Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

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Hi mj, let's say I've been busy :p

But I'm back with the Smackedness

And yeah, I wanted those to be Mac and Stella but well, nothing perfect :lol:, I still think we'd have very good moments this season :devil: :eek:

Cassie I love it :D
Reine -- OMG! Is that you? :) *waves* Yeah, I think I have two new fics. One Dylan and one angsty. Welcome back!

Speaking of fics.... well, a long update this time. And guys, it's the airport scene! So I hope you like this one:

Well, I think Peyton would be like Yelina's arrangement. She would come back in an episode or two. Probably trying to get back with Mac (that is *if* they *really* broke up).
CW *huggles you tight* im just happy you're back! you know how much i missed talking to ya 'bout SMacked and *gg* House and-? ;)

ate cate OMG! i forgot to review your last chap! O_O sorry. college wasn't all forgiving so i kinda forgot to review some ficcies. never thought one of the alerts i missed were yours *sobs* anyway, ill read and review a lil later. :D
*laughs at Cate* dork!

Reine: omg your back!! *tackles* I've missed you! :) Glad your back hun.

hhunter i have thoughts about that ship and this one but to avoid conflict, imma keep my mouth shut

what one?? wait.. do I wanna know?

Cassie: I love that! :)

I'm thinking that too, she'll make guest appearances to screw with us.
Guys thanks for the welcome :) *hugs everybody* :D

I'm happy to be back too :D

Cate, 2 new fics?? yayayayay, man I really need my Smacked dose :lol:

mj sure we're gonna talk about Smacked and our beloved *coughs* Hu *coughs* ddy :lol:

Lynn thanks I missed you too, and all your great comments :lol: and I really missed your "arguments" about who keeps Mac guys :p

I hope she's only back for a few episodes, remember last season she was supposed to be for like 4 episodes and she was there during the whole thing :S, she even managed to take Mac to London o_O
Reine!! Hi hon! *Mo tackles her long lost bud!* We missed ya in here hon! :D Welcome back! :D

Cate babes, I left you a review already...but I LOVED this chapter...fabulous! And since we know the PTB read our threads and quite possibly borrow our "ideas", here's hoping they "borrow" this one of yours...if we got this chapter in a real eppy...I think I'd be on cloud 9 for a month! :D

I sure hope they don't bring Peyton back to screw with us! I'd be pissed! :p Now that Mac has left her I want it to be done with them...Mac is Stella's and that's it! Now as for Stella's "new man" :p I think he's just someone who is there to keep Smacked from getitng together right now...which sucks but gives me hope...because he's bad, which means he's not there for the long term and that is good!! And allows Mac to again save Stella! ;)
Moriel21 said:

Cate babes, I left you a review already...but I LOVED this chapter...fabulous! And since we know the PTB read our threads and quite possibly borrow our "ideas", here's hoping they "borrow" this one of yours...if we got this chapter in a real eppy...I think I'd be on cloud 9 for a month! :D

Oh my... if that happens, I demand to see my name under "Writers" hahahaha! But hey, it's a pretty common situation, especially if you're as gutter-crazed as I am. :lol: Nevertheless, I would pay to see them do that scene.

Lynny -- :( *goes to a corner curling up against Oliver Wood* Hahahaa!

Well, she might come back, you know. But it'll be all awkward between her and Mac *if* they did break up. She still works at OCME, right? So she's bound to come back. *But*.... I don't think they'll be back together. Either Mac doesn't want to anymore if Peyton wants it or no action from both parties. Because, they already did the "break up and get back together again" drama before. No more third chances.... And besides, Mac is already accounted for haha.

Btw, is Mr. Eerie = Kerr Smith?
Mo thanks for the welcome, and well guys thanks for the tacklings :lol: :lol:, I'm still a little sore for them (well, my back is sore LOL) just kidding ;)

The medical examiner office is called OCME?? sounds like ACME :lol:

It'd be good to see the awkward thing tho, 'cause then Stella would be there to advice Mac about it, and he'll tell her about his feelings and imagine when the new guy comes, oh man I don't know 'cause I wanna see a reaction from Mac about it :devil: 'cause we never got to see a reaction when she was with Frankie, Mac was like normal. Oh, and the new guy, Mr. Eerie is he a new cop??, do we know his name in ths show??

Did you see the pics in the pic thread???.. well of course you did :lol: but did you notice that Mac is wearing a t-shirt (well, sor of, 'cause it's a long-sleeve one), not shirt, no tie, no jacket, man, I want my jacket back and well, the tie if it is possible. I need to start remembering the old times :p

ETA: Oh man I was talking to mom about Peyton and Mac, 'cause here season 3 hasn't even started *frowns*, well not in local tv, in cable it has, I think it's almost done. Well, the thing is that mom was like "who's Peyton?", "Mac's g/f but she isn't....", "oh, poor Mac", "noooooo, he has to end up with Stella", "whos's that??", "o_O", "the one who killed her abusive b/f?", "o_O yeah...", "ohhhh, so yeah, of course they have to end up together, I loved that episode, she was very brave", " :D yes, mom". :lol:
hello y'all

just posted next chapter of in the rain - a smacked fanfic if any1s interested :D

its over in the fanfiction bit on csifiles!

chaostheory who is kerr smith????????????? :eek:

Mr. Eerie (aka Stella's new guy possibility :p ) is Kerr Smith? Really?? Awww dang it! I like him! Dang it! I mean I still like Mac best with Stella...obviously!! OBVIOUSLY!! But Kerr Smith is a good guy...although mmmm, he could do kinda creepy yeah I guess it could work.

Tonight's eppy is Cold Reveal by the way...I think this is the one I missed from this last season, so I'm looking forward to it...can't remember if anyone mentioned there being Smacked in it or not though! :D
OMG.... Kerr Smith. He's HOT. Seriously! XD Oooohhhh... but hey, SMACked is smex-on-legs :devil:

But isn't it said that Mr. Eerie has ulterior motives, right? Hmmm.... Kerr Smith's character in "Justice" was a defense lawyer. I'm interested on how he'll interact with Mac actually. I hope we see a jealous!Mac haha.
Whoa, I missed some stuff :devil: Just sharing a little thought with you, don't know if it's a spoiler so to be sure... ;)
That the new guy (Kerr Smith) really looks like Frankie? Damn, not another Frankie... They can't do that to Stella :( And hopefully Peyton will stay in London to work as ME. And just like you said Lynny, Claire Forlani will turn back for a couple episodes. I just feel it :lol: Aw, well, I think she wouldn't like us Smacked fans :lol:
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