Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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I love the first two you posted, Elektra :cool:

I think I figured out why Gary and Melina seem to be giggling in the second pic. If you take a look at the first pic, Gary has cannoli (sp?) sugar-powder on his nose :lol:

And yeah, I sifted through all th photos in the ^link. Thanks so much for giving that!
^ :lol: Saw that, too. And speaking of cannoli -- I had three this afternoon. And some churros after dinner hahahahah!

THAT ate is a very nice idea.. now only if we can mail it to..
Lol, I wish. Heck, TPTB can take that idea if they want. Just make sure it's spot on -- leaving the audience hanging by ending the episode when Mac closed the door behind Stella gives us great material to work on.
I got a picture for everyone!

"I see you there, Mac!" :D
From 'Obsessions'.
Hello my Smacked buds! How are y'all! *Mo pops in and stares happily at all the lovely Smacked wub pics!* They are just such a pretty couple! Yay they make me happy! :lol: Del that pic you posted is totally cute, I remember before we saw that eppy, someone manipulated it so it looked like Mac was holding a ring and down on one knee to Stella...if only right! :D

Mj fluffy bud laughed:
*pokes mo for making her fluffy*
Heehee, yeah I'd apologize hon, but I can't, not for making you fluffy! Heehee, it's just too fun having you as a fluffy! :D

Brilliant Cate babes said:
Mo -- hey, it's our ideas they're writing up there! It's our muses' hardwork and dedication working for free while they get paid.
I know right! They're taking your ideas and making them their own! At the very least they should credit you (us) with the brilliance due us! :lol:

How's that?
Ohhhh, I like it, alot! ;) Not only is it sweet and caring, but it's entirely realistic and possible to happen in an's hoping! :D *fingers crossed!*

Can't wait for our new season y'all, it's gonna be good, I can feel it! :D
Mo: :lol: It must have been cute! The Smacked proposal! I sure love those! :D

Okay, I'll bored. Someone join me. Let's aim to get 100 reasons! C'mon guys!

Why we ship Smacked.
1. Because they're each others' confidantes.
2. Because she pushed him to speak to Reed Garret.
3. Because they're S-E-X-Y!
4. Because those adorable smiles of Stella are for HIM only!
5. Because they both LOVE babies! ('Blink')

C'mon, guys! C'mon help me!
Yeah it was pretty cute! I can't wait until we get the real thing...that will be awesome! :D
Lol, you're bored huh're on Summer vacation is that it? ;) Lucky you...I wish I could be on summer break! :D

Ohhhh, good idea though...let's see...
6. Because they just fit!
7. Because they can talk without saying anything!
8. Because they are "there for eachother"!

More to come...this is fun! :D
9. Because she managed to get him out for Irish coffee.
10. Because he couldn't do this job without her.
11. Because she makes him smile!
12. Because she got him out of his ties! ;)
13. Because she can go Rambo on him and he's okay with that!
14. Because she trusts him
15. Because she's saved his life (hush)
16. Because she kisses him when she is happy twice !!
17. Because they Hug each other for comfort

btw i wont be on herecos i am away till next sunday :(
Awwww, have fun wherever you are going Mj bud! We'll keep things warm around her for ya! (And I'll make sure I distract Peyton for you in your absence! :D )

We love Smacked:
18. Because he spoke Greek to her!
19. Because they're freakin' beautiful!
20. Because they've undressed together! :devil: ;)
21.Because she saved him from being squished to death by a container.
22.Because they 'take care of each other'.
23.Because she bought canollis (?) for the both of them.
24.Because he remembers the look she had in her eyes on the first case he worked with her.
25. Because just telling him her problems makes her feel better! (Consequences)

26. Because he'll call her!(Consequences)
27. Because they are both two hot supervisors!
28. Because she testified and said the truth: that he was innocent and was a good person.
29. Because they're one another's fantasy!

30. Because they ALWAYS come back to eachother! :D
31. Because they keep eachother's secrets!
32. Because who else can kiss the boss in the office and not have him care?! ;)
33. Because if we caught them closer or more often it'd be too obvious!
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