danny, Scuba gear, what is this for"? "This is for you and Mac, Lindsay has the other half". Getting up, Lindsay pulled the envelope off the tree, and passed it to Calleigh.

As they opened it, they seen two tickets for Scuba Diving in Miami. "Oh my, is this a hint, to take a vacation at my second home"? "No...we figured you, Mac and Macalleigh would be visiting Miami again, and we thought it would be nice, for the two of you too go Scuba Diving". "It's wonderful, thanks guys", said Mac. "Now mine, said Sheldon, as he pulled out a huge package. "Oh goodness, is this for Macalleigh"? "It is, and she's going to love it, but before that, here is yours and Mac's. Calleigh opened hers first, and found a black silk nightie, with a black silk cover. "Oh...this is naughty Sheldon, laughed Calleigh, as she seen Mac's reaction. "Ummm...hmmm... no trying that on, till we are alone love". "Open yours Mac", said Sheldon. As Mac opened his, he noticed black silk pajama's, with a blck robe. "I think this is a sign love". "I think you are right Mac".

"Okay my turn, said Flack. Reaching under the tree, he pulled out a tiny gift box, for Macalleigh, and two larger boxes, for Mac and Calleigh. "Oh my, said Calleigh, as she shook it. Opening it wide, she seen the beautiful pure white silk jumpsuit, "this is truely gorgeous Flack, thank you". "Come on Mac, your turn". Opening his package, Mac found a wallet, engraved with his name "Det Mac Taylor", wow, this is great Flack, thank you, so much guys".

While the rest of the family opened their gifts, Mac took Macalleigh upstairs to change her. "There you go Daddy's Angel, said Mac, as he looked at the necklace shinning. "That is so beautiful my Macalleigh, shall we dance"? As Mac danced with his daughter, Calleigh watched from the door. "How is she Mac"? "She's great Mrs.Taylor, would you care to join us"? "I would, thank you". Dancing around the floor, Macalleigh leaned into her daddy's chest, laid down her head, curled her little fist, around his heart, and fell back to sleep.

"Do you know what love"? "No..what handsome". "I think Macalleigh's gifts, are going to have to wait, a little longer". Sound asleep, Mac carried his beautiful Angel back downstairs. Standing over her Calleigh said..."Do you think she'll be okay, with that necklace on"? "She'll be fine love, as she's not rolling yet". Taking his wife, by the hand, they walked downstairs. "Well it's about time, we still need to see your gift, you got Calleigh", said Danny. "Oh, that's right, you sit here love, and close your eyes".

As Calleigh closed her eyes, Mac with the help of Danny, Flack, and Sheldon, dragged out the giant flat gift. "Okay, open your eyes sweetheart". Opening her eyes, Calleigh said..."Oh my, what is it"? "You'll have to open it and find out". Tearing off the paper, Calleigh cried, "oh...oh...I can't believe this, what have you done". Stella, and Horatio were stunned, for in front of everyone, stood a murual that went center of the firplace, and across both walls, of the Miami/NY teams. "Oh Mac, this is to beautiful, look at the full circle of both our families, with Macalleigh in the middle, and on each side, was the Miami team to the left, and the NY team to the right.

Everyone was silent, for this truely was a masterpiece, that was done with pride, and care. Still in tears, Calleigh stood up, and said thank-you to everyone. "Come hear love, said Horatio, as he embraced her in his arms, and as the rest of the families joined in, they had formed the circle of united love. "Shall we hang the murual"? asked Sheldon. Getting the ladders from the gargage, Danny stood on the left, Sheldon on the right, and Mac in the middle. With a couple hooks, they had the murual hung over the fireplace, and across each wall.

