Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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I voted for the last one, because I'm evil like that.

Mo, kickass on you writing smacked, you should definately write more, what do yall say?
Awwwwww thanks y'all!!!! I'm so glad you liked my little ficcie! The idea came to me at work so I was literally typing it at my desk at work trying to be subtle and not get caught!! :lol: It's fun though huh! I likes it! :D

Keep voting by the way, we can do one more round of votes if you want or just go with our current winner! ;)

ETA: Ummmm people...where is everyone??!! :D
I'm here! :) Just lurking as always.

Can I say that I'm excited and disgruntled at the same time about the S4 spoilers :rolleyes:

Still, I can't wait for the new season. Here's hoping we get a lot of sMacked in there :cool:
Hey Ran, good to see ya! ;)
Wait so why are you disgruntled? I'm liking the spoilers...unless there are some I haven't seen!
Yeah definitely can't wait for the new season, it's gonna be good I can feel it! ;)

Hey by the way y' looks like 50% of us voted for one thread title so do we wanna go with that one...or keep narrowing it down? :D
*clears throat then runs in circles... wait i think it's the other way around :p*

ate cate you're always in the gutter :p I know 'cause i'm right next to ya :lol: you lucky girl. being teh official baby sitter's :devil:... fun eh? don't forget to sneak in some *eherm* tidbits :devil:

Mo *LE GASP* you wrote an awesome ficcie! how come you don't write much on SMacky eh? i'll review it as soon as i go online in :D pwamis.

i didn't know what to vote so i just closed my eyes and clicked :lol:

Still, I can't wait for the new season. Here's hoping we get a lot of sMacked in there
OOH! i have the champagne here... a toast for SMacky in the new season/s? :D
Awwww Mj honey bun, you're so sweet! Thanks! I'm so glad you liked my little story! I liked it too! :D

*Mo clinks glasses with her bud...*[/b] Cheers to what we know will be an excellent season for Smacked! :D
Moriel21 said:
Hey Ran, good to see ya! ;)
Wait so why are you disgruntled? I'm liking the spoilers...unless there are some I haven't seen!

There's supposedly a new love interest for Stella right? So now that Mac *may* be single again, Stella's gonna get distracted. Demmet.
*hops back in the thread*

Hey addicts :D How are my Macky and Stel doing? Still in the shower or do we have a new location now? :lol: Glad to be back in this lovely thread :D Let the fun begin! :lol:
yeah about that "love interest"... :p I'm almost 100% sure he is just a plot device to make Mac mad and give him yet another opportunity to step in and rescue his lady fair! Cuz this "love interest" is supposed to be fairly sketchy and as far as I've heard he's the one pursuing doesn't say anything about Stella wanting this other guy! I've decided not to worry about it! Smacked belongs together...and that is all I need to know! ;)

Willows hey hon! Smacked is doing fabulously! They were dry and having fun in the bedroom :devil: but that led to needing another shower so...*Mo peeks on our lovely couple...* yeah still in the shower! :devil: ;)
Hey, ladies.. It's been a while.. but wait.. alot changes here.. Mac and Stella in the shower and now they lying in bed, what a fast step for them. :lol: And then the shower again, hu? ;)

Difficult decision which thread name follow next.. but in the end I voted for Getting SMacked never felt so good. The other title fits very well, too. btw I like all the suggestions for the new thread name.

Still, I can't wait for the new season. Here's hoping we get a lot of sMacked in there
OOH! i have the champagne here... a toast for SMacky in the new season/s?
*raise the champagne glass and hopes all ladies here will do the same* A toast for our beloved SMacked ship, it'll never sink as long as we've trust in them. To Mac and Stella and alot of good old SMacked season/s. :D
Stella said:
*raise the champagne glass and hopes all ladies here will do the same* A toast for our beloved SMacked ship, it'll never sink as long as we've trust in them. To Mac and Stella and alot of good old SMacked season/s. :D

*raises also a champagne glass to toast with the rest of the sweet ladies* To a (hopefully) smoking hot Smacked season! :D Get us Smacked fans some good scenes, producers! :lol:

And Moriel, thanks for the info! I missed some hot bed scenes *sighs* Ah, well, the shower is also a naughty place :devil: *takes another peek in the hole that Smacked fans made in the shower* :lol:
Yeah we need some Hot Smacked scenes...can you just imagine if we got a scene like how Season 3 opened except it was Stella in bed with Mac this time? :eek: :lol: I would LOVE it! That would be the coolest EVER!! :D :D

Okay so one last's between these two titles! Vote, vote, vote!! :D
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