Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Geez, if I was Peyton and I heard that... I would feel jealousy off the bat. But hey, knowing their history somewhat, I'd try to accept and understand it and hope that someday, I would be given the same confidence.

I think I would be jealous and threatened if I knew the man I was with felt that way about another woman, but at the same time...I think the reason for that jealousy and feeling threatened would probably be because deep down I would not be able to deny that they were probably perfect for eachother and no matter how hard I tried, they would always be it for eachother. Cuz that's what it feels like it is with Peyton and Mac...I gotta say I don't hate Peyton, I don't! (Lynny you're partially to blame for that! ;) ) But I think her and Mac are trying SOOO hard to make something work and trying so hard to fit eachother, when deep down they both know that really if they were meant to be they shouldn't have to work this hard at'd be more like it is with Mac and Stel, easy and comfortable and a perfect fit without even trying. :D

ETA: Cate that update was amazing...I reviewed it on I had to pop by again and tell you how much I absolutely ADORED was brilliant and so made me cry! :D
Man, I remember feeling a bubble go BOOM! when I saw Peyton at the beginning of the episode "People With Money" and it did not feel pleasant to me. Peyton is a great charachter, just not romantically paired with Mac. SMacked still lives and can't wait for Stella to start having her family tree branch out.

*Stella and Axatullux destroy two gutter police cars with landmines. Now we upgrade Stella from Rambo!Stella to Sniper!Stella*
^I think it's a natural defense mechanism to dislike anybody who gets in the way lol.... but I must say, I like Peyton and I can't write her as the villain. I believe in the two times I've written a one-shot with mentions of her, she was (1)the mediator between the two and (2)the victim/martyr. And the other times, in "AFOM" - she was the villain at first but in the end, she gave him up to Stella still. I just don't see her as the hair-pulling, bitch-slapping type and neither is Stella hahahaahaa.... we are, however lol.

ETA: Cate that update was amazing...I reviewed it on I had to pop by again and tell you how much I absolutely ADORED was brilliant and so made me cry!

Oh, Moriel -- you're making me cry. Thanks so much! *hugs*

But I think her and Mac are trying SOOO hard to make something work and trying so hard to fit eachother, when deep down they both know that really if they were meant to be they shouldn't have to work this hard at'd be more like it is with Mac and Stel, easy and comfortable and a perfect fit without even trying.
Yeah, like I said in my newest fic "You've Lost..." -- Stella gets the guy without even trying... without even knowing about it. Sure we are overrating the tv ship but there is no doubt that the care they feel about each other is in another league.
hey guys, I was just listening to a little lifehouse, and heard these lyrics.... I think they are just perfect for Mac and stella!!! its called COME BACK DOWN
Lifehouse - Come Back Down Lyrics

Staring right back in the face
A memory can't be erased
I know, because I tried
Start to feel the emptiness
And everything I'm gonna miss
I know, that I can't hide

All this time is passing by
I think it's time to just move on

When you come back down
If you land on your feet
I hope you find a way to make it back to me
When you come around
I'll be there for you
Don't have to be alone with what you're going through

Start to breathe and fake a smile
It's all the same after a while
I know, that you are tired
Carrying the ones you lost
A picture frame with all the thoughts
I know, you hold inside

I hope that you can find your way back
To the place where you belong

When you come back down
If you land on your feet
I hope you find a way to make it back to me
When you come around
I'll be there for you
Don't have to be alone with what you're going through

You're coming back down
You say you feel lost can I help you find it
When you come around
From time to time we all are blinded
You're coming back down
You don't have to tell me what you're feeling
I know what you're going through
I won't be the one that lets go of you

I think it's time to just move on

When you come back down
If you land on your feet
I hope you find a way to make it back to me
When you come around
I'll be there for you
Don't have to be alone with what you're going through

When you come back down
If you land on your feet
I hope you find a way to make it back to me
When you come around
I'll be there for you
Don't have to be alone with what you're going through
kissme is this the pic you want if so heres the pic:
Thanks, that's fantastic. :) You're all amazing so thank you! :)

Smacked has me smiling.

Replying to someone on the page back, I really hope Smacked won't pull a GSR. First off, we don't get to see how the hookup happened. Second of all, I DON'T WANT TO WAIT 6 SEASONS!! :lol: Sorry, I want them to happen now!
C'mon, Mac. Open your eyes and see that Peyton is not the right girl for you.
Oh, Moriel -- you're making me cry. Thanks so much! *hugs*
*Hugs back!* Seriously hon, you deserve it...I could gush for a while here on how much I really love this story! ;)

And I totally agree that Stel has Mac without even trying and maybe without really realizing it...and that to me is a perfect meant to be...when two characters are so compatible and so in sync with eachother that everyone can SO clearly see they're in love, they just for some reason (duh!) are blind to it. And yeah Delia I'm with you, I like GSR and I think how they wrote their story fits them, but I do NOT want Smacked to pull a GSR...really don't! Mac already did that with Peyton it wouldn't be believable to me if he did it with Stell I don't think they could keep it a secret like that! ;)

ETA: photobucket is having "issues" so my banner and icon are temporarily gone...sad day! :(

ETA: Looks like we're getting to the point where we could start suggesting new thread title possibilites if we wanted to...go us! :D I'll try and think of some to start us off and bring them by later! :D
On the topic of Peyton, she makes me think about a series of fics I want to write one day. In my head, I call it Charades, and being a Mac/Stella shipper, when Peyton appeared, it just started another story in my head. How he knows Peyton and him won't last, and how Stella sees that, and all the accompanying angst.

