Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

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i'm not sure either but the trailer made me happy gotta wub those "paired up" piccies *grin*

Smacked ftw!

Noooo! I wub Cath! *puppy eyes* i wanna be her shadow! i kinda ship you-know-what does that count?

Do you really? -- Stella gonna be mad. you stalking Cath. lol.

-plus: YAY! five bucks? dammit, my allowance is gone yeah, i'll be waitin' for it, don't worry. that's one thing i won't be late for wub ya too lynny

Yeah. Now you can know how I felt on the last two threads, :lol:

poll's results are interestin'

They really are, they let ya in someones head for just a tiny bit. I said tiny!

No Smacked info for our next eppy huh, I can't decide if that's good or not....but I do know these two need to start working together again dang it! They are partners at the very least....come on PTB, we want our Smacked!

Unless they want to watch me go completely NUTS. I demand SMACKED!

lastly: Looks like the new thread title will be:
Mac/Stella #10 - "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!"
let us be heard!

Haha. Who knew??? :p
Axatullux said:
Say I wonder, was Stella dressed exactly the way she was in "Summer in the City" when they got stuck on the elevator in your "Trapped SMacked Style" fic? If so then it would be so much deeper in the Gutter Canyon than I thought.

LOL, it was a deliberate move on my part. :lol: :devil: Stella looked dang hot on that episode -- no wonder she didn't get to work the same case as Mac.

The update will come when we start the new thread. :)

*cate being pulled by dylan to the cake table because it is Flack's (well, Eddie's) birthday*
Awww Happy Birthday to Uncle Flack huh Dylan bud! :D Cate babes, hi! Lol, yeah I liked that ficcie of was very yummy! :devil: And I know Smacked enjoyed it ;)

Ohhh if we fill the thread and start a new one, we get your update? Cool beans...y'all come on, for this reason and way more let's get this thread moving! :D

And here's hoping we get some good Smacked in our next eppy...not tomorrow, but next week I think, ain't that right? Yeah I think it is...
Sounds like a brilliant plan to me Cate babes, it'll be like two presents in thread and new updates! :D I likey, I likey a lot! :lol:

Okay so I'm a dork and totally spaced and forgot that Modie made us a poll way back! :lol: Thanks Modie you rock! :D And so it looks like "Kiss, Kiss, Kiss!" is our new title! :D So Mj you gonna be around to start this thing here soon? :D Yay for almost new thread! :lol:
Wow. I have been away for some time. I'm confused now.

But I voted for kiss, kiss, kiss! because I have often shouted that at my television screen while watching Mac and Stella together.
Thanks for the welcome, not sure why I didn't come in here before because I've been a SMACKED shipper for awhile now, way before I became a FIESTA shipper as well. Ah well I'm here now. Great to be with other SMACKED shippers as well.

I'll have to look for some good screencaps, I'm sure I could find a few good Smacked ones. And we're nearly on a new thread, I like the new title though.
Amber why are ya confused? :D Welcome back by the way! :D

Almost to our new thread! I'm excited for this one...Mj you still planning on being around to start this thing? ;) Cuz I think Lynny, Cate or I will be chomping at the bit if you don't make it! It's yours to start...I'm just saying... :D Heehee! :lol:

Okay so we really need some new spoiler/info about Smacked...anybody heard/know anything about our next two eppys and any Smacked info? Cuz we need some!!
I'm here! XD :lol:
i'm HERE! LMAO! two more posts people!

lynny, :lol: i'm sure stella would freak out if she knew i was stalking her too! XD

Mo no need to threaten me, i'm ready XD

btw, it would be nice if we have a new spoiler in the new thread *hint* :p
It would be nice, but I dunno nothing yet :( One can only hope we get a spoiler soon. *sighs*

Goodbye thread 9, I wub you! MJ if you screw up my thread I'll whack ya.
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