Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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paid for being in the gutter you say?!
*hugs everyone*
:lol: ok, ok.. ill cheer up a bit :p *pokes mo for making her fluffy*

Well, I have the first book -- something I asked for my 18th last year hahaha. Send over those from the 2nd and 3rd ones and let's see what I can make of them hahaha.
:lol: wait till you see MY version :devil: im mean :p yeah ill post/send 'em soon :D I love Stuart K. He always makes sure that we get some SMacked action in the novels ;)

I cant wait THAT long! 6 seasons! :eek: i might be out of my mind at that time :p
Happy Fourth of July for all you girls in the US!

[A piece of Philippine history: When the Americans colonized the Philippines, they "returned" to us our independence on July 4 as well. But one of our past presidents brought it back to June12 because that's the date when the country got freedom from the Spaniards after 333 years. Lol, and then the Japanese came and colonized us after the Americans.]

Anyway, mj -- I'm entertaining the idea of having Jane as Mac's listening post whenever he's going to talk about Stella. I know Peyton's not it because Mac' the type of guy who has restraint and tact even when it comes to matters concerning Stella. (Of course, he's bound to break haha)

Mo -- hey, it's our ideas they're writing up there! It's our muses' hardwork and dedication working for free while they get paid. :lol:

How will I end it (if I start it with the airport scene)? It'll be Stella appearing at Mac's door late after shift with some beer and take-out.

Stella: *rings doorbell* *Mac opens door* Hi there!
Mac: *surprised to find her there. looks raggle-taggle.* Hey. Come in, Stell. Don't mind the mess. I'm unpacking.
Stella: I brought you some General Tso's. Figured you would need company -- and *dinner*.
Mac: *stares at her for a moment and smiles* I'd love that, Stell.
*door closes behind Stella, the screen showing the house number on Mac's door and the peephole*

*cue "Executive Producer"... closing credits*

How's that? :devil:
Yay! It's that time of the year when we start to get spoilers!

OMG! That is exactly how I hoped the season would begin! Mac coming back to the US WITHOUT Peyton and Stella being there for him at the airport. :D
Anyway, mj -- I'm entertaining the idea of having Jane as Mac's listening post whenever he's going to talk about Stella. I know Peyton's not it because Mac' the type of guy who has restraint and tact even when it comes to matters concerning Stella. (Of course, he's bound to break haha)
:lol: im done with that idea. used it in my fic (based on the second csi:ny book) i graduated from that.. my attention now is more on the ME... *clears throat* im looking for a loop hole here... how to make SMacked canon 101 :p *rolls eyes* dont look at me that way...

ok! ok! i still like Peyton... -_-; *is guilty*

I cant open the link! i see nothin' *sobs* :(

Stella: *rings doorbell* *Mac opens door* Hi there!
Mac: *surprised to find her there. looks raggle-taggle.* Hey. Come in, Stell. Don't mind the mess. I'm unpacking.
Stella: I brought you some General Tso's. Figured you would need company -- and *dinner*.
Mac: *stares at her for a moment and smiles* I'd love that, Stell.
*door closes behind Stella, the screen showing the house number on Mac's door and the peephole*

*cue "Executive Producer"... closing credits*
THAT ate is a very nice idea.. now only if we can mail it to.. :devil:
Pretty pictures. Aren't they so cute? Thanks for sharing! and thanks for Cordy telling us where their from. *tosses you a cookie*

I say we let you mail it.
mj0621 said:
ah!!! no! no! no! why cant i see any pics!? *pouts and sobs* :(

knowing your dorky butt, you got your computer set to not show anything or your not looking further up ^^^ one.
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