I'm an Australian fan, so we've only just started season three here, and I've seen Peyton in two episodes already. I will defend Forlani's acting ability, because she's not a bad actor, it's just the character I have an issue with. Like Jane, the DNA tech last season, that Mac might, or might not, have been flirting with, depending on how you watch the show. Jane annoyed me, Peyton annoys me. I don't mind British characters, both Peyton and Jane just remind me of that Jane character from Tarzan. Helpless and waiting to be rescued, or, mauled, by leopards. Peyton's, just, too helpless for me, just too annoying, too bland, and, I'm going to go as far and say, too much like a popup book.

Sid, I didn't mind, because Sid looks like he's been there all his life, looks like he could skip through the labs blindfolded and not trip over. He's also funny, and bizarre, in his own unique way. I love Sid, but Peyton, no, I will never. I now delegate myself to glaring at her for the rest of the season, writing fics in my head, and calling her Jane-Away, not because she's a great leader, because I wish, she, would go, away. I liked it better when Sid was leading things. Now she's just popped up and taken control, with an excuse like cellophane. It's, annoying, to say the least...

Sorry if I popped up on here randomly, and went on a rant. I have a lot of displaced anger about Peyton, even though I knew about it months ahead of when I actually saw it.

As for Smacked happening soon? Hell yeah!

On a last and final note, even though I've only seen her twice, I already expect her to go. It just feels like I'm getting lulled into a false sense of security, only to be smacked when she dies, or, goes away again, forever, to some far off and utterly distant country because of some rogue sense of duty for people who can't help themselves. Please, those who control Peyton, do a Jenny Calendar (Buffy character) and make her go away, to prove that even Mac, our handsome and stoic leader, isn't safe from further harm. Please. *Wishes upon a Star.*
I like Peyton. She's very sweet. I actually became a SMacked fan after she showed up. I really don't want them to break up. Maybe she can leave quietly or something. I will, just, always be holding out for SMacked.:)
Lol, I know. *update, nudge, update* Hahahahah...
*haves a heart attack* omg... O_O I didn't know you read it too... since...well... i know you don't like... "some things" in it... O_O *faints* omg THE cate reads my fic... lol :p OA noh?

C'mon, Mac. Open your eyes and see that Peyton is not the right girl for you.
Want me to tie him up and facing stell? :devil:

ms Im glad you like it... some friends of mine are pulling my hair out 'cause of it:lol:

btw, I posted a folder for SMacked in the CBS forums(CSI:NY one) the only ones in the relationship section is Linds, Peyton/Meyton and SMacked so... :p i hope tptb will see what im trying to say there :lol:
^^I read it too mj, updaaaaateeeeeee!!!!! Please :p

I really liked the scene in the diner in "The Closer" too, specially 'cause she arrived there all angry 'cause he hadn't told her about re opening the case, and at the end he made her calm down with his words and cute looks, and she ended up crying (well, almost :p)

I really don't hate Peyton (thanks Katie (sandersidle) :p), but I don't see her with Mac, I don't know, she's a good person, but Stella has something she doesn't...hmmmmm.

ETA: and about the names for the new thread, I think we have a winner :lol: -> "I'm here for you" or something like He's there for her, 'cause they take care of each other (man that's long :lol:) or something with the trick hmmm: Mac/Stella #8: The magic is in the air :p
Reine yeah I like your title suggestion too, I was thinking of that same one actually!
Mac/Stella #8-"I'm Here For You!" :D

And yeah I don't "hate" Peyton, but I hate her with Mac in that they just don't "fit" to me like Mac and Stella do...and in all honesty I think that's the point. Peyton is a "foil", a character device, specifically designed to keep the main characters apart...sometimes its a circumstance, distance, time, or like in this case a person...which is really a good thing for us, cuz as annoying as foils are...they are always resolved happily! (Okay almost always, but 99% always in tv shows! :D ) So don't lose any hope due to Peyton, she isn't lasting much longer in my opinion! ;)

Can't wait for tonight...I hope we get some good Smacked! :D I get to see the eppy as it airs, I'm so excited! :lol:
I mean Mac says that the only woman that he felt trust towards besides Claire is Stella and that's saying something there.
hey can any body tell me what ep that was in?? In in NZ and we're only on ep 8.

also , i know this is the right thread but does anyone know how to put pictures from a file into a signature? can you even do that ?
I don't hate nor dislike Peyton. I can do with or without her. Actually, I think she brings something to the cast (nothing huge or anything) -- it's like the extra spice to the already delicious paella (hahaha, sorry, I was eating paella and churros for lunch this afternoon).

Personally, she brings the angst and drama in the ship. Yet she's no villain. She's more of a warrior fighting a losing battle (Mac and Stella are more sure than destiny :D). Peyton in the future -- it's both ways. One, she can go. Two, she can even be a part of the opening credits. Idk. Just as long as Stella and Mac are together in the end.

Hahaha, okay -- maybe not a GSR-esque thing. I think where I was getting at is that they would get together but it would take time. :D
Okay can I just say...Stella with the 3 different kinds of tears...that was freaking brilliant! I totally didn't know that was true...but it's brilliant! And her with Evie in general was pretty smart too, I totally knew Evie was to blame for everything...that's gotta seriously annoy Stel, that this little girl got away with all of that and she can't do anything about it.

I liked Mac playing hardball with the UN guy too...that was great, that's right Mac you stand up to him! :lol:

And I like the way the teams were tonight...Mac and Stell working together with Hawkes...they make a great team! Nothing overly shippy about Smacked in the eppy, but then again, themm working so seamlessly together is always shippy and goes to show how well they really do fit together! :D
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