Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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Looks like Stell and Peyton will have to share Mac for now.
Yeah well, I don't see that. :( Stella with bitchslap/scatch Peyton if that's what it takes to get Mac and if Stella has too much dignity to do that, then WE'LL DO IT!!
I seriously don't get it. They have the most overrated and at the same time, fantastic chemistry that the writers have just failed to see.
Hahahaha.... we don't have to keep Peyton from Mac so he can be with Stella. Mac willingly goes there on his own volition.

I don't think the writers aren't seeing it (they're too busy workin'). They see it alright, but they're going to pull a GSR on us, I reckon. Let it simmer for 6 seasons or more until they ultimately elope to Vegas and get married (hey! A NY-LV crossover! :D)

The chemistry between them is so natural that I think it should be Gary and Melina who should be arrested by the gutter police. Ever glance, stare, line of dialogue... could not be taken innocently :devil: hahaha!

Uhm -- SMACked gutter contraband, y'all.

I just have to test that T-rating yet again.
^Lol, yeah... let's not comment on that... :D :devil:

Well, you can review on the Fanfiction thread. I also have a topic there.
*hands mj0621 a Dr.Pepper*
You can just call me Vave.:)
ok then, call me mj :D *opens dr. pepper*

Looks like Stell and Peyton will have to share Mac for now. If they're willing.
:devil: there goes my SPaM :lol:
how could she not...I mean seriously the man is HOT! And it's not like he wasn't looking right back too!
I wished I was there! *drools over at the thought*

Filipinas! Help me out with this....
This is something we call "ander da saya" -- under the dress or something. Basically, it means that the woman wears the pants in the relationship. Uh-oh... now even that sounds guttery.
:lol: ate cate I'm not so good with translations... well, i think it means, the wife/woman has the power over the man??? SQUEE~! If you get the babies, I got dibs on the wedding :devil: and aftermath *runs* guys give me a map... I'm lost looking for the gutter hideout :p the cops are onto me...

If I had to write an episode.... well, I think they would have it on pay-per-view lol.
I'd pay then! who cares what time it is or what channel! :lol: just don't over price... Im saving money to publish a SMacked fic :p jk :lol:

Vegas and get married (hey! A NY-LV crossover! )
that sounds VERY familiar to me... and last thing ate cate, I LOVE your update... I reviewed already. :D
Or perhaps we can give both Peyton and Stella what they want but with Stella via not so innocent means. She is desperate for a baby and will go to anymeans to concieve. She lures Mac to her apartment saying that she's terrified of spiders, gives him a glass of water which she slips a drug in, the drug knocks Mac out for a couple hours and Stella throws him on her bed and :devil:. Peyton is away in Chicago on a business trip during this time.

Months later, Stella's belly is growing bigger confirming pregnancy. However Peyton's belly is also growing bigger. Stella gives birth to twin songs and Peyton gives birth to a son as well, a genetic test confirms that Mac is the father of both womens' babies.

20 years later, Stella who is graying around the temples, lives only 3 doors away from Mac and Peyton. Mac is in his late 60s and Peyton is around 57 and Stella is around 59 years old and all are graying around their temples. Even with Peyton in the picture, SMacked survives.

From there a can of worms opens........:devil: :lol:
stellarscience thanks you about my avie and banner also you can have a signature but not an avie till 100 posts choas thanks i love stella's face when she looks at him in my avie.
kissme is this the pic you want if so heres the pic:


You all know stella would win in a catfight with Peyton. Mac probberly loves it when she goes all rambo. Then rambo stella can go rambo in the bedroom with Mac. :devil:
I can wait a while for M/S the end result in cough cough Bedroom ties oil strawberrie cough cough
do you think i could hid in the hiding place with the gutter with you from the metre police
Chaos I loved your update it was really sweet
mji like your banner !!
That thingy MSgirl has is so cute, I want one.
I loved how he hugged her *grins* Loved if they would have kissed but we can't have everything we want.
Mo, what can I say about locker rooms whenever SMACked is around? Hahahaha....
Lol, Smacked and locker rooms...awwww, good times! ;) Heehee!

She tries to make sure he gets enough sleep
Coughyeahrightcough What they really mean is she keeps up from getting sleep, all those after hours "activites"....heehee! :devil: :lol:

The chemistry between them is so natural that I think it should be Gary and Melina who should be arrested by the gutter police. Ever glance, stare, line of dialogue... could not be taken innocently hahaha!
Yeah I totally agree Cate...there is so much "tension" between Mac and Stella that nothing, NOTHING is innocent between them...every look is basically saying "I want you, RIGHT NOW!" :devil: Every touch (which they do alot, you ever notice that? Stel is always finding a way to touch him or caress him... ;) ) says...let's go to the broom closet, lab, somewhere where we can be alone...NOW! :devil: heehee! ;)

I just have to test that T-rating yet again.
Ohhhhh yay!!! You updated honey...YAY!! I am sooooo loving this ficcie of yours...heehee! Yay! :D :D

*Mo scootchs over to make room in the "hideout" for all the buddies who are hiding from the gutter police now...and then scampers off to read Cate's ficcie!* :D
I gotta say I don't think Mac thinks Stel is Claire...I think the closest he gets to that is thinking how much he loved and trusted Claire, and how the only other woman he's felt/feels that way about is Stella...I think the two look different enough that it's not a huge deal for him...ya know! ;)
Stella and Claire are the two number one women in his life, I'd like to believe. Peyton's there in that inner circle, too, yes but his relationship with Stella (and Claire) is far and beyond what he has with Peyton. I think it would take years for Peyton to have what Stella has with Mac.

Mac, I think, feels the same for Stella and Claire -- same level but different intensity. I reckon there are some things he would tell Stella and he wouldn't tell Claire and vice versa. I doubt he talks about work with his wife ... he would confide to Stella instead because he knows she could understand and they may be going through the same things (ie emotional things, pity for the victims, resentment for the perp).

That's why it was only too easy for Mac to lean on to Stella when he lost Claire. They had that understanding.
It just makes you wonder where Peyton came from. I think Peyton as a charachter is wonderful but with Mac just seems dubious at best. I think she would be perfect with Sid or bring Evan Zao back. They would work great together.

I know what you mean about Reed. I mean Mac says that the only woman that he felt trust towards besides Claire is Stella and that's saying something there.

*Stella blows up a gutter police car with a hand-held bazooka*
I mean Mac says that the only woman that he felt trust towards besides Claire is Stella and that's saying something there.
Geez, if I was Peyton and I heard that... I would feel jealousy off the bat. But hey, knowing their history somewhat, I'd try to accept and understand it and hope that someday, I would be given the same confidence.

Has Reed been introduced to Peyton? Has he met Stella in better circumstances? I had a feeling that Reed's a SMACker lol....

Oh I LOVE Evan Zao -- he's a great and cool coroner. Of course, Sid's eyeglasses are the coolest haha but I don't mind having him around. And Pino, too. NY has the best roster of male coroners.

Is it just me or does Peyton look like Heather Mills-McCartney? Haha.

It just makes you wonder where Peyton came from.
I think we can blame the writers for this. There was nothing said in season two about Mac having a relationship (other than Jamalot haha). And if they have been going out for a year, then there should be a slight mention of it towards late-season2. It was hinted that in-between seasons, there is a period of more or less a year.
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