Mac/Stella #9: Her Greekness Is His Weakness

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Yes, she'll be back. Unless these writers pull another Louie. There one season, gone the next... leaving us with unfinished business that they will more or less forget they even started.

Haha, which reminds me ... a friend of mine who is also a SMACker, refuses to watch "Eureka" with her boyfriend. :lol: Wonder why... LOL!
Lynny I don't think you wanna know *pokes lightly* ;)

CW :lol: i bet. and since premiere is coming.. :devil: lotsa stuff to rant and babble about :lol:

oh geez, not another frankie! *rawr* :rolleyes: hadn't they have enough of that? Mac should 'mark' his territory *gg* :devil: like... now? nobody's stopping him :p and besides, they're both (assumingly) available :p

Haha, which reminds me ... a friend of mine who is also a SMACker, refuses to watch "Eureka" with her boyfriend. Wonder why... LOL!
OMG! I liked that show but i lost interest in it... i wonder why :p oh and was it House of the dead? (he was with the gal who plays det. angell?) mlegh.
I've been trying to catch up on everyone's posts
Here is my thoughts about the upcoming season and Mac/Stella

So, if Mac leaves Peyton in London and Peyton doesn't return for a while. I'm sure there will be some good interaction between Mac and Stella. Mac might get jealous about Stella and 'the new guy.' But if things don't work out between her and 'the new guy' then I'm sure Mac will be right there for her.
i seriously think tptb are playing with us. i rekon they keep givin us little smacked moments to keep the possibility alive that they could get together. :D

i dnt think that theres any woman that could be with mac and not get intimidated by the smac relationship. tptb sorta caught on to that when peyton had that face to face with stella over the hawkes case. but they stoped. :mad:

i have a feeling that our smacked will come in the form of jealously its such a good way to get into a ship. we dnt knw if itll be mac with mr eery or stella with the return of peyton but im sure that neither of them will stay with the partner they have.

i have the upmost confidence that tptb have considered this ship and are heading for it in a way that teases us al for a bit. :devil:

(ok rant over. i feel like going to gutterville! can anyone take us there with sum pics as i have no idea how to put one up!) :devil: :devil: :devil:
chaostheory08 said:

Haha, which reminds me ... a friend of mine who is also a SMACker, refuses to watch "Eureka" with her boyfriend. :lol: Wonder why... LOL!

hey! I did that too! the moment i saw his name (ed Quinn) I immediately changed the channel and my mom was like "WTF? I thought you were waiting for the show to start!" and I went,"Yeah, but that was until I realized this show had the Devil's reincarnate in it. His ugly goatee scares everyone dead." :lol:
Reine: They all know I own Mac :)

jealousy huh? hmm, that could make a great way but of course, I want a fluffy way though. What? I want fluffy smacked!.. Don't ya think we've got enough angst at the moment??... Don't answer that.
Fluffy & angst go well together, kinda like me & JT :devil:. Uh, what I mean is that if Mac & Stella fight, it'll lead to make up smex & supposedly thats the best kind of smex :devil:. After that it'll be all fluffy and hot heehee.

*eta* Yep Reine, it's me. My name may be different but I'm still corrupted :devil:. Also, I changed my name because I got bored of my old one & also because I needed one that was more girly.
I need to drop in here more lol it's been waaaay too long.

I'm happy about certain spoilers, maybe it'll lead to more Smacked :devil: (I think I can say that, I didn't specifically say anything in particular out-of-spoiler-code)
But Kerr Smith looks kinda... hot *dodges rocks* *hides from furious crowd throwing things at her*

What's Eureka?? o_O

I like your jealousy theory Gaby :devil:

yeah Lynn we all know that LOL :lol:

hmmm Mina that's interesting :), I was thinking about changing mine too *coughs* Stella *coughs* Taylor *coughs* but well, I have to be loyal with CaRWash :D
Lynny YOU own macky? *pokes*

hm... smexy jealousy :lol: it depends on how tptb shows us that :p

CW Eureka's a scifi tv show here. one of the actors who's there is the one who plays... Frankie. sorta the reason why i dont watch the season 2 anymore... and it's the same time as House here :p
CW -- oh yes. Kerr Smith is HOT. Not 'fraid to admit that (since Mac isn't around haha... doncha worry, Macky -- you're sizzling). Go watch him on "Justice". Deym... never thought I'd like a defense attorney haha.

That same friend I have called me like 2am one morning telling me to turn the telly to HBO. 2AM! To watch Saw2. Emmanuelle Vaugier was on. And one time when I was about to turn in for the night, I stayed up until 1:30am... watching Land of the Dead -- for Robert Joy. Haha. Sometimes it's Apollo13 or Fallen Angel on Hallmark Channel. Then I don't get any sleep. :devil:

My friends and I were trying to do Avril Lavigne's song "When You're Gone" on the piano yesterday and guess what scenario came in my head? Here:

In the video, there's a clip of a US Marine leaving his *pregnant* wife to serve in the war. It was a teary farewell/scene. In my head, Mac was the Marine and Stella was the pregnant wife. XD I guess I need to find hobbies. As if spying on these two isn't enough haha.
My name may be different but I'm still corrupted . Also, I changed my name because I got bored of my old one & also because I needed one that was more girly.

Yeah J's still corrupted, the new name suites her though.

yeah Lynn we all know that LOL

hehe, glad yall know that :)

I was thinking about changing mine too *coughs* Stella *coughs* Taylor *coughs* but well, I have to be loyal with CaRWash

SmackedCarwash? lol. I dunno. I can't think of something to combine them. but, loyal to carwash ;)

Lynny YOU own macky? *pokes*

*pokes back* Is Stella behind me?? ... Mac is so mine. Didn't you see the paperwork?

hm... smexy jealousy it depends on how tptb shows us that

You mean the smex way or the kind that totally makes you happy and annoys me?

In the video, there's a clip of a US Marine leaving his *pregnant* wife to serve in the war. It was a teary farewell/scene. In my head, Mac was the Marine and Stella was the pregnant wife. XD I guess I need to find hobbies. As if spying on these two isn't enough haha.

strangely, I can actually see that idea being played out.. god, get you outta my head!
Lol, yeah Macky is Lynny's, she staked her claim like a looooong time ago! ;) Although now that Melly's back (Hey hon!!) the "he's mine, no he's mine!" fights could come back! :lol: But when Stella's not around...then Macky is Lynny's! ;)

And it is Kerr Smith...for sure... pic proof anyone? Kerr's attractive, I'll give ya that! But he's no Mac and he's another not great I don't see it lasting and I see Mac being there to catch Stella or save her when he turns out to be a jerk! :p

There are more Smacked pics for the first couple eps here...

Cate babes...hi! Hey I'm needing a ficcie fix...any chance for an update...hint, hint! ;) Heehee! :D

Yeah Mina you're most definitely still corrupted...but it suits you! ;) :devil: Heehee! :D
Know one thing I realized about Stel? She loves men with beards....... ngih. Frankie had a beard, now this guy has a beard. maybe Mac should grow a beard and Stella'll jump him cuz it'd be too much to bear! :devil:
strangely, I can actually see that idea being played out.. god, get you outta my head!

I'm haunting you, Lynny.... :lol: Hey and the lyrics lends itself to SMACked, too; on how *blind* they are to each other's "affections":

We were made for each other,
Out here forever
I know we were...

Mo -- oh yes Kerr is a hottie. Enough to catch Stella's eyes. But not enough to snatch her heart. We know Mac had her heart since "end of conversation." Or long before that even. LOL.

Cassie -- or maybe he's fine as he is. After all, variety is the spice of life :lol:
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