Mac/Stella #7- "Can't Put Out This Flame!"

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In response to chaostheory's post about the "Trapped SMacked Style" fic, I've read it many times over and I swear, I went outside in single digit temperatures and took cold baths just to put out the fiery and :devil: images that burned in my imagination. Stella is just downright :devil: :lol:

Could you imagine how Peyton would've been imagining had she learned that they were trapped in the elevator together? I mean, she would know that such a thing would happen between two humans of the opposite gender. :devil:

"meter police are overwhelmed by the SMacked T-Storms that explode in the atmosphere as hail blasts out windshields, destroy the lights, and winds blast down Peyton trees and flood the Gutter valley rendering the Gutter autobahn impassible* :devil: :devil: ;) :eek: :devil: ;) :cool: :D
Axatullux said:
In response to chaostheory's post about the "Trapped SMacked Style" fic, I've read it many times over and I swear, I went outside in single digit temperatures and took cold baths just to put out the fiery and :devil: images that burned in my imagination. Stella is just downright :devil: :lol:

Could you imagine how Peyton would've been imagining had she learned that they were trapped in the elevator together? I mean, she would know that such a thing would happen between two humans of the opposite gender. :devil:

"meter police are overwhelmed by the SMacked T-Storms that explode in the atmosphere as hail blasts out windshields, destroy the lights, and winds blast down Peyton trees and flood the Gutter valley rendering the Gutter autobahn impassible* :devil: :devil: ;) :eek: :devil: ;) :cool: :D

Hahahahaha...... nice weather update. Lol, I'll tell my co-writer about that. It was fun writing that story. And hey -- ^that's a nice idea for a possible companion piece :devil:.

Mo -- awww, thanks. Yeah... I'll be updatin'. More Dylan-love for you and for all.

I'm waiting for that Dylan pic. :)

Yeah, the pic is from Manhattan Manhunt, the part where they're gonna meet the girl who stole the money from the vault

The girl that looked like Hilary Duff? Lol...

Btw, Happy Birthday to Gary Sinise. I won't be around for the day itself.
Yay Cate there you are hon! Hi, heehee! :D Okay you delivered as promised...(can't wait to go read it!) now I will do my best to find a good Dylan pic...I'm still liking the first one I posted, but he was a little I'll see what I can do!

Can't wait for our next eppy....I really really hope we get something cute Smacked-wise...hey, I can't remember, is Peyton around in this one?!

ETA: Nope no Peyton least not listed that's a yay! :D
Could you imagine how Peyton would've been imagining had she learned that they were trapped in the elevator together? I mean, she would know that such a thing would happen between two humans of the opposite gender.
oooh! that's a wonderful ides :devil: ate cate you did see that right? :D btw, i reviewed :D

omg...! O_O did you guys see the spoilers for mac??! O_O they said he's gonna encounter a 'case' (i think) thatll make him give up his badge and gun! O_O (wait that sounded wrong somehow...) anyway, some think its about claire... i hope theres some smacked moments here...(though i wanna see peyton too!) :D
^^That is for episode 22 right?

Mac has to turn in his gun and badge while they are investigating him. Seems there's been a few deaths lately at the hands of the NYPD..the last of which, Mac was involved with during episode 21. It has nothing to do with Claire. It is about a murderer who got off on a technicality 5 years ago and now he's resurfaced and is killing again. Episodes 21 & 22 look to be mainly about Mac.
But in that episode we'll know wether Stella is HIV positive or not, right?, don't you know if Mac gives her the good (or bad :() news, since he's gonna help her with the exam thingy??? :confused:, and what about Stella's secret? do we know anything about it? :)
Hello shippy buddies! :D Okay...I'm gonna come back and comment on the upcoming spoiler later...but for now...Cate and all y'all who know who this's Dylan...complete with a little boy tie! :D How ADORABLE is he!!! (both pics are the same little guy!)


:D :D :D
The spoilers look fantastic!! I can't wait and I seriously hope there is some smacked! Or at least a little less Peyton. There's nothing wrong with her, im sure she's a great me, just not with Mac!! lol, ok back to the point, I'm hating this hiatus!!! I rewatched the beginning of the ride in on youtube, and I love that smacked Hug!!!!
hehe Mo ,thanks for the pics!!...The boy is really cute and can definetely represent a SMACKed baby! :)

The spoilers look very interesting!>..It would be a change to see Mac been under investigation [?]!I hope Stella will be there for him and he will be for her!..When is the episode with the results of the HIV exams?..From what we know Stella is the one with a ''bad behavior'' to a suspect and had a small problem with the Chief in s1..This will be very different and great to watch Mac reactions and thought about that!
Mo That's sooo cute!!! :D

So it'a about an old case eh? hm... I heard in eppy 21 there's something gonna happen to Peyton so I'm thinking.. :eek: wait... how about stella? and the test thingy? :devil: i dont mind those plot lines cause i like em! where's peyton btw? Im intrigued now... argh! I want new eppies now!

btw, for those who still remember A Right Mistake , I'll post my update later (if i can go on) or tomorrow :D
and who's gonna be in charge while Mac is under investigation??? :confused: Stella, maybe? or he'll be still in charge??? :p

Off Topic: Cassie, it's "Muchas Gracias", just trying to help :D ;)
Yea! I've reached 100 posts. Now I can post thumbnails. Here are the SMacked weather drawings I've been wanting to show for a long time but couldn't due to having too few posts.


Here's the SMacked weather system from a 3-D view.


Oh and compared this PeytMac weather scenario of long, light rain, and uniform gray skies of Peyton and Mac merging versus the destructive, powerful, and severe supercells of SMacked. :devil:



Edited to change images to links. They're a little too big for people with dial-up connections. ;)
TheCoroner -- welcome!

Before anything else, I thought I would not be able to go online on the 17th (today here) but here I am!


Lol... moving on to SMACked things...

Mo -- wheee! That's it! :) Now all we have to do is to photoshop him at McDonald's. And the tie... o dios mio -- perfecto! Lol....
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