"MaCalleigh....What Could've been".

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

With the house quiet, Mac and Calleigh found Macalleigh awake in her cradle. Walking over Mac picked her up and cradled her. "Hey my beautiful Angel, what are you doing awake"? Making little mew sounds, Mac sat with her upon the bed. "Sweetheart, I think she may hungry", whispered Mac. As Calleigh reached for Macalleigh, Mac wouldn't let her go. "Mac...I need her to feed her you know", she giggled. "I know love, come, sit between my legs".

As Calleigh sat between Mac's legs, Mac passed her Macalleigh, and sensually pulled down the side of her nightgown, and upon baring her breast, Mac wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter, protectively. While Macalleigh fed, Mac leaned into his wife, and began telling Macalleigh a story.

"Once upon a time, their was a beautiful Princess named Macalleigh. She lived at the Castle with her parents, the King and Queen. During the night, Macalleigh awoke and tiptoed into her parents room, climbing upon their bed. "Daddy....whispered Macalleigh, I snuggle with you and mommy"? Pulling back the sheets, the King allowed his daughter to snuggle up, between them. "I love you daddy". "I love you to my Macalleigh, said the King, as he wrapped his arms around her.

Later that evening, the Queen awoke to a draft, and turning to face her husband for warmth, she seen their daughter, all snuggled up under her daddy's chin. Softly whispering..."Mac...Mac, wake up, I'm cold, it seems Macalleigh has stolen the blankets again, and your warmth". Waking from sleep, Mac reached over and pulled his lovely wife closer to him and Macalleigh. "Better love, whispered Mac. "Mmm...much, it seems our daughter has made her way back to our bed", smiled the Queen.

With the King, Queen, and Princess, wrapped up tightly within each other, they all fell back asleep". "The following morning, when Macalleigh awoke, she seen her daddy smiling at her. "Hi daddy, I love you". Stroking his daughter's hair, the King said once again...."as do I love you, my Macalleigh". Getting up from the bed, Macalleigh tiptoed her way out of her parents room, and went back to her own bed, where she crawled in, and fell back asleep". Interrupting the story, Calleigh said...."Mac...she's gone back to sleep, I need to put her in her cradle". Not wanting this family moment to end, Mac said...."Hold her a bit longer love, I feel wonderful having us all wrapped up together".

Nestling in closer, Mac, Calleigh and Macalleigh, just listened to the creaks in their home. "Mac... aren't you going to finish your story"? "Another time love, it's now early Christmas morning, and I have something for you, before we go to sleep". Looking over at the clock, Calleigh realized it was 2am. "Oh my...we are going to be awefully tired this morning". Getting himself out of bed, Mac placed Macalleigh back in her cradle, and walked over to the drawer, where he pulled out a small gift box.

"Walking back to the bed, Mac said...."Merry Christmas sweetheart", as he handed her the box. "Oh Mac....what have you done", whispered Calleigh. Opening the small package, Calleigh seen the delicate locket, and as she opened it, their was a picture of her and Mac on one side, and Macalleigh on the other. With a tear in her eye, Calleigh whispered....."it's truely beautiful Mac, help me put it on". Moving his wife's beautiful hair away from her neck, Mac attached the locket, and kissed the nape of her neck.

Standing in front of the mirror, Calleigh seen the heart shaped locket shine. "Oh Mac, I have something for you too". Reaching into her dresser, she also pulled out a small gift box, and passed it to Mac. As he opened it, he seen the thick gold personalized braclet, that read "MacDaddy", and on the inside, it said "Forever yours in love, Calleigh and Macalleigh". "Sweetheart, this is very gorgeous, I love it". As Calleigh clipped it for Mac, she kissed his hand. "I love you Det.Mac Taylor". "I love you too, Mrs.Taylor".

The rest of this chapter up at FF.Net :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Aww that is so sweet its sad *Natsky wipes tear*!

Mac would do anything to protect is family :) But not I've got to go to FF!
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I just read this story and I have to say, It's very cute

some things I liked...

- I like how Calleigh calls Horatio handsome that is very cute and just like them
- I like the Mac/Stella friendship. They will always be friends.
-The family had a lot of trials but made it through. Very clever story line with the doll maker and the real parts.

I never thought of Mac and Calleigh as a couple but you pulled it off.

Great story
hhunter, thank you very much, for the wonderful review. I really appreciate you taking the time to read this fic, as it is something I've really thought long and hard about. Knowing that I've pulled this story off, makes me a very happy writer. :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Woeps, being offline for a few days I have a lot of catching up to do. *Damn work*
lovely how you got Mac out of kitchen duty Luving.*srolls up again... and down again* Tree trimming, beautiful written, can't wait for Saturday. *up... and down* All gathered around that tree and singing, that's what Christmas should be. Oh and Natty, I'll put a box of Kleenex under your tree, who can keep it dry with a writer like this. All and all a great story. Now I'm off to PAC. A little bird told me there's a Christmas story over there too. :lol:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Yea natty, I give you box of Kleenex's to! :lol: *runs to FF.net! :devil:*
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Woeps, being offline for a few days I have a lot of catching up to do. *Damn work*
lovely how you got Mac out of kitchen duty Luving.*srolls up again... and down again* Tree trimming, beautiful written, can't wait for Saturday. *up... and down* All gathered around that tree and singing, that's what Christmas should be. Oh and Natty, I'll put a box of Kleenex under your tree, who can keep it dry with a writer like this. All and all a great story. Now I'm off to PAC. A little bird told me there's a Christmas story over there too.
Nice to have you back Jools. Your review was great, also if you are looking for more Christmas story's, I have them going on in "Smex Story", and in "Miami/NY Taylor/Caine clans continue". :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Downstairs, Flack and Sheldon, were still awake. "Hey Flack, do you ever think about getting married, and having kids one day"? "Sometimes, I do, but then other times, I'm kind of glad I don't". "Why is that"? "I don't know, at times, I don't see myself as a father, how bout you"? "Me...I can see it, I'd love to have a wife and child, I know this would make my life complete". "Well... good luck to you Sheldon, I hope it does happen for you". "Thanks Flack, it means alot coming from you". "Go to sleep Sheldon".

