Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Hey all how about this for a title

Her Kiss + His Hug = Smex or
Can't mistake their biology

I dunno lol

chaos can't wait to read you sequel :D
The scene from sweet 16 is so cute i cannot wait till saturday
You and the word smex. :p and you say I'm nuts.

Cate! I still pwn her though right? because we all know I pwn Melly!

I went with :: *coughs* Here for you because its.. well smacky! :D .. and of course 2 others, can ya guess which? I betcha can't. go ahead try. I let ya.

*raises hand* Can I call making thread 8? What? I made 4, dangit!
Lol, no worries Delia honey's okay!

Msgirl love your icon hon, gorgeous! And those are good title options...smex it is baby! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Nah you're not nuts Lynny, smex...good word! :lol:

Heehee, you can make #8 hon, it's okay by me! :D
Do not...but I pwn Macky *sticks out tongue*

Cate who was the "Dylan's best friend" you mentioned? *is still confused* Other Smacked kids? where? when? Well we know she was pregnant with one. and who's Delia?

I really like the "Getting Smacked" title...wish it had more votes.
MacsGirlMel said:
Do not...but I pwn Macky *sticks out tongue*

Cate who was the "Dylan's best friend" you mentioned? *is still confused* Other Smacked kids? where? when? Well we know she was pregnant with one. and who's Delia?

I really like the "Getting Smacked" title...wish it had more votes.

Melly, Dylan's best friend is Don. :D More on that on that sequel I promised. Hahaha, I'm trying to hold out until Easter (here, so it'll be earlier over there) but .... Let's see haha.

Delia = kissmesweet :)

Lol Cate I love that you made that guttery, you're after my own heart hon! Hey so how's that lovely sequel coming? Anytime you want to post it...hint, hint! (Say Hi to Dylan for me! )

Sequel's going great. Roselle and I had a blast writing the first part because it went right to business :devil: . Dylan's with his mommy.... because he can't find his daddy....

*looks at Melly and Lynny*
Oh that pic of them is really nice. :devil:

Before I go to bed for the night, I wanted to share a SMacked!Volcano artwork. The volcano is called Mac's Peak and is an active volcano.

Peyton Driscoll is the snow and trees that cover the mountain.

Go deep inside though, you see a whole different Mac's Peak with ultra-hot Stella Bonasera lava simmering deep within just waiting to blast out in a volcanic eruption.


Edited to change picture to a link
God, I'm reminded of Geography. :lol:

It's so nice to see Gary Sinise and Melina as great friends. :) They both look like great people to hang out with, especially Melina. I don't know why, but I see myself talking to her about guys as well as drink beer. :lol:

^^ Nope :(, I wanna see that :(, what clip?? I don't get it!!!! :p

And here they are.... :D (yeah it's kinda soon to post them but I couldn't help it!!!, it's already Saturday here ;)), 'cause the old times were very good times :lol: :devil: Hope you like them :D

SMACked "Illustrated" Quote Of The Week (SIQOTW)
Stella: GCMS got a read on trace from Sleek's body... Olive oil.
Mac: *Mac's face*
Stella: Don't ask me how it got there.
Mac: *Mac's face... THE FACE* 1x11 Tri-borough

(not sure about what Stella said at the beginning of the quote :p, but the olive oil is correct :lol:)

SMACked Pic Of The Week (SPOTW)
from 1x11 Tri Borough :devil:

What can we do with all this olive oil???

And what about the bed???

*they have an idea... the same idea!!!!*

No comments :devil:
Reine -- whooo! Genius captions! :devil: Mac's face in the first pic was sorta like: did I lock the door after I went in? Hahahaa....

And hey, Stella's 'side of the bed' already has the covers drawn down haha... :devil:

And in the quote + pics hahahaha, omg... ze talking eyes.... I have my version of their convo:

Stella: (spoken) GCMS got a read on trace from Sleek's body... Olive oil.
Mac: (in his mind) So that was what you want to do to me?
Stella: (in her mind) I don't hear you complaining.
Mac: Uh....
Stella: Come on, you can put it on me, too.

I'm :devil: , I know.

Btw, I was watching "Blood, Sweat and Tears" last night and I smiled when I heard Stella say this to Mac...

Stella: (walking with Mac in the hallway) C'mon, you've seen that box, Mac. My microwave's bigger.

Wheee! He's been in her house. Lol.... :lol: nevermind me ....

*crawls back into her hiding place*
Mo thank you about my icon. I think its the first Smacked icon i made myself !!
CalleighWolfe the pics and captions are funny and really good.
On the (SIQOTW) on THEFACE* and Don't ask me how it got there. kinda looks like:

Stella: Do you want suggestions for later! *smirk*
Mac: (Devilish Look) :devil:

oh i love this picture of gary/melina on the set of ny/miami non-stop

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