Mac/Stella #8: Smacked Smex....'nuff said'

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Okay so I pulled together some title options...let me know if you want to add any...but we should do it asap! :D In the, vote, vote!! :D
fastfoodjunkie -- wheee! Made me squee there, y'know haha. :lol: And hey, Stella's eyes are watching where Mac's hand was going :devil: Reminds me of "Humor Me, Bite Me" Hahahahah!

Mo -- well, a lot of female employees attempted the sinking neckline but I'm sure they're too scared to compete with Stella or they got reprimanded by Mac haha. Of course, he doesn't say anything to Stella because it's for his own personal entertainment :devil:
BonaTaylor Wau! I really love your wallpaper! It's beautiful. I love all the pictures that you used. There's not many who make Smacked wallpapers so thanks!

I'm not sure if you remember my post earlier. I asked if someone could translate those Greek parts on that "I'm here for you." scene.
Apparently no one here speaks Greek ( I know someone do ) so no thanks to anyone...I'm almost done with the translation.
I only have one word that I don't get it.
Mac: "Panta exeis tin (insert the last word)" I think it's "steros" or something close to that.
Stella: "Mesa."

They speak ancient Greek so that makes the translation even more difficult. Thanks to my friend and her mum. They've been helpping me out. :D

So if someone knows the last word it would be much appreciated! Thank you!
BonaTaylor That wallpaper is great! You're good at that!

I was going to post this is the SMacked songs thread but I couldn't find so I thought I'd put it here. It's just the chorus of a song I was listening to yesterday that reminded me of SMacked.

"You are the one that I need
You know that I can still bleed
Bring me back to life
Bring me back to life "

It just reminded me of how Mac needs Stella and that she knows he's only human. :)
i'm baaaacckkkk!!!
*tackle hugs SMacked buddies and throws mickey ear hats everywhere*

ok, so i missed quite a few things eh?

first: *mj pounces on her fluffy buddy Mo* belated Happy birthday! (oh geez, i hope i got the right gal :lol:) sorry imma bit late.

second: BonaTaylor I love your WP! soooo awesome. :D

third: te cate updates :devil: how nice. btw, like your mom :lol: she's the one who said about the stabbing pens (in your reviews in Friend of Mine I think) and pencils right? :lol:

last but not the least (no, far from least :devil:):
Peyton's staying in London eh? wonder what's that all about... :devil:
I think that Peyton stayin in london it is a good way of getting rid of her for good. If she gets a job offer at this conference in london and she chooses the job over mac then that could work?

I find it hard to believe that tptb wouldnt have considered this ship. They had major chemistry in season one but mac was still very guarded then. I always thought that (even before peyton) mac needed a bridge, i thought hed get it out his system with the blonde women that he went on the date with. But i think that it was too early for mac then. If you look at mac then and now hes totally opened up (he doesnt even wear a tie). Peyton helped him to open up with relationships. I think his first relationship since his wifes death was never going to work, so in a way its a good thing that peytons here. i think her job here is done, shes helped mac to move on from his wifes death and now he can feel and open up and love stella.

tptb have a great opertunity here and they should take it. :D
Mj Hi hon!! *Mo hugs her bud back!* Welcome back and thanks for the happy b'day! ;) Heehee! :D

Alright so keep voting for our thread titles y'all...few more people vote and I'll narrow our choices down! :D Yay for almost a new thread! ;)

I am so excited for this new season and our ship y''s gonna be amazing, I know it! :D
MJ!!!! Where the hell have you been?! I've been wondering where you went! :lol: how was Cali? replied yet? and Helena says she updated already
MJ -- welcome back! ^_^ Mac and Stella are planning to take the kids to Disneyland, too. :lol:

I think Peyton was put in there as Mac's gf for... well, they don't want to give us what we want. Hahaha! No seriously, she showed that Mac does have a *life* outside the lab. Hey, he hid the relationship for over a year. That he has his secrets as well as (somewhat) issues. Why'd he hide the relationship anyway? He's not ashamed of it, is he? :lol:
Mo wouldn't miss it ;)

cassie ok, one by one :p well, i enjoyed it thanks for asking. i'll reply as soon as i get on today *whispers* after my chores.*eherm* and yeah, i read it already (well, i think i did... even left a review yesterday) :D

ate cate go to FL and they could have fun in Universal/Islands of adventure too ;) ooh! or maybe go to Miami or somewhere for beaches! we all know stella wants to swim *showofherbodytomacky* *cough* oh of course play sand with the kids :lol: maybe H would be their tourguide (or me? :D) but then again, Macky would get jealous of H again :lol:

I wonder what's the reason. and the bigger question is did they break up?! i saw in the spoily foldie that mac wouldn't get any sleep (since his vacation?!) and something bothers me. this many faces of mac is kinda making me a lil nervous of what's to happen. :(
MJ -- anywhere they go, I *have* to go. I can't have Dylan walking off somewhere whilst the parents are "busy"... ;)
Weeeeelll, have they broken up? If no, then they just needed time away from each other. Maybe in those 10 days one or the other got suffocated by the other's company. Found out that they *can't stand* each other haha. Or...... if yes, then Peyton might not want to work alongside an ex right away after a break up. Either way... Mac losing sleep? Hmmm... come on, we *know* *why* that is! :devil:
Okay narrowed it down just a little...keep voting!! :D :D

ETA: I forgot to add...I wrote a little ficcie for Smacked...I watched "All Access" a little while ago and since I think it should have ended differently I decided to write how I think it could have ended! ;) Let me know what you think! :D
Take Me Home
Wow, I loved your fic, Mo!
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