Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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LMH...OMG!!! Are you trying to kill me? :lol: If so oh what a way to go...slow, painless, entirely guttery death...bring it on! :devil: *Mo stares and drools, her mind instantly filling with delicious Guttery thoughts!* :devil:

Mj buddy giggled:
you and me both fluffy sis!
I know right! Oh gah, can you imagine if we really did get a Smacked pic in the shower...together?! I mean I practically melt when we put pics together so it looks like they're looking at eachother in the shower, I think if we actually got them in the shower together I'd be one big puddle on the floor! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Cate babes, yay you updated! I'll be reading and raving about that in just a bit here! ;)

Lol, Lynny hon, HI!! Lol, CatNip in the Smacked in the shower...good times with the shower and our ships huh! :devil: :lol:

Wait I missed something...they have books about CSI, like our ficcies...but actual books? Wow, how did I miss that?! :lol:
mo swoons:
know right! Oh gah, can you imagine if we really did get a Smacked pic in the shower...together?! I mean I practically melt when we put pics together so it looks like they're looking at eachother in the shower, I think if we actually got them in the shower together I'd be one big puddle on the floor! Heehee!
should we get some mops and buckets now? :lol: just in case? :p

yeah CSI has books. no its not eppie books, its NOT shown on the show. its awesome. bittersweet for SMacked and the third book is cute for DL. *whispers to Mo*

te cate- ooh that sounds interesting... i might do it sometime... :devil: yeah csi books there are 'mahal'. *grumbles* i bought one and i wasnt able to bring it (CSI: LV one) MacJane- :lol: would you believe i liked that better than Meyton before? *nods* yeah maybe Jane is just someone to 'talk' to... Macky is having flashbacks of Claire so i dont think Mane is possible. :D -in the book i mean.
Hey Everyone!

I'm new to this thread, but not the site. Ahhh, I love the shower picture, too bad we can't get them closer :devil:
MJ -- now that you mentioned that part about the 3rd book, *i eavesdropped, sorry* it reminded me that I'm really broke and buying that can wait hahahahahahahah!

And yes, it is quite expensive for us here. Actually, every new book is. :(

New Fic:

Mo -- *huggles* You know I fluffy love you, right? XD

All these talks about showers might make me take one meself! :devil:
Mj hon, yup better bust out the buckets and mops just in case, cuz I swear if we get a Smacked shower scene I will melt in a fluffy gutter puddle! :devil:

Awww Cate babes, I just wubs you too! :D And yay for a new ficcie!! Happy day! :D

Okay so according to my lovely source, Mac returns from London in the first eppy of Seas. 4 WITHOUT Peyton!!!!!!! And he meets Stella at the airport (Yay!!!) and she asks how Peyton is and he says fine, but she knows he's lying!! (which in my interpretation can only mean one thing....They BROKE UP!!!!!) Make way for the Smacked love!!! *Mo dances for joy in giddy satisfaction!!!* :D :D
ashleywillows welcome to teh gutter! :devil: ties and olive oil is down at your left :lol:

ate cate :lol: I wanted you to see that too! :p sneaky me eh? anyway, the 1st and 2nd are AWESOME! (Aiden was still there, Linds is case youre wondering) I want the graphic novels though. i cant see where they sell it here :(

Mo I HAD to reply NOW :lol: cant wait :p girl, Im way ahead of ya! specially after seeing the SPOILERS! OMG!

OMG! So peyton's not around... mac's not happy... (Claire issues? or :devil:) new case with rambo stel... bad cop macky :eek: what is this?! I feel like i read some fics! the sad one is... i heard there are some Fiesta scenes *sniff* :( me want to go crawl in my hole again...

before i forget, ate cate want me to give the smacked scenes in the books? :D
I say we push them in the shower, show of hands!
*Raises hands and gets ready to push Smacked into the shower!*
HOLY CRAP! MAC RETURNS! YESSSSS! Oh Peyton's gone. :( I really liked her, although I'm glad that STELLA'S AT THE AIRPORT! :) Do I smell something dirty? I hope that we get to find out more about Claire and Reed Garett too... I love Mac's continuing storyline with his late wife and I hope TPTB can tie that in with Mac accepting Stella one day maybe.
Those spoilers were meant to be happy!! I don't hate Peyton, I do like her, but I don't want her with that makes him coming back from London without Peyton GOOD! Cuz that means that things can work out with Smacked now! She meets him at the airport y'all...she's there for him like's LOVE! YAY!!
Smile! :D
Oooh Good point Mo. :D
Maybe we get can get Smacked together, although I doubt that TPTB will let Mac be with Stella right after he broke up with Peyton... Hmmm, CAN'T WAIT FOR THE EPPYS.

Now if only the LV spoilers will come out, although I doubt that there will be ANYTHING relating to Sara yet because TPTB are keeping that as a secret.
Seee, told ya...stay positive about it! It's good! ;)
Can't wait to see how this new season works out for our lovely ship! They are just so meant to be may take them awhile (rar! :p ) but in the end, it WILL be Smacked together...really! They're destined for eachother! :D
mj0621 said:
before i forget, ate cate want me to give the smacked scenes in the books? :D

Well, I have the first book -- something I asked for my 18th last year hahaha. Send over those from the 2nd and 3rd ones and let's see what I can make of them hahaha.

Hahahaha.... TPTB are stealing my story! *files case with the gutter DA* Hahahhaa, didn't we talk about "Mac coming back to the US *aone* with Stella waiting for him at the airport" before? We did, didn't we? :lol: Bad, TPTB. That's intellectual property you're stealing. But hold on... maybe they're one of us as well -- great minds think alike, as they say. :lol:
mj0621 said:
before i forget, ate cate want me to give the smacked scenes in the books? :D

Well, I have the first book -- something I asked for my 18th last year hahaha. Send over those from the 2nd and 3rd ones and let's see what I can make of them hahaha.

Haaaay... things for SMACked are looking up. It's a slow brew... but it'll be all worth it.

Hahahaha.... TPTB are stealing my story! *files case with the gutter DA* Hahahhaa, didn't we talk about "Mac coming back to the US *alone* with Stella waiting for him at the airport" before? We did, didn't we? :lol: Bad, TPTB. That's intellectual property you're stealing. But hold on... maybe they're one of us as well -- great minds think alike, as they say. :lol:

As much as I want them to be together *soon* -- I can still do with *more* sexual tension. Let it simmer for some more -- ala GSR, have hints of it but not everything until the opportune moment. Ships tend to get boring once they go canon, IMHO, not to mention it's harder writing fanfiction for them. But *if* Peyton and Mac had broken up, I doubt he'll be ready to get on the next "romance" -- even if it *is* Stella.
Lol, Cate we TOTALLY talked about that back when the season ended! In an interview it was mentioned that the PTB really do read this board...and I think this is just more proof that they really do come in here! :lol: Either way, great minds most definitely do think alike! I know I sure can't wait to see how this eppy goes! ;) :D
Geez, we need to get paid! :lol: Which interview is it? Hahahaha...

Or maybe a citation in the credits -- Dedicated to the girlies at TalkCSI Stella/Mac thread -- something like in the Lord of the Rings movies where they thank their fanclub members :lol: .
We SO need to get paid! We've said this before...but seriously wouldn't it ROCK to be paid writers for NY! That would be a dream job!! Um, I think it was the Carmine (Danny Messer) interview.

Lol, can you imagine if they really did that at the end of an eppy?! I would laugh and squee so loudly! That'd be the coolest thing! :lol:
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