Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Yay people are in here again! :lol: I thought something was wrong with my computer when it said no one had posted yesterday...but here y'all are! :D

Cate yay that you updated!! I'm totally excited to read it! But I think I might have to wait until I'm done with work today and then I can savor it! :D And as long as we get a sequel I think I might be okay with this being the second to last chapter... ;)

I remember reading something about Stella's past...oh that's right, on they said CSI:NY had put out a casting call for a girl of about 12 or so I think to play "young Stella" so they're doing something with her past and revealing that....very interesting! I don't think they'll send Stel out of the city either, especially since yeah Linds and Danny just left...if they did though, I'd LOVE to see Mac go with her for support!!
Casting call for a 12-year-old Stella? Awww.... we have A LOT of baby girl Stella pictures over here in the thread.

Mo -- no more tears this time, okay? Lol....
yeah I'm pretty sure it was 12, I know it called for a "young" Stella for work on an episode for her back story so it should be interesting! Can't wait to see what they do for it!!

Lol, I can't promise anything hon...your chapters have a way of making me cry before I even realize I'm doing it! ;) But it's a good thing...cuz they're happy tears at how beautiful the story is! :D
hiya everyone, This is my 2nd thread I've joined. I'm finding the experience of this site amazing. So many gifted writters. Anyways I'm a true H/C fan first and always. But my second love is M/S. I have poetry of Mac and Stella in the FanFic poetry section along with others. I've also started my first fanFic story on them. Please feel free to check them out, feedback is always welcomed. I also have Rrated M/S, but you'll have to PM for those. Talk 2 u all soon and enjoy.
to Delia, Mo and everyone[/b] :p]It was an 8-year-old girl, and the Philadelphia thing it's just an speculation ;) 'cause I read in the spoiler thread that the guy from Cold Case will appear in CSI: NY because they'll find Stella's DNA in a jacket from a cold case, that's why I said the Philadelphia thingy, so we're here to specualte, too right?, and remember she'll find out about her past in the same episode where she'll get the HIV test results, so the past thing could be a cliffhanger, it could happen after she gets the test, so she WILL BE in New York for that ;)
luvingmyH welcome to a fabulous fun shippy thread! :D You'll like it in here, I guarentee it! ;) I like your banner too, that's pretty! :D

Reine thanks for the beans! I really can't wait to see these next few eppy's, I think they're gonna be awesome! :D Go Smacked, mmmhmm! :devil:
Just got done watching "And Here's To You Ms. Azrael" and Mac actually touching Stella as they leave the interrogation room made me smile. A modest SMack but nothing too heavy but still, getting SMacked sure feels great.
Yes that was a lovely scene :D. If you get the chance watch "Till Death do us part". Stella kisses Mac on the cheek (sigh) You can feel the chemistry between these two on every episode. The looks, the little touching between scenes or even when they stand together. Always touching. :devil: (double sigh)

Kiss me Mac,
underneath the evening moon.
Hold my hand real tight
as we walk into our room.
Set the sparks on fire
in my heated mind.
That you bring to life
each and every night.

Just part of a new one I'm working on.
I want to have those DVDs! ehhe

about the spoilers, I'm really hoping for a Smacked moment! ehhe...I think the crossover eppy would be great as well!
luvingmyHoratio said:
hiya everyone, This is my 2nd thread I've joined. I'm finding the experience of this site amazing. So many gifted writters. Anyways I'm a true H/C fan first and always. But my second love is M/S. I have poetry of Mac and Stella in the FanFic poetry section along with others. I've also started my first fanFic story on them. Please feel free to check them out, feedback is always welcomed. I also have Rrated M/S, but you'll have to PM for those. Talk 2 u all soon and enjoy.

Welcome welcome! *plots a space for another potential hiding place* Once you come in here, it's impossible not to slip into the gutter lol.

Mo and yours truly hold the most outstanding warrants from the gutter police, do we know? :devil:

Whee! Another SMACked writer :D and oooh R-rated. ;) PM me, puhleez?
mulder8scullly5 said:
I want to have those DVDs!

Me, too! Demm, Mac looks friggin' hot in that Aussie set!

I've read plenty of spoilers on the NY forum and things are looking mighty interesting :D

Although I did read that...

Peyton is gonna be in ep 23. Gah. My fear is that since Mac and Stella both have big stories coming up, maybe we won't get a lot of sMacked :( We still haven't heard whether Peyton is staying for S4, have we? In any case, I'm still very much looking forward to both Mac and Stella's developments
^^ Oh sweetie, that's what I was thinking too... since I have a feeling that TPTB will continue Mac's storyline with Claire + Reed.
Speaking of, I have a new ficcy! It's a oneshot so far, but I'm thinking of continuing it and if you guys gave me so advice--it would REALLY help. It's going to be Smacked in the end, but right now--it's talking about Mac's feelings towards Claire and YAY--in my fic--Peyton and Mac(Get your claws off him, you silly coroner! God... I'm evil. :lol:) have broken up. Here we go... Remember, it's not very Smacked right now--BUT I PROMISE. SMACKED WILL BE AT THE END + that totally rocks.
--edit: Oh, the link is dead for no reason at all other than ff is being annoying. :( Oh, when it's up--I'll let you guys know.
^Yeah, FF has been quack for the first few minutes after you post a new chapter/fic. But it'll pull through.

Ranma -- sent you an SMS.

Before I post the epilogue for "november", I will be posting a new fic.... half in Stella POV and half in *drumroll please* Frankie POV. :devil:
Lol, Cate yup we're definitely on the Gutter Police's Most Wanted list! But we can't help it, there's just too much Smacked deliciousness to play with! :devil: (Mina & Lynny need to pop back in here and play with us too...they're gutter bugs to the core! :D )

Cate I reviewed it on too, but this chapter you just posted was amazing! I adored it...and I didn't cry! :lol: Only because I was too busy holding my breath in anticipation and then grinning like an idiot! Dylan is the cutest....EVER! And I love how he knew the whole team and they loved him...and then when he saw Mac...totally cute! :D

Delia yay for more Smacked ficcies! Can't wait to read it when decides to stop being dumb! ;)

And Ranma about your spoiler....I really hope we learn that that last part is not going to happen...really, really!!
I finally listened to 'Someday' by Nickelback. The chorus, it always makes me think of so many ships.

Someday, somehow,
I'm gonna make it alright, but not right now
I know you're wondering when.

We're wondering when too, Mac.
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