Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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I'm gonna make it alright, but not right now

OMG, perfect for SMACked, it is! :D

Mo -- Dylan's one smart boy to remember all those haha. Hell, even I was giggling whenever I read the clapping with the mittens part.

Is it possible to have Peyton in without much happening? Like she's just the ME and nothing more? Lol....

Well, I was sorting my pics and I thought my niece would be a perfect little miss Stella.
^She's the little girl on the left. Center is my bro. And on the right .... well, don't ask lol...
Don't know. Maybe "Dreaming of You Two" could actually merge the two worlds into one and we get SPaM! :devil: Stella literally owns Mac but like a previous post said, Peyton can borrow him for a few weeks. :devil:

*declares the Meter Police a terrorist group and the Meter Police are hunted down and killed by the hundreds by SMacked squads*
^Axa I think I found you as my new best friend :lol: :p check my ff account ;) (even though we know ff is going cukoo again)

i see everybody's busy with spoilers and gutter news... :devil:

welcome to new SMackers... I got news to pay for my long abscence:
It's said that Stella may not be Stella (did you guys get that? :lol:) and her past (and I mean whole past) is revealed including her family... idk if its true or accurate but when am i? :p all i know is... we need more SMacked moments... Peyton...just leave them alone will ya? *pokes the ME* :)
Awwww...Cate hon, your niece is cute! :D And yup Dylan is a very smart boy! ;) Smart you for making him a smart boy! :lol: How's that sequel coming? ;) :D

No Stel doesn't share...come on y' know that! The woman is VERY possessive of her man and yeah, Mac is HERS! :D :devil: In "every" sense! :devil: Heehee! :lol:
True, J_ and Lynn need to get back in here!! :p

Cate ,that little girl is sooo cute!!!...She is really sweet and pretty!!

oh,I agree with Mo !!..She won't let you be near her Man -Mac at all!!...

When I read that Stella is not Stella I didn't get it either..And I still don't! :lol:!But I really want to know more about her past,her family, her personal story and facts about her childhood that made her the Stella we know until now! ;)
Moriel21 said:
Awwww...Cate hon, your niece is cute! :D And yup Dylan is a very smart boy! ;) Smart you for making him a smart boy! :lol: How's that sequel coming? ;) :D

Yeah, she's really sweet. Her name is Rose. :D

Anyhoo... the sequel? Oh it's great. But I'm still building my anti-gutter police protection squad haha.

Help re:my Frankie POV fic. On 'Stuck on You' -- what's the whole dialogue when Mac's with Stella and Sheldon and he says, "I believe you. It's the other guests that I don't trust," or something like that. I need the snippet from the time they enter the breakroom until the scene changes. Thank you!

Yeah, Stella not really Stella - me gets. Hmmm.... I don't know if that's gonna be interesting or another one of the writers' crap/attempt to insert some 'twist' into the show.
Lol, I'll be you're gutter protection squadCate! I'll just be extra guttery and draw all their "fire" toward me and then you can post your sequel and then hide behind me...well me and Smacked cuz they said they'd help protect you too...seeing as how the reason we're under "fire" is cuz they can't keep from desperately wanting eachother!! ;)

Okay I know I said this before...but now that we're on page 22, we totally need to come up with more new thread title names...unless we just want to go with Mac's lovely line...
Mac/Stella #8: "I'm Here For You!" or we could do for some reason this popped into tm my head, after thinking of Mac doing his "rose trick" for Stell...
Mac/Stella #8: "Every little thing they do is Magic!" More suggestions are good and I'll try to make apoll later today! :D
^^ I totally vote for "I'm here for you" :D

Cate you need the dialogue??? :devil: *coughs*, here it is :rolleyes:


Sheldon (to Mac, while they walk to the room): I checked the prints of our safari guy, Rick, against the print we found on the arrow. They don't match. He's got plenty of motive. Unfortunately, we have no evidence against him.