Stepping off the ladders, everyone stared in awe, for there were no words for it, for this masterpiece, that brought two CSI families together in respect, in comfort, in warmth, and in love. "Waa....waaa, cried Macalleigh. "Would you like me to take her Calleigh"? asked Stella. "Not right now, I need to feed her, and then I'll bring her back, to open her gifts". Leaving the room, Mac said...."Do you think she loved it"? "Yeah Mac, she more than loved it, you could see it in her eyes", said Horatio.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Santa's been really good for these guys. Shaking with present's, I just thought that was me. :lol: I'm glad I have an online dictionary for the murual. :lol: You guys have some expressions, whoa... I'm 40 and still learning, Hey... don't forget English isn't my native language :lol: Aww.. loved that last scene.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Very cute updates

The Flack/Danny Kinkapoodle thing had me rolling again.. :lol:

Great job :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When Calleigh got back to the den with Macalleigh, she passed her over to Stella. "There's and Angel, said Stella, as she cuddled her up against her chest, and inhaled her baby fresh scent. "Oh my, said Calleigh, what are you boys up to there"? Looking over, Calleigh seen the boys playing with the little CSI dolls, that Sid and Adam have given Macalleigh. "Sorry sweetheart, but these are really neat, even the little arms move, and the detail is wonderful, right down to Sid's glasses".

Everyone laughed, until Danny said...."Can we open Macalleigh's gifts now"? "Jeez Dan, you're such a child". "I know, but you love it Flack". Sitting back on the ground, Mac wrapped his arms around Calleigh, while Stella sat with Macalleigh. "Here you go love, let's open Uncle Danny's first, since he is so impatient. As they opened the gift, they seen a beautiful baby charm braclet, with one charm, a single initial "M" with a small diamond inside. "Oh this is so lovely, thank you Danny". "There's more, dig deeper".

As Calleigh dug deeper in the box, she pulled out a beautiful colored mobile, full of rainbows, and as Macalleigh opened her eyes, she must have seen the bright colors, for her eyes opened wide. "Oh Danny, she loves it, it's lovely, and glows, wherever did you find such a beautiful mobile". "It was in a little shop, on one of my call outs, I came across the store, and seen the mobile shinning through the window, so my first thought was our Macalleigh".

"Okay, enough, mine now, said Flack. Passing over the box, Mac opened it and inside was the "Fisher Price Learning Center". Laughing Mac said, wow Don, that's huge, and so pink". "I know, it's the best learning center going, comes with 12 learning disks, and has all kinds of accessories, there is a special disk she can use now, it plays lullaby's, but there is one more thing in the box, something she can use now". Checking in the box, Mac pulled out a smaller box, opened it, and inside were coins mounted in a plaque. "Each coin is pure gold, with Macalleigh's letters in each one, forming her name". "This is to gorgeous, said Calleigh, thank you".

With all the festive gift opening done, Macalleigh was passed around to her family. "I'll take her now, said Danny. Holding her in his arms, Danny caressed her little cheek, causing her to give a little mew. "God Calleigh, she is so beautiful, so much like her mother, and that little pout of Mac's is so sweet", said Danny, as he lifted her over his chest, so she curl up under his neck and sleep. "Being greedy there, aren't you Dan, said flack, pass that Angel over here". "Come on Flack, I just got her, give me a few more minutes with her".

As the boys argued quietly, Stella, Horatio, Calleigh, Mac, Sheldon, and Lindsay laughed. "Maybe you should have one of your own, laughed Stella. Looking over at Lindsay, Danny said...."Oh I almost forgot, Lindsay pass me that little box, hanging on the tree". Passing Macalleigh to Don, Danny took the box, grabbed Lindsay by the hand, took her to the fireplace, sat her down, got on one knee, opened the box, and said...."Lindsay, you know how much I love you, will you marry me"? Lindsay looked in awe, at the diamond ring, Danny held in his hand. "Yes Danny, I'll marry you".

"Awe....congrats guys, said Stella, it's about time". "Damn Flack, looks like you lost your mate, teased Sheldon". Everyone laughed. "Such comedians you all are, very funny, come on Macalleigh, come with Uncle Don, away from the naughty family". Holding Macalleigh at the tree, she opened her eyes, and watched for all of two seconds, at the flashing lights, then with another little yawn, she feel back into sleep. Kissing her tiny cheek, Flack passed her back to Calleigh.

"So...what time is dinner, I'm starving here, said Flack. "Come on Stella, you can help me bring out the cheese, meat, and cracker platters, said Mac. Heading into the kitchen Mac asked...."How you feeling Stel, has your nausea lightened up". "Yeah, it has Mac, but I'm just so happy, I never thought I'd be so in love, after what I had been through". "I knew Stel, I always knew how much, you loved "H", I could tell from the moment he walked in, and your eyes lit up". Embracing Mac in her arms, she said...."Always you know Det.Taylor, and I love you for it". "Just as I love you Stel".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Had to read that chap between commercial breaks. MaCalleigh is one lucky girl with a family like that. And Danny was so impatient, but o so sweet with Lindsay. One down, two to go :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

No wonder he was so impatient! :lol: Flack best mate asks his girl friend to marry him and all he can think about is food! Men.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

With the boy's snacking down, Calleigh excused herself and headed upstairs with Macalleigh. "Are you okay love"? asked Mac. "I'm fine, just a little tired, I'm going to put Macalleigh down for her nap, and take a little one myself". "Okay love, rest easy". "I will, I'll see you all later". Walking up the stairs, Calleigh felt the dizziness hit her all at once, and gripping Macalleigh tightly with one hand, and the railing with the other she quickly balanced herself. "Calleigh.....called Flack, running up the stairs, and embracing her, while he called for Mac. "Mac...come quick". As Everyone ran from the room, they seen Calleigh passed out, leaning against Flack.

"Calleigh.....oh my God, what happened"? asked Mac. "I'm not sure Mac, grab Macalleigh", said Flack. When Mac had Macalleigh safely in his arms, Flack picked up Calleigh, and carried her into her room for Mac. "Lay her on the bed Don", said Mac. Laying Calleigh upon the bed, Mac passed Macalleigh to Don, while he tried to wake up his wife. "Calleigh...Calleigh...come on love, wake up". Slowly opening her eyes, she leaned over the bed, and threw up. "Oh sweetheart, why didn't you tell me you were feeling ill"? "I didn't know I was, I felt fine".

Feeling her head, Mac realized she was burning with fever. "Horatio, go into the washroom and grab me some Tylenol please". As her family stood around her, you could see the concern in all their eyes. "Is she going to be okay Mac"? asked Stella. "I think so, looks like the flu, you need to stay back Stella, I don't want you catching it, especially with being pregnant". Knowing Mac was right, she stood back. "How you feeling now love"? "Somewhat better, still a little nausious". "Okay, I'm going to get you out of your clothes, and Danny can you rab a glass of ginger ale from the fridge". "Sure Mac".

While everyone waited downstairs, Mac changed Calleigh into her nightclothes. "Oh Mac, this is silly, I need to finish preparing our meal". "Don't worry love, just rest, we can finish it". Trying to lean up to get a drink of the ginger ale, she collapsed back down. "Mac....I'm not liking this at all, I think we should get her to the Hospital", said Danny with concern. "No...I'm fine, no Hospital, I'll be okay". "Listen love, I'm going to call the doctor, and see if he can make a house call". "Oh Mac, don't do that, it's christmas, and he has family". "Okay, for now I'll wait, but if you get worse, I'm calling". Kissing his wife on the head, Mac left the room.

"Hey Mac....I'll stay with her for a bit", said Don, I don't think she should be left alone". Mac was heartened by his team, for their concern for Calleigh was heart warming. "Okay Don, I'll check on her later". Taking Macalleigh, the rest of the family went back downstairs. As Calleigh slept, Don was reading Macalleigh's baby book, and admiring the photo's of the precious Angel, when Horatio walked in. "What have you got there Don"? asked "H". "It's Macalleigh's baby book, have you seen the photo's in here, they are to gorgeous for words, and each one is dated, and did you know, they take one photo a day of Macalleigh, have a look".

As Horatio took the book, he seen each picture had a date, time, and exact age beside it. "Hmmm....she is a beauty, all the way down to her little toes", said Horatio. Looking at the book together, they also noticed Macalleigh's hand prints, foot prints, and finger prints. "Awww... this is just to sweet, look how tiny her foot is". Watching from the door, Mac was smiling, for he never seen Don act all sweet over anything. "How is she Don"? "Still sleeping Mac, but her fever has gone down". "That's good, said Mac as he walked over and felt her head. "You know Mac, I never realized you took photo's of Macalleigh everyday", said Don. "We do, for everyday we notice the little changes, in her looks, her smile, her eyes, and her temperment, each moment of change, is truly a blessing".
