Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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CalleighWolfe said:

A thing I'd really like to see in the show, is: where did Stella end up sleeping that night when Mac left her at her place after Frankie's death in "All Access"?

I know, I know maybe she went to a hotel, alone :( but imagine if she had gone to Mac's place and he just hugged her and comforted her the whole night, telling everything would be ok *sighs* like I've read in many fics!!! :D that's so romantic *sighs* (hey, and I'm not talking about Smex this time, 'cause she was hurt :() I'd really like to see someone asking her about that night so we could see what happened :p like in flashbacks.
I would really like to see this too. Can you tell me what some of the SMacked All Access post ep fics are? I always thought she went to Mac's place anyway. I love the thought of him comforting her. And in All Access, I just so clearly remember the look on Mac's face and how he ran off very fast when the call came over the radio or whatever about the incident, and he realized it was Stella's place.
O-M-G!!! where have I been? :| I had to read like 843957483 posts :lol: :lol:... Oh, yeah, I worked yesterday and I've been studying :O

Man I'll try to answer everything, so prepare 'cause this will be a very long post :lol:

TheCoroner welcome here :D, you see guys the amount of Smacked fans grows with the days :D. Kate have some ties, olive oil and cannolis... oh and I forgot, have a rose too :devil:

Mo the pics are wonderful, that litte guy looks really like an Smacked kid :D. And like midnight_tiptoes said: Mac and Stella have to explain something :lol: :lol:

Happy Super Belated Birthday Gary!!!! :D :D :D

Cate those descriptions in wikipedia are really accurate :lol:, I think there are more Smacked fans hidden somewhere :lol:, and taking articles of clothing off each other, is so romantic, imagine him helping her to put a necklace on, on maybe helping her with her dress straps (?), but instead of tying them he only lets her dress fall :eek: :devil: OMG Cate, Mo let me in the bunker!!!! *runs from the meter*.

Delia I don't think she'll test positive either, although I like the scenary you described *sighs*, imagine them hugging and staring in each others eyes *sssiiiggghhhsss*... hey I don't have to imagine the hug... they REALLY hugged :devil: *runs to see the scene* *comes back* *sighs*

Oh, updates!!! *dances*, I'll read both after I post this :D

Cate me alegra mucho que estés estudiando, yo también tengo que estudiar mucho y estoy algo atrasada por cierto :|. Translation: I'm very happy that you're studying, I have to study a lot too and I'm kinda behind with that :|

MacsLady I read a lot of fics about the night Mac took Stella home in "All Access" but now I don't remember a single one :S, all of them are in, I made a list of the writers that have written at least one Smacked fic, so you can look for their fics at ff, and maybe get something. Most of the fics about that night say "Post All Access" in their description :D. Here is the list: bubble-rouge08, msgirl, mj0621, remote control princess, bigmelinafan, tvshowaddict, Missy-AhKi, sarcastic-realist, black-coronet, little miss sorrow, mel1592, crazy victoria, ForensicsFreak1988, crazy mokis, Candy Cane the Cookie Queen, banana tooth, Christina Dimgwrthien, StarrySkies, spacemonkey26, tv freak 92, BurningDownTheHouse, The Diamond Sorceress, JacobedRose, theheathen42, x-hanna-x, E. Limberg. Sorry if I'm missing someone :D. Hope that helps. If I find one of the fics I'll PM you ;)

And now.... here they are... :D No, I hadn't forgotten about them :lol:

SMACked Quote Of The Week (SQOTW)
Stella: When you were a kid, you ever tie a towel around your neck, pretend to be a superhero? Little Mac Man, maybe?
Mac: Sergeant Rock. Couldn't get me out of fatigues when I was a kid. 2x19 Super Men

SMACked Pic Of The Week (SPOTW)
from 2x10 Jamalot :D (I'd really appreciate some dialogues for this pic please :p. Thanks :D)

There goes me in the gutter again! :lol: *runs with others' hiding place*

Should I be scared that both Cate and MJ posted a fic at the same time? *nods* But great job to both my loves!
I think you should be scared at the fact that I updated! :lol:

CW LOVE the quote and pic... :devil: i'll give the caption a shot...

Stella: Now, listen, I don't care how many girls need your help. Just keep your hands to yourself.
Mac: Yes sweetheart... Wait... what if you need help?
Stella: You better NOT keep your hands to yourself

*runs from meter*

bad I know :p

btw, I dunno if I wrote a post All Access fic... :lol:
^Hmmm.... mj -- you have your pantry all stocked with them SPAM, I could see. Hahahah... :D

Reine -- da pic! Stella's like a wife telling Mac what and what not to do. Lol!

Stella: I don't care who took you to a roller derby before but don't you dare take me to one.

I have a fic inspired by the episode where the SPOTW is from lol. And I also have a fic for the SQOTW.

Mac: Sergeant Rock.
Should I open my mouth and say anything? Or is there already an outstanding warrant for my arrest? :D
Oh!!! :lol: great caps :lol:

I thought about one too
Stella: if I see you talking to Peyton again you'll be in trouble.
Mac: Yes, honey.