With the house now quiet, Mac awoke, grabbed Macalleigh, and sat her in the rocking chair. "Hello my little Angel, whispered Mac, daddy came to say Merry Christmas". Bending down, Mac kissed his daughters rose bud lips, as she crinkled her little nose, and let out a huge yawn. "Such a big yawn, for a little Angel". "Mac....please don't tell me you've waken her up again". "Ummm...no love, she was awake, so I thought I'd sit with her for a while". "Umhmm, bring her over, I know you want too".

Walking over, Mac tucked Macalleigh between them, just like in his story. "Are you warm love"? "Of course I'm warm, how could I not be". "Good, night sweetheart". "Goodnight Mac". Falling back into sleep, Mac stayed awake, and watched his wife and daughter breathe in and out. Then thinking to himself, he thanked God for the wonderful family, he had given him. "Mac.... please try and sleep", sighed Calleigh. "I'm trying love, but I'm to excited about Macalleigh's first Christmas". "Honestly Mac, you are such a child, giggled Calleigh. "I know love, but that's one of the many things, you love about me". "Very true Det.Taylor, now go to sleep". Closing his eyes, Mac fell into sleep, wrapped in his families love.

In the next room, Danny awoke, and realized, he had better back downstairs, with Flack and Sheldon. "Danny, where are you going"? "Back downstairs Linds, before Mac wakes up". "Do you have too"? "I do Linds, it wouldn't be right, for Mac or Calleigh, to find us together in their daughters nursery". Giving Lindsay one last kiss, Danny headed back down, to the den. "Well..... look who decided to come back", teased Flack. "Go to sleep man, not now". "Ouch...Linds playing hard to get again Dano"? "Listen Don, one more word, and you'll be feeling my bullet". *Laughing*, Sheldon said...."Now that would be hot". "Screw you guys, said Danny, snuggling under the blankets.

Through the den, you could still hear the laughter of Flack, and Sheldon.

Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Good to be back Linda :) Cute, Mac being more nervous than MaCalleigh. And Danny better keep those bullets hidden :lol: I'ta time of peace :devil:
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

Hello ladies, there may not be an update today, as RL
is really taken it's tow today. BUt I thank you all for the FB.

Thanks again for reading , Linda :)
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

I laughed out loud at that Danny/Flack/Sheldon scene. Great job on the update.

Check your PM's Linda, I have a question. :D
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

"Come on Danny, what's the matter"? asked Flack. "It's this thing with Montana man". "What thing"? "She wants to have a baby, and I keep telling her I'm not ready, but I know how upset she is, that I won't". "Listen Danny....said Sheldon, where do you see you and Lindsay in ten years"? "I don't know man, I can't even see tomorrow". "Dan...if you can't see Lindsay in your life tomorrow, than she is not the right woman for you", said Flack. "I don't know man, it feels right, but I've often wondered that myself".

"Listen Danny, we won't hound you about it anymore, for it's almost daylight, but you need to seriously think about it", said Flack. "I know man, go to sleep". Finally falling asleep, Danny dreamed of Lindsay, and there life together. "Danny I'm home", said a pregnant Lindsay. "Hey Montana, how was your day"? "It was okay, what time does your shift start"? "In twenty minutes, are you going to be okay Linds"? "Yeah..I'll be fine, don't worry Danny, you have a safe shift". "I will love bye", kissing her on the lips he left.

"Danny.....Danny....what the fuck man, get your lips off my cheek", yelled Flack. "What...what..said Danny half asleep. "God man, I ain't Lindsay, for christ sake, get the hell out of my blankets". Waking Sheldon out of sleep, he started howling...."Oh my God, Danny for goodness sakes, are you"? laughed Sheldon. "Fuck you Hawkes, said Danny sliding over, I was having a dream". "Must have been some dream, Flack was loving it". "Listen Sheldon, if you speak one word of this, I'll shoot you". "Who....me, nah...your dirty little secret is safe, he laughed.

"Sorry Flack, I don't know what happened", said Danny. "Never mind man, said Flack taking his blankets on the couch, and plopping down, just go back to sleep". Falling back to sleep, wasn't going to happen for Flack, for he spent the rest of the morning watching Danny, to make sure, he stayed where he was put. "What's going on in here, asked Mac, you trying to wake the house, I just got back to sleep, when I heard Flack yell". "Umm....said Sheldon. "Um what Sheldon"? asked Mac. "Um..it seems Danny was dreaming about Flack, and he joined him in his blankets, with kisses, and Flack freaked, he howled. "Just can't shut your mouth, can you Sheldon, said Danny, I thought I was still with Lindsay, it was an honest mistake".

Mac was trying not to laugh, for he knew the rumors of his boys, having the hots for each other, but not admiting it. "Don't even go there Mac, not now, said Flack, this is all those TalkCSI fangirls fault, the little She-Devils have us being naughty every minute of the day". "Alright, just try and go back to sleep, and Kinkapoodle, stay away from your Flack". "Very funny Mac, such a comedian". Leaving the den, they could hear Mac's laughter as he walked up the stairs.


Next Chapter up at FF.Net
Re: "MaCalleigh....What should've been".

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Love that bantering between those poor guys. Should we girls stop haunting them?! :devil: