Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Unfortunately, last night's episode lacked any real SMacked even though there was plenty of both Mac and Stella in it.

The 3 different kinds of tears thing though to me sounds incredibly dubious at best from my mind since how can the different circumstances besides the eyes being irritated by airborne substances have different chemistry.

When Stella said about tears shed would have different chemical makeup depending on what causes someone to shed them made my voice turn into an annoyed George Carlinesque pitch and I said "What?".

I mean, I don't think one could tell the different between the tears shed by someone crying over a loved one versus the kinds shed by that same person crying in joy at a wedding, welcoming a baby to the world or winning the presidency of a country. I mean, come on, even Einstein probably knew such an idea was little more than phony baloney.

The flame still burns but this time though it was barely visible like that of a pilot light on a stove. Hope for something next time where she tests negative and the ship's rating jumps up a few notches and the flame becomes a nuclear mushroom cloud.
:devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

*Stella plants dozens of car bombs which kill dozens of meter police and Rambo!Stella is upgraded to Terrorist!Stella* :devil:
Axa I don't think the tear thing was the difference between joy and sadness, but rather the difference between tears shed out of emotion (which is both joy and sadness) and tears shed because you were faking it...It actually is plausible I think. Tears shed from emotions (whether joyful tears or sad tears) would carry the pheremones or hormones that those emotions produce, whereas someone faking those emotions, would not have the hormones, cuz they're faking it! I didn't look it up or anything, but it does make sense to me....maybe I will go look it up right back! :D

ETA: According to Google...:
Physiologically speaking, tears are a kind of liquid sandwich or "fluid sandwich" for the eye. (Abraham Werb). Three different kinds of tears are recognized: "basal, psychic, and reflex. Basal tears are the continuous tears that lubricate our eyeballs. Reflex or irritant tears are produced when we chop onions, or get poked in the eye. Psychic or emotional tears are those caused by and communicating specific emotional states. These different kinds of tears have not only different functions but different compositions -- they contain differing concentrations of chemicals, hormones and proteins." (Tom Lutz)

Tears actually come in three varieties: basal, reflex, and psychic. Each is unique in its purpose and its chemistry. Reflex tears that form when we get shampoo or a grain of blown sand in our eye are produced to flush the eye and help heal any damage. Basal tears stream continuously over our eyes so we can see clearly, and they dampen and remove dust and debris. Psychic tears are the ones that confound scientists. They well up when we experience strong emotion, mostly sadness it seems, but also when we feel intense pride, anger, frustration or love and warmth.

Scientists categorize the kinds of tears we cry not only according to their purpose, but also by their chemical makeup. Reflex tears, like basal tears, come loaded with globins and glucose, antibacterial and immunological proteins, urea, and lots of salt. But emotional tears actually have a different chemical makeup. The tears we cry when we are upset, as opposed to when we get a sharp stick in the eye, have 20 percent to 25 percent more proteins. They also have four times the amount of potassium normally found in blood plasma, and 30 times the concentration of manganese. Psychic tears brim with hormones, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), for example, an extremely accurate indicator of stress, and prolactin, which controls the neurotransmitter receptors in the lacrimal glands that release tears in the first place …”

So I think Stel was right :D
CW After I'm done with my driver's exam, I'll update ARM. That would be next week. ;)

>_< here I go again about Peyton...
Like is different from Love so I guess I like Peyton.I think she's a lovely addition in the team and a new "obstacle" for Mac and Stella. :D *gg* though I wouldn't mind them long as Stella owns Mac and Peyton just borrows :p JK!!!*runs* anyway, i think itll be interesting how her character goes on the show... but dang it i wanna see reed again!

last night's eppie- twas okay I guess... but the song they keep playing is now stuck in my head...three (or four) times... O_O about advertising :p Mac and Stella were together on the case but nothing really 'SMackish'... But I am excited about how they opened the Mac-plot line thingy :D is peyton in the next eppie?

btw, am i the only one who didnt complete watching s1 of ny? I was totally excited when i saw a rerun on Night Mother on another channel :lol:
mj, I gotta say, your banner cracks me up! It is great! :D

Oh, and as far as notorious SMacked shippers who haven't seen s1... if memory serves correctly (and it has been wrong before) but I believe... Moriel aren't you guilty? :lol:
To mj0621:

I really loved your post about hte possibility of Mac being Stella's but Peyton being able to borrow him for a short period of time. That would really work if Peyton were to intercept in the SMacked fandom without jeopardizing it.