I have a question guys: what scene including Mac and Stella would you like to see in CSI: NY?, yeah I know: kisses, hugs, Smex :lol: I'd like to see that too, but besides that, what would you like to see?. In my case I've always have this scene in my mind, it's a very common one but I think it'd be cute :lol:, in fact I must've read it in a fic :lol:: Stella is talking to a suspect but then she gets mad with the guy and tries to hit him or something and then Mac enters and tries to stop her, 'cause then people could complain blah, blah, blah, and he grabs her by her waist :rolleyes:, and takes her out of the room, while she still tries to hit the guy :p.

What do you think?... Yeah I know, that's a cliche or w/e, but it's cute!!! :lol:
^Yeah... hugs, kisses and smex. That's about it hahahah!

Nah.... I want to see them with a kid. That's why I've been writing a truckload of SMACked babies. We have seen them with kids, Stella with babies and Mac with Sam. But never together.
Ahh, that Little Mac Man quote. Heeeeeeeeee! :lol: I love how Stella is the only one who can sass at him like that.

And Jamalot. I loooooove how that girl flirted with him so outrageously. It's not just the uniform, Mac! Heheh. And I love how Stella and Lindsey teased him all throughout that ep about his "girlfriend". Like some of you, I really like it when they put Mac on the spot.

Thanks Reine! They perked me up on this dreary Monday morning.
maybe helping her with her dress straps (?), but instead of tying them he only lets her dress fall OMG Cate, Mo let me in the bunker!!!! *runs from the meter*.
:lol: :lol: *Mo moves over to make room for Reine in the super secret hiding place!* Very nice pic that makes hon, very nice indeed! Smacked Gutter...such a lovely lovely place to be! :D

Oh and I love the quote and pic of the week in the pic it totally looks like Stell is going "Okay seriously Mac? You did not just say that!" :D

Mac: Sergeant Rock.
Should I open my mouth and say anything? Or is there already an outstanding warrant for my arrest?

Thank you Cate hon! We are SOOO thinking the exact same thing! :lol: I think we're both wanted in all 50 states by the Gutter Police anyway, so we may as well go for broke... :devil: :lol: That is such a guttery quote...yeah baby! :devil:

I have a question guys: what scene including Mac and Stella would you like to see in CSI: NY?
I like the Mac grabbing Stel by the waist and keeping her from attacking a suspect idea...and of course I'd love to see kisses, hugs, smex...yeah for sure! I think I'm with you though Cate, I'd love to see them with little kids. I'd love to see them have a crime scene where the only survivor is a little girl and she attaches herself to Stella and won't let go...and then finally at the end of the eppy there could be a touching scene where Mac watches Stel say goodbye to the little girl and after she's gone, Mac could go up to Stel and gently ask if she's okay...and Stell would give him a small smile and nod...and then Mac could look at her for a long moment and then say, "You're going to be an excellent mother Stella." She'd finally turn to look at him and softly say "Really Mac?" And he'll slide his arm around her back and turning her gently down the hall, "Really Stel, I can't think of anyone who would make a better mother, you're perfect." Wouldn't that be sweet!! :D :D
Mo -- yeah, there is a pot on our heads already. Headhunters everywhere hahahah...

I'd love to see them have a crime scene where the only survivor is a little girl and she attaches herself to Stella and won't let go...and then finally at the end of the eppy there could be a touching scene where Mac watches Stel say goodbye to the little girl and after she's gone, Mac could go up to Stel and gently ask if she's okay...and Stell would give him a small smile and nod...and then Mac could look at her for a long moment and then say, "You're going to be an excellent mother Stella." She'd finally turn to look at him and softly say "Really Mac?" And he'll slide his arm around her back and turning her gently down the hall, "Really Stel, I can't think of anyone who would make a better mother, you're perfect." Wouldn't that be sweet!!
Awww...... but somehow, at the back of my mind, this is a potential gutter scene. After they go down the hall -- maybe to Mac's office to talk --

Mac: Really Stel, I can't think of anyone who would make a better mother, you're perfect.
Stella: I wish I could prove it to you.... *in a sad voice* I don't want to let you down. What you think of me is important, you know.
Mac: Uhm, Stell -- do you really want to prove it?
*Stella just smiles*

Uhm... I remember there is a small couch in Mac's office, right? :devil:

*ducks just in time*
*Stella just smiles*

Uhm... I remember there is a small couch in Mac's office, right?

*ducks just in time*

..... :lol: ..... :lol: Cate! I'm cracking up here, that is EXACTLY what I had in my's just you said it instead of me! :lol: Great minds really do think alike! :devil: Rock on Smacked Gutter!! :devil: :D :D
Lol, yup that's a scene I'd LOVE to see! ;) Definitely! :D
*high five*

Hahahahah..... :devil: I don't think there is ever a SMACked moment that will stay innocent.

In Officer Blue, another scene where they are taking articles of clothing off..... :D
*High fives right back!*

Yeah that's for sure! Smacked will never be truly innocent, they're just too hot to be innocent! :devil:

Lol, yeaaaahhh that's true! They're not even trying to hide it there too...clearly they know how "right" that is for them! :D
You're online, aren't you? Lol..... :D

Oh yeah, co-ed locker rooms rock! :devil: If I didn't know better, Stella was stealing glances at Mac hahahahh...
Man, the more I see or hear the more of a smacked fan I am!!! I especially like the idea about Stella and the little girl vic... and the end scene!!! Don't bring my hopes up. *{but really, please do :D}*
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