Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Stella can be very possesive alright... and if she sees Mac with other girls/women... she's lock Mac up in a room and give him some... lessons *hears sirens* blegh... I'm not scared... run!!!!
Lol, sure you're not scared hon! ;) No worries...I'll protect you! :D And you're right, Stel IS very possessive...Mac is hers and hers alone! That's it! She's the only one who gets to do....stuff to and with him! :devil:

Reine as always, love the pic and quote of the week, hon!! Those are fabulous! Stel looks like she wants to kiss him, just gotta lean over a bit...just a bit more! ;)

Okay so anymore thread title suggestions...I'm gonna make a poll in a bit! :D Here's the ones we've got thus far...

Mac/Stella #8: "I'm Here For You!"
Mac/Stella #8: "Every little thing they do is Magic!"
"Getting Smacked Never Felt so Good"
"Friends + Chemistry = Love"
"They're each others' Confidantes!"
"He gave her a rose!"
"Beautiful Together!"
"The REAL Chemistry."
:D sMacky. Tru dat!

I think it'd be sweet if Mac plays it for her ^__^

Hell, I think any song Mac plays for her will be sweet. Even a "happy birthday" :lol:

And because I love them both:



How many weeks until that favor ep?
Hmm, makes me wonder if Stella knows about Mac's jazz bar gig. If she does, then it makes me wonder if she has been on the receiving end of a private performance. :devil: Here I go again! Mo -- put restraints on me! Lol!

"ELTSDIM" is such a happy song. There's a Filipino term to describe the persona who's singing... torpe. Haha, I don't know the direct translation but it means that the guy is scared to tell the girl about his feelings.
You mean if Mac played "Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic" ? Oh wow, I would LOVE that if he did that for Stel...that'd be SOO romantic and sweet and totally perfectly Smacked! And then of course Stell would reward him...very nicely lately! :devil: :lol: (lol, can't help ya with those restraints Cate hon...I need them myself! ;) )

Psssttt Cate hon....update, yes? Pwetty pwease?! ;)
Uhm... update? What update?

Oh you mean the epilogue? Uhm... well, well.... *shuffles feet the way Dylan does*

*poof* (Dylan comes into the room, in place of Cate)

Uhm... Miss Moriel, Miss Cate is a bit sick wit the foo but she has a new stowy. Look!

*poof* (Goes back to Cate)

Hahahah, I'm going crazy. 2 Final exams + a slight flu can do that to you. Psh.
Awwww Hi Dylan honey! *Mo snuggles you!* You're very, very adorable have I told you that yet? Well you are! :D Now here baby boy, give this to Cate *Mo hands Dylan some soup and blankie for Cate* and make sure you tell her Mo said that I hope she feels better very very soon, okay! ;)

*Mo runs off to read Cate's new ficcie!*
*poof* (Dylan again)

I ast Mommy what 'adorible' means and I thank you, Miss Moriel. *hugs* I will give the blankie and chickie soup for Miss Cate now. I hope you have a nice day, too. *mwah*

*poof* (back to Cate)

Hahaha, we're losing our minds, Mo! :D
I got a kiss from Dylan!! *Mo giggles and does a little jig!* :lol: Thanks sweetheart, you are absolutely precious! :D

And Cate's after midnight, so that's my excuse! ;) That and when it comes to Smacked...and Dylan...I tend to be fairly crazy and a dork anyway! :D
I was just reading through all the posts I've missed and I found this:
You're not far off. Only a few episodes. Oh and with Reed coming up, there are amazing Smacked moments coming up including the beautiful conversation in which Stella told him that Claire still lived on, in his memory and heart.

Does anyone know if there's a transcript of this scene anywhere becuase I think I might have to miss this episode. :(

True, J_ and Lynn need to get back in here!!

You ring?

Reine -- you're becoming a pic goddess, I swear. That's a great picture of the two of them. Kudos to you!

Cate -- How many of those pills you taking honey?
That was a sweet scene. No sorry, I don't have the transcript. *feels useless*

Song time!!!:D
Now the story's played out like this,
just like a paperback novel.
Let's rewrite an ending that fits,
instead of a Hollywood horror.
Nothing's wrong, just as long as you know that someday I will.

Luuuuuuuuuuuuv that song. I wish someone would make a vid with that song.
*everyone stares at her*
I can't! My computer makes it physically impossible to do so. I swear it hates me.:(
It's at least 97 degreesF over here and even the air is hot.
Gah seriously? How jealous am I! It's like 40 degrees here and I'm freezing! I want my Spring weather dang it...warmness and warm breezes...come on Spring! :D

You ring?
Lol, there you are honey! :D Yup it's about time you got back in here! We misses you in the Smacked Gutter! ;)

So our next eppy is in less than two weeks, yay! Now here's hoping we get some Smacked loveliness in it...I think we're supposed times! :D

Delia love, those wallpapers are gorgeous! Well done! :D
Cordy -- those are love, great job honey, pretty coloring.

Lol, there you are honey! Yup it's about time you got back in here! We misses you in the Smacked Gutter!

aww I missed ya, too, Mo :D Smacked gutter is always fun.

heres to fun times!
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