Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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,well,what can I say?Welcome back! :) wynter126 ?Can you post the pic in here of him?

oh, Cate is writing CSI:NY fanfic and it's not SMACked??I am shocked! :p

When is the date for the finale again??
I can't wait for it..Come on,give us something to talk about!No CSI for a while sooo,we deserve something!! ;) :p
chaostheory08 said:
*cuddles dear Modie*

Uhm... so is it safe to say that Don grew up in a "better" environment than Danny? I really need this for a fic I'm working on -- that is not SMACked -- for a change. Lol....

Anyway, back to SMACked we go.

I am not sure if you want my two cents, but here it is anyway . . .

I know that at one time Yonkers was considered quite nice and parts of it might still be, but I was just in Yonkers for a wedding about two months ago and the area I was in wasn't very nice. However, it is probably safe to say that 20 - 30 years ago (when Flack was growing up) most, if not all of Yonkers was probably nice.

I am not sure where Danny is supposed to have grown up. Just knowing what borough someone grew up in doesn't tell the whole story about how nice or bad an area it is. A lot depends on the neighborhood you live in.

For your purposes, I think you can easily make the assumption that Don grew up in a better area than Danny. I think the show sort of alludes to that anyway.
^^ wynter126!!!! you have to post that pic, please!!!! :(

And here they are... for those who (like me) think and know that SMACked has been "in the air" since the beginning of the show :D

SMACked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Mac: Your place is still a mess. I'll check you into a hotel, long as you like. Park view. Done.
Stella: I'm a big girl. I'd prefer to go home. 2x21 All access

SMACked Pic(s) Of The Week (SPsOTW)
from 1x01 Blink ;)


from 1x07 Rain :D

As for Mac burying his face, maybe it's when they find out about what happened when they were "Trapped SMacked Style" on the elevator and a small unseen camera caught it on tape and now the shit's hit the fan, BIG time. :devil:

Let me guess, Mac Taylor pinched her butt right.....? :devil:

*Explodes a chlorine bomb repelling Meter Police*
..or maybe she's watching the vid of them in the elevator and he's grabbing her ass :devil:
Thanks Reine !!..I haven't seen Blink-it's from the three-four episodes I haven't seen,so I don't know what was going on there!I'll just say he is really tired ;)!..In the second one their face expressions are so far different!..

One way or another they like it! :lol: :lol:
Mac: Your place is still a mess. I'll check you into a hotel, long as you like. Park view. Done.
Stella: I'm a big girl. I'd prefer to go home.
Yeah, she did go home but she left again no five minutes afterwards, right? ;) And we all know where she went.... into who's house and into who's arms.... :devil:

Oooooh, with Stella's mouth in an "O" shape like that, I have a pretty guttery idea what Mac's thinkin' *hears sirens* Mo, help me!!!

athens -- Well, remember my pieces "A Little Mac Man" and "Little Miss Stella"? I wrote a Flack-centric companion piece to that, "NYPD Legend=Dad". One of the reviews I got was how about writing about Danny. So there... and I sorta got the inspiration from the song "Danny's Song". I'm pretty excited about it really. :)

privatename -- Thanks so much for the info. I actually did my digging and there is a place in Yonkers where it's a bit upper class Irish-American and Italian-American. And Yonkers is also the turf of The Tanglewood boys. Really! :)

Speaking of fics:
*shifty eyes*

Uh, confussion alert. I mean that the pic in the upper right hand portion of the ET vid involved Stella, Danny Pinto (?) and the wrods "maybe linked romantically". I apologize.

If that is to be true, then wrath be upon the TPTB. We shall revolt!
Uhm... haven't been checking the forum in 3 days or so and it feels like being away for ages. You've been quite active, gals! :)

Mo and Cate, thanks for the info. That really helped (and made me laugh! :) )
Nice pics! :D

I'll just say he is really tired ;)

Well, we all know how much Stella keeps him awake. . . :devil:

Wow, you're all such a bad influence on me, I was an angel before I came in here! *grabs halo and tries desperatly to put it on top of my head* . . . this darn thing keeps slipping . . . what? :D
*Mo rushes in to resce Cate and hide her from the gutter police!* I got you covered honey! ;) And I know I reviewed on, but your new chapter is totally cute! Love it, as always! :D

Elektra hey hon thanks for those pics! They're gorgeous! :D And can I just say, the PTB are totally intending for Smacked to get together...y'all remember that TVGuide cover of them looking insanely hot and close up on eachother...why else would they give us those if they don't mean for them to get together...ya know! :D

So new eppy on Wed...yay! Do we get anything...anyone know? :D
Moriel21 said:
... And can I just say, the PTB are totally intending for Smacked to get together...y'all remember that TVGuide cover of them looking insanely hot and close up on eachother...why else would they give us those if they don't mean for them to get together...ya know! :D

So new eppy on Wed...yay! Do we get anything...anyone know? :D

Mo, you are soooo right with that comment. This "Sex and the City" line together with those hot pics of Gary and Melina were just supporting the SMack ship since they otherwise would have taken Mac and Peyton or Danny and Lindsay to actually underline that statement. The actual pics combined to that headline sooo didn't refer to the show. TPTB MUST love SMack. :devil:

As for next eppy... what I read on the spoiler thread, there is no input about SMack in the next eppy. :( Sorry...
Oh yeah.... them writers are closet SMACkers. They can't help but fall into our little bubble. Yet, they are still incapable of sniffing out the portal to the gutterville.

fastfoodjunkie -- halos are not allowed. :lol: The metal detectors will blare... hahaha....

Mo -- glad you like that part. I want to see a scene in which 'dammy' and Don are dealing with a kid.
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