Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

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Cassie said:
Know one thing I realized about Stel? She loves men with beards....... ngih. Frankie had a beard, now this guy has a beard. maybe Mac should grow a beard and Stella'll jump him cuz it'd be too much to bear! :devil:

Now that is an interesting theory :lol: I think Mac with a beard looks smokin' hot :devil: :lol:

And thanks for the picspam Lynny! But the last Smacked! picture looks like they had a little fight? But that's just my opinion :p They will make things alright again... :devil:
my smacked heart is tearing apart looking at those season 4 pics with mr eery. it feels like im mac and i feel gutted. i felt like stella when i saw the pac pictures last season.

god y does it hurt my smacky heart.

right thats it tptb av got one more season to muck around but if we dont get any smacked soon then gaby will not be happy! im thinkin we all go to la and chain gary and melina together untill the writers rewrite us some smack! anyone with me? :lol: :devil:
*pouts* so i can borrow Macky anyway? :D *hopeful smile*

My friends and I were trying to do Avril Lavigne's song "When You're Gone" on the piano yesterday and guess what scenario came in my head? Here:

In the video, there's a clip of a US Marine leaving his *pregnant* wife to serve in the war. It was a teary farewell/scene. In my head, Mac was the Marine and Stella was the pregnant wife. XD I guess I need to find hobbies. As if spying on these two isn't enough haha.
you won't believe this but that was my first impression too! but.. before macky left for war there was... something her had to do first :p :devil: i know :rolleyes: gutter isn't doing anything good for me.

You mean the smex way or the kind that totally makes you happy and annoys me?
:lol: can i choose both? :p jk! ;)

*sees piccies*
I officially hate that guy... hot or not -_-;
Gaby said:
my smacked heart is tearing apart looking at those season 4 pics with mr eery.

I obviously managed to get this guy a nick before he even appeared on screen. ;) LOL!!! Great you guys all just took so "unbiased" in your word pool. Love it. :) :)
Mo -- oh yes Kerr is a hottie. Enough to catch Stella's eyes. But not enough to snatch her heart. We know Mac had her heart since "end of conversation." Or long before that even. LOL.
That is a brilliant way to put that Cate babes! And it's so true...Kerr is attractive sure and he may catch Stella's eye (only because she can't have her eye on Mac cuz she's being a good friend and not trying to steal him from his current girl :p ) but like you said, Mac caught her heart a looooooong time ago and that won't change, no matter how Hot Mr. Icky is! ;)

And Gaby hon, don't look at the Mr. Icky pics then hon...cuz the rest of the Seas. 4 promo pics are great Smacked pics...they're together and looking HOT together! Enjoy those! ;)

Can't wait for our new season, it's gonna be amazing! I know it! :D
you won't believe this but that was my first impression too! but.. before macky left for war there was... something her had to do first i know gutter isn't doing anything good for me.
Reminded me of "Semper Fidelis" actually haha. Except, Stella's not pregnant in that fic XD -- nevertheless.

Mo -- yeah, she's keeping one eye on Mac at all times though. I mean who wouldn't? That hunk of a man... :devil:

How many days 'til new season? Loser me, season3 will end just today here in the Philippines. I've already watched it... contemplating whether I'd watch it on TV again.... :rolleyes: :p
Lol, yeah Cate hon, of course Stel is keeping an eye on Mac...he's hers...she's just trying to be polite and not be a man-stealer...but make no mistake if push came to shove, she would kick ass to get Mac for herself! :D

There are...*Mo looks at her calendar...* 16 days until our new season!! Cannot wait!! Yay!

Kiss, Kiss, Kiss! :lol:
wow its 16 days now? feels like forever!

You know, Mo, I do have dibs on Macky too. But yeah Stella does give an ass kicking over Macky. :D

MJ, You can borrow on Fridays, and no, you can't have both.

This new guy thing is gonna piss me off, I can just feel it, somehow it'll piss me off. It won't be like how I felt about Peyton. This one will piss me off.
i think hell piss us all off. the trouble is that we could pretend that mac was just getting back into dating but stella knows what shes doing for god sake so whats she playing at. well i suppose we can give her some slack.mac hasnt actually been considerate to her feelings having a work relationship and all.

what are they doing.

plus i dnt knw if its just my jealous nature but if you were macs other half would you be able to believe tht there just good friends. i mean i dnt really like my boyfriends getting kissed by attractive women and hugging them all the time?
What I see to is possibly jealous Mac?
He and Stella are such good friends, and maybe, possibly more so if and when an new guy comes into play and has his eye on Stella, wouldn't you think Mac would get somewhat jealous?

Just some thoughts?
Lynny yeah hon, I know you have dibs on Macky! I remember! ;) And of course Stella will kick your ass a bit over you claiming him...not as much as Cath will for stealing Nicky...but still Stella whacks hard too! ;)

This new guy thing is gonna piss me off, I can just feel it, somehow it'll piss me off. It won't be like how I felt about Peyton. This one will piss me off.
Thank you!! That is totally what I'm saying! I mean I can't hate Kerr Smith...but him playing a love interest for Stella is pissing me off...then again, anyone playing a love interest for Stella, other than Mac of course, is gonna piss me off! :p

The only way this whole thing would be "okay" is if this new guy was just a plot device to make Mac jealous leading to Smacked getting together...that's the only thing that would make this thing okay!

Smacked Kiss, Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!! :D
hhunter said:
What I see to is possibly jealous Mac?
He and Stella are such good friends, and maybe, possibly more so if and when an new guy comes into play and has his eye on Stella, wouldn't you think Mac would get somewhat jealous?

Just some thoughts?

I'm kinda rooting for something like this too. If not, an overprotective!Mac. I have a scene in my head where Mr. Eerie asks Stella out and then Mac walks in just at the right second...

SCENE: Lab, Eerie's talking to Stell and they're laughing. Mac sees this from his perch in his office and decides to break the little party up.

Eerie (to Stella): So dinner? After shift? My treat. *smiles*
Stella (back to the door): Oh I don't know. I do have a mountain of paperwork on my desk.
Eerie: Oh come on. Coffee then. You pick the brew. I still pay.
Stella: *smiles shyly and nods, her curls moving*
-- Mac then walks in right when the agreement was reached. He looks at Stella and stands closely beside her. Glares at Eerie as if warning him of something. Eerie looks away but not without smiling at Stella --
Mac: Don't you have some samples to run? In this lab....
Stella (stands up straight and places a hand on his elbow): Mac, it was nothing. He just invited me to coffee, is all.
Mac (turns to her with an eyebrow up): And?
Mr. Eerie: She accepted. (Mac turns to him) You're free to join us, Detective if you want.
Mac (grabs Stella's elbow): Uh no thank you. I have to borrow Detective Bonasera for a while. (walks out with Stella, eyeing apologies to Mr. Eerie)
-- Outside --
Stella (yanks her arm away): What was *that* about, Mac?

Care to continue?
^^^ chaostheory08 that is a fic in the making right there :)

I hope Stella is there for Mac today too. He would need it and since I don't know about Peyton, but Stella knows about Clare...
Lynn fails to accept the fact that I have dibs on him. She's just delusional. *runs away with him* Although rotating sounds okay...we can all have him on different days.

Yeah it's making me mad too, the love interest thing.
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