Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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^Oh so I'm the Cate now? Lol... hahahahah....

I'm planning to hang around near the CSI sets hahaha. Where is that anyway? Universal? Hollywood? Either way, it's 20minutes away from my cousins' place. :lol:

Btw, I'll be gone for at most two days (don't miss me too much, j/k!) -- going to teach kids. *to whom can I leave Dylan to? deffo not to Danny nor Don :lol: *
Hey Guys :D

Welcome doglover4411 I've read your fics and love them :D
Mj thanks about my icon :D

Stella and Mac making out on the job :devil:

Did you guys want a shower scene for stella after hers and mac's sesion well here it is :

Mac in the shower, Stella in the all we need is a pic of Smacked in the shower together and I think my life would be complete! :devil: *Mo grins and swoons at the mere thought!* :devil:

Hello my Smacked buddies! How are y'all?! Good I hope! Hey so has anyone heard anything about new Smacked spoilers or info for the next season? Have they admitted to being in love finally and said that they are finally getting together? (Oh Please!! :D )

Cate babes (THE Cate ;) ) I'm gonna go read your update right now! Yay more Dylan! :D
Luvin: God bless you, honey for those BEAUTIFUL pictures! They really are something! God, naked and/or wet Smacked gets me in the gutter everytime! :lol: :D

Cath: Awesome caps at the top of the page! I love how close they are! :devil: And they didn't think that we could see them!
CAUGHT! :lol:
first of all... YUM! I KNEW someone was gonna do that! :lol: :devil: thankies for the piccies!

silly ate! you were always THE cate ;) i have no idea where the sets are but if you know... TELL US! :lol:

ms no problemo girl ;)

mo said
mac in the shower, Stella in the all we need is a pic of Smacked in the shower together and I think my life would be complete! *Mo grins and swoons at the mere thought!*
you and me both fluffy sis! :D
Hey, Mac and Stella in the shower separately ain't too bad an idea either... if you're thinking what I'm thinking... :devil:

Ooooh.... my muse wants me to make a fic out of ^that^! :devil:

Them in the shower together... hmmm, where? In Mac's place, in Stella's, or in that same stall Stella took her shower in? Lol!!! *runs away hiding*

*but leaves this behind*
OMFG, my mind is in the Grand Gutter Canyon when looking at the top picture luvingmyHoratio. :devil: X 50

Mac's mind is in the abyss right now as I type this! :devil: :lol: :D
LUVING: omg, those are hot.. I say we push them in the shower, show of hands!

CATE: if I bump DnA again, will you post or leave me hanging? and oh my! You snuck another fic in!
CathStokes said:
CATE: if I bump DnA again, will you post or leave me hanging? and oh my! You snuck another fic in!

Yes, I'll drop by. If not, you can have Dylan for one whole week. :lol:

*both hands and feet up*

Now, the question is... which shower? The one with the stalls or the public showers? :devil:
both! :devil: that'd be so kinky.....*ahem* *looks pointedly at chaos* shall we let the officially Smut Smack writer do it? :lol:
Me? A Smut SMACk writer?

Lol, I turn red every time I write a relatively guttery scene hahahaha... I'll have to requisition my cousin Roselle for that. But hey, I'll try, okay?

So... which shower room then? *sniggers* :devil:
^ LMAO go for it ate! *laughs* ANY or both i say!
Can't wait for another cate fic :lol:

OH BTW! speaking of fluff... I was reading the CSI:NY 3rd book and OMG! Remember that I told you guys before that there was always a SMacked scene in every book? (like in the eppie? :D) there was some scenes (I ignored the MacJane thing going on) and one of them made my jaw drop! No wait, :lol: let me explain... There was this hint scene where Stella had this anklet and it was said there that it was given by a friend who SHE LIKED... but she (should maybe) gave up on him (the anklet was said to be lost but IDK yet cause i Didnt finish the book yet) . Im gonna post it. I I KNOW the author was mentioning Mac... *shrugs* I could be wrong... but hey my shippy heart is beating wildly. :p oh i do know is Mac and Jane are dating (sort, idk) and Stella had a date with a firefighter. Lemme finish the book first :p and... er... oh the book was set AFTER CoTP before PwM. My favorite time :lol:
^Haven't bought the book yet (since it's toooooooo expensive) but a fanfiction writer can expound on that. :)

"The Lying Game" rocks! Mainly because of Flack and the few add-ons by AXN (the Asian carrier of CSI). Wheeeee! A few extra slices of cheese here and there but I can do without them, so I placed them on the side of my plate hahaha.... ;)

Anyway, the MacJane thing in the books are interesting. I mean, who does Mac talk to if he wants to talk about Stella? *grins*
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