I recall a mature-rated fanfic where Mac had a very hot dream about being owned by both of them. I can't remember which one it is but I died and went to hell and heaven and back laughing. :lol: :devil:

*Gutter Army kills 15 meter policemen in a shootout*
Oh, and as far as notorious SMacked shippers who haven't seen s1... if memory serves correctly (and it has been wrong before) but I believe... Moriel aren't you guilty?
*Mo sticks her tongue out at Mer for reminding her of that!* You just picking on me Mer! :p Just kidding, hon you's fabulous...a teaser, but a fabulous one! :lol: Yup sadly I have not seen Season 1! I know, I's so sad! Trust me it's not due to lack of wanting to...(well maybe a little, cuz I'm not an Aiden fan) but mostly it's due to not having enough time and having WAY too many ships competing for my attention! :rolleyes: :lol: :lol: The day I get paid to write ficcies and watch all the CSI seasons I've missed will be the bestesetest day, EVER! :D :D :D
mercy I know. isnt it fab? :lol: thanks to dragonflydreamer for that :D

Axa about the fic you just mentioned... was it a fic on a SPaM one? ( I'm Dreaming of You Two) cause... I was the one who wrote it :lol: ah yes, the fic that shocked my friends... :devil:*roflol*

*runs for cover and screams for backup*

Mo dont feel bad... cause... I never saw all S1 eppies yet... im trying to but... blegh... :p i wanna see s1 cause its full of SMacked scenes... im still getting the hang on Aiden but other than that im happy :D
Awwww thanks Mj0! ;) Yeah I really want to see Season 1 for all the delicious Smacked moments I know it's full of...but I am too much of a fan of Lindsay, it wouldn't quite be the same without her...I'll watch them someday though...I know you don't believe me Mer hon, but I will! ;) Heehee! :D

Psssttt...Cate update?! :D :D
^Season one is all about SMACked, lemme tell ya. Hahahah.... it's okay that there's no Lindsey in it (and I'm not saying that because I don't like her) -- DnA has always been a Friendship-centered ship (at least in my POV). Aiden was kind of like a twin sister for Danny and you'll love how she bullies him around.

Season one is really very SMACky because (1) there was no Peyton nor another woman until the season finale. But (2)until the last minute, it was still full of SMACked -- Stella fixing his tie, Mac checking her out, Stella getting Mac's stamp of approval about her clothes. And I seem to find something :devil: about that.

Plus, (3) Melina did say something about Stella and Mac's relationship. Hearing her talk about that is enough to make the conclusion that even Melina Kanakaredes is in fact A SMACker! :D

Psst... Mo (and everybody) ...
^Season one is all about SMACked, lemme tell ya. Hahahah.... it's okay that there's no Lindsey in it (and I'm not saying that because I don't like her) -- DnA has always been a Friendship-centered ship (at least in my POV). Aiden was kind of like a twin sister for Danny and you'll love how she bullies him around.
Rock on hon, that makes me really want to see it...thanks! Hmmmm...I'll see what I can do about that...hmmm! ;)

Yeah I think both Melina and Gary are definitely Smacked fans themselves! :D They so totallay are! :lol:

Yay! I checked my email at work today Cate and saw that you had updated and I couldn't wait to read it! Lol, I kept wanting to sneak away at work and read it! :lol: So I just got home a bit ago and I am off to read it like this second! :D Yay! :D
^Lol, I hope I don't get you in trouble with your boss lol. :D

Whee... just to share -- I sorta watched a dog show this afternoon after school. It was of labrador retrievers and there weren't much people. This was in a mall, btw. So I sat on one of the empty seats and well... I ordered myself a hotdog sandwich.

Look what I found, isn't this completely... hotness?


It's for the 2nd season.
That's awesome! I wanna print it out and tape it to my mirror at the theatre. Everyone would be like 'you are soooo obssessed.' I would be like '*snicker* i know' Really that is awesome!!!! :D
Cate it wouldn't be your fault...well your fault for writing such brilliant, but I can't blame your for that! ;) Not when I love it SO much! :D This was a great chapter by the way...brilliant and sweet as always! Well done my friend :D I'm so addicted to this story! :lol:

Delia cool beans on that ad! And that's for Seas. 2? Sweet deal! Total hotness is totally right! :D And Vave I'm totally with ya on wanting to print it out! :lol: Hey if we both do it then at least we're not alone in our obsession! ;) Then again, look around...we're in plenty of good obsessed company in this lovely Smacked thread of ours! :lol:
You know, I've typed "Stella Bonasera" on the Youtube search engine and came up with dozens of SMacked videos on there. I have yet to find Peyton-themed videos which I think demonstrates that SMacked fans outnumber Peyton fans by a HUGE margin and Gary and Melina seem to be SMacked fans themselves. :devil:

Can't wait for SMacked babies.

Oh and I also can't wait for some more M Rated SMacked fics as well. :devil:
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