Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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M-rated sMacked fics eh? Check your pm axatullux :devil:

Speaking of fics, why are there so few M/S writers in FF? *moans and groans* I've been feeding my fanfic-addiction with Han and Leia stories nowadays. Tsk.

Does anybody know what 3x20 holds for us sMacked fans? This is the ep where:

Stella asks Mac for a favor, right? And where Peyton gets somewhat involved in the crime scene?

When will this air? Third week of April?
If only my printer would use color. *shakes her head in shame*
What kind of favor???? *really wants to know*
Axatullux said:
Can't wait for SMacked babies.

Oh and I also can't wait for some more M Rated SMacked fics as well. :devil:

M-rated SMACked fics? SMACked babies? I have one (soon to be two) M-rated SMACked fic :D and a playpen's worth of babies with curly hair and green eyes. ;)

Mo -- awww..... thanks so much. Btw, I checked with "november" -- only one more chapter + epilogue to go. :(

Yeah, there are so few SMACked writers on -- there are a handful of SMACked fics but they're usually from the same writers. It would be nice to read some more... esp if it's M-rated ;) *slips into the shadow on an alley to hide*
i totally agree!!! come on smackers post ur stuff up there, i recently wrote some chapters for a new smacked story, but i culdnt log into ff today, ill try again tomoro. anyway i posted in here on the fanfic threads... its called heart of gold.
btw..... ooohhh favour?!?!?!?!?!? damn in nz were only in ep 8... guess ill just have to live with spoilers lol
^At least you've started season3. Here... we're just about to start season three next week. Bummer. Oh well.

I've read "Heart of Gold" and it's good. :) We do need more SMACked writers.
Thanks Ranma for reminding me of the spoiler. You know I always knew there was something with Smacked, but... when Stella told him first that she could have HIV. It really showed us again how close they are and how much they rely on one another.
Trust is the most beautiful thing and the only thing keeping a relationship alive at the end, even when passion fades... although I'm pretty sure passion in S/M will never ever fade. :devil: Ooops, and my mind is heading down to the gutter.
Mo -- awww..... thanks so much. Btw, I checked with "november" -- only one more chapter + epilogue to go.
Awwww really Cate? On the one hand, I can't wait to read more and want to see how you end it cuz I know it will be amazing, but on the other hand...I don't want to think about it being done! :lol: It's just so good! :D

Ooops, and my mind is heading down to the gutter.
:lol: :lol: It's inevitable with Smacked, Delia! Don't bother fighting, I've learned it's best to just give in and enjoy it...bask in the guttery goodness, that's what I do! ;) Heehee! :devil:

That's right Stella does ask him for that that where she asks him to go to his army connections to recheck or check faster her HIV results? I can't remember, but I kinda think so. And yeah Peyton is supposed to be right near a shooting in an alley or something like that, right? Or am I way off? :D Either way, hopefully we'll get some good Smacked-ness in our next eppy!!

^^ Your spoilers are right guys ;) (the Mac/Stella part at least :lol:)

Cate, only one more episode!!!??? *cries loudly* :(

Great pic, Delia!!! I found that some days ago, and I thought how funny is that on the dvds set and things like that you can only see Mac and Stella pics :lol:


SMACked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Stella (to Mac): A hell of a thing with Lessing. You put yourself at quite a risk. 2x24 Charge of this post (she was worried and scared, sooooooooo cute!!! *sighs*)

SMACked Pic Of The Week (SPOTW)
from 3x06 Open And Shut :D (original pic from Modern Day Gallery :p)

Kiss, damnit, KISS. thats all you have to freaking do is KISS... but noo .. you decided against it, for work related reasons.. shuddaup let me have this one!

Great choice, Re - I shall call you Re. :D

Peyton's in the shooting area? alrighty then. sure it wasn't Melly? LMAO!! ~~ Anyways, I say its probably her asking him to speed it up.. or ask him to put it there, one or the other, like Mo said. hopefully we'll get smacked outta it
That's a great shot of the two. Maybe some of us can go gutter mad and interpret it as Stella showing Mac that her belly is growing bigger with their twins and Mac suddenly realizes that it has really hit the fan. :lol: :devil: :D :lol:

As for the kiss thing, it has already happened in an episode called "Til Death Do Us Part" in the first season. Now I hope they take it to the next level even if it meant flinging Peyton aside. :devil: :devil: the quote and pic hon, those were awesome, as always...that pic they're SOOOO close to kissing...just a few more inches dang it, come on Smacked! Pwease?! :D

Kiss, damnit, KISS. thats all you have to freaking do is KISS... but noo .. you decided against it, for work related reasons.
Lol! I know, seriously! Move a few inches for each of hard can that be...we KNOW you want to...why fight it any longer?! We sure as heck don't want you to! :lol:
*since I am safe in my little cubby hole hiding place*

I don't want to think about how low Stella's neckline is in that picture. And... I'm guess it's taking Mac a whole damn lot not to look a few inches down. :devil:

And here's what their conversation is going on in my head --

Stella: Where the hell were you looking at, Taylor?
Mac: *feigning innocence* What? Nothing, Stell.
Stella: Oh really now? I caught you, and you know that.
Mac: Caught me doing what? Looking at your ladies? Come. On.
Stella: I wasn't thinking that, Mac. *in her head* I caught you.
Mac: *blushing* Oh. *in his head too* It's not my fault she wears such low cut tops.

Waaaaah! I gotta control meself lol!

CathStokes -- hmm yeah, I think it's Melly lol...

Reine -- one more + an epilogue. But this I can guarantee -- a sequel. Written by yours truly and my cousin Roselle. Remember the last fic we worked on together? ;) :devil:
Cate a sequel? Really? Yay!! That makes me happy! :lol:
Mac: Caught me doing what? Looking at your ladies? Come. On.
Stella: I wasn't thinking that, Mac. *in her head* I caught you.
Mac: *blushing* Oh. *in his head too* It's not my fault she wears such low cut tops.

Mac to himself: "It's not my fault she wears them, but man am I GLAD she does!" :devil:
Stella to herself: "Score one for the ladies!" :devil:'s early, blame my half awake brain for the silly, yeah that's it! ;) Heehee! :lol:
^Haha, it's early there at your end -- and it's late on mine. I'm watching "Stuck on You" reruns lol.... may I just comment how the ladies are present in this episode hahaha.

Mo -- Roselle and I are finishing up with the sequel. We are actually having second thoughts about posting them on She -- we feel like we went overboard with the smex. lol....
Squel Cate!!!!!????? *dances* OMG!!! *dances*

chaostheory said: Mo -- Roselle and I are finishing up with the sequel. We are actually having second thoughts about posting them on She -- we feel like we went overboard with the smex. lol....
Well Cate... hmmm... first: there's never enough Smex :devil: specially Smacked Smex :devil: ;), so don't worry :p and second: well there's an MA rating in, just in case :devil: *puts innocent face*

And, that was an excellent dialogue Cate and Mo
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