"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Poor Calleigh... somehow I wonder if that Tylenol works :p And so sweet how all of them care for each other. Great update Linda. :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When Calleigh awoke, she found Mac sitting on her bed. "How you feeling love"? "Better, it was the strangest thing, one minute I was fine, and the next minute, I was dizzy, and could feel myself falling". "Sweetheart, by chance could we be pregnant again"? "No, I wish it was that easy, but I just finished my monthly". "Hmm...I think we should make you an appointment with the doctor". "I guess you are right", said Calleigh as she got out of bed. Standing up, she headed into the washroom, and changed back into her clothes.

"Augh love, why do you always pick black, you know what it does to me", said Mac. "I'm sorry, but this feels very lovely against my skin", said Calleigh as she caressed the jumpsuit. "Listen love, if you don't stop caressing yourself, neither one of us are going to get downstairs before nightfall". Laughing Calleigh kissed him on the lips, and headed downstairs. "Wait up love, said Mac, as he grabbed her around the waist, and nestled her into his arms. "Mac...she sighed, as he brushed his heated fingers across her thigh. "Sorry love, couldn't resist".

When they got back in the den, Calleigh and Mac watched Don, Danny and Sheldon, playing with the figures and Macalleigh. "Look Macalleigh...see, this is mommy, and look at daddy, said Don. "Never mind them Macalleigh, just look at how handsom Uncle Danny is. As Macalleigh's eyes slowly closed again, Sheldon seen Calleigh. "Hey Calleigh, how you feeling"? "Better thanks, the oddest thing really, I feel fine". Sheldon looked confused, for very few illnesses came on like that. "I know that look Sheldon, said Mac, don't worry I'm taking her to the doctor". "Good, and I'll do some checking on line, and see if I can't find something that resembles Calleigh's symptoms".

"Hey Mac...said Stella, what time is Adam coming"? "I told him we'd be eating between 6/7pm, so most likely he'll be here around five". Sitting down, Mac sat Calleigh on his lap, and her lean back against his shoulder, as he cuddled her. *Ding dong*. "Who's that"? asked Danny getting up to answer the door. Opening the door, he seen the delivery man standing there. "Are you Calleigh Taylor"? "No...Calleigh, package for you", yelled Dan. Coming to the door, Calleigh signed for the package. "Who's it from love"? asked Mac. "I'm not sure, she said, as she opened it.

Tearing the paper, Calleigh opened the box, and peeked inside. "Oh my....it's a video tape". "Huh... who is it from"? asked Mac. Looking at the card it read...."Hello my love, I made us this special tape of where we will go, when I get out, so have a look, I'm sure you will love it, looking forward to seeing you and Macalleigh soon", Love Ryan. Watching in silence, Horatio could see the anger in Mac's eyes. "Easy Mac, said "H", he's locked up for a long time, and this is just one more piece of evidence, that will help keep him there".

"Oh Horatio....I thought you said he was getting better", said Calleigh. "I honestly thought he was love, he's been seeing the Psych every two days, for the last three months". "Well obviously he isn't, and I'll be damned if he is getting anywhere near my wife", said Mac. "Don't worry Mac, said Don, Calleigh has all of us to protect her, she won't be going anywhere, just calm down". Stroking Mac's cheek, Calleigh managed to calm him. "Give me the tape and note sweetheart", said "H". Passing them over, Horatio excused himself, and took them upstairs.

Getting up, Calleigh headed to the kitchen with Stella to check on the turkey. "Hey Mac, aren't you going to watch the tape"? asked Danny. "Of course we are, tonight, when Calleigh's in bed, I will not have her upset again". "I have an idea, said Sheldon, trying to lighten the mood, how about I put on some christmas music". "That's a wonderful idea, said Don, so you just pass over our little angel, it's my turn to hold her". Passing Macalleigh to Don, Sheldon got up, and turned on the music.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Cool uncle Danny,:lol: Bummer present :mad:, just when I thought he was out of the picture for good. They'd better surprise Ryan before Christmas.
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

:devil:Aww come on my girls, we all know how much you love Ryan, and my angsty scenes.

Admit it, or no Christmas :devil:ness :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Allrighty then, since it's this time of the year, we'll be nice again :devil: and open the door a bit :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

*Ding dong*....". "I'll get it , said Stella, it's most likely Adam. Opening the door, Adam was standing there with a huge smile on his face. "Merry Christmas Stella", Adam said as he hugged her. "Merry Christmas to you too". Walking into the den everyone said..."Hey Adam, Merry christmas". "Thanks, you guys too, and thanks for the invite, with my parents gone away for christmas, I was getting lonely". It was at that moment Calleigh came in....."Adam...how are you"? "I'm great Calleigh, how are you feeling"? "Great thanks, dinner should be ready in about an hour". "Mac...I need to run to the store, I'll be back in about 10 minutes". "Hold on Calleigh, I'll go with you", said Stella.

When the girls left, Mac told Horatio...."go get the tape, let's have a look at what Wolfe has been up too". "Wolfe....as in Ryan Wolfe"? "Yeah, he tried to kidnap Calleigh a while back, he seems to have this infactuation with her", said Don, how did you know his last name"? "It's all over the news, he escaped with four other criminals in Miami around 2pm". "WHAT....Horatio, why haven't your team called to let us know"? shouted Mac. "Most likely because they are out looking". Picking up the phone, Horatio called Eric. "Delko". "Eric, it's Horatio, what is going on there"? "Sorry I was just about to call you, it seems Ryan escaped, he went insane, killed the Psych, one guard, stole his clothes, and took off".

