Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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^They're like 2 pieces of a puzzle. It's so comfortable -- they can stand in the same room and there'll be chemistry w/o even looking at each other.

Of course, Mac would steal glances here and there when Stella's back is toward him ;) and Stella would do the same had she has the chance. Heck, she kissed him in the middle of the layout room and his office -- both rooms are surrounded by see-though glass!
MJ -- Maybe I don't wanna show you. :p

*glares at Melly* You witch!.. *runs and tackles you* He's mine!

^They're like 2 pieces of a puzzle. It's so comfortable -- they can stand in the same room and there'll be chemistry w/o even looking at each other.

I agree Cate that is completely true! :D

I'm glad their working together in the finale.. nice that they might be alone.. wonder what Peyton would think if she walked in.. oops!
When did I start shipping Smacked??? In episode 1, season 1 :lol:, I remember that I came here and posted: I've only watched one episode but they soooo totally should be together :devil:

And here they are... :devil:

SMACked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Mac: I'm here for you
Stella: I know... 3x17 The Ride In

SMACked Pic(s) Of The Week (SPOTW)
from 1x16 Hush (talking about s1 :devil:)


Oh yeah, they're alone *together* and in danger. Oh goodness, what good bed session that would've been afterwards *I didn't just say that, didn't I?* Yeah, I wonder what Peyton would think after she realizes that *both* Mac and Stella are missing -- I mean, not outside the building.

MJ -- whee! I got the first part started already. :devil:
kissme said
MJ! Wow! I LOVE YOUR ICON! I just realized that it's House and Cuddy "grrr-ing" at each other! Awesome, House rocks my world.
tis angiescully's work on LJ... aint it cute? its one of my fave moments ever :lol: house rocks ;)

ate cate yeah among other couples :rolleyes: oh! NO WAY! :lol: you did? :devil: nice... (insert evil laugh here) do continue... do you still need the email?

*pouts at Lynny* meanie... :p

CW i like that pic... it reminds me of a friend that said to me: it looks like she's having her wicked ways with him :lol: hey her words not mine. :p
Hey guys! I'm new to this particular ship thread, but i've shipped SMaCked for ages! I love them together, they are so sweet.

Hey Lynny! I didn't know you were in here!

Peace dudes x
YoBlngnSnckrsfan welcome to the SMACked house of the crazy!!Enjoy it :D!*hands ''traditional'' by now olive oil and ties!* :lol: ;)

I don't think the spoiler is really necessary but anyways :rolleyes:..!Both in season 1 and 2 the finales had some good smacked moments..I hope this will be continued and in this season!and from the spoilers,it will :D!

CW thanks for the quote and the caps!!..That moment(in Hush right?)is something you can't and won't really forget!! :lol:
Yeah for Smacked!!! The kiss scene is from what episode? Coz I live in argentina and the last episode that I saw it was 3x10, so I guess this one is from the last episodes, right?
I´m a Smacked sence season 1!!!! Stella is such a lady, got to love her!

Also I´m a mulder and scully shipper, a HUDDY!!!, and I still believe in the PureJoy of GCR!!!
Welcome Soph glad you decided to join us! Oh yeah, I've been in here for ages! :D

*kicks MJ* You started it, really.

and of course you should BonaTaylor :D

Hiya Lady_Grissom -- Nice to know of another Mulder/Scully shipper :D

You totally just said that.. I say a bedtime is in order for them. *nods*.. Peyton's going to be looking around going, 'wheres mac and stella' and someones going to go, 'oh heard they were in the closet'.. Ooops!

lol.. why are we using spoiler tags for this?? but.. I agree hopefully smacked will have some more moments!
Oh la la! I can not wait... hehe... So exciting... I just can't wait... Speaking of gutters by the way, the other day I realized my entire town's minds are in the gutter. mj lol
well I am new here and LOVING it-- I have just started with the season 1CSI:NY eppys-- I am watching the smacked eppy's first- teehee- I just love their chemistry-- iam also watching on wed. nights- i got to see the "kiss" so sweet--- and I can't wait to see his conern for her when she gets the news about her HIV status---
other ships i like include:- danny and lindsey
and CSI:Miami-- I love DuCaine(H and Cal)-- but i will ship " anyone" who makes H happy-- I am easy when it comes to him---- I also kinda like Natalia and eric--
I don't wath the original CSI-
well I love reading the Smacked fanfics
cate-- great job with I Love olives too!!!!!-- great!
bringirl2001 said:
well I am new here and LOVING it-- I have just started with the season 1CSI:NY eppys-- I am watching the smacked eppy's first- teehee- I just love their chemistry-- iam also watching on wed. nights- i got to see the "kiss" so sweet--- and I can't wait to see his conern for her when she gets the news about her HIV status---
other ships i like include:- danny and lindsey
and CSI:Miami-- I love DuCaine(H and Cal)-- but i will ship " anyone" who makes H happy-- I am easy when it comes to him---- I also kinda like Natalia and eric--
I don't wath the original CSI-
well I love reading the Smacked fanfics
cate-- great job with I Love olives too!!!!!-- great!
"I don't watch the original CSI." Shame. Anyway:p---
Ya know how people who are married or are going out have some kind of resemblance? Maybe that is why stella and Mac look so gorgeous together. I don't know how Melina and Gary do it, but they do. I don't know how any other couple on TV (that I watch) does it. And I probably don't know what I'm talking about.:p:lol: I'm so tired I'm just bableing. I can't even spell.
I can see them both running back and forth in the lab tryng to find out where and what the heck is going on. And afterwards, they are both worn out but everyone is outside hugging eachother just thanking they are all okay. Maybe go out for a beer. Then Mac sees Stella is a little shook up and Peyton being the sweet person she is, tells him to take her (Stella) home. So he does and he walks her in and they talk (insert what you think here). She is really tired so he sits with her on the couch and she falls asleep on his shoulder. And he could care less.:)
Love my SMacked. I'll write something on
Welcome here bringirl2001 and Lady_Grissom!!!! Have olive oil, ties, a rose etc. :p

Lady_Grissom, Argentina??? Oh my, we're near.. well kinda :lol: I'm from Venezuela :D :D :D ¡¡¡Bienvenida!!! :D, and I also love Mulder/Scully and Huddy!!! OMG!!! :D

Yeah the kiss was in episode 3x20 "What Schemes May Come" so it's near, wait for it :D

Guys if Stella and Mac are gonna save the day in the season finale, that means IMO that she's gonna test negative in the HIV test and that she's innocent in the Cold Case *dances* 'cause if she were guilty, I think she wouldn't be working, right???, so we could say that our SMacked is safe!!! :devil:. But I'm confused: when will we know for sure if she's negative or not?? :confused: episode 21??? 'cause Zuiker said all the thing would end on May 2 *shrugs*, or maybe he was talking about her past!!!! :confused:
CalleighWolfe You've made me happy. I <3 for mentioning HUDDY! <-I'm addicted to them.

Stella/Mac the other love in my heart *sigh*
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