*They enter the room, where Stella is speaking on the phone*

Stella (on the phone): No, listen, I got to go. *she hangs up*
Mac (to Stella): Rick's not our guy.
Stella: All right. So now we're 0 for 2, way behind in the count.
Mac: Well, I'm not keeping score.
Stella: *smiles*
Sheldon: Where do we go from here?
Mac: Back to the beginning. Let's talk this out. The only piece of evidence we can attribute to the killer is a partial print on the arrow.
Stella: All right, since Rick's clean, it stands to reason he was telling the truth. Maybe Carlo did keep the bow and arrow after the hunting trip. That would mean...
Sheldon: ...he was shot with his own bow and arrow.
Mac: Okay, new direction. If Carlo owned a bow and arrow, where did he keep it?
Sheldon: Well, obvious place would be somewhere in his home.
Stella: Forget about the black book. Anyone with access to his house would be a suspect.
Sheldon: Okay, he's only been back from Peru a few days, which means same for the bow and arrow. Odds are, we're looking for somebody who was at the party.
Stella: Right. *Sheldon and Mac look at Stella*. Well, my prints aren't going to match. Promise.
Mac (smiling): I believe you. It's the rest of the guests I don't trust.
Sheldon: There were at least a few hundred people invited to the party. Unless someone RSVP'd as "murderer", how do we know who's important?
Mac: To answer that,we first have to find out where in the house the bow and arrow was taken from.
Sheldon: The arrow was coated with an acetone-based cleaner.
Stella: I'll pack the vapor detectors.
Mac: *nods* *they left the room*

Hope that helps :D

ETA: I'd really like to know who was Stella talking to, on the phone *shrugs*, Frankie maybe???
Mo I love both of em... shall we start collecting possible titles?

ate Cate I make a good wall for ya. gutter police don't scare me...

:devil: Stella can be very possesive alright... and if she sees Mac with other girls/women... she's lock Mac up in a room and give him some... lessons :devil: *hears sirens* blegh... I'm not scared... :eek: run!!!!

for the sake of your special fics... I'll be your wall :lol:

whatever twist/crappy thingy they're planning, I hope they wont screw things up... I swear if they do... *mumbles obscenities*
Mac/Stella #8: "I'm Here For You!" or we could do for some reason this popped into tm my head, after thinking of Mac doing his "rose trick" for Stell...
Mac/Stella #8: "Every little thing they do is Magic!" More suggestions are good and I'll try to make apoll later today!
Hmmm, um.
"Getting Smacked Never Felt so Good"
"Friends + Chemistry = Love"
"They're each others' Confidantes!"
"He gave her a rose!"
"Beautiful Together!"
"The REAL Chemistry."

Okay, the titles are kind of lame...
ETA: I'd really like to know who was Stella talking to, on the phone *shrugs*, Frankie maybe???
Reine -- you're a sweetheart, you know that? *hugs*
Well, hmmm.... that's actually the whole reason why I'm writing a Frankie POV SMACked fic. How many times did Mac walk-in on Stella having a phone conversation and she had to end it abruptly? :)

New thread titles.......... well, I like "I'm Here For You" since that is one of the sweetest SMACked lines of the season plus the scene is to die for. But the gutter resident in me *dumdumdumdum* wants to vote for "Every Little Thing S/he Does is Magic" because of the lyrics hahaha.

I can't find the soundtrack thread so I'll just make my guttery analysis here. I trust, the meter police are still banged up and tired from all the chasing around for us hahah...

Though Ive tried before to tell her
Of the feelings I have for her in my heart
Every time that I come near her
I just lose my nerve
As Ive done from the start

^The 'nervous' Mac Taylor

Every little thing she does is magic
Everything she do just turns me on
=> We know that, Mac :devil:
Even though my life before was tragic => semi-break up with Peyton.
Now I know my love for her goes on

chaostheory said: Reine -- you're a sweetheart, you know that? *hugs* Well, hmmm.... that's actually the whole reason why I'm writing a Frankie POV SMACked fic. How many times did Mac walk-in on Stella having a phone conversation and she had to end it abruptly?
Oh, *blushes* :p, and yeah I really like to start reading that fic :p ;)

And here they are...

SMACked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Stella: Mac, You have a cigarette behind your ear.
Mac: Smoking experiments. 2x20 Run silent, run deep

SMACked Pic Of The Week (SPOTW)
from 3x01 People With Money :D

^Oh goodness... the cleavage. :devil:

Every time that I come near her
I just lose my nerve
As I've done from the start

*stops now because she hears people with pitchforks screaming for her to stop haha*

This is the season3 pilot, right? Haha, their first case with Peyton and then Mac's here with Stella and her ladies.
Cate, I LOVE The Police! I'm dying to see them live in their world tour. I hope they pass by somewhere near us.

Back OT: Yeah, even if that was the ep where Peyote was introduced, there was still quite a bit of sMacked in there.

*sings to herself*
Our day will come
And we'll have everything
We'll share the joy
Falling in love can bring
^Lol, me too! Evidently, "ELTSDIM" is my fave song from them hahaha.

Very SMACky, that song. Mac POV.

*goes out to find the soundtrack thread*
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