"Who's on it besides you Eric"? "Frank, Jake, and Stetler, we have officer's looking everywhere, how's Calleigh"? "Not well, I call you later Eric". Hanging up the Horatio informed Mac and his team of the situation. "We need to find Calleigh and Stella now", said Danny. "Okay, Adam, you stay with Macalleigh, while Don, Danny, "H", and myself head out to find them". "Wait a minute Mac, what if Ryan show's up here, and tries to kidnap Macalleigh", said Danny. Thinking about it, Mac knew Danny was right, "okay, Danny you stay with Adam and Macalleigh, and keep your eyes opened, if anything, Ryan isn't thinking normally right now, he has only one intent, to kidnap my family".

Just as Mac and the team were ready to head out the door, Calleigh and Stella came back in. "I forgot my wallet, isn't that funny"? asked Calleigh. Not speaking a word, Mac embraced Calleigh tightly. "Auuuuuuugh.....easy Mac...why are you shaking"? Mac was to angry to answer. "Calleigh, Ryan has escaped, this afternoon at about 2pm", said Horatio. "Excuse me...how...I thought he was locked up". "It was during his visit with the Psych, he killed her, and the one guard". "Wow...okay, I think we should watch that tape, and see where he plans on taking me". "Are you sure love", asked Horatio. "Of course, we need to figure this out". As everyone sat down, Mac placed the tape in the VCR, and pushed play.

"Hello my beautiful wife"........

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Exciting update Linda,
I just opened the door for Ryan a little, makes me wonder if I should close it quickly (in this story) :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

"Hello my beautiful wife, how are you and our daughter doing"? "I've missed you, and forgive you, for having me put away. "I've gotten out on good behaviour, and will be coming soon to get you and Macalleigh, and take us away". "But don't worry about Mac, I promise not to hurt him, if he doesn't stop me". "So be ready love, because we have been apart to long". "Loving you always...your Ryan.

"Christ...sick bastard", said Danny. "Listen Mac, maybe we should send Calleigh, and Macalleigh away", said Don. "No... I'm not going anywhere, if he wants me that bad, he'll find me, I'd rather stay here and fight him", said Calleigh. Taking her hand, Mac squeezed it tight. "Don't worry love, you are not going anywhere".

"Hey Mac....I've found something". "What is it Adam"? "There is something under this recorded message, some kind of background, could be where he filmed the video, I need to get this back to the Lab, I'll call you with the results". "Okay Adam, we'll hold dinner for you". "Okay, I shouldn't be long".

After Adam left, Mac took Macalleigh in his arms, and held her close. "There's daddy's angel, it will be alright, daddy is here for you and mommy". As Macalleigh mewed, Mac positioned her on his chest, and laid her tiny head, on his shoulder, while she slept. "I'm going to go check dinner", said Calleigh. "I'll go with you Calleigh", said Stella.

After checking the turkey, Stella and Calleigh peeled the potatoes. "Calleigh....what do you think"? "About what"? "Ryan...do you think he'll try again"? "Yeah...I know he will, but this time I'll be ready". "How do you mean Calleigh"? "I've got a plan in mind, when the time is right, I'll tell you". "What about Mac"? "Of course, I just have a couple more things to organize, and all will be ready".

"Sweetheart....said Mac, Macalleigh's hungry". "Okay Mac, give her here, I'll feed her". Taking Macalleigh in her arms, Calleigh bared her breast, and fed her daughter. "Mac...you want to help me finish potatoes"? asked Stella. Now Mac hated potatoe duty, but he knew Calleigh truely was busy. "Sure Stel, I'll help", said Mac, picking up a peeler.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

My bet's on Adam to locate him! Now what the heck is Calleigh up to? Clifhangers are the worst thing in a story, but nothing you can do about it but wait... wait... wait :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

When the rest of the family piled into the kitchen, Calleigh had just finished feeding Macalleigh. "Whoa...Mac Taylor peeling potatoe's, just like the old days, eh Mac". "Listen Danny, I suggest if you'd like to eat tonight, you help, as we have 10 more pounds to peel". "Ha.. you're kidding right, I'm a guest". "No...you are family, and being family, it is your job to help", said Mac. Picking up a peeler, Danny dug in". "What would you like us to do", asked Don. "I don't know, ask Calleigh". "Calleigh...what would you like Sheldon and I to do"? "Well...you can start the water to boil, and throw in the vegetables, while I go upstairs and change Macalleigh".

Back at the Lab, Adam was processing the video, when he noticed Mac's basement. "What the hell....it can't be", he said as he picked up the phone to call Mac.

While Calleigh was changing Macalleigh, she didn't hear the nursery door open, or the footsteps, of Ryan Wolfe sneaking up behind her. "There we my Angel, all changed, shall I read you a story"? Just as Calleigh turned around, she seen Ryan, cover her mouth, so she couldn't scream. "Not a word my love, we wouldn't want Macalleigh to die now, would we"? Shaking her head, Calleigh said no. "God she is beautiful, she has my eyes, and my little nose, did you notice that Calleigh, how much she resembles me"?

Hearing the phone, Mac picked it up, "Taylor". "Mac...said a distressed Adam, he is in your house". "What...who Adam"? "Ryan Wolfe, he's been living in your basement, the video tape was made in your basement". "Christ...Calleigh". Hanging up the phone, Mac told Don and Flack to come with him into the basement. "Stella, Sheldon, you two stay here, and warn Calleigh". "Okay Mac, no problem".

When they got into the basement, they seen the video recorder, and a blanket on the ground. "Mac... where is he"? asked Danny. "Upstairs, oh my God, he's upstairs with Calleigh. As they ran upstairs, they noticed Sheldon bleeding on the floor. "Sheldon...where is Stella"? aksed Don. "He's got Calleigh, and Macalleigh, he took them Mac". "Okay Sheldon, but where is Stella"? "She went upstairs". Running upstairs, they opened the door.....

