Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Very nice sketch Axa. It's not totally EXACT, but still totally adorable.

I miss my Smacked. I can't believe we didn't get NY this week. :(
dangit I want MY macky! :lol:

Lynny i never saw your fluffy side for SMacked yet :p

BonaTaylor THANK YOU for sharing. i wub it. i hope you make more and share :D

MJ -- oist! When I left your hiding place, you slipped me some SPaM from your pantry. I still have some here with me... in case Dylan gets hungry and I don't have time to cook hahahah....
:lol: you sure Stella and/or Mac don't mind Dyl getting into my SPaM? :p wait... you updated? :eek: i didnt see any alerts... -_-; is ff cukoo again?
I didn't see this posted in here anywhere so, unless I missed it...ENJOY!!

Mac and Stella work together. They are in the lab when it gets evacuated. Mac and Stella figure out what's going on and they stay behind to stop the bad guys. It looks like Rambo Stella even appears when she duct tapes a bad guy to a chair. (if they don't cut it). Peyton's left outside the building looking around for Mac. Also, it looks like Mac doesn't know about Danny and Adam getting held hostage. It seems all the phones are dead (including cell phones) by some kind of gadget the bad guys use.
BonaTaylor OMG, the first wallpaper is just amazing but the other, too! Thanks for sharing it. Hope there's much more of them. :D

MORGANSTARR Since Mac has Peyton now it seems the days of dogs shows and drinks by sullivans are over but I hope Mac and Stella share those sweet moments and "dates" again even Peyton is now with Mac. My hope is that when Stella will testing negative she and Mac revels this news and so we'll see a cute SMacked scene. :lol:

Rambo Stella is there again, hu? That sounds very interesting and I think Mac and Stella are together in the lab that's a good sign actually. I really can't wait for the finale with Stella and Mac scenes. Hopefully a little bit SMacked in there..
I didn't see this posted in here anywhere so, unless I missed it...ENJOY!!
Wow, thanks 1CSIMfan! It sounds so great! :) Not just Smacked-wise(it's good they're working together of course)--but the episode sounds like a BLAST. Thanks! A great ending to a superb season!

Okay, when did you guys start shipping Smacked?
Cate you updated! Yay!! I'm gonna go read it here in just a sec! :D Hug Dylan for me! ;)

Modie yay, you popped in here! Hi hon! ;) Thanks for the lovely times indeed! Wohoo! :D

Mmmmm, Delia when did we start shipping that's the first moment I saw them? Heehee...ummm...I honestly don't remember the first ep I saw them in together...but I know I always loved them together...they just fit to me! :D

ETA: Oh and just so y'all know...I'm actually gonna be gone for the weekend...I'm leaving with my friend in the morning to go check out more wedding stuff...and I'll be gone until make sure you keep a close watch on Smacked in the closet and I'll see y'all in a few days!
^^ Me too. I think I liked them during the middle of Season 1. I can't even remember but they're amazing! :) Awww, see ya! Have fun at the wedding! I don't know if I've said this before, but... I love your banner! haha, YES, Stella's favor is "Mac, damn it. WOuld you kiss me?"
I can't remember either...Hey,at the beggining I didn't even know that what ships were,Considering that I started watching CSI:NY accidentally! :rolleyes: :lol:Maybe in the middle of the first season too!...-And since talking about s1,I re-watched some episodes and what I see is that they showed their frienship and how comfortable they were toghether...I don't really know why but I get that felling!! :)

Thanks modie! :p
Rambo Stella???!That's something I missed,I hope we'll something between Mac and Stella in the finale..pls :mad: :lol:..!
Great spoilers! :D

I think I first started liking SMACked when I saw Recycling! The scene at the end of that episode is one of my favourite SMACked scenes!
I don't come in here often enough. Thanks to Mel and her pushiness to keep writting Crossover :mad:. I've got a new Nick name for her. *POKE-A-HONTIS*, her and that damn pitch fork is killing me. :(

As for Mac, he's hiding here with me, telling me all about you girls and how you wear him out. :devil: Horatio and I laugh at him as the poor boy can hardly stay awake. :devil:
^^ No offence but Mac is way too old for me, I stil love him too of course!! :lol: I'll take Don or Danny any day. :lol: :devil: I miss Mo already and ohh, I'm evil. *steals Mo's Danny while she's gone and laughs evily.
Oooh, I love Horatio too! Sorry, it's just that I rarely see you and I get excited when I see someone whose "new"-ish!
Here's a pressie!
OMG! Whatta spoiler! :eek:

Wow, some action we have on the finale there. Mac and Stella does some savin' the world thing there haha, together, no less. But hey, Danno gets himself in trouble again... haaay, magnet for trouble *hears Team Rocket theme song* :lol: And he's with dear ole Adam.... oh, I hope big'n'strong Flackie would be there for his kinkapoodle!

When did I start to be a SMACker? Hmmm.... well, I started watching CSI:NY not just because it's a part of the CSI family -- but also, I am a HUGE fan of Gary Sinise since 1994 ( :lol: I was 6 years old, 'magine). And hey, being a deep down fangirl as I am, a coupla hot guys with NY accents -- and I'm sold! Haha!

But I think the SMACking started from Stella's flirty-ish glances to him. Okay, I know those weren't meant (or are they? :devil: ) and maybe I'm just imagining things. Hey, I don't reside permanently and own some estates in the gutterville for nothing ei? :devil: The same with SNICKers; it all started with those flirtatious conversations and glances. I never expected the writers to really spice the two up so fast.
yummy spoiler guys. :D thank you :devil: heheh
we better get some (steamy) :lol: SMacked scenes *puppy eyes* i want my SMacked... its so exciting..with all the rambo and the losing control ive been hearing about... and they wonder why my mind is always in the gutter these days :rolleyes:

well, i shipped SMacked ever since I started watching it (i was deprived from s1 so yeah the eppie I first saw is COtP). The last scene in that eppie took my shippy heart away. Im like... THAT two should be a couple or something.
^Oh yeah, among other couples *winks@mj*

Idk, I've been saying this all the time -- SMACked is so natural that you can't go wrong. I know it's overrated in a sense than even the most innocent things can be viewed with the special glasses only bought in the gutter store.
MJ! Wow! I LOVE YOUR ICON! I just realized that it's House and Cuddy "grrr-ing" at each other! :lol: Awesome, House rocks my world. :)
SMACked is so natural that you can't go wrong.
I don't care how many times you've said it, but it's true! With Smacked, it's easy and fun and relaxed and not at all troublesome and messed-up like Mac/Peyton.
Mac/Stella have a great friendship (and maybe more!). They are each other's confidantes and they believe in each other and they're just fantastic together. Without a doubt, they're perfect. They argue--but hey, old couples do that!--they fight, and they bicker and they make up before the end of the episode--because at the end of the day, they realize one thing:
They can't live without each other. In a way, they compromise, balance and complete each other--the way nobody else